I have the perfect solution to climate change. It's so good, so effective, absolutely no one will remember we were ever threatened by our own climate. The solution? Total Global Thermonuclear Warfare! It's far quicker and more humane than what Mother Nature has planned for us. And Donald "Duck" Trump is just the man to make it happen. He's totally quackers.
Evil rich guy: Given Trump's track record regarding just about all aspects of his life... you name it, rape charges to scores of unpaid contractors.....do you really believe a word he says??? C'mon!
Like most of us, Clinton is at least a honest hard working citizen..... geeez!
Interestingly, I disagree with Thom's hypothesis about the media. It's interesting because I agree with Thom nearly 90% of the time. However, here, it sounds like a stretch.
Although I agree that Trump is getting a lot of media exposure, the exposure, for me, has only solidified my belief that he is unfit to be President. About a month back, he was behind Clinton in both the polls in key swing states and general election polls. At that time, Trump was getting the same amount of media coverage that he has been getting this entire election cycle.
Certain events caused Trump to surpass Hillary in some polls. One of those events was Hillary fainting, or wobbling, whatever you want to call it--she looked sick. Regardless of how serious or non-serious her medical condition is, she still made a mistake by not being able to properly assess her own wellbeing and fainting on 9/11.
Still, I am not worried. All the polls prior to the debates don't mean much to me. But for Hillary fainting, I'm certain she would still be in the lead; I believe her advantage in the polls dipped soon after that incident. However, the candidates performances during the debates will count for a lot. If Hillary comes across as articulate, informed, and avoids using weird expressions like "short circuit" she should be ok. But if she faints or wobbles, then she'll probably lose the election.
If Trump keeps talking trash and avoiding substantive discussions of the issues, he'll lose. Circumventing questions by making fun of opposing candidates during the primaries is one thing, but doing that during the presidential debates will be disasterous for Trump. At least, that's how I feel.
Well, I'm just pointing out that it's not the media that will put Trump into office. This race, since the end of the primaries, has been Hillary's to lose.
We shall agree to disagree. I do believe that Hillary is for the TPP. Even Thom has said on a number of occasions that if Hillary is elected she will quickly pass the TPP. She is vaguely against it now in order to get elected. As to charter schools -- Visit any black community in America and ask parents if they wish they had charter schools. I am convinced the majority of Americans want options for their children, regardless of who they are. As to immigration -- Hillary is now claiming to want "controlled borders" -- but, that is only for election purposes. Dig deep on what she has said and you will find that both her and Trump say they want to tighten the borders but their definition of a controlled border is much different. In particular ask Hillary what she would change about the current policies of Obama, and how many Syrian refugees she'd be willing to accept. Americans are not happy with status quo on immigration.
As to the other issues you brought up...
Trump is for a higher minimum wage. On this issue, the two candidates agree.
On campaign reform -- every politician is for it -- until elected. I absolutely support campaign reform -- but, $50 says no politician Trump and Hillary included will ever take it seriously, regardless of what they say while running for office. (Yes. I am cynical on this one)
On funding for college education -- This is an issue where Hillary takes the lead and owns the issue. I don't know how much America (outside of millenials cares). A big chunk of the public will see the cost, and some will see the savings. A lot more people will be paying than receiving benefits. I'd have to see the polls to know what America thinks on this issue, particularly after they understand the cost. I suspect that it will be a topic in the debates and that Hillary will be forced to give it a number, and then confess that the cost is too high for us to pay. The cost isn't in her budget.
Overall, we will find out what America thinks in November, but my belief is that the deeper people look the more they will decide that their own beliefs match Trumps, not Hillarys. Neither candidate is lovable. This is going to come down to the issues. And, Hillary can't hide forever.
Evil rich guy: Clinton has come out against the TPP!
Most Americans do not want dumbed down for profit schools.
Clinton does not want unchecked immigration. The only ones who support illegal immigration are the rich white employers who hire the illegal immigrants at slave wages. Jail these rich white guys for breaking the law and watch the problem shrink rapidly.
Vast Majority support for Clinton, according to polls includes much of her platform...look it up and read about it...numerous sites. Things like increasing minimum wage, campaign finance reform, regulation of the banksters, instead of privatizing, strenghten Social Security, Public option choice, funding for college education....on and on my man....and guess what...by far the vast majority supports all of these things despite the fascist propaganda designed to confuse citizens.
Evil rich guy!: Based on political affiliations we know that more than half of America is totally offended by the constant media exposure of Dangerous Don. Strange how the media seems oblivious to this ongoing alienation of audience that will come back to haunt them.
Look at the polls, broken down item by item, Clinton's platform represents by far the will of the vast majority, your Teabggers included....check it out, and become informed.
Massive media exposure can be a good thing or a bad thing.
If you have a message that appeals to people they will flock to you, and if you don't, they will run away.
Hillary is hiding from the media because her positions on charter schools, immigration, the middle east, globalization, etc are not what most Americans want at this point in time. Whereas Trump's positions on these things have broad appeal. The only arrow in her arsenal is to attack Trump as racist and sexist. She loses when the discussion turns to policies, and is smart enough to know that massive exposure of her position on the issues would kill her campaign.
President Obama's current efforts to "logroll" members of Congress to pass his onerous TPP "trade agreement" during the upcoming lame duck session of Congress and Hillary's disastrously bloody "regime change" efforts as Secretary of State are also contributing significantly to Hillary's declining popularity.
Interesting when media people turn on their own. Haven't you been bashing Sec. Clinton for months? You, Mr. Hartmann, are also complicit. I hope you own it.
"It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS"
By this declaration, I take it that Moonves thinks of himself, and his CBS, as not part of America!!!!! That statement will revisit him and others just like him when our anti -ballistics are unable to shield the country he lives in , but is not a part of, from all of the nuclear, chemical, and biological incoming warheads.
Thanks to the corpse media it looks like our Dangerous Donny actually stands a good chance to be placed in a position to touch off that armegeddon. Smug wealth will be useless when all that's left is roving bands of ISIS types.
Your analysis frightens me Thom. Between the impending doom of the next crash, and having a shister as president - my daughter is looking out of the country to go to college. She graduates HS in May, 2017. I don't think we're going to let Trump get elected. Too many higher-ups in the powers-that-be can't fathom the notion. If, he did pull it off my bet is his cheesecake would be poisoned before inauguration day. Then we'd have Pence. Great. I don't believe the polls. There can't be that many INSANE people in this country. He is the fringe of the fringe....
It's sad that not only the media but also factions of the American people have sunk so low.
Before 2008 Mr. Trump would have been booed off the podiums. Now he's the hottest show in many towns and on nearly all news programs. It wasn't Hillary who caused the financial meltdown that cost every American far too much; it was the corrupt financial institutions who gambled with American lives and lost. Now the once-revered news media are doing the same thing.
Perhaps the saddest truth of all, though, is that The Clinton's daughter has heard her mother called "untrustworthy" since she was six years old, because a Republican politician who was running against Chelsea's father decided to send barbs toward Hillary, as well, by intimating that since Hillary was a "working mother" she couldn't be "trusted" to be home enough to raise and nurture Chelsea properly. THAT is where the term "untrustworthy" first reared its ugly head, and those who disliked the Clintons' politics or feared their progressive policies have leveled it against Hillary, forever since. Never mind that Hillary is well-educated, tuned-in to the plights of those who have needed help. Never mind that she has worked tirelessly to make life better for all Americans. And never mind that Chelsea has turned out to be a prosperous, loving, well-educated woman and mother, too... Never mind that Chelsea's mother truly IS more qualified to assume the job of Commander-In-Chief than any other person has ever been. Hillary is still being judged by the Schafly Rule:Women are not worthy... if we have aspirations beyond cooking, cleaning, being barefoot and pregnant, and (worst of all!) being allowed to say, "No," when a husband wants "sex on demand."
Americans need to look into the future realistically. Mr. Trump gets bored after he wins. He always wants to move on to other projects, often at the expense of not paying those who helped him complete the last one. What will he sell-off when he runs the National Debt so high we can't make the payment, and must file for national bankruptcy? Our National Park Lands? Our monuments? The properties of those who have FHA financing?
America is not just another project. It's a solemn responsibility. I cannot believe that Mr. Trump looks at the Presidency as anything more than just another challenge to conquer.
Hillary moves forward by seeing what has worked, what didn't, and how to make things more affordable and safe for America's future, allowing more prosperity for all of us.Hillary may have a womb, but she is still the best man for the job.
So, shame on the media for airing tyrannical rants from a second-rate, potty-mouthed carnival barker, just to turn a greater profit from the campaigns for President. And shame on the sponsors for allowing themselves to be prostituted at the sake of our nation's dignity.
I have the perfect solution to climate change. It's so good, so effective, absolutely no one will remember we were ever threatened by our own climate. The solution? Total Global Thermonuclear Warfare! It's far quicker and more humane than what Mother Nature has planned for us. And Donald "Duck" Trump is just the man to make it happen. He's totally quackers.
Obviously these corps don't see themselves as part of the problem then!!!
So, is one to conclude they are quite prepared to screw the planet?
Then excuse their bean-counter greed by simply coughing up some cash and just carry on business as usual?
Evil rich guy: Given Trump's track record regarding just about all aspects of his life... you name it, rape charges to scores of unpaid contractors.....do you really believe a word he says??? C'mon!
Like most of us, Clinton is at least a honest hard working citizen..... geeez!
There are no corporate progressives... sadly!
You want / support fascism?
Excellent editorial until the line "lets get the money out of politics".
Instead of that excursion into fantasy, try
"lets get more money into Progressive politics".
Interestingly, I disagree with Thom's hypothesis about the media. It's interesting because I agree with Thom nearly 90% of the time. However, here, it sounds like a stretch.
Although I agree that Trump is getting a lot of media exposure, the exposure, for me, has only solidified my belief that he is unfit to be President. About a month back, he was behind Clinton in both the polls in key swing states and general election polls. At that time, Trump was getting the same amount of media coverage that he has been getting this entire election cycle.
Certain events caused Trump to surpass Hillary in some polls. One of those events was Hillary fainting, or wobbling, whatever you want to call it--she looked sick. Regardless of how serious or non-serious her medical condition is, she still made a mistake by not being able to properly assess her own wellbeing and fainting on 9/11.
Still, I am not worried. All the polls prior to the debates don't mean much to me. But for Hillary fainting, I'm certain she would still be in the lead; I believe her advantage in the polls dipped soon after that incident. However, the candidates performances during the debates will count for a lot. If Hillary comes across as articulate, informed, and avoids using weird expressions like "short circuit" she should be ok. But if she faints or wobbles, then she'll probably lose the election.
If Trump keeps talking trash and avoiding substantive discussions of the issues, he'll lose. Circumventing questions by making fun of opposing candidates during the primaries is one thing, but doing that during the presidential debates will be disasterous for Trump. At least, that's how I feel.
Well, I'm just pointing out that it's not the media that will put Trump into office. This race, since the end of the primaries, has been Hillary's to lose.
We shall agree to disagree. I do believe that Hillary is for the TPP. Even Thom has said on a number of occasions that if Hillary is elected she will quickly pass the TPP. She is vaguely against it now in order to get elected. As to charter schools -- Visit any black community in America and ask parents if they wish they had charter schools. I am convinced the majority of Americans want options for their children, regardless of who they are. As to immigration -- Hillary is now claiming to want "controlled borders" -- but, that is only for election purposes. Dig deep on what she has said and you will find that both her and Trump say they want to tighten the borders but their definition of a controlled border is much different. In particular ask Hillary what she would change about the current policies of Obama, and how many Syrian refugees she'd be willing to accept. Americans are not happy with status quo on immigration.
As to the other issues you brought up...
Trump is for a higher minimum wage. On this issue, the two candidates agree.
On campaign reform -- every politician is for it -- until elected. I absolutely support campaign reform -- but, $50 says no politician Trump and Hillary included will ever take it seriously, regardless of what they say while running for office. (Yes. I am cynical on this one)
On funding for college education -- This is an issue where Hillary takes the lead and owns the issue. I don't know how much America (outside of millenials cares). A big chunk of the public will see the cost, and some will see the savings. A lot more people will be paying than receiving benefits. I'd have to see the polls to know what America thinks on this issue, particularly after they understand the cost. I suspect that it will be a topic in the debates and that Hillary will be forced to give it a number, and then confess that the cost is too high for us to pay. The cost isn't in her budget.
Overall, we will find out what America thinks in November, but my belief is that the deeper people look the more they will decide that their own beliefs match Trumps, not Hillarys. Neither candidate is lovable. This is going to come down to the issues. And, Hillary can't hide forever.
Evil rich guy: Clinton has come out against the TPP!
Most Americans do not want dumbed down for profit schools.
Clinton does not want unchecked immigration. The only ones who support illegal immigration are the rich white employers who hire the illegal immigrants at slave wages. Jail these rich white guys for breaking the law and watch the problem shrink rapidly.
Vast Majority support for Clinton, according to polls includes much of her platform...look it up and read about it...numerous sites. Things like increasing minimum wage, campaign finance reform, regulation of the banksters, instead of privatizing, strenghten Social Security, Public option choice, funding for college education....on and on my man....and guess what...by far the vast majority supports all of these things despite the fascist propaganda designed to confuse citizens.
The majority of Americans are for the TPP?
The majority of Americans are for open borders?
The majority of Americans are against charter schools?
The majority of Americans are for accepting Syrian refugees?
Check your facts. A lot has to do with how the question is asked, and also whether or not the person responding can do so confidentially.
No Bueno
{… a limerick …}
Candidate Trump ain’t no bueno.
His opponents? - Well do they know
that The Donald don’t say no
and he don’t convey no
smart thangs. Soak ‘im in Drano™.
Evil rich guy!: Based on political affiliations we know that more than half of America is totally offended by the constant media exposure of Dangerous Don. Strange how the media seems oblivious to this ongoing alienation of audience that will come back to haunt them.
Look at the polls, broken down item by item, Clinton's platform represents by far the will of the vast majority, your Teabggers included....check it out, and become informed.
Massive media exposure can be a good thing or a bad thing.
If you have a message that appeals to people they will flock to you, and if you don't, they will run away.
Hillary is hiding from the media because her positions on charter schools, immigration, the middle east, globalization, etc are not what most Americans want at this point in time. Whereas Trump's positions on these things have broad appeal. The only arrow in her arsenal is to attack Trump as racist and sexist. She loses when the discussion turns to policies, and is smart enough to know that massive exposure of her position on the issues would kill her campaign.
President Obama's current efforts to "logroll" members of Congress to pass his onerous TPP "trade agreement" during the upcoming lame duck session of Congress and Hillary's disastrously bloody "regime change" efforts as Secretary of State are also contributing significantly to Hillary's declining popularity.
The Media as Trump's Enabler
{… a rhyme …}
{… with its theme repeated in parentheses …}
Leaning left, Thom is right
{This Progressive is correct}
that the media enables the blight
{that the MSM aids the effect}
of Trump the reprehensible,
{of the horse’s arse,}
of Trump the indefensible
{of him who’s a farce}.
Interesting when media people turn on their own. Haven't you been bashing Sec. Clinton for months? You, Mr. Hartmann, are also complicit. I hope you own it.
"It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS"
By this declaration, I take it that Moonves thinks of himself, and his CBS, as not part of America!!!!! That statement will revisit him and others just like him when our anti -ballistics are unable to shield the country he lives in , but is not a part of, from all of the nuclear, chemical, and biological incoming warheads.
Thanks to the corpse media it looks like our Dangerous Donny actually stands a good chance to be placed in a position to touch off that armegeddon. Smug wealth will be useless when all that's left is roving bands of ISIS types.
Your analysis frightens me Thom. Between the impending doom of the next crash, and having a shister as president - my daughter is looking out of the country to go to college. She graduates HS in May, 2017. I don't think we're going to let Trump get elected. Too many higher-ups in the powers-that-be can't fathom the notion. If, he did pull it off my bet is his cheesecake would be poisoned before inauguration day. Then we'd have Pence. Great. I don't believe the polls. There can't be that many INSANE people in this country. He is the fringe of the fringe....
Incidentally! I do not expect an answer!
That would be far too difficult!
Where is a documented qualification requirement for POTUS????
BMecalfe - Cool observations!
Great rant! Thanks!
Sadly american people have to choose between a fascist or a fascist
One bought and paid for the other ready for the payoff
America has forgotten that it was "the land of the free"
Very, very sad!!!
It's sad that not only the media but also factions of the American people have sunk so low.
Before 2008 Mr. Trump would have been booed off the podiums. Now he's the hottest show in many towns and on nearly all news programs. It wasn't Hillary who caused the financial meltdown that cost every American far too much; it was the corrupt financial institutions who gambled with American lives and lost. Now the once-revered news media are doing the same thing.
Perhaps the saddest truth of all, though, is that The Clinton's daughter has heard her mother called "untrustworthy" since she was six years old, because a Republican politician who was running against Chelsea's father decided to send barbs toward Hillary, as well, by intimating that since Hillary was a "working mother" she couldn't be "trusted" to be home enough to raise and nurture Chelsea properly. THAT is where the term "untrustworthy" first reared its ugly head, and those who disliked the Clintons' politics or feared their progressive policies have leveled it against Hillary, forever since. Never mind that Hillary is well-educated, tuned-in to the plights of those who have needed help. Never mind that she has worked tirelessly to make life better for all Americans. And never mind that Chelsea has turned out to be a prosperous, loving, well-educated woman and mother, too... Never mind that Chelsea's mother truly IS more qualified to assume the job of Commander-In-Chief than any other person has ever been. Hillary is still being judged by the Schafly Rule: Women are not worthy... if we have aspirations beyond cooking, cleaning, being barefoot and pregnant, and (worst of all!) being allowed to say, "No," when a husband wants "sex on demand."
Americans need to look into the future realistically. Mr. Trump gets bored after he wins. He always wants to move on to other projects, often at the expense of not paying those who helped him complete the last one. What will he sell-off when he runs the National Debt so high we can't make the payment, and must file for national bankruptcy? Our National Park Lands? Our monuments? The properties of those who have FHA financing?
America is not just another project. It's a solemn responsibility. I cannot believe that Mr. Trump looks at the Presidency as anything more than just another challenge to conquer.
Hillary moves forward by seeing what has worked, what didn't, and how to make things more affordable and safe for America's future, allowing more prosperity for all of us.Hillary may have a womb, but she is still the best man for the job.
So, shame on the media for airing tyrannical rants from a second-rate, potty-mouthed carnival barker, just to turn a greater profit from the campaigns for President. And shame on the sponsors for allowing themselves to be prostituted at the sake of our nation's dignity.
gmik - The falling down of human behavior is and has been orchestrated and we now witness the result
Sadly... the process is indended and driven
The MSM as Trump-Enabler
{… a rhyme …}
{… with its theme repeated in parentheses …}
Leaning left, Thom is right
{This Progressive is correct}
that the media enables the blight
{that the MSM aids the effect}
of Trump the reprehensible
{of the horse’s arse}
of Trump the indefensible
{of him who’s a farce}.
Well said