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  • Why Hillary Clinton Is In Serious Danger Of Losing To Trump   8 years 22 weeks ago

    I like this video, describes Thom and some others.

    Hillary Called Honest, Crowd Erupts In Laughter A…:

  • Full Show 9/23/16: Cell Video Raises Big Questions in Scott Case   8 years 23 weeks ago

    “Debate”: They’ll call it a

    {… a limerick …}

    The “debate" will be a DOOZY,

    of truthful facts misusey,

    and candidates accusey

    {of each other abusey}, -

    - its viewers remaining confusey.


  • Yet More Tribal Land Under Threat   8 years 23 weeks ago

    Haven't we already disrespected Trubal Lands of the Native Americans far more than anyone with a conscience can bear? We've been doing this for so many years, I guess Republicans think, "Why stop now?" The last vestiges of their ancestors across this entire nation, are being reclaimed at an alarming rate. Are we deliberately attempting to remove all the remaining hunting and burial grounds, petroglyphs, and other sacred sites to destroy whatever these proud peoples have been able to retain of their culture and their heritage? Mineral mining will poison the land more than we already have in other sections. Do we want to kill them off, too? We never seem to get around to cleaning up the messes we make, the waters we contaminate, the the ground they use to grow some of their own crops. We, put simply, have to stop this desecration of the lands and the animals that are supposed to be those of Native Americans. We took so much from them... is there enough support for them to this time stop this terrible trend before it's too late? I certainly hope so.

  • Yet More Tribal Land Under Threat   8 years 23 weeks ago

    The eleven most terrifying words in the English language are.......I'm a REPUBLICAN CONGRESSMAN and I'm here to steal your land!

    Yet still many can't tell the difference between the Democratic and the Teapublic party ???? ...Because the Fascists told you there is no difference....keep em confused and they'll screw voting. The youngsters don't trust Hillary....but not the ones I know!!!!...and they know way more than they're legally supposed to.

    Trump will be convicted of a felony after the election...Pence will become president....that is, if the swing states succeed in digital election fraud. Trump will not be able to evade conviction the way Rick Scott did! It's over for him man.

    Maybe Trump should start getting paranoid about Pence and his back room fascist benefactors plotting this most certain conviction...LMAO ...oh how truth hurts. They all know Trump is nuts!...but currently value him as a vehicle to a Pence Teabag presidency....the only way this is possible.

  • Yet More Tribal Land Under Threat   8 years 23 weeks ago

    And now the money raking republicans want to start a war with the "Indians"; well, there are more of them now then there was a hundred years ago, and they're better educated, more informed, and better organized then they ever were. Should be an interesting war.

  • Yet More Tribal Land Under Threat   8 years 23 weeks ago

    Oil and gas interests have long implied that oil product transfer by pipeline is safe. I invite the readers here to visit pipeline leaks. There are literally hundreds of pipeline leaks recorded there for the last 90 years. Not just a few of these leaks caused fire/explosions and killed people.

    EG: The basement of the New London school in Texas filled with natural gas via a pipeline leak and exploded killing over 300 children. And yeah, Native Americans are not fond of oil/gas pipelines-the Yellowstone pipeline which crossed Flathead tribal lands in Montana leaked 78 times in about a 40 year period. In January of 2000 Koch Industries was fined 35 million dollars for pipeline leaks in 6 different states. In August of 2000 the ElPaso pipeline exploded at a river crossing near Carlsbad New Mexico killing 12 people camped almost 200 yards away and left a huge crater. To top it off the new Keystone XL pipeline has already leaked out 1,700 gallons of the thick Canadian crude new Freeman South Dakota.

    The oil companies do not inform the public of the real risks. Some of these pipelines, especially the ones carrying heavy crude, operate at very high pressures (1200-1400 psi). Emergency shut off valves can be 30 miles apart so that a large line if ruptured will discharge thousands of barrels of oil even if the valves close in a timely manner.

    Chris Hedges talked about sacrifice zones in th U.S. This is another example of the rich hierarchy standing on the necks of the "lowerarchy" to maintain profit and power while destroying the planet and another piece of humanity at the same time.

  • Yet More Tribal Land Under Threat   8 years 23 weeks ago

    History is filled with warfare over the conquest of territory. The winners get to control whatever natural resources exist. The losers are enslaved, annihilated, driven off or made to pay tribute until they rise up against the conquering masters. So, it seems fair that the peoples who have been driven off or forced onto reservations of marginal land be protected now that we are more "enlightened" in our thinking toward earlier conquered peoples. There is a problem with the whole picture. The earth is and justice requires the planet be treated as the equal birthright of all. The planet is our commons from which all that supports life must come. No individual or group of people has any greater claim over any portion of the planet than any other. Centuries of continued or previous occupancy does not override this fundamental human right. Our claims of sovereign control over this or that region of the planet are false claims. The very concept of the nation-state is a violation of human rights. But, how to guarantee to each person our equal birthright to the planet? There is only one means of doing so. Control over any parcel or tract of land must be allocated by a process of competitive bidding, As Thomas Paine wrote in his remarkable essay, "Agrarian Justice," every person who controls any land owes to society the payment of an annual ground rent for this privilege. Later in the 19th century the American writer Henry George expanded this analysis to provide the mechanism for determining what the full annual ground rent is on a regular basis.

  • Yet More Tribal Land Under Threat   8 years 23 weeks ago

    This may sound 'strange', but please think about it for a second.

    These two congressmen -obviously- don't give a rip about the people in their communities/district. They have made it quite obvious they care more about the money they're being paid (yes, a 'bribe' no matter how you try to spin it) by the lobbyists. However, they and/or their families -live- in their communities, and there is no way they -can- =not= know what their 'friends & neighbors' think about what these guys are doing. My 'question', therefore, is very simple: do these guys plan to take the money and run like cockroaches as fast and soon as they can?? Presuming they care, how are they going to face their wives and children?? Presuming also that they're Mormon (it -is- Utah), how are they going to face their Elders?? No matter what, "spin" can only take you so far, before the 'whiplash' takes your head right off your shoulders!!

    Comments, thoughts???

  • Why Hillary Clinton Is In Serious Danger Of Losing To Trump   8 years 23 weeks ago

    I'll have to disagree with you about the Trump Foundation vs. the Clinton Foundation. For one thing, Trump's vanity foundation is peanuts compared with the Clintons', and for another, the Clinton Foundation was clearly a pay-to-play scheme, especially during Hillary's tenure at State. The access afforded donors could pay off in any number of major ways across a range of highly consequential policy decisions that would never be traceable. The access itself was the quid in the quid pro quo.

    Trump University, however, is certainly a sleazy operation. But then, how about Bill Clinton's nearly $18 million in pay from a for-profit university for essentially doing nothing?

    The best one can say about Hillary Clinton is that she's a horrible choice for president but might be better than Trump across a narrow but important array of issues, notably climate change. On the other hand, a number of serious left-leaning thinkers have lately made the case that she is absolutely a more dangerous choice on foreign policy issues, notably with her reckless neoconservative determination to push Russia to the brink as well as her clearly disastrous preference for upsetting the apple cart in the MIddle East, with endlessly bloody consequences. Trump's proposal to bar Muslims from the US is characterized as racist, but on this score oddly Clinton gets a pass for unleashing madness in the Middle East that kills thousands of Muslims.

  • Why Hillary Clinton Is In Serious Danger Of Losing To Trump   8 years 23 weeks ago

    With all due respect, 2950-10K, Clinton is the other side of the same coin. How do you think we got to this sorry state of affairs? It wasn't magic. It has been the result of years of joint neoliberal and neoconservative leadership.

  • Why Hillary Clinton Is In Serious Danger Of Losing To Trump   8 years 23 weeks ago

    Yeah, well, maybe Clinton isn't a "progressive" after all, Thom. No one believes she cares about a progressive agenda. And while you're right that she would do better to avoid reminding people that she has the support of neocons and war criminals, the fact that she isn't talking about progressive issues tells me two things: 1) that she never really believed in these things, and 2) that she is more concerned about winning the votes of republicans.

    It's a failing strategy. She is a terrible candidate. Insincere, calculating, a champion of the 1%. And I suspect she will be destroyed in the duopoly debate. I won't watch because there is nothing to learn. Trump and Clinton represent the nadir of our political system. We have no choice, more people identify as independent now than ever before, and third party candidates have been arbitrarily excluded from the debates and, by extension, the general election.

    So rather than having a choice, people are "inexplicably" voting for a used car salesman as a protest against the rigged two-party system. I can understand that, even if Mrs. Clinton (see her abysmal 50 point rant today) still doesn't grasp it.

    But I'm having none of it. I'm voting for the only genuine progressive left in the race - Jill Stein.

  • Why Hillary Clinton Is In Serious Danger Of Losing To Trump   8 years 23 weeks ago

    When Michael Hayden was campaigning publicly, that's when Clinton was viewed as a slam dunk. Now what does CIA want us to do?

  • Full Show 9/22/16: Can Hillary Actually Beat Trump?!?   8 years 23 weeks ago


    {… a limerick and a footnote …}

    We’ve grown so very weary

    of this tragedy very Shakespearey

    where a pompadoured lout

    leads us about

    as our nation commits hara-kiri*.

    * by letting Trump prevail,

    we’re telling a bad-ending tale.


  • Trump: The Duterte of America   8 years 23 weeks ago


    {… a limerick and a footnote …}

    We’ve grown so very weary

    of this tragedy very Shakespearey

    where a pompadoured lout

    leads us about

    as our nation commits hara-kiri*.

    * by letting Trump prevail,

    we’re telling a bad-ending tale.


  • Why Hillary Clinton Is In Serious Danger Of Losing To Trump   8 years 23 weeks ago

    Clinton a war hawk ?? Ironic when it was GOP Bush Cheney who lied us into Iraq, waged 2 long failed wars, wasted several trillion of our tax dollars, killed, maimed our veterans, made more enemies than ever, which led to ISIS . Bush & War monger Cheney ( Halliburton made billions off Iraq war ) Bush admin ignored several CIA warnings about a coming Bin laden attack, last warning 8/6/01 . Bush gave up finding Bin laden . Brave Seals / Obama got that job done ! Only reason T rump has any chance is millions of his ' fans ' are ignorant, clueless, very poorly educated, lack ability to think critically . When erratic irrational bombastic Trump gets Pi $$ ed off he may use Nukes - start WW 3 ! Supreme court is in danger of being stacked with Pro Wealth anti middle class right wing Greedy Immoral judges who will rule for decades to come


  • Why Hillary Clinton Is In Serious Danger Of Losing To Trump   8 years 23 weeks ago

    I'm not sure that I'm bothered by the Hillary ads all that much. Actually, I thought the ad was not all that bad. I don't think it's the base that she has to worry about; Trump is insuring the Democratic base for Hillary every time he opens his mouth. It's the middle voters that tend to be swayed either way that she has to worry about…and I'm not sure that they are sophisticated or knowledgeable enough to make the insider connection.

    I do think however, that she really needs to go at him in the debate about releasing his taxes by making the statement to his face, in front of the world - that he is as big a fraud as his fraudulent claim that he can't release his taxes because he is being audited.

    She needs to say to Trumps face and in front of the world that he couldn't be elected dogcatcher if he released his taxes because it would prove what a fraud he is about being a billionaire 5 times over. It would show that he and the companies with his name on them are deeply in debt to the Chinese. It would prove what a fraud he is regarding his charitable giving. It would prove that he doesn't pay any taxes and so on, and so on

    If she had the guts to say these things to his face in front of the world, it would prove to he world what a coward he really is… because if he ever did release his taxes… he couldn't be elected dogcatcher, and therefore he will never release his taxes.

  • Why Hillary Clinton Is In Serious Danger Of Losing To Trump   8 years 23 weeks ago

    c-gull : I believe your observation is somewhere on the mark regarding usa political parallels with the rise of Nazi germany

    The german populace in general did not recognise what was happening either... did they?

    However, certain individuals and organisations did and were complicit in despicable actions that subsequently became war crimes

    Sadly, the current madness that is going on is likely to result in WW III

    Depending on the type of ww, results will always enrich banksters

    Of course, total human obliteration will simply leave a few with huge amounts of money they can do nothing with

    Nobody gets it yet!

    But, that's the trajectory it seems!

  • Why Hillary Clinton Is In Serious Danger Of Losing To Trump   8 years 23 weeks ago

    The process is still confined to two parties that try to out manipulate each other and the general public. Our choices are once again dictated by the corporate few.

    The propanganda used by the republican right which was modeled after that of nazi Germany and has had a chilling effect on the US and nobody seems to recognize it except for a few sociologists and the black folks that have had their peers gunned down like dogs by so called "police".

    The DNC got its way and cast Bernie Sanders aside to take away any chance of real democratic reform.

    Out here in Montana if you don't like a republican or democratic candidate and if there is only one running for an office- if you don't vote for them and leave the box on your ballet unchecked for that person your ballot is discarded.

    It seems that our nation is simply repeating the ugly behavior of imperial Rome in a continuing effort to enrich the hierarchy and make slaves of the populations of the world.

    There is a kind of evil at work that writers like Hanah Arendt wrote about to expose, but it seems that Americans have not learned the necessary lessons yet. Evil continues to prevail.

    If you vote in any capacity for evil then what can you expect for our future?

  • Why Hillary Clinton Is In Serious Danger Of Losing To Trump   8 years 23 weeks ago

    The Democrats are always so lame when it comes to playing offense....Why not repeat over and over something as simple as the Teapublic Party played a major role in sending your jobs overseas and continues to desire more of that.....Trump sent his jobs overseas too.

    Paul Ryan and the Teapublic party want to hand the trillions in the Social Security trust fund over to Wall Street banksters....and so does per his secret meeting with Ryan.

    The Teapublic Party denies climate change! ...and so does Trump.

    The Teapublic Party is against a living wage. ..and so is Trump.

    The Teapublic Party is against single payer! ...and so is Trump.

    Paul Ryan and his Teapublic Party want to cut taxes on the billionaires and raise them on the working class. ...and Trump will sign Ryan's budget plan.

    My god , it's endless!...why not offense all the time.

  • Why Hillary Clinton Is In Serious Danger Of Losing To Trump   8 years 23 weeks ago

    "She's an insider who's way too close with the people who are selling this country down the river."

    No one is selling this country down the river like Paul Ryan is trying to, not even close. Last I knew Trump was running with a character almost as extreme as Ryan, a guy named Mike Pence. This puts Trump in that same camp despite his efforts to lie his way out of it.

    If Clinton wants to win, she needs to connect Trump with Ryan and his budget plans. The country needs to know just what is in those plans.......It will be the death of the Teapublic Party!

    BTW: Not a word about Clinton on Lester Holt's network tonight, not a peep....all Trump. You wouldn't even know Trump is running against someone, and Bernie has been totally erased from the corpse media....but of course.

  • Why Hillary Clinton Is In Serious Danger Of Losing To Trump   8 years 23 weeks ago

    The Clinton campaign apparently can't figure out why Bernie's supporters aren't rushing to get behind her. Think maybe it's because she's lying down with dogs. I don't want to see her make a complete left turn as that might turn off some of the folks in the middle, but if they're looking to the hawks to make a difference...

  • Why Hillary Clinton Is In Serious Danger Of Losing To Trump   8 years 23 weeks ago

    The longer this contest plays out the more likely it is that Clinton will lose. If a major stock market correction happens before voting day, she is almost guaranteed to lose.

    As bad as Trump is, he is still the outsider candidate that people are running towards because both of the major political parties are extremely corrupt. He is the outsider who knows nothing about diplomacy or how our government is run.

    Yes, he will cause us great harm as a country, but since Clinton is a war hawk, it is uncertain as to which candidate will cause more harm to us in our standing the world.

    I'm getting disgusted with the whole thing and plan on writing in NONE OF THE ABOVE on my ballot for the presidency. I will vote for down ticket Democrats but I am going to refuse to vote for either/any of the piss poor candidates in the presidential race.

  • Why Hillary Clinton Is In Serious Danger Of Losing To Trump   8 years 23 weeks ago

    This is the 100 year anniversary of the Irish 1916 uprising, so being Irish American I've been brushing up on their rather fascinating history. One book in particularly stands out as quite relevant to modern day attitudes and ideologies on prominent display around the world by various political leaders, especially in the United States. In "The Famine Plot" (2015), renowned author Tim Pat Coogan fleshes out an old Irish saying that "God brought the blight, but the British brought the famine." The worst atrocity in Irish history (which is saying a lot!) can be boiled down to the intersection of three dynamics at play: religious fundamentalism; ethnic hatred; laizzez-faire economics. Sound familiar?

  • How To Take On the Banksters   8 years 23 weeks ago

    humanitys team: I definitely need to read Thom's books. I spend most of my time on history ...need to break free from that.

    I think government neeeds to intervene in ones behavior when their model of the world, in this case, causes widespread economic hardship for others. Of course this corrective/controlling action would require "good government", and we obviously don't have that yet.

    However I don't disagree that it would be preferable to do it with a new belief system, maybe one like many Native Americans held before we contaminated their world with our European style of lust for greed.

  • Daily Topics - Thursday September 15th, 2016   8 years 23 weeks ago

    Trump and Fox news claim all DarkSkin people are poor,living in slums and on welfare.Well my daughter is white and her husband 1/4 Mexican .They had an opportunity to purchase a home in Prince George County ,Maryland one of the wealthiest Black communities in the United States! They are the minority !!!!!!(Her family was living in DC but could not afford a home there,all the rich lobbyist and investors are buying up everything!!Kicking out the middle class and poor )Since the purchase ,her home has increased in value. Its a great neighborhood and have get together's.Our family does not see color,we see people! My granddaughter is 1/8 Mexican. I have known my son-in-law since he was in 5TH grade and works in the DC area. He is very successful.My son goes to George Washington University......When you see him with his friends there and friends at home its like a rainbow........they all have different ethnicities.

    My husband and I have black friends and always worked with Dark Skin people.Racial profiling has never stopped.....our friends and coworkers are consistently stopped due to their color.We live outside the Chicagoland area.

    One last thought.....My father was 100% German,he did not become a citizen till he entered the Army in WWII.HE fought against his own People(even family) and was awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart.He fought in Korea and was a Master Sergeant during Vietnam.He married my mother who is Jewish in 1957.

    Trump and all Republicans who support him want to stop people with certain ethnic backgrounds or religion from entering our country .My father did not fight for such discrimination!

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