When the 1% ride AMTRAK then it will be improved. The 1% aviation airports for their private jets are among the best in the world. Many better than the commercial airports. Cities that I have worked in such as Busan, Seoul, Shanghai and Tapei have excellant subway systems and they are very reasonably priced. The middle class has cheap, clean and efficient transportaion. Our cities do not compare. Other countries have high speed rail. Ours has a rusted run down system.
This has absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 or Saudi Arabia. It is just an attack on the sovereignty of nations that is draped in a flag and sold off under the guise of patriotism. It paves the way and provides legal precedent for the corporate tribunals and incoming flood of lawsuits by corporations against countries for infringing on their profit margins. It is just sad that TPP-loving Obama is the only one who has the brains and the balls to call it out for being a wolf in red-white-and-blue clothing.
It is obvious even to the brain-dead members of Congress that Saudi will never pay out a dime from the oncoming dog and pony show. If Congress cared about holding Saudi accountable, it would have taking the original investigation seriously and responded with sanctions. It is the multinational corporations that will hold all of the power and wealth in the 21st century, and this is just one more step in elevating them above individual countries in the pecking order.
Here's what United States citizens get from the country being run like a business:
"In the United States the minimum wage is just 37 percent of the median wage. In a comparison of 28 countries we ranked 26th, above only Mexico and the Czech Republic." Politifact
BTW: The United States is the wealthiest counrty on the planet!
Trump has repeatedly said that "wages are too high" in the United States, and he may get elected President because of low wage Red State voters. ....just shoot me!
You're right, America is not a business; it is a commodity to be acquired and traded at a profit by businesses owned and run primarily by despots. Our duty is, as is the duty of all of the peons of our planet, to defer to the Despots, to make sure they always get what they desire at a competitive price and to not rock the boat. To inconvenience a Despot is just wrong and we all know it; there is no more selfish or sinful--yes sinful--act a peon can commit. Let us pray to God to grant us the timidity to defer always to the will of the nearest Despot. Amen.
Government provides the framework in which businesses and corporations operate. It's come to the point where business doesn't want government telling them what they can or cannot do, in other words, setting limits on behavior yet they want all the good things that government provides. All of us operate within limits, yet corporations, which claim to be persons when it is convenient, don't want any limits imposed on them. They want to have their cake and eat it too. It's about time the tail stopped wagging the dog. For too long Republicans have pushed this narrative that government is an enemy and any regulation for the good of society is unfair to business. It's nonsense.
Funny Thom would bring up Roundup, glyphosate, it kills bacteria disproportionally favoring Salmonella and E. Coli over more common soil communities, do those ring a bell?
So using Roundup's glyphosate is causing perhaps 80% of the infections over what would happen in organic-natural soils, it's patented as a biocide, kills anything, eh?
Following the money it's not just the chicken farmers affecting the decision a distinct probability, eh?
This is the mandatory video on the biological pathways altered by Roundup that cause so many health problems; with Jeffery restating the complexity so we can get what Stephanie explains technically:
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." -- Thomas Jefferson
Indeed 30 + yrs of trickle down, deregulation, cuts in education, lack of safe guards to protect our planet, GOP trying to end the EPA FDA etc Keeping us poorly education, unable to think critically, to reason ( that helps GOP get more votes ) GOP will allow huge corps to dump toxins into air & water. making us sicker, NOT labeling country of origin on products that we consume or put on our bodies. China fool s lots of consumers... From ROC means Republic of China ! . China has put lead in our toys, poisoned our pets. Why should we Trust Communist Gov't on anything ? There must be a tariff charged to China on all the cheap crap they sell in US. Japan on all the cars sold here. . Trump is unstable...but he made 2 good points.... Disasters NAFTA , TPP . Free UN regulated Trade agreements that Wall St hustler Alan Greenspan , Summers, & GOP pushed Clinton into - Bill caved pure and simple. I hope Hillary will be much more Progressive than either Bill or Obama.although I know Obama did his very best after arrogant old coot Mitch McConnell & pals swore to block him on everything & make Obama fail.. IF thats NOT treason or derelection of duty Then what IS ? Next President must Repeal Citizens United Cap interest rates by pay day lenders. Its obscene . bring back Glass Steagal Add a small transaction fee to Wal St trades. Even 50 cents will raise billions VOTE Blue every 2 yrs to countact the erratic, irrational, ill informed, racist, misoginist GOP & Trump followers. Like David Duke...
Uumpa Uumpa Uumpedido . . . Thom, I have . . a question for you - too
When was the last time I was able to post a blog without it being censored on this website? I have supported you for about a decade - I post your youtube channel on my list of recommended channels on my youtube page and have told a radio station about you (who didn't carry you) that has recently started to broadcast your show in my local area - not to say I was the sole reason but you never know. When was the last time you have seen Jill Stein or Gary Johnson as much as you have seen the other two in the media? - sure you see them, and you see Gary moreso, but hardly as much - it might seem moreso if you don't like them (however, if you actually count the time and be objective . . . ) - and Gary is not in the top part of the polls - rather more of an after-thought. When was the last time the media showed the victims in the longest war (the war on drugs) - how many hundreds of thousands or millions of families are suffering because of that? When was the last time the media hadn't cheerleaded any war? When was the last time the media informed us about corporate cronyism in regards to big pharma or Monsanto or let us know the conflict of interests in any administration? When was the last time the media payed attention to congressional races rather than just the Presidential?
You talk about white privilege in regards to supporting third parties what about our American privilege? Do you even care about the wars overseas? - no, I mean really? - or do you believe in American exceptionalism, or even realize you have it? There cannot be 2 more important issues to the majority of people on the planet than ending the wars and ending the drug war - period - that would have the most impact immediately and positively than anything else - our education system is screwed and tinkering around with it ain't going to do much - however, ending the wars will change the world overnight and free more people than ever before.
You incorrectly also think all so called libertarians think alike - some just use the party like Bernie did because it is there, also keep in mind sometimes there are people for some times in history - meaning maybe it might be good to have 4 years of Johnson then perhaps after that we would have a more peaceful world and have a much better budget then we might want 4 yrs of a progressive to usher in investments per se in solar and education and healthcare - and I am all with you on the "commons" and public options - I also love the post office (it should be the ideal libertarian/conservative govt program meaning it pays for itself and is voluntary; however, in this upside down world it isn't and they get away with saying it isn't). You are perpetuating black and white thinking - duality when the world is gray - gay vs straight - no bi - left vs right no in btwn. etc. that is very 2 dimensional.
I do journalism - I have a website and I focus on Congress to stay away from the deep partisanship and also more importantly think it is more needed to cover. I have interviewed this year so far 27 candidates who are on the ballot, and are the only 3rd party candidates in their area - I have heard some Green party candidates sound more like Libertarians and vice versa - this is the real world - not the made for TV Trump vs Hillary - I tried to post a blog and I am going to quote exactly what I did post and it didn't make it past your webmaster/ screener - I wonder if you actually approve - and one more question . . . Is WHAT matters - HOW the game is played?
I also thought your messageboard was the best - I don't blame you for removing it if it was too much upkeep - I can understand that, if that was the reason why; however, I think you are in campaign mode - and if that is the case, have you ever heard of trusting others and a soft sale - I think whoever supports a fair game is going to win - even if at first it seems like it hurts them - and that doesn't mean you cannot compete hard however once you are seen as no longer fair, the game is over. Being open is a paradox as it is a great vulnerability however it is a great strength - I think if you have the patience it will win out and besides it is the only way worth winning - hence the only way to win ultimately (which is never guaranteed nor can be or should be wanted to be because the word win can only exist if there is a chance to lose) - it is never too late or early to support a fair system per se - that is more important than who wins or loses - it is the fair system (game) that we want to win and people who support such and then we wouldn't have anything but mostly good candidates to begin with. You could argue the "paradox of tolerance" however I am focusing on Congress specifically and also on purpose - to be less divisive - and while there is might be some truth to that paradox I believe - it probably had never been truly tested because there has never been a fully fair system to begin with - meaning there is a reason some people feel disenfranchised and maybe they should - the real question is tolerance of who and from who specifically and other nuances - if you don't know what the paradox of tolerance is just google it. It brings up another question as to whether tyranny is born into some people or if it is like a virus that has spread from one person to another throughout time until this present day, can you really fight fire with fire per se? (Is the title of your blog actually an announcement regarding posting blogs here?)
Most 1st world countries have health care and etc AND most importantly they first had at least 4 major parties. You are perpetuating the problem and are in a vicious circle. One last drink eh it sounds like to me. There is never a better time than now to do the right thing.
Here below is the blog that was recently censored twice : you tell me if it should have been - I feel I have always been respectful and never posted spam - this is all original material and I purposefully stayed away from Presidential politics
LibertarianProgressive.com is an independent media organization we interview independent and 3rd party candidates who are on the ballot (Green Party, independents, Libertarians, No Party Affiliation and other parties). We interview candidates who are the ONLY independent or third party option in their district/area etc.
We have 24 interviews so far – and will have 27 by the end of today – check them out – & throw them (incumbent Congress) all out!!!!!
I believe if a candidate has gathered enough signatures to be on the ballot and has a statistical chance to win then a responsible media will include them in the debates and interview them, to educate and inform the public of their options.
Our goal is to interview 50+ candidates & reach a large audience. We are not telling people who to vote for, rather, we are asking questions and presenting news about options, endorsing a more fair system.
The reason for the goal of 50+ interviews, of independent and 3rd party candidates on the ballot, every 2 year (US House) election season is – 50 represents one for each state.
Imagine if, We the People, elected even one independent or third party representative to Congress – in each of the 50 states. If that goal is seen as a national movement, perhaps it might make it easier for independent and third party candidates – they could ~ ride the wave.
There are 435 members in the US House of Representatives, elected every 2 years – it was designed that way on purpose, to be the least resistant, most peaceful and quickest path to reform, in our democratically elected Republic.
Talking with people regarding Congress is a lot less divisive then Presidential politics.
There are about 324 million people in the USA.
There are about 219 million people eligible to vote and about 146 million registered to vote.
42% are independent 29% are Democrats 26% are Republicans <1% are special interests Who has the most influence do you think?
If there were 10 issues important to you, and 5 issues had popular consensus and 5 didn't, which 5 would you prioritize first?
LibertarianProgressive is advocating uniting and winning, instead of being divided & conquered.
There will be plenty of time to argue on things that we disagree about AFTER we pass legislation regarding important things we agree upon :
5. Ending the Drug War, reform the justice system, asset forfeiture, demilitarization of police, private prisons, mandatory minimums, quotas, racial profiling, industrial hemp.
6. Election reform, open primaries, Election Day holiday, fair debates, rank or score voting, none of the above option, paper trail.
7. Fair and Free Trade.
8. Promoting an environment of growth and opportunity, less regulation and more competition for small and mid-sized businesses.
. . . If 50 independent and third party candidates are elected to the House of Representatives that would shatter the status quo & the “in the box” paradigm, it will open the flood gates to positive change – and it is the easiest most peaceful way to do it. We might start with 10 this year then build to 25 in 2 years and so on however let us deserve with our efforts to have 50+
Religion, patriotism, greed, and all other ideological nonsense -- based on the psychological fear innate to ego-driven thought patterns -- invariably divide us from one another. That division of thought is the underlying cause of war and all the other ills that beset human beings and the "tiny blue dot" upon which we live and depend. That is our long, sad history. Realizing the limitations of that type of thought at the deepest level of our mind is the ending of it.
Outback... I get it and I've been where you are. But unfortunetly, politics in this country doesn't work that way. You don't get everything you want in politics, that's just the way it is. So you can either spend your time complaining about that, and not accepting the reality in front of you, or you continue the fight within the system that exists. Bernie showed something very powerful that will have an effect on future democratic candidates, and that is that you CAN raise money from the people. The main reason the democratic party has slowly become more like the Republican party (although I disagree with you that they are the same, that is hyperbole imho), is because they convinced themsleves they can't compete with the amount of money that Republicans take from the corporacracy. Bernie shattered that myth, and he's now funding and helping other progressives campaign in a similar fashion. Additionally, assuming Hillary gets elected, Bernie will be a very powerful figure in congress for years to come. He did the smart thing, and moving to Jill Stien would have set this all backwards. If I thought what you're saying had any basis in reality, I'd be right there with your brother. But again, that's just not how our system works.
We just continue the never ending fight against greed and control over others that has existed all throughout time.
I've actually read the Plan for the New American Century in which was said "only something like a new Pearl Harbor" would galvanize the American People behind our going to war. The PNAC was written in the 90's. There is no way office fires brought down the Towers (3 of them, actually, and yet, there are still people here who think it was just the Twin Towers). They came down by controlled demolition. The 9/11 Commission said 'office fires'. There have been fires in Skyscrapers all over the world, some that burned far longer than they did in NY on 9/11. Only one time have "office fires" have brought down Skyscrapers. And that time was 9/11. And Tower 7 wasn't even hit by a plane. Nonetheless, late in the afternoon of 9/11, it came down in freefall speed just like Towers 1 and 2. I believe that the US was either actively or passively aware of what was going to happen and at the least, allowed it to happen. A lot of money was made on Wall Street related to the airline companies involved in 9/11. Bin Laden was never put of the FBI's most wanted list for 9/11 (although he had been put on that list for the bombing of US embassies in the late 90's...know why? The FBI said they had no hard evidence that bin Laden was behind the attacks.) All flights were grounded on 9/11 after the Towers were hit....except for the one flight carrying Saudi's that was allowed to leave this country on that day. Prince Bandar was a good friend of the Bushes. With our "New Pearl Harbor" the gates were open for our attacking countries in the Middle East. While we were told the hijackers were Saudi's, our first invasion was Afghanistan, the second was Iraq for having (non-existant) WMD's, and we maintain, to this day, a relationship with Saudi Arabia....so much so that since 2010 we have authorized $60 Billion in military sales to Saudi Arabia and have concluded $48 Billion of those sales. With Congress now pushing through a bill that would allow the Saudi leadership to be held responsible for 9/11 if the victims' families can prove that any Saudi officials played a role in the attacks, the Saudi officials are threatening to sell off up to $750 Billion in US assets if the law is adopted. Sounds like this is a huge can of worms. I got this financial information from The Guardian, a respected UK newspaper. The other stuff comes from my reading just about everything on 9/11 since 2002.
So, earthdog, I hear you and believe your suggestion is absolutely right on.
Wish my vote was more hopeful, but the way things are these days with the various government agencies, the prospect of banksters ever getting investigated are less and less likely as time passes. DOJ had the opportunity during Obama's first four years to hold banksters accountable, and they did nothing. They negotiated with the banksters in our behalf they said, and settled for a minuscule nine billion dollars, pocket change for the banksters after the profits they made off those losing their homes and life savings. Trusting agencies like the FBI, DOJ, FCC, FDA etc, to do their job in our behalf, is also a challenge for the American people to overcome. They have let us down so much over the years, with the type of protection they perform (NOT) in looking after our wellbeing, I for one, will never trust them again.
Hillary's e-mails are no different from the Bush's administration e-mails. How many thousand of e-mails went missing between Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rice, and the rest? Nobody, is even questioning, investigating, or looking for those e-mails, not even the main media compares Hillary's to the thousands of missing e-mails during the Bush's administration, why wouldn't the FBI look into those as well? Maybe, because they have been bought and paid for by the 1%? Hmmmm, the FBI too?
PS: Thank you Thom for making me a more knowledgeable human being.
When the 1% ride AMTRAK then it will be improved. The 1% aviation airports for their private jets are among the best in the world. Many better than the commercial airports. Cities that I have worked in such as Busan, Seoul, Shanghai and Tapei have excellant subway systems and they are very reasonably priced. The middle class has cheap, clean and efficient transportaion. Our cities do not compare. Other countries have high speed rail. Ours has a rusted run down system.
Would add one point.
US resources have been funneled into huge military budgets under BOTH parties for decades.
The American Empire is in over 140 countries with a budget exceeding the sum of that spent on defense by at least the next 8 other countries.
Repubs may rouse their base with "beef up our military" but the dems are right beside them on voting the money for war.
Hillary’s Toothmarks
{… a limerick …}
Our sky has been bright and clear
since Hillary chewed Donald’s rear.
Since then he’s crabby
‘cause his -***- is scabby
from toothmarks of Hill. Give a cheer!! …
… *** {This word was deleted by the editor.}
This has absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 or Saudi Arabia. It is just an attack on the sovereignty of nations that is draped in a flag and sold off under the guise of patriotism. It paves the way and provides legal precedent for the corporate tribunals and incoming flood of lawsuits by corporations against countries for infringing on their profit margins. It is just sad that TPP-loving Obama is the only one who has the brains and the balls to call it out for being a wolf in red-white-and-blue clothing.
It is obvious even to the brain-dead members of Congress that Saudi will never pay out a dime from the oncoming dog and pony show. If Congress cared about holding Saudi accountable, it would have taking the original investigation seriously and responded with sanctions. It is the multinational corporations that will hold all of the power and wealth in the 21st century, and this is just one more step in elevating them above individual countries in the pecking order.
News: a Synopsis of the
{… a limerick …}
The media remind that: {1} There’s
troubles in Otherwheres
{so not just here
in Our little sphere} …
… and {2} About ‘em our government errs.
The Donald’s a Farce
{… a rhyme …}
The Donald shows his arse,
and obviously he’s a farce, -
- yet he has his lauders
and his antics’ applauders.
What if he WINS? Egad.
My head it SPINS: He’s bad.
{a limerick}
Pundits they rage criticisms
of The Donald’s destructive Trump-isms:
He stimulates schisms
with deceitful sophisms
and fascism’s ugly race-isms.
Here's what United States citizens get from the country being run like a business:
"In the United States the minimum wage is just 37 percent of the median wage. In a comparison of 28 countries we ranked 26th, above only Mexico and the Czech Republic." Politifact
BTW: The United States is the wealthiest counrty on the planet!
Trump has repeatedly said that "wages are too high" in the United States, and he may get elected President because of low wage Red State voters. ....just shoot me!
You're right, America is not a business; it is a commodity to be acquired and traded at a profit by businesses owned and run primarily by despots. Our duty is, as is the duty of all of the peons of our planet, to defer to the Despots, to make sure they always get what they desire at a competitive price and to not rock the boat. To inconvenience a Despot is just wrong and we all know it; there is no more selfish or sinful--yes sinful--act a peon can commit. Let us pray to God to grant us the timidity to defer always to the will of the nearest Despot. Amen.
Government provides the framework in which businesses and corporations operate. It's come to the point where business doesn't want government telling them what they can or cannot do, in other words, setting limits on behavior yet they want all the good things that government provides. All of us operate within limits, yet corporations, which claim to be persons when it is convenient, don't want any limits imposed on them. They want to have their cake and eat it too. It's about time the tail stopped wagging the dog. For too long Republicans have pushed this narrative that government is an enemy and any regulation for the good of society is unfair to business. It's nonsense.
Funny Thom would bring up Roundup, glyphosate, it kills bacteria disproportionally favoring Salmonella and E. Coli over more common soil communities, do those ring a bell?
So using Roundup's glyphosate is causing perhaps 80% of the infections over what would happen in organic-natural soils, it's patented as a biocide, kills anything, eh?
Following the money it's not just the chicken farmers affecting the decision a distinct probability, eh?
This is the mandatory video on the biological pathways altered by Roundup that cause so many health problems; with Jeffery restating the complexity so we can get what Stephanie explains technically:
"The Health Dangers of Roundup (glyphosate) Herbicide. Jeffrey Smith & Stephanie Seneff"; 1:05:42; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_AHLDXF5aw
Underlying here is "fractional reserve" banking
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." -- Thomas Jefferson
US is no longer a traditional nation state.
That change of perception will reveal the pattern behind
endless wars for profit,
cheap foriegn labor flooding country,
soldiers who sign only for $30K,
banking bailouts and unpunished scams
What rational citizen would risk death to defend such a system?
Indeed 30 + yrs of trickle down, deregulation, cuts in education, lack of safe guards to protect our planet, GOP trying to end the EPA FDA etc Keeping us poorly education, unable to think critically, to reason ( that helps GOP get more votes ) GOP will allow huge corps to dump toxins into air & water. making us sicker, NOT labeling country of origin on products that we consume or put on our bodies. China fool s lots of consumers... From ROC means Republic of China ! . China has put lead in our toys, poisoned our pets. Why should we Trust Communist Gov't on anything ? There must be a tariff charged to China on all the cheap crap they sell in US. Japan on all the cars sold here. . Trump is unstable...but he made 2 good points.... Disasters NAFTA , TPP . Free UN regulated Trade agreements that Wall St hustler Alan Greenspan , Summers, & GOP pushed Clinton into - Bill caved pure and simple. I hope Hillary will be much more Progressive than either Bill or Obama.although I know Obama did his very best after arrogant old coot Mitch McConnell & pals swore to block him on everything & make Obama fail.. IF thats NOT treason or derelection of duty Then what IS ? Next President must Repeal Citizens United Cap interest rates by pay day lenders. Its obscene . bring back Glass Steagal Add a small transaction fee to Wal St trades. Even 50 cents will raise billions VOTE Blue every 2 yrs to countact the erratic, irrational, ill informed, racist, misoginist GOP & Trump followers. Like David Duke...
Now you have it!
We fought 2 world wars against it!
And, now you embrace it!
Trump in Outer Space
{… a rhyme …}
The Donald shoots into outer space,
centrifugal forces speeding his pace
without a center of gravity, -
- and without a smidgeon of {savvy} savvity
inside his cranial cavity.
In his alternate universe he flails
not controlled, not even by Roger Ailes.
Uumpa Uumpa Uumpedido . . . Thom, I have . . a question for you - too
When was the last time I was able to post a blog without it being censored on this website? I have supported you for about a decade - I post your youtube channel on my list of recommended channels on my youtube page and have told a radio station about you (who didn't carry you) that has recently started to broadcast your show in my local area - not to say I was the sole reason but you never know. When was the last time you have seen Jill Stein or Gary Johnson as much as you have seen the other two in the media? - sure you see them, and you see Gary moreso, but hardly as much - it might seem moreso if you don't like them (however, if you actually count the time and be objective . . . ) - and Gary is not in the top part of the polls - rather more of an after-thought. When was the last time the media showed the victims in the longest war (the war on drugs) - how many hundreds of thousands or millions of families are suffering because of that? When was the last time the media hadn't cheerleaded any war? When was the last time the media informed us about corporate cronyism in regards to big pharma or Monsanto or let us know the conflict of interests in any administration? When was the last time the media payed attention to congressional races rather than just the Presidential?
You talk about white privilege in regards to supporting third parties what about our American privilege? Do you even care about the wars overseas? - no, I mean really? - or do you believe in American exceptionalism, or even realize you have it? There cannot be 2 more important issues to the majority of people on the planet than ending the wars and ending the drug war - period - that would have the most impact immediately and positively than anything else - our education system is screwed and tinkering around with it ain't going to do much - however, ending the wars will change the world overnight and free more people than ever before.
You incorrectly also think all so called libertarians think alike - some just use the party like Bernie did because it is there, also keep in mind sometimes there are people for some times in history - meaning maybe it might be good to have 4 years of Johnson then perhaps after that we would have a more peaceful world and have a much better budget then we might want 4 yrs of a progressive to usher in investments per se in solar and education and healthcare - and I am all with you on the "commons" and public options - I also love the post office (it should be the ideal libertarian/conservative govt program meaning it pays for itself and is voluntary; however, in this upside down world it isn't and they get away with saying it isn't). You are perpetuating black and white thinking - duality when the world is gray - gay vs straight - no bi - left vs right no in btwn. etc. that is very 2 dimensional.
I do journalism - I have a website and I focus on Congress to stay away from the deep partisanship and also more importantly think it is more needed to cover. I have interviewed this year so far 27 candidates who are on the ballot, and are the only 3rd party candidates in their area - I have heard some Green party candidates sound more like Libertarians and vice versa - this is the real world - not the made for TV Trump vs Hillary - I tried to post a blog and I am going to quote exactly what I did post and it didn't make it past your webmaster/ screener - I wonder if you actually approve - and one more question . . . Is WHAT matters - HOW the game is played?
I also thought your messageboard was the best - I don't blame you for removing it if it was too much upkeep - I can understand that, if that was the reason why; however, I think you are in campaign mode - and if that is the case, have you ever heard of trusting others and a soft sale - I think whoever supports a fair game is going to win - even if at first it seems like it hurts them - and that doesn't mean you cannot compete hard however once you are seen as no longer fair, the game is over. Being open is a paradox as it is a great vulnerability however it is a great strength - I think if you have the patience it will win out and besides it is the only way worth winning - hence the only way to win ultimately (which is never guaranteed nor can be or should be wanted to be because the word win can only exist if there is a chance to lose) - it is never too late or early to support a fair system per se - that is more important than who wins or loses - it is the fair system (game) that we want to win and people who support such and then we wouldn't have anything but mostly good candidates to begin with. You could argue the "paradox of tolerance" however I am focusing on Congress specifically and also on purpose - to be less divisive - and while there is might be some truth to that paradox I believe - it probably had never been truly tested because there has never been a fully fair system to begin with - meaning there is a reason some people feel disenfranchised and maybe they should - the real question is tolerance of who and from who specifically and other nuances - if you don't know what the paradox of tolerance is just google it. It brings up another question as to whether tyranny is born into some people or if it is like a virus that has spread from one person to another throughout time until this present day, can you really fight fire with fire per se? (Is the title of your blog actually an announcement regarding posting blogs here?)
Most 1st world countries have health care and etc AND most importantly they first had at least 4 major parties. You are perpetuating the problem and are in a vicious circle. One last drink eh it sounds like to me. There is never a better time than now to do the right thing.
Here below is the blog that was recently censored twice : you tell me if it should have been - I feel I have always been respectful and never posted spam - this is all original material and I purposefully stayed away from Presidential politics
LibertarianProgressive.com is an independent media organization we interview independent and 3rd party candidates who are on the ballot (Green Party, independents, Libertarians, No Party Affiliation and other parties). We interview candidates who are the ONLY independent or third party option in their district/area etc.
We have 24 interviews so far – and will have 27 by the end of today – check them out – & throw them (incumbent Congress) all out!!!!!
The Truth about Consensus – What You’re Not Being Told :
Uploaded 2016 Candidate Interviews :
I believe if a candidate has gathered enough signatures to be on the ballot and has a statistical chance to win then a responsible media will include them in the debates and interview them, to educate and inform the public of their options.
Our goal is to interview 50+ candidates & reach a large audience. We are not telling people who to vote for, rather, we are asking questions and presenting news about options, endorsing a more fair system.
The reason for the goal of 50+ interviews, of independent and 3rd party candidates on the ballot, every 2 year (US House) election season is – 50 represents one for each state.
Imagine if, We the People, elected even one independent or third party representative to Congress – in each of the 50 states. If that goal is seen as a national movement, perhaps it might make it easier for independent and third party candidates – they could ~ ride the wave.
There are 435 members in the US House of Representatives, elected every 2 years – it was designed that way on purpose, to be the least resistant, most peaceful and quickest path to reform, in our democratically elected Republic.
Talking with people regarding Congress is a lot less divisive then Presidential politics.
There are about 324 million people in the USA.
There are about 219 million people eligible to vote and about 146 million registered to vote.
42% are independent
29% are Democrats
26% are Republicans
<1% are special interests
Who has the most influence do you think?
If there were 10 issues important to you, and 5 issues had popular consensus and 5 didn't, which 5 would you prioritize first?
LibertarianProgressive is advocating uniting and winning, instead of being divided & conquered.
There will be plenty of time to argue on things that we disagree about AFTER we pass legislation regarding important things we agree upon :
1. Accountability & Transparency reforms, freedom of information, integrity safeguards, auditing our government.
2. Civil Liberties, NSA privacy & spying, preserving the Bill of Rights, due process.
3. Corporate Cronyism, Lobbyists, no bid contracts, bailouts, the revolving door.
4. Military Spending, mission creep, regime change foreign policy, Congressional approval & oversight.
5. Ending the Drug War, reform the justice system, asset forfeiture, demilitarization of police, private prisons, mandatory minimums, quotas, racial profiling, industrial hemp.
6. Election reform, open primaries, Election Day holiday, fair debates, rank or score voting, none of the above option, paper trail.
7. Fair and Free Trade.
8. Promoting an environment of growth and opportunity, less regulation and more competition for small and mid-sized businesses.
. . . If 50 independent and third party candidates are elected to the House of Representatives that would shatter the status quo & the “in the box” paradigm, it will open the flood gates to positive change – and it is the easiest most peaceful way to do it. We might start with 10 this year then build to 25 in 2 years and so on however let us deserve with our efforts to have 50+
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Religion, patriotism, greed, and all other ideological nonsense -- based on the psychological fear innate to ego-driven thought patterns -- invariably divide us from one another. That division of thought is the underlying cause of war and all the other ills that beset human beings and the "tiny blue dot" upon which we live and depend. That is our long, sad history. Realizing the limitations of that type of thought at the deepest level of our mind is the ending of it.
Outback... I get it and I've been where you are. But unfortunetly, politics in this country doesn't work that way. You don't get everything you want in politics, that's just the way it is. So you can either spend your time complaining about that, and not accepting the reality in front of you, or you continue the fight within the system that exists. Bernie showed something very powerful that will have an effect on future democratic candidates, and that is that you CAN raise money from the people. The main reason the democratic party has slowly become more like the Republican party (although I disagree with you that they are the same, that is hyperbole imho), is because they convinced themsleves they can't compete with the amount of money that Republicans take from the corporacracy. Bernie shattered that myth, and he's now funding and helping other progressives campaign in a similar fashion. Additionally, assuming Hillary gets elected, Bernie will be a very powerful figure in congress for years to come. He did the smart thing, and moving to Jill Stien would have set this all backwards. If I thought what you're saying had any basis in reality, I'd be right there with your brother. But again, that's just not how our system works.
We just continue the never ending fight against greed and control over others that has existed all throughout time.
ONE reason Obama vetoed any lawsuit bIll of US vs Saudi Arabia wb>
It'd open a "can of worms" for foreign entities to retalliate & SUE US for crimes
committed by good ol' USA over decades, invasions & conflicts since WW2
Hear! Hear!
I've actually read the Plan for the New American Century in which was said "only something like a new Pearl Harbor" would galvanize the American People behind our going to war. The PNAC was written in the 90's. There is no way office fires brought down the Towers (3 of them, actually, and yet, there are still people here who think it was just the Twin Towers). They came down by controlled demolition. The 9/11 Commission said 'office fires'. There have been fires in Skyscrapers all over the world, some that burned far longer than they did in NY on 9/11. Only one time have "office fires" have brought down Skyscrapers. And that time was 9/11. And Tower 7 wasn't even hit by a plane. Nonetheless, late in the afternoon of 9/11, it came down in freefall speed just like Towers 1 and 2. I believe that the US was either actively or passively aware of what was going to happen and at the least, allowed it to happen. A lot of money was made on Wall Street related to the airline companies involved in 9/11. Bin Laden was never put of the FBI's most wanted list for 9/11 (although he had been put on that list for the bombing of US embassies in the late 90's...know why? The FBI said they had no hard evidence that bin Laden was behind the attacks.) All flights were grounded on 9/11 after the Towers were hit....except for the one flight carrying Saudi's that was allowed to leave this country on that day. Prince Bandar was a good friend of the Bushes. With our "New Pearl Harbor" the gates were open for our attacking countries in the Middle East. While we were told the hijackers were Saudi's, our first invasion was Afghanistan, the second was Iraq for having (non-existant) WMD's, and we maintain, to this day, a relationship with Saudi Arabia....so much so that since 2010 we have authorized $60 Billion in military sales to Saudi Arabia and have concluded $48 Billion of those sales. With Congress now pushing through a bill that would allow the Saudi leadership to be held responsible for 9/11 if the victims' families can prove that any Saudi officials played a role in the attacks, the Saudi officials are threatening to sell off up to $750 Billion in US assets if the law is adopted. Sounds like this is a huge can of worms. I got this financial information from The Guardian, a respected UK newspaper. The other stuff comes from my reading just about everything on 9/11 since 2002.
So, earthdog, I hear you and believe your suggestion is absolutely right on.
Wish my vote was more hopeful, but the way things are these days with the various government agencies, the prospect of banksters ever getting investigated are less and less likely as time passes. DOJ had the opportunity during Obama's first four years to hold banksters accountable, and they did nothing. They negotiated with the banksters in our behalf they said, and settled for a minuscule nine billion dollars, pocket change for the banksters after the profits they made off those losing their homes and life savings. Trusting agencies like the FBI, DOJ, FCC, FDA etc, to do their job in our behalf, is also a challenge for the American people to overcome. They have let us down so much over the years, with the type of protection they perform (NOT) in looking after our wellbeing, I for one, will never trust them again.
Hillary's e-mails are no different from the Bush's administration e-mails. How many thousand of e-mails went missing between Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rice, and the rest? Nobody, is even questioning, investigating, or looking for those e-mails, not even the main media compares Hillary's to the thousands of missing e-mails during the Bush's administration, why wouldn't the FBI look into those as well? Maybe, because they have been bought and paid for by the 1%? Hmmmm, the FBI too?
PS: Thank you Thom for making me a more knowledgeable human being.
Worried about turnabout? How about instead of stopping a means of achieving justice, you stop illegal wars and illegal drone assassinations instead.
Shame! The fear and paranoia!
How can citizens of the usa sue the government of a sovereign nation???
This mistifies me... no end!
The sheer arrogance is incredible-----