Great point 2950-10k Thom makes the same point in his book The Last Hours Of Ancient Sunlight page 273 The Secret of "Enough".
But is it the governments place to control his behaviour? Or is this a product of our culture .Perhaps new beliefs can change these unacceptable Alpha males greed .As someone famous once said "No one does anything wrong given their model of the world".
Great point 2950-10k Thom makes the same point in his book The Last Hours Of Ancient Sunlight page 273 The Secret of "Enough".
But is it the governments place to control his behaviour? Or is this a product of our culture .Perhaps new beliefs can change these unacceptable Alpha males greed .As someone famous once said "No one does anything wrong given their model of the world".
It's too bad Warren didn't ask Stumpf if the $200 million gain made his life happier? I bring this up because research has shown that massive wealth doesn't lead to more personal happiness. However we do know that Stumpf has created misery for the 5000 fired employees, and I'm sure many of them have young kids.....all of this because government couldn't prevent his out of control behavior.
Thom: Great essay. I agree wholeheartedly, but as a fellow Boomer and an informed voter, how do we peacefully undo all the damage from the Reagan years? With climate change staring us in the face we don't have the luxury of time like the corporate yahoos had in 1980. BTW, that was an excellent piece you did on the multi-national corporations gearing up for the threats from climate change. Thanks.
I am really surprised how great services they offer at very affordable prices! Such amazing and decent options for us! I would like to recommend them to everyone! They are perfect in their work!
The Obama Administration is notorious for refusing to personally prosecute people who are "filthy rich" no matter how many people they fraudulently hurt. Senator Warren is right, but she should be point her finger at Obama as well.
Yes, banking (and other executives) need to be prosecuted for their criminal behavior. And, yes, the laws governing corporations need to be changed to end the incentives to engage in such activities that result in personal benefit at the expense of employees, customers and the general public. We need legislation that gives advantage to publicly-owned, not-for-profit banks. We need to replace the system of debt money creation with direct government issuance of currency. We need legislation to reinstitute the separation of investment banking from commercial banking. And, we need tax reforms that eliminate the advantage given to income derived from rent-seeking and the gains on sale of financial assets and landed assets over income derived by producing goods and delivering services. In short, we need to reign in on the rentier-dominated system that is destroying democracy.
I was extremely upset to hear that the DEA is over reaching yet again with their push to place Kratom, a godsend for many struggling with "legal" addiction to opoids, a huge problem in this country. They of course cite their concern over increased use of it but then they neglect to mention the increased opiod addictions as the possible reasons. I searched the DEA website and found this section of the 1970 Controlled Substances Act. Seems the US AG can change the schedule of drugs and even remove them:
Title 21 United States Code (USC) Controlled Substances ActSUBCHAPTER I — CONTROL AND ENFORCEMENTPart B — Authority to Control; Standards and Schedules§811. Authority and criteria for classification of substances(a) Rules and regulations of Attorney General; hearing
The Attorney General shall apply the provisions of this subchapter to the controlled substances listed in the schedules established by section 812 of this title and to any other drug or other substance added to such schedules under this subchapter. Except as provided in subsections (d) and (e) of this section, the Attorney General may by rule—
(1) add to such a schedule or transfer between such schedules any drug or other substance if he—
(A) finds that such drug or other substance has a potential for abuse, and
(B) makes with respect to such drug or other substance the findings prescribed by subsection (b) of section 812 of this title for the schedule in which such drug is to be placed; or
(2) remove any drug or other substance from the schedules if he finds that the drug or other substance does not meet the requirements for inclusion in any schedule.
Rules of the Attorney General under this subsection shall be made on the record after opportunity for a hearing pursuant to the rulemaking procedures prescribed by subchapter II of chapter 5 of title 5. Proceedings for the issuance, amendment, or repeal of such rules may be initiated by the Attorney General (1) on his own motion, (2) at the request of the Secretary, or (3) on the petition of any interested party.
I haven't heard much lately about trade policy. Have the handlers told him to quiet down about tariffs? The oligarchs don't want it shouted around about how sick our trade policy is and Trump has let the cat out of the bag.
Now the question is, will Hillary out the fact that our trade policies are only tailored to the top 1%? She indicated that she eschews TPP but really hasn't blasted it as a giveaway to the oligarchs as Bernie has. A smidgen of the common touch would be refreshing.
Warren needs to go after the Obama administration, the attorney general, and the justice department. They have been in charge of indictments, subpoenas and metering out " justice" since 2008. If Warren were serious, instead of playing politics, she'd be knocking on the doors of the president and attorney general demanding answers.
Beating up the head of Wells Fargo won't produce squat. He won't indite himself, and is powerless to indite others.
you mention Hillary Clinton - who yes is measured by very different standards and will be forever so. Women are most quickly and popularly maligned as "bad mothers" [not just by their children's blaming mothers so much more and often than they recognize what father's did or did-not do ].
And an older woman is blamed as daring to be too man-like, or too 'shrill' as a way to say she is not allowed to be equally powered as is her husband, her father, or boss = any male. Old women are feared, blamed, accused and hated more easily than even racial stereotypes are, especially Caucasian women.
Women, like Clinton, are held responsible for what their fathers, husbands, children do, as if they had that much control. No, they dont and can't, even when women try to influence or help their family members. But the general societal /global view is that She Should or Must, vs. asking if She Can ?
It is a no-win when fighting a whole 'dangerous' image of what a woman would be as a 'head', leader, president, ruler, or any dominant [or what appears to be 'top' status] position, Mothers were mostly dominant and so important to their children. Then that is never again allowed when those children become adults, and vote.
No fair ? of course not. Common hidden & denied attitudes ? Yes, and not only in USA, even if other nations have elected women top leaders, but seldom and more temporarily than men. Notice that ?
you sound real smart and with a good rote memory, with intense reactions and too glib words at time. On the replay on Roy's show on 9/21/2016 you blabbed saying Trump said "we are all white supremacists Are Us!" loudly and then quickly realized how you put fake words in someone's else's speech....then you muttered in lower tone [check out sound !] "sorry..." to retract that.
But most listeners only hear what TheyWantToBelieve & Hear...and will repeat what you said, because they want to malign any Other views/ people/ politics, et al that is not theirs...and you will not hear back how your easy-to-attack anyone you dont like or fear words are later repeated and misused.
How can we trust you when you act like those you hate, oppose, criticize and malign, so often and so frequently ?
The problem with those who claim to be the "I do good and I help and I will save this world, believe me, follow me..." people, like those at KPFK, is that they do same as what they attack and hate that other's do ! And deny it. Or excuse themselves so easily while never allowing those 'others' off any hooks for any crimes, lies, mistakes, et al.
That is called being a Hypocrite, right ? and that is denied by you and others who claim to have all the RIGHT only answers too.
Please think before blurting out your venom so you dont sound so Trumpish and give any listeners more helpful Information that can be believed...not say something, retract it and assume you have special permission [elites claim to have this] to subtly 'take back' what you can not erase, anyhow.
You know how easily people love to quote any famed celebrity, like you, to prove they know too and they too are Right and use your words to confirm their own opinions.
Now they, whoever those fervent listeners are, will quote you or even add on to your words and then exaggerated lies/ rumors will spill out anywhere and you will be the source, whether those words will be attributed or remembered that they gushed out of YOU.
How can anyone trust those who use the media air-waves to blurt out lies and then pretend they "didnt mean that" ? Just as Trump continues to do same, as did you now.
And we may assume this is not "just 1 time only" but this is one we heard and had to complain to you directly about.
BoxCar ..."So it's a blessing in disguise " .My friend do you know what you are saying here that humans can do what ever they want with Earth our life giver and Mother Nature that sustains us .This is part of the problem a complete denial and refusal to be responsible for the here and now .
The first guiding principle of an advanced civilization is unity .Acknowledgement of the Oneness and the sacredness of all life . From this understanding all political ,educational ,social and ecological descisions are made .So no way would they continue with their environmental suicide dismantling and ruining our planet's ecosystem and continue to say we are not and point the finger at something else .
We are not living alone here buddy there are 7 billion of us everything we do on this planet we do together .Are humans not on the same team ? Every thought which ignores our oneness,every idea which seperate said us ,every action which announces that we are not united. The "other team " is not real it's only part of our imagined reality for we have created it so .Time to take responsibility for our collective evolutionary path ,our collective future depends upon this .To carry on as buisness as usual doing what we have been doing using more resources in the last 40 years than 40 000 . This we call progress it's progress to our own demise !
Do not believe everything you read just observe what you see around you and ask there has got to be another way .
My long-ago era’s “social psychology” might explain how come Criticizing Trump STRENGTHENS his Supporter’s Enthusiasms-for-him. {Non-rationality blossoms in such situations.}
Max Planck Institute of Solar Research found a disconnect between Solar activity and Earth's avg surface temp w/a Tipping Point in 1980 wherein Earth's PermaFrost had melted to release CO2 & Methane (10X worse) in qtlys beyond what we can stop so it turns out GHG just might offset the cooling effect of a less active sun, keep a balance So its a blessing in disguise, like a warm blanket thrown over US in coming winter
The issues you raised are subject to debate, and to the extent that the candidate's past is a relevant issue Hillary loses that battle.
That said, I'm not going to go there. The media on each side has spent plenty of time opining on the candidate's personal lives.
There is much more at stake than whether Hillary illegally used an illegal email server, or Trump has bad hair and small hands.
American's have a long reputation for focusing on the right issues. This will come down to things like "Who is most likely to get me a job?" and "Who will keep me safe?" Some will think Hillary has the right answer, and some will think Trump.
My suspicion is that the debates will make a huge difference. Whoever wins the debates will be our next President. Hillary has a lifetime in politics and will come off more Presidential, but Trump will have answers that ring true.
We have had a carbon tax for decades. Do you think the price you pay at the pump goes all to the oil company. All adding one more way to impose a carbon tax is going to do is give more money to the sitting party to reward their buddies more.
Great point 2950-10k Thom makes the same point in his book The Last Hours Of Ancient Sunlight page 273 The Secret of "Enough".
But is it the governments place to control his behaviour? Or is this a product of our culture .Perhaps new beliefs can change these unacceptable Alpha males greed .As someone famous once said "No one does anything wrong given their model of the world".
Time for a new model .
Great point 2950-10k Thom makes the same point in his book The Last Hours Of Ancient Sunlight page 273 The Secret of "Enough".
But is it the governments place to control his behaviour? Or is this a product of our culture .Perhaps new beliefs can change these unacceptable Alpha males greed .As someone famous once said "No one does anything wrong given their model of the world".
Time for a new model .
It's too bad Warren didn't ask Stumpf if the $200 million gain made his life happier? I bring this up because research has shown that massive wealth doesn't lead to more personal happiness. However we do know that Stumpf has created misery for the 5000 fired employees, and I'm sure many of them have young kids.....all of this because government couldn't prevent his out of control behavior.
Thom: Great essay. I agree wholeheartedly, but as a fellow Boomer and an informed voter, how do we peacefully undo all the damage from the Reagan years? With climate change staring us in the face we don't have the luxury of time like the corporate yahoos had in 1980. BTW, that was an excellent piece you did on the multi-national corporations gearing up for the threats from climate change. Thanks.
I am really surprised how great services they offer at very affordable prices! Such amazing and decent options for us! I would like to recommend them to everyone! They are perfect in their work!
Caca de Gallo
{… a rhyme …}
Trump floats bloated on a fetid bayou {buy-yo},
stinkily reeking of “caca de gallo {guy-yo}”, -
- which in TexMex means “sheeken cheet”;
“chicken sh*t” from his head to his feet.
{… a limerick …}
Nation-&-World have troubles:
The caldron boils and bubbles
and steams the stubbles
of what’s left in the rubbles.
Daily the heat re-doubles.
{… a limerick …}
The day won’t be a glad-‘un
but instead quite wholly a sad-‘un
if Donald J
gets his way.
Our president wholly a bad-‘un.
Tom and E. Warren reveal to the public the ugly system.
An angry mass movement elects a Dem majority and a Dem president.
In some worlds this would lead to laws that put the oversight execs into jail.
But not in this one where Hillary is more corrupt than the execs in question.
Outstanding comment!!! You are not alone.
The Obama Administration is notorious for refusing to personally prosecute people who are "filthy rich" no matter how many people they fraudulently hurt. Senator Warren is right, but she should be point her finger at Obama as well.
Yes, banking (and other executives) need to be prosecuted for their criminal behavior. And, yes, the laws governing corporations need to be changed to end the incentives to engage in such activities that result in personal benefit at the expense of employees, customers and the general public. We need legislation that gives advantage to publicly-owned, not-for-profit banks. We need to replace the system of debt money creation with direct government issuance of currency. We need legislation to reinstitute the separation of investment banking from commercial banking. And, we need tax reforms that eliminate the advantage given to income derived from rent-seeking and the gains on sale of financial assets and landed assets over income derived by producing goods and delivering services. In short, we need to reign in on the rentier-dominated system that is destroying democracy.
I was extremely upset to hear that the DEA is over reaching yet again with their push to place Kratom, a godsend for many struggling with "legal" addiction to opoids, a huge problem in this country. They of course cite their concern over increased use of it but then they neglect to mention the increased opiod addictions as the possible reasons. I searched the DEA website and found this section of the 1970 Controlled Substances Act. Seems the US AG can change the schedule of drugs and even remove them:
Title 21 United States Code (USC) Controlled Substances ActSUBCHAPTER I — CONTROL AND ENFORCEMENTPart B — Authority to Control; Standards and Schedules§811. Authority and criteria for classification of substances(a) Rules and regulations of Attorney General; hearing
The Attorney General shall apply the provisions of this subchapter to the controlled substances listed in the schedules established by section 812 of this title and to any other drug or other substance added to such schedules under this subchapter. Except as provided in subsections (d) and (e) of this section, the Attorney General may by rule—
(1) add to such a schedule or transfer between such schedules any drug or other substance if he—
(A) finds that such drug or other substance has a potential for abuse, and
(B) makes with respect to such drug or other substance the findings prescribed by subsection (b) of section 812 of this title for the schedule in which such drug is to be placed; or
(2) remove any drug or other substance from the schedules if he finds that the drug or other substance does not meet the requirements for inclusion in any schedule.
Rules of the Attorney General under this subsection shall be made on the record after opportunity for a hearing pursuant to the rulemaking procedures prescribed by subchapter II of chapter 5 of title 5. Proceedings for the issuance, amendment, or repeal of such rules may be initiated by the Attorney General (1) on his own motion, (2) at the request of the Secretary, or (3) on the petition of any interested party.
I haven't heard much lately about trade policy. Have the handlers told him to quiet down about tariffs? The oligarchs don't want it shouted around about how sick our trade policy is and Trump has let the cat out of the bag.
Now the question is, will Hillary out the fact that our trade policies are only tailored to the top 1%? She indicated that she eschews TPP but really hasn't blasted it as a giveaway to the oligarchs as Bernie has. A smidgen of the common touch would be refreshing.
Warren needs to go after the Obama administration, the attorney general, and the justice department. They have been in charge of indictments, subpoenas and metering out " justice" since 2008. If Warren were serious, instead of playing politics, she'd be knocking on the doors of the president and attorney general demanding answers.
Beating up the head of Wells Fargo won't produce squat. He won't indite himself, and is powerless to indite others.
I love how Sen. Elizabeth Warren went after Well Fargo but still waiting on any of the Republicans to do the same
you mention Hillary Clinton - who yes is measured by very different standards and will be forever so. Women are most quickly and popularly maligned as "bad mothers" [not just by their children's blaming mothers so much more and often than they recognize what father's did or did-not do ].
And an older woman is blamed as daring to be too man-like, or too 'shrill' as a way to say she is not allowed to be equally powered as is her husband, her father, or boss = any male. Old women are feared, blamed, accused and hated more easily than even racial stereotypes are, especially Caucasian women.
Women, like Clinton, are held responsible for what their fathers, husbands, children do, as if they had that much control. No, they dont and can't, even when women try to influence or help their family members. But the general societal /global view is that She Should or Must, vs. asking if She Can ?
It is a no-win when fighting a whole 'dangerous' image of what a woman would be as a 'head', leader, president, ruler, or any dominant [or what appears to be 'top' status] position, Mothers were mostly dominant and so important to their children. Then that is never again allowed when those children become adults, and vote.
No fair ? of course not. Common hidden & denied attitudes ? Yes, and not only in USA, even if other nations have elected women top leaders, but seldom and more temporarily than men. Notice that ?
Mr. Hartman -
you sound real smart and with a good rote memory, with intense reactions and too glib words at time. On the replay on Roy's show on 9/21/2016 you blabbed saying Trump said "we are all white supremacists Are Us!" loudly and then quickly realized how you put fake words in someone's else's speech....then you muttered in lower tone [check out sound !] "sorry..." to retract that.
But most listeners only hear what TheyWantToBelieve & Hear...and will repeat what you said, because they want to malign any Other views/ people/ politics, et al that is not theirs...and you will not hear back how your easy-to-attack anyone you dont like or fear words are later repeated and misused.
How can we trust you when you act like those you hate, oppose, criticize and malign, so often and so frequently ?
The problem with those who claim to be the "I do good and I help and I will save this world, believe me, follow me..." people, like those at KPFK, is that they do same as what they attack and hate that other's do ! And deny it. Or excuse themselves so easily while never allowing those 'others' off any hooks for any crimes, lies, mistakes, et al.
That is called being a Hypocrite, right ? and that is denied by you and others who claim to have all the RIGHT only answers too.
Please think before blurting out your venom so you dont sound so Trumpish and give any listeners more helpful Information that can be believed...not say something, retract it and assume you have special permission [elites claim to have this] to subtly 'take back' what you can not erase, anyhow.
You know how easily people love to quote any famed celebrity, like you, to prove they know too and they too are Right and use your words to confirm their own opinions.
Now they, whoever those fervent listeners are, will quote you or even add on to your words and then exaggerated lies/ rumors will spill out anywhere and you will be the source, whether those words will be attributed or remembered that they gushed out of YOU.
How can anyone trust those who use the media air-waves to blurt out lies and then pretend they "didnt mean that" ? Just as Trump continues to do same, as did you now.
And we may assume this is not "just 1 time only" but this is one we heard and had to complain to you directly about.
Do you care ?
BoxCar ..."So it's a blessing in disguise " .My friend do you know what you are saying here that humans can do what ever they want with Earth our life giver and Mother Nature that sustains us .This is part of the problem a complete denial and refusal to be responsible for the here and now .
The first guiding principle of an advanced civilization is unity .Acknowledgement of the Oneness and the sacredness of all life . From this understanding all political ,educational ,social and ecological descisions are made .So no way would they continue with their environmental suicide dismantling and ruining our planet's ecosystem and continue to say we are not and point the finger at something else .
We are not living alone here buddy there are 7 billion of us everything we do on this planet we do together .Are humans not on the same team ? Every thought which ignores our oneness,every idea which seperate said us ,every action which announces that we are not united. The "other team " is not real it's only part of our imagined reality for we have created it so .Time to take responsibility for our collective evolutionary path ,our collective future depends upon this .To carry on as buisness as usual doing what we have been doing using more resources in the last 40 years than 40 000 . This we call progress it's progress to our own demise !
Do not believe everything you read just observe what you see around you and ask there has got to be another way .
My long-ago era’s “social psychology” might explain how come Criticizing Trump STRENGTHENS his Supporter’s Enthusiasms-for-him. {Non-rationality blossoms in such situations.}
Trumpsters’ Old Song, its Umpteenth Verse
{… a rhyme …}
Their same old song, its umpteenth verse:
Trumpsters sing evermore worse and then worse.
Their lyrics forever they repeat and rehearse,
while we Others grow weary, - nay angrily averse
to the ugly spectacles in Trump’s universe. …
… {Here’s how I’d say it, in terms quick and terse:
“I’d like to their heads in a toilet immerse.”}
Might want to read the other side of the coin as there is plenty of science there too
Max Planck Institute of Solar Research found a disconnect between Solar activity and Earth's avg surface temp w/a Tipping Point in 1980 wherein Earth's PermaFrost had melted to release CO2 & Methane (10X worse) in qtlys beyond what we can stop so it turns out GHG just might offset the cooling effect of a less active sun, keep a balance So its a blessing in disguise, like a warm blanket thrown over US in coming winter
The issues you raised are subject to debate, and to the extent that the candidate's past is a relevant issue Hillary loses that battle.
That said, I'm not going to go there. The media on each side has spent plenty of time opining on the candidate's personal lives.
There is much more at stake than whether Hillary illegally used an illegal email server, or Trump has bad hair and small hands.
American's have a long reputation for focusing on the right issues. This will come down to things like "Who is most likely to get me a job?" and "Who will keep me safe?" Some will think Hillary has the right answer, and some will think Trump.
My suspicion is that the debates will make a huge difference. Whoever wins the debates will be our next President. Hillary has a lifetime in politics and will come off more Presidential, but Trump will have answers that ring true.
We shall see what we shall see...
We have had a carbon tax for decades. Do you think the price you pay at the pump goes all to the oil company. All adding one more way to impose a carbon tax is going to do is give more money to the sitting party to reward their buddies more.
Let's go! Vote Trump then y'all!
He will press the button and inavertently destroy himself because he believes that he's indestructible
The power of belief is incredible