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  • Electing Trump to Stop Corruption is Like Smoking to Cure Cancer   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Hi Kend, I don't know if you follow Mr. Hartmann or progressive media outlets, but this is defnitely not the worst example of how corrupt Trump is. Not by far. Also, although I am not defending Hillary, there are not "things going on with HIllary every day." Conservatives keep rehashing, regurgitating the same info (e.g. Hillary's emails and The Clinton Foundation.)

    The FBI cleared Hillary of any criminal acts involving the email scandal. As such, Trump, the consumate, lying conspiracy generator keeps whipping his supporters up into a blind frenzy, leading them to think that the FBI, Comey in particular, didn't charge Clinton because Clinton is above the law. As Comey said, not charging Clinton was not a "close" call. It would have been prosecutorial misconduct to have done so.

    As far as The Clinton Foundation, the Assoc Press already lead an investigation into it, and no wrong doing was shown. Clinton's attempt to help the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Muhammad Yunus, win a Congressional Medal was the biggest scandal the investigation yielded. However, Republicans want to enact a taxpayer paid investigation into the Clinton Foundation based on a right-wing documentary called "Clinton Cash," which I watched, which is also based on a book written by Peter Schweizer, a senior editor at Breitbart News. Frankly, that's a very stupid thing to do. Anything that could be found, or any allegation that could made, is in the video. Watch it!!

    Unfortunately, there is no similar documentary about Trump, at least none that I've seen. For example, earlier this year, there was Federal Judge Curiel, the one Trump claimed couldn't make objective decisions because of his Mexican ancestry, delayed a federal class action lawsuit against Trump or the falsehoods perpetrated at Trump U. Something happened there. I just don't know what. We already know that he bribed Attorney Generals in both Florida and Texas to not pursue criminal actions against him in connection with Trump U. Perhaps someone should create an expose on Trump and all of his corrupt practices.

    Finally, although you attempt to dismiss Trump's unethical dealings as being that of a normal business man's dealings in the private sector, that simply isn't true. Because Trump has never held public office before, we should treat all of his unethical acts as a citizen with the same weight we would if he held an elected office. As such, we should weigh the myriad instances Trump breached his contracts, Trump decieved hardworking Americans to enroll in Trump U, Trump discriminating against blacks and Latinos in NY, Trump hiring forieng workers through H1B visa program instead of Americans, Trump evasion of taxes (I still assert tha the has money in an offshore tax haven), Trump racist comments against Mexicans, Trump's villainization of Muslims, Trump's multiple bankruptcies (which aren't available to ordinary businessmen because of the restrictions that need to be met), Trump illegal acts in attempting to suppress competing casino owners, etc. There's so much that I'm beginning to forget the list.

    In short, don't try to paint Trump as being a clean and honest person. He is far from it. He is as corrupt as they come. Maybe I'll take some time later next week to draw up a list to compare the pros and cons of HIllary and Trump. That way, I can just cut and paste everything. Then, people can see a definitive list of known and alleged criminal actions of both candidates. But from what I've gathered so far, Trump is far ahead of Hillary in the department of corruption.

  • Electing Trump to Stop Corruption is Like Smoking to Cure Cancer   8 years 24 weeks ago

    You really nailed it Thom. The thinking among people who are willing to vote for Trump, as well as many in the media, is that somehow Trump, once put into government, will somehow use his experience as a corrupt businessman for the good of the people. This may be true for hackers, who once caught, find employment with the government as 'anti-hackers' but it is unlikely that such a conversion will happen with Trump.

    People want to believe that Trump is on their side because just about everybody does something a little dishonest at times, like cheating on taxes or driving over the speed limit. They are confusing candor, which Trump has, with honesty, which is a concept that is foreign to Trump. Trump's business record is an unrelenting list of deceit, manipulation, fraud, stiffing contractors, bribing politicians, outsourcing, paying off the mob, bankruptcies, and if none of the above work he will sue anyone who dares criticize him. Everything about his business record, which is all we have to go on since he has never worked a day in public service, indicates that as president this man will use the office to further his business interests. Those who support Trump may like his candor but they fail to ask whether Trump as president will take meaningful action on any of the issues he brings up. I have come to the conclusion that Mr. Trump is a complete fraud who is blowing smoke. He would be a disaster as president, completely unqualified.

  • Electing Trump to Stop Corruption is Like Smoking to Cure Cancer   8 years 24 weeks ago

    In the most recent news about the Trump foundation, a Washington Post reporter has been looking into the donations claimed by the TF on their taxes. Unlike Trump, who has decided not to release his taxes, his foundation's tax returns are available. It turns out that so far this reporter has found five organizations that cannot find any record of a donation from the Trump foundation, even though the TF claimed those donations on its tax returns. This is a felony.

  • Electing Trump to Stop Corruption is Like Smoking to Cure Cancer   8 years 24 weeks ago

    How about this...electing Trump to fight corruption is like f*ckin' for virginity. :) Both are apparently counterintuitive. Well, one would hope it would be apparent. However, as another commentator pointed out, Hillary isn't a shining pillar of ethics herself.

  • Electing Trump to Stop Corruption is Like Smoking to Cure Cancer   8 years 24 weeks ago

    No wonder Trump is gaining on Clinton, with all the corrupt things going on with Hillary every day, the worst thing you can dig up on Trump is this. Remember Trump did this as a private citizen. I know as a business owner you trust in others to make decisions for you everyday. My guess is Trump didn't have a lot to do with the U of Trump. Clinton did all of her crap under the oath of office, very different. A Clinton lying under oath. What are the odds of that.

  • Electing Trump to Stop Corruption is Like Smoking to Cure Cancer   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Incidentally, smoking cigarettes and the connection with cancer is statistical only!

  • Electing Trump to Stop Corruption is Like Smoking to Cure Cancer   8 years 24 weeks ago

    He is simply the lesser of two evils

    That evil woman might not make it, with no disrespect, that could allow Bernie in

    Is there an honest chance of another candidate?

    God bless america

  • Donald Trump & Gov. Rick Scott Love Polluters   8 years 24 weeks ago

    I'am a huge fan of you DdC thanks for keeping us enlightened on Cannabis and Hemp .

    Talking about chemicals and pollution and the amount required for the paper and cotton industries .Just replace these with hemp for an instant solution .Helps Co2 emissions as well and gives us fresh Oxygen .All the paper you want and the longest lasting most natural clothing in existence .

    So why do we not use this most perfect plant for human needs and sustainability .

    Profits and Greed but you know this ,but the world ? They are kept in the dark ! Thanks again for your continual education .I will do my best to bring Hemp and its benefits into the manifesto of the Scottish Green Party .So it's part of the solution .Its about raising a ruckas and raising some collective consciousness at the same time .

  • What happens in a musician's brain when they play a song?   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Whether it's football, baseball, basketball, or football, game day is the perfect day to order a pizza on a chair quarterback watching in your home. When the whole family looks sporting events from a wide TV screen, it is likely that no one wants to spend time cooking in the kitchen. chris salamone

  • What happens in a musician's brain when they play a song?   8 years 24 weeks ago

    In der Tat sind die Chancen gut eine Antwort auf Ihre Kreditanfrage innerhalb von ein bis zwei Tagen empfangen würde.Eine andere Möglichkeit, einen Barkredit Darlehen zu sichern schnell sowohl zu suchen wäre bei verfügbaren Optionen durch eine Online-und Ziegel und Mörtel Kreditgeber.

    sofort kredit

  • Great Minds P1: Medea Benjamin - Why Is Saudi Arabia A Key US Ally?   8 years 25 weeks ago

    thom, why do you support clinton??Is she the lesser of 2 evils ?


  • Donald Trump & Gov. Rick Scott Love Polluters   8 years 25 weeks ago

    Between Fracking and chemical waste dumps and dumping trash and waste into the rivers and ocean. It seems GHWBush buying up over a million acres with the Rev Moonies. Over the largest aquifer in Latin America. Is more than coincidence. Everyday the Neocons find new ways to make life in America hard or impossible. What better way to get rid of your enemies than by poisoning their water? First outlawing Hemp that could replace these corporate trashers products and Ganja to ward of drug company gouging. All of it is clear the Neocons or Nazi offspring are sabotaging our way of life for their own profits. With such naive gullible citizens sticking their heads in the sand its no wonder Ganja is still illegal and heavy metals are throughout our countries water systems. Pesticides to genetically modifying the food chain it seems obvious the cowards are in charge and the greed keeps them there. The only faults of the EPA is from cutting their budget and enforcement possibilities for Kochs polluters. If the people are so stupid to think protecting the air and water, exempted by Cheney's disregard for the Clean Air and Water Acts so Halliburton can keep profiting on fracking. What does Drumpf advocate next? Besides more Military funding or guns for kids? Gutting the IRS and FDA? Only if their goal is to do more harm to Americans. Humm I hear Eddie Eagle taste like Chicken!

    Nixon Aide Reportedly Admitted Drug War Was Meant To Target Black People
    "Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did."

    "We have spent over a trillion dollars trying to eradicate the world's most beneficial plant off the face of the earth. Imagine what a better world this would be if that money had been spent on treatment, education and studying the medical benefits of marijuana."
    -- Steve Hager - High Times Editor (1988 - 2003)

    Over a trillion into the pockets of prohibitionists, eliminate competition for the fat pharms and fossil fools etc etc. Seriously its so obvious the only answer is America has some of the most gullible and greedy people ever produced by humans.

    4 Reasons Why Legalizing Marijuana Could Be a Solution for Some of America's Biggest Problems

    North Dakota activates National Guard to protect the pipeline instead of our tribes

  • Donald Trump & Gov. Rick Scott Love Polluters   8 years 25 weeks ago

    Humans are voluntarily poisoning themselves .We poison our own bodies with inhaling carcinogens ,by eating food treated with chemicals that over a long period will kill us .We breath in the air that we continually pollute .We poison our systems in hundreds of ways and we know these substances are no good for us .But because it takes a long time for them to kill us ,we commit sucide with impunity .

    Interestingly if we poison ourselves with something that works faster we have said to have done something against moral law .The faster the death the more wrong it seems to be .The slower the death the more we are ok with it . So blind are humans we look at this but do not see it ,we look right through it .Do we want to end our collective nightmare or continue with the on going systematic dismantling of our ecosystem and poisoning of our own bodies in a hundred ways with chemicals that where never meant to be injested or inhaled .

    We are still in nursery school on this planet this we must admit .The folks making the main decisions like some Republican Senators are so deeply ego invested .So lost in denial and non acceptance .Working against the collective good is an example of beings of limited understanding and works against evolution or slows it down .To break this and fast track our evolutionary path we must start by admitting and accept what is so .

  • Donald Trump & Gov. Rick Scott Love Polluters   8 years 25 weeks ago

    They only care about self interest .

    The question must be for Humans when does the interest of the many supersede the interest of the few .

  • Donald Trump & Gov. Rick Scott Love Polluters   8 years 25 weeks ago

    Ordinary people should be able to understand that the Environmental Protection Agency is there to protect us, the ordinary people, from people that would poison us by poisoning the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and the ground we walk on because they do not want to take precautions to not pollute because it will cost them money that they could, instead of spending it to not pollute, put in their bank accounts.

    Ordinary people should know that there are many, many,people in business that do not care about people their pollutants may harm because they only care about making as much money as possible. If ordinary people don't know this, they should be told.

    We should encourage our representatives to make sure that the EPA is well funded and staffed by using our tax dollars to do so because ordinary people, like us, and our children need protecting from business polluters

    The environment belongs to all of us, not just a few.

  • Donald Trump & Gov. Rick Scott Love Polluters   8 years 25 weeks ago

    May all of you Clinton haters be duly warned, which is almost everyone on this blog but me.....Trump has spoken his truth regarding being a total numb nut. It ain't the Democratic Party that wants to enable climate change!

    Progressive change begins with the progressive caucus, c'mon man get over the Hillary thing.

    This is real war!....innocent poor people are dying all over the planet!....look them in the face....they are just like YOU!!!! Is it fair they go through a short and tortuous existence because of capitalism????

    May the rich rot in hell!

  • Hillary's Mental Health Agenda And Trump   8 years 25 weeks ago

    Hilary is a liar and a crook! She has zero credibility. I don't care for Trump either. I say remove Trump and Hilary. Bring in Rubio for the R's and Bernie for D's.

  • Inadequate Prison Release Programs Blamed for High Recidivism Rates   8 years 25 weeks ago
  • Daily Topics - Thursday September 8th, 2016   8 years 25 weeks ago

    Just checked the manufacturer placard in my Postal Vehicle(LLV)....1992!!!!

    So Thom, you were a little off when you stated our vehicles were 10 years old :(

  • Full Show 9/8/16: Medical Marijuana Now Legal in Ohio (sort of)   8 years 25 weeks ago

    Give ‘em the Gong

    {… a rhyme and an image …}

    The Right

    is wrong

    and with so many a dunce.

    Such a blight

    doesn’t belong

    in our {governance} governunce.

    Badness outright.

    Give ‘em the gong

    and remove ‘em at once.

    … Image:


  • Should internet access be a fundamental right for all Americans?   8 years 25 weeks ago

    Well, I think internet is cheapest way of communication. Majority of United States has xfinity internet connection for their personal and commercial uses.

  • Don’t Buy the Hype -- The TPP Won’t Secure America   8 years 25 weeks ago

    Ileberlterson .. By focusing on 'who pays' he has everyone, including mexico's president acknowledging that the days of a highly porous (if not completely open) border are numbered. Trump always asks for the moon and then fights like heck for it, and then settles where he can. He will not win all battles, and he will not be able to do everything he says, but by setting the bar high he will accomplish more than otherwise. Who would have though that a Mexican President would ever accept that a wall and stiffer enforcement is inevitable, and that all there is to quibble about is, 'who pays?'

  • Don’t Buy the Hype -- The TPP Won’t Secure America   8 years 25 weeks ago

    Thom and Trump are right about the TPP. Hillary and Obama are wrong.

  • Hillary's Mental Health Agenda And Trump   8 years 25 weeks ago

    Ps ... And this is important ... Trump is not against immigration. He is against ILLEGAL immigration, and he is against welcoming immigrants who cannot be properly vetted.. Thom should mention that even his precious Denmark does not allow people to sneak into the country and then grant them free health care, education and the ability to work. I suspect Thom would quickly be deported if he took to the airwaves in Denmark and argued for an open border.

  • Hillary's Mental Health Agenda And Trump   8 years 25 weeks ago

    That's all they ever do is cover her. And Thom is busy shilling for her. The blood is on your hands, Thom. Don't kid yourself for a second thinking you're a progressive, please.

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