Hillary is not likely to do anything that cuts the income for investment banking firms. Look at where the money is coming from for her campaign, and who the donors are to her "foundation." Forget what she says and focus on what she is likely to do.
If you seriously want loopholes closed pick the candidate who the investment banking firms are fighting against, not the one who they own.
Link to Adolph Hitler speeches with English subtitles. Very educational, very alarming. https://archive.org/details/ACollectionOfClipsFromVariousSpeechesByAdolfHitlerWithEnglish
13% of the African American population are responsible for 52% of the murders. If black lives matter why isn't organzation protesting in the black community? Why won't they end the violence over gold chains, tennis shoes, drugs, cash.
Support our senior citizens, support the troops, support the veterans!! Honor their service by reducing the defense budget and using those tax dollars to bolster veterans benefits l, housing and community, etc
Thanks for the history, Thom! I had no idea where this concept came from.
That you never stop at just "enough" on any topic is what makes you the ultimate educator among progressive pundits. Learning from you since the early days of Air America has been a continuous delight.
Thanks also for your immeasurably valuable role in bringing Bernie Sanders into the spotlight. What a difference you made to the world via "Brunch with Bernie".
I agree with what Thom says, except he forgot to mention that 39.6% should be 83% (per PIcketty).
The other concern I have is the use of the word loophole. Since there are good loopholes, people might reject them just because someone calls them a loophole.
A prime example of a good loophole is giving a tax credit to corporations that bring jobs back to the US.
For a picture of the need to work certified physician in a licensed doctor, because the risks of the trade. Later, it is important and dull pre-approval and additional paperwork to pay Comp employee medical, health clinics do not have enough employees to work overtime weight loss
They are being phased out. Now if you want them come up with some solutions for the radwaste, safety, and prohibitive cost that would help. No one else has.
stecoop 1 America is still the greatest nation on earth. I am a very happy person who has thrived in this country by working hard, getting a good public school and state college education, and battling for my union. i put in the hours on the Railroad with a very diverse group of employees who also succeeded. America, like it has for millions, has provided the opportunity and freedom needed for me to pursue and achieve happiness.
Maybe you could get a go-fund-me account that would give you enough to get to Canada. As I said, a great place.
If you are of golden years and not as strong as you once were, I will caution you: when you get to the border and go North, don't get trampled by all of those trying to emigrate through Canada. ( Canadians are justifiably happy where they are, but there are millions in the world that want to enjoy the opportunities offered.)
I wish you luck, and that your opinion of this great nation changes.
Quote Tom Dorricott:Stecoop-what is stopping you? Canada is a very beautiful country with great people and a good economy. They have single payer health care. It is a very modern, clean, technologically literate nation with a good education system. There are no guards or walls at the borders-either on their side or ours. Those that suffer needlessly are called masochists. Why suffer needlessly when our good English/French speaking neighbors to the north are immigrant friendly? It would be stupid to stay in a country you obviously feel is beneath your high standards and enlightenment. I'm certain we can get along without you.
So, you're happy that America has become a country of greedy, arrogant bullies run by criminals and outlaws?
As for why I don't move, I'm hoping America will go back to being the great country it once was - the standard bearer for justice and equality.
I'm also too old and too poor to move, a reality you obviously can't comprehend.
Stecoop-what is stopping you? Canada is a very beautiful country with great people and a good economy. They have single payer health care. It is a very modern, clean, technologically literate nation with a good education system. There are no guards or walls at the borders-either on their side or ours. Those that suffer needlessly are called masochists. Why suffer needlessly when our good English/French speaking neighbors to the north are immigrant friendly? It would be stupid to stay in a country you obviously feel is beneath your high standards and enlightenment. I'm certain we can get along without you.
Levis is indeed unpatriotic. I try very hard to buy American. The internet has helped greatly. I buy American-made New balance sneakers ( although most others will spend the same money on cheaply made Nike and Adidas because of the endorsement od some multi-millionaire idol. I buy texan Jeans that are reasonably priced, and American, but the American consumer still goes for the flash. I buy American -content and manufactured cars. I do not hire contractors that use illegal immigrant help. I don't shop at Wal Mart, but people will buy cheap stuff for "price". I don't eat Hershey chocolate of Oreos. rather than complaining, US consumers need to go on-line to see what American products are available, and buy them. Those who spend over 80 bucks on a pair of Nikes are just plain lazy or ignorant. Don't complain if you are part of the problem.
As for Kapaernick, I think he's just mad he's not starting. Up until this summer, and especially when he was a popular starting quarterback who the fans liked, he raised not one peep about the National Anthem. Did this country change over the last four or so months, or did his attitude? They joke that a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged. Is a race warrior a mouse-quiet quarterback who has been benched?
It is inappropriate to characterize legal behavior as patriotic or not patriotic. How "patriotic" someone is just an opinion. We do not fight & die for patriotism... we do it so that we can be governed by a fair and **equitable system of laws. We do it, as Americans, because in our hearts we believe that all men are created equal. And that each person on Earth deserves a fair shot at life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Hitler demanded patriotism. Just saying....
It is but equity, besides, that they who feed, clothe, and lodge the whole body of the people, should have such a share of the produce of their own labour as to be themselves tolerably well fed, clothed, and lodged.
President Obama’s dishonestly promoted TPP/TTIP/TiSA rigged “trade agreements” are “Satanically inspired” (so to speak), because they place corporate profits above all other considerations (like saving lives, protecting our environment, etc.). They are also an outright SCAM, because they amount to a “heads I win, tails the taxpayers lose” business model. ISDS arbitration tribunals can make up their own rules (like the did when they began awarding taxpayer funded damages for “losses of future expected profits”), because they are not accountable to any legislature whatsoever. And rules regarding corruption cannot be enforced on the arbitrators. President Obama is literally attempting to impose a form a “taxation without representation” on US taxpayers (and worldwide) which is downright TREASONOUS! He is GROSSLY VIOLATING his Presidential Oath of Office and deserves to be IMPEACHED and REMOVED FROM OFFICE accordingly!
Legend: If we can still get all the power we need from "clean" sources after eliminating or greatly reducing nuclear power, that is one thing. However, there are environmentalists that want to stop all coal and petroleum use also. I don't believe this can be done without nuclear power sources. At present levels of technology. So far, nuclear power in the US is relatively safe. Reactors need to still be in the grid as part of our energy supply, until new technologies are proven to cost-effective ways to completely replace oli, gas, and nuclear production.
levi's could go back to making the original from Hemp .Better quality longer lasting by far and could be made in America at a tenth of the cost .Hemp could be used for so many products that protect the planet and are sustainable .Unlike Dupont's Hydrocarbon synthetic materials that cost the Earth .
Great Info on Gov. Cuomo's bailout of outdated nuclear plants. Even the original designer of the light water reactor, Alvin Weinberg, only saw them as an interim answer until we found something better. I think he did find something better in the molten salt reactor (MSR), it answers most of the problems we have with current generation reactors and more research needs to be done into these reactors, and btw, this design also would happily burn spent nuclear fuel and decommisioned weapons grade fissile materials down to endpoint, turning tons of spent fuel into a few hundred pounds of short lived (300 years or less) end products, some of which have important applications in science and medicine.
7.6 Billion dollars would push alternatives far and a fraction of that money would go far in advancing the MSR concept which has the potential for eliminating much of the nuclear waste issue, one of the biggest issues of current generation reactors. And BTW, the MSR is a walkaway safe design concept, works at near atmospheric pressures, and operates at higher temperatures which yield a much greater thermal efficiency. It's a concept that deserves more research.
I'll be visiting my state Senator and Assemblyman tomorrow to voice my objection to this use of NYS funds as well as writting the Govener.
Hillary is not likely to do anything that cuts the income for investment banking firms. Look at where the money is coming from for her campaign, and who the donors are to her "foundation." Forget what she says and focus on what she is likely to do.
If you seriously want loopholes closed pick the candidate who the investment banking firms are fighting against, not the one who they own.
Please view my new petition for a national fiber network and share if you like it
Link to Adolph Hitler speeches with English subtitles. Very educational, very alarming. https://archive.org/details/ACollectionOfClipsFromVariousSpeechesByAdolfHitlerWithEnglish
{… a pair of limericks …}
“But I was only jokin’,”
Trump fibs after having mispoken
'bout this and that,
his “jokes” falling flat.
Let’s give his nose a poke in.
… … … …
Through such rhetorical action,
Trump seeks to deceive by distraction
from the obvious {fact} fack
that his campaign is wack, -
- and against our norms an infraction.
13% of the African American population are responsible for 52% of the murders. If black lives matter why isn't organzation protesting in the black community? Why won't they end the violence over gold chains, tennis shoes, drugs, cash.
Support our senior citizens, support the troops, support the veterans!! Honor their service by reducing the defense budget and using those tax dollars to bolster veterans benefits l, housing and community, etc
Why will congress give up their power to create loopholes when granting loopholes to business in return for cash is how they get their campain funds>
Thanks for the history, Thom! I had no idea where this concept came from.
That you never stop at just "enough" on any topic is what makes you the ultimate educator among progressive pundits. Learning from you since the early days of Air America has been a continuous delight.
Thanks also for your immeasurably valuable role in bringing Bernie Sanders into the spotlight. What a difference you made to the world via "Brunch with Bernie".
Bravo, You!
I agree with what Thom says, except he forgot to mention that 39.6% should be 83% (per PIcketty).
The other concern I have is the use of the word loophole. Since there are good loopholes, people might reject them just because someone calls them a loophole.
A prime example of a good loophole is giving a tax credit to corporations that bring jobs back to the US.
For a picture of the need to work certified physician in a licensed doctor, because the risks of the trade. Later, it is important and dull pre-approval and additional paperwork to pay Comp employee medical, health clinics do not have enough employees to work overtime weight loss
"Ahhh," the old rhymer smiled that there is a "SueN," - a colleague in rhyming and in objecting to "sick profits". Sick indeed are such profits.
Our society is really sick
when it costs so much for a pill
A psychopath's not the one to pick
When we are feeling ill
They take our research
And turn it to cash,
Leave us in the lurch
And increase their stash.
Medicine and drugs should be made
by people who really care
And while they ought to be well paid
Sick profits are not at all fair.
They are being phased out. Now if you want them come up with some solutions for the radwaste, safety, and prohibitive cost that would help. No one else has.
The Prestige which Accompanies Greed
{… a rhyme …}
The EpiPen caper shows greed
in proportions unconscionably egregious.
The corporate barons mislead
that it’s Virtuous{!!} that they so much besiege us. -
- “Society’s interests we Very well serve,
so y’awl should pay us what we deserve, -
that we be honored, - upheld as prestigious.”
stecoop 1 America is still the greatest nation on earth. I am a very happy person who has thrived in this country by working hard, getting a good public school and state college education, and battling for my union. i put in the hours on the Railroad with a very diverse group of employees who also succeeded. America, like it has for millions, has provided the opportunity and freedom needed for me to pursue and achieve happiness.
Maybe you could get a go-fund-me account that would give you enough to get to Canada. As I said, a great place.
If you are of golden years and not as strong as you once were, I will caution you: when you get to the border and go North, don't get trampled by all of those trying to emigrate through Canada. ( Canadians are justifiably happy where they are, but there are millions in the world that want to enjoy the opportunities offered.)
I wish you luck, and that your opinion of this great nation changes.
So, you're happy that America has become a country of greedy, arrogant bullies run by criminals and outlaws?
As for why I don't move, I'm hoping America will go back to being the great country it once was - the standard bearer for justice and equality.
I'm also too old and too poor to move, a reality you obviously can't comprehend.
Stecoop-what is stopping you? Canada is a very beautiful country with great people and a good economy. They have single payer health care. It is a very modern, clean, technologically literate nation with a good education system. There are no guards or walls at the borders-either on their side or ours. Those that suffer needlessly are called masochists. Why suffer needlessly when our good English/French speaking neighbors to the north are immigrant friendly? It would be stupid to stay in a country you obviously feel is beneath your high standards and enlightenment. I'm certain we can get along without you.
Levis is indeed unpatriotic. I try very hard to buy American. The internet has helped greatly. I buy American-made New balance sneakers ( although most others will spend the same money on cheaply made Nike and Adidas because of the endorsement od some multi-millionaire idol. I buy texan Jeans that are reasonably priced, and American, but the American consumer still goes for the flash. I buy American -content and manufactured cars. I do not hire contractors that use illegal immigrant help. I don't shop at Wal Mart, but people will buy cheap stuff for "price". I don't eat Hershey chocolate of Oreos. rather than complaining, US consumers need to go on-line to see what American products are available, and buy them. Those who spend over 80 bucks on a pair of Nikes are just plain lazy or ignorant. Don't complain if you are part of the problem.
As for Kapaernick, I think he's just mad he's not starting. Up until this summer, and especially when he was a popular starting quarterback who the fans liked, he raised not one peep about the National Anthem. Did this country change over the last four or so months, or did his attitude? They joke that a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged. Is a race warrior a mouse-quiet quarterback who has been benched?
Another millionaire, has-been athlete, ingrate.
It is inappropriate to characterize legal behavior as patriotic or not patriotic. How "patriotic" someone is just an opinion. We do not fight & die for patriotism... we do it so that we can be governed by a fair and **equitable system of laws. We do it, as Americans, because in our hearts we believe that all men are created equal. And that each person on Earth deserves a fair shot at life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Hitler demanded patriotism. Just saying....
It is but equity, besides, that they who feed, clothe, and lodge the whole body of the people, should have such a share of the produce of their own labour as to be themselves tolerably well fed, clothed, and lodged.
President Obama’s dishonestly promoted TPP/TTIP/TiSA rigged “trade agreements” are “Satanically inspired” (so to speak), because they place corporate profits above all other considerations (like saving lives, protecting our environment, etc.). They are also an outright SCAM, because they amount to a “heads I win, tails the taxpayers lose” business model. ISDS arbitration tribunals can make up their own rules (like the did when they began awarding taxpayer funded damages for “losses of future expected profits”), because they are not accountable to any legislature whatsoever. And rules regarding corruption cannot be enforced on the arbitrators. President Obama is literally attempting to impose a form a “taxation without representation” on US taxpayers (and worldwide) which is downright TREASONOUS! He is GROSSLY VIOLATING his Presidential Oath of Office and deserves to be IMPEACHED and REMOVED FROM OFFICE accordingly!
Legend: If we can still get all the power we need from "clean" sources after eliminating or greatly reducing nuclear power, that is one thing. However, there are environmentalists that want to stop all coal and petroleum use also. I don't believe this can be done without nuclear power sources. At present levels of technology. So far, nuclear power in the US is relatively safe. Reactors need to still be in the grid as part of our energy supply, until new technologies are proven to cost-effective ways to completely replace oli, gas, and nuclear production.
levi's could go back to making the original from Hemp .Better quality longer lasting by far and could be made in America at a tenth of the cost .Hemp could be used for so many products that protect the planet and are sustainable .Unlike Dupont's Hydrocarbon synthetic materials that cost the Earth .
Great Info on Gov. Cuomo's bailout of outdated nuclear plants. Even the original designer of the light water reactor, Alvin Weinberg, only saw them as an interim answer until we found something better. I think he did find something better in the molten salt reactor (MSR), it answers most of the problems we have with current generation reactors and more research needs to be done into these reactors, and btw, this design also would happily burn spent nuclear fuel and decommisioned weapons grade fissile materials down to endpoint, turning tons of spent fuel into a few hundred pounds of short lived (300 years or less) end products, some of which have important applications in science and medicine.
7.6 Billion dollars would push alternatives far and a fraction of that money would go far in advancing the MSR concept which has the potential for eliminating much of the nuclear waste issue, one of the biggest issues of current generation reactors. And BTW, the MSR is a walkaway safe design concept, works at near atmospheric pressures, and operates at higher temperatures which yield a much greater thermal efficiency. It's a concept that deserves more research.
I'll be visiting my state Senator and Assemblyman tomorrow to voice my objection to this use of NYS funds as well as writting the Govener.
{… a rhyme …}
First among worsts of the worst
is The Donald’s coming in first.
Next worse is Hillary’s winning
to Progressives’ dismayed chagrinning.
We’re in for bursts
of worsts and worsts.
[Pronunciations & Meanings]
{… a rhyme …}
Americans pronounce the letter “a”
in “angst” like “thanksed”;
Germans instead the “a” they say
in rhyme with “honksed”.
Either way, society is {tanked} tanksed
by folks gone grouchily {bonkers} bonksed.
… … … …
“Anomie” is pronounced like the “anatomy”
of the mood behind the alchemy
which transforms society’s matter
in ways which cause it to shatter.