So much wisdom as usual. I totally agree with you. We have a chance thanks to the Donald. We could take the presidency, the Senate and the House. But what then? I live in California with some of the richest and poorest communities are just a few miles apart. As far as I know our state government is all liberal but we have done nothing to change your three points. I will be contacting my gov at all levels to discuss this issue now that I see it so clearly. I hate to say it but the Donald and Bernie have shown lights on issues long hidden.
Liberalcensorville, the reason there are so many undocumented immigrants is because of NAFTA. NAFTA destroyed The Mexican economy for peasant farmers and kicked them off their land by the tens of millions. They went to cities looking for work - which didn't have much so they kept going and came up here.
That was fine and dandy with American business salivating over cheap labor. In almost any Latin American country bales of fliers are passed out on street corners and posted on lampposts telling people "Come work in the United States!"
As far as being a racist, you KNOW that if there were no jobs in the United States but there were in Canada you and I would go to Canada and we wouldn't care if it was legal for us to do so or not.
The Democratic Party alienated a lot of people this year, myself among them. I am a progressive who wants to avoid any further encouragement of knee-jerk catering to single-issue groups by Hillary Clinton, Thom Hartmann, all liberal websites, and the media. Regarding illegal immigrants, most of you act like 10 million of them in the U.S. (pick a number-I don't know what it is) is really a good thing. You are in good company-George W Bush feels the same, as does the Chamber of Commerce. Now I am a racist, no doubt, for bringing up a dissenting opinion on a "progressive" website. So, if millions become citizens easily, that should encourage more millions. That sucks, frankly. And where is your disenchantment with African Americans for ushering in Hillary Clinton in the primary and keeping Bernie Sanders out? I don't hear a word about that, either, for fear of upsetting African Americans, no doubt. Many of you have your heads in the clouds. You are losing a lot of people with your nonsense. Try reading Thomas Frank. Just because the GOP ran amok with the Christian Right and the Tea Party, that does not mean Democrats are much better. You better start examining your own motives.
Watching Thom Hartmann show today a few callers brought up the subject of a democratic leaning voter in a sea of Republicans and I hear that all the time from Democrats. We have political candidates in Arkansas that have been intimidated into switching parties for fear of losing their jobs. We have citizens who won't put a bumper sticker on their car for fear of retaliation. People that don't want to put a yard sign up for the same reason, fear. When did it become a bad thing to be a democrat in this state? I'll tell you when, the day the Koch's sent their propaganda front group Americans for (Koch) Prosperity bus into the State back in 2011 to spread their venom. Republicans use fear, hate, racism and intimidation tactics to win elections. As an American who values democracy and American values I refuse to be intimidated by right wing nut jobs who threaten violence if I don't give up my "liberal" ways. Since when is it a crime to be a Liberal Democrat? Democrats in this state are cowing down to the Republican bullies and I won't have it. Stand up for what we believe in and stop caving to the damned bully Republicans. I know this because I am a Democrat in my County and volunteer at our headquarters and have people tell me that all the time. Not all, but way too many.
Coalage1 -- Have you got any quotes of any lies she has told (or links to them). My view of "stretching the truth" is exactly what I was saying. The casual listener hears what she is not saying. That was me on the Bernie and auto bailout discussion at the first debate. I do not believe one can call that lying.
When I listen to HRC, I have to listen to Thom to make sure I do not vote for Trump.
Everything is debatable; just ask Aristotle. I think she has given up thinking. She just repeats what her most trusted advisors tell her. She sounds like a war hawk because that is what her advisors tell her to sound like.
Just another fine example of unregulated monopoly capitalism. While much of the rest of the world is showing us how well Democratic Socialism works, we're still having to deal with the idiocy of $600 dollar EpiPens.
I wonder if an employee in the EpiPen manufacturing plant has needed a pen and died because he or she couldn't afford one? That's how we roll in Merica! Well we know a few EpiPen CEO's are fat and happy anyway.
Unrelated: Why is Clinton letting Dangerous Donny put her on defense? Why aren't the Dems screaming about his up coming court case related to the Trump University scam? Yes, Trump can still be charged with felony fraud. Pence would become President when the verdict is reached. Why aren't the Dems talking about Trump's rape charges? How about his sex maniac advisor Roger Ailes, the biggest scandal since Bill Cosby? How about the thousands of unpaid contractors? Clinton is letting Trump and the media rip her apart.
Offense, Offense, Offense ...the Dems are so damn feeble. It's too late to be polite.
It's not entirely correct to merely blame Big Pharma when Wall St has their hand deep inside Big Pharma's back and is making them jump and speak. It's not the desire to make massive profits on the part of Big Pharma as much as it's the need for them to meet the expectations of "shareholders" and investors who desire ever increasing ROI's. William K. Black describes the dynamic very well:
To over simplify, the only way to get that done in the time required by Wall St. is to massively mark up the prices of existing drugs. New product innovation can't get that done in the very short time required of Big Pharma by their puppet masters.
What needs to happen is we need to make a law that puts politcians in jail when they dont honor their oath. To protect the public. Some pharmacy just bought a canadain pharmacy on the radio i heard this morning. So have santioned companies unless they are competitive and if they are nit invite companies that are to sell to U.S. Distributors only.
Presto Chango! Want to turn Hillary and the establishment Dems into honest Progressives? Treat Bernie Sanders as the new de-facto leader of the Progressive Democratic Party. After all most of us voted for him didn't we, and many of those who voted for Hillary would have voted for Bernie, if they believed he had a chance. The media made sure they didn't think he could win. Now, let's give them a story they can not ignore.
If the only thing the current leadership of the Democratic Party understands is money, so be it! Cut off the current establishment Dems and send OurRevolution ( your political contributions so Bernie can make sure they go to real progressive candidates. And directly support the Progressive Democratic candidates that Bernie backs. Make Bernie the gatekeeper for contributions and the rest of the party will fall in line until they are all real Progressives.
All politicians like to get out in front of a parade and we need to make the Progressive Revolution the biggest political parade they have ever seen.
1 day ago - She's the daughter of US Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV). She finished her BA in political science at West Virginia University (WVU) and was ...
I think it's more that at least some of them just don't care if poor people die. Being unworthy of even being considered worthy of life is I think worse than being hated.
I wonder though how a rich family with a much-loved child with life threatening allergies feels about this story. I would think they would feel the same outrage as the rest of us.
We're all in this mess because the DNC and HRC and a whole bunch of money grubbing cronies cheated, riggged, slanted and staged the Dem Primary to get HRC installed as Candidate. They stole the Primary: it's a fact. They stole it from Sanders: straight up.
Thom, how can you ask whether HRC will 'oppose' the TPP when she has been pushing it all along (look at her damned donors) and she's stacked her 'transition team' with a bunch of die-hard pro TPP corporatists?? Is there some question in your mind as to howw she will "serve" as POTUS? Are you trying to convince us that because she said it, it has some ring of truth, thereby?
Uh, she's not what she says....generally - unless it is convenient to her private needs.
It is the misuse and overuse of the neonics which is causing the problems. Neonics are overused and misused by factory farms, lawn care companies and gardeners causing not only bees but humans to ingest them. Neonics, however, should still be allowed for specific uses. I have worked to save many an eastern hemlock from the wooly adegid infestation that is devastating our hemlock forests. Hemlocks create an entire ecosystem and the loss of the hemlocks means the loss of that entire ecosystem and stream hydrology. Long-term, bio options will be the most beneficial but for now, many of our most prized hemlocks are only still standing because of neonics like imidacloprid.
Not lieing? You dont think she "stretched the truth a little" bit in her response to the FBI email investigation? Come one...even her most die hard supporters have to concede that one. That she is a war hawk is not even debatable.
Coalage1 -- You watch too much Fox news. I think HRC's worst problem is that she cannot lie which is a huge disadvantage in a presidential campaign.
An example of her not lying but sounding like it, is what she said about Bernie's vote on the auto bailout. HRC has been a lawyer too long; similar to Obama.
Her support, or lack of, for TPP (whichever way the political wind blows that day) is not Hillary's biggest problem in getting elected. Her biggest problem is that she is a liar, a conniver, a war hawk, and has possibly gained financially from her time as SOS.
Thom should know very well that Obama has no choice in TPP, agenda 21 or anything else that keeps the NWO on schedule. We can't get to that global, "one world, one currency" and thus fulfill that prophecy about the 'beast' without the agreements that ensure, one world, one international government, one comprehensive surveillance and subsequently one means of ridding the planet of the excessive 6.5 billion. Now can we?
Don't bring up stuff you know neither Obama, Clinton or Trump can deliver or even truly support unless they want to be painfully replaced.
Yes I will be watching Bernie tonight, can't wait!
So much wisdom as usual. I totally agree with you. We have a chance thanks to the Donald. We could take the presidency, the Senate and the House. But what then? I live in California with some of the richest and poorest communities are just a few miles apart. As far as I know our state government is all liberal but we have done nothing to change your three points. I will be contacting my gov at all levels to discuss this issue now that I see it so clearly. I hate to say it but the Donald and Bernie have shown lights on issues long hidden.
Trumpian Saga
{… a rhyme …}
Doggies, the Trumpian saga!!
“Show biz” like Lady Gaga
{’tho’ with less pizzazz
than the Lady has}.
Whole durn’ show he would hog a.
Sewage system he would clog a.
He drags us down into bog a.
Squishes and Squeams
{… a rhyme …}
Political-news continues the themes
of our yuugely stressful nightmare-ish dreams.
Nothing redeems;
no hope here gleams.
One’s churning tummy squishes and squeams*.
… … …
* The rhymer’s license allows
using adjectives as verbs.
Would not disagree with Tom's thesis.
But would add a key factor that needs an honest assessment.
A culture of academic achievement.
Why did Germany and Japan rise from total decimation?
Why are poor US regions forever in poverty despite Great Society money?
Why are the children of poor Asian immigrants working as professionals after
a few generations?
By all means increase funding in the areas Tom mentioned, but realize it will be ineffective without changes in family values.
Liberalcensorville, the reason there are so many undocumented immigrants is because of NAFTA. NAFTA destroyed The Mexican economy for peasant farmers and kicked them off their land by the tens of millions. They went to cities looking for work - which didn't have much so they kept going and came up here.
That was fine and dandy with American business salivating over cheap labor. In almost any Latin American country bales of fliers are passed out on street corners and posted on lampposts telling people "Come work in the United States!"
As far as being a racist, you KNOW that if there were no jobs in the United States but there were in Canada you and I would go to Canada and we wouldn't care if it was legal for us to do so or not.
The Democratic Party alienated a lot of people this year, myself among them. I am a progressive who wants to avoid any further encouragement of knee-jerk catering to single-issue groups by Hillary Clinton, Thom Hartmann, all liberal websites, and the media. Regarding illegal immigrants, most of you act like 10 million of them in the U.S. (pick a number-I don't know what it is) is really a good thing. You are in good company-George W Bush feels the same, as does the Chamber of Commerce. Now I am a racist, no doubt, for bringing up a dissenting opinion on a "progressive" website. So, if millions become citizens easily, that should encourage more millions. That sucks, frankly. And where is your disenchantment with African Americans for ushering in Hillary Clinton in the primary and keeping Bernie Sanders out? I don't hear a word about that, either, for fear of upsetting African Americans, no doubt. Many of you have your heads in the clouds. You are losing a lot of people with your nonsense. Try reading Thomas Frank. Just because the GOP ran amok with the Christian Right and the Tea Party, that does not mean Democrats are much better. You better start examining your own motives.
Watching Thom Hartmann show today a few callers brought up the subject of a democratic leaning voter in a sea of Republicans and I hear that all the time from Democrats. We have political candidates in Arkansas that have been intimidated into switching parties for fear of losing their jobs. We have citizens who won't put a bumper sticker on their car for fear of retaliation. People that don't want to put a yard sign up for the same reason, fear. When did it become a bad thing to be a democrat in this state? I'll tell you when, the day the Koch's sent their propaganda front group Americans for (Koch) Prosperity bus into the State back in 2011 to spread their venom. Republicans use fear, hate, racism and intimidation tactics to win elections. As an American who values democracy and American values I refuse to be intimidated by right wing nut jobs who threaten violence if I don't give up my "liberal" ways. Since when is it a crime to be a Liberal Democrat? Democrats in this state are cowing down to the Republican bullies and I won't have it. Stand up for what we believe in and stop caving to the damned bully Republicans. I know this because I am a Democrat in my County and volunteer at our headquarters and have people tell me that all the time. Not all, but way too many.
Coalage1 -- Have you got any quotes of any lies she has told (or links to them). My view of "stretching the truth" is exactly what I was saying. The casual listener hears what she is not saying. That was me on the Bernie and auto bailout discussion at the first debate. I do not believe one can call that lying.
When I listen to HRC, I have to listen to Thom to make sure I do not vote for Trump.
Everything is debatable; just ask Aristotle. I think she has given up thinking. She just repeats what her most trusted advisors tell her. She sounds like a war hawk because that is what her advisors tell her to sound like.
Just another fine example of unregulated monopoly capitalism. While much of the rest of the world is showing us how well Democratic Socialism works, we're still having to deal with the idiocy of $600 dollar EpiPens.
I wonder if an employee in the EpiPen manufacturing plant has needed a pen and died because he or she couldn't afford one? That's how we roll in Merica! Well we know a few EpiPen CEO's are fat and happy anyway.
Unrelated: Why is Clinton letting Dangerous Donny put her on defense? Why aren't the Dems screaming about his up coming court case related to the Trump University scam? Yes, Trump can still be charged with felony fraud. Pence would become President when the verdict is reached. Why aren't the Dems talking about Trump's rape charges? How about his sex maniac advisor Roger Ailes, the biggest scandal since Bill Cosby? How about the thousands of unpaid contractors? Clinton is letting Trump and the media rip her apart.
Offense, Offense, Offense ...the Dems are so damn feeble. It's too late to be polite.
There is obviously no end to greed. Regulations combat greed.
It's not entirely correct to merely blame Big Pharma when Wall St has their hand deep inside Big Pharma's back and is making them jump and speak. It's not the desire to make massive profits on the part of Big Pharma as much as it's the need for them to meet the expectations of "shareholders" and investors who desire ever increasing ROI's. William K. Black describes the dynamic very well:
To over simplify, the only way to get that done in the time required by Wall St. is to massively mark up the prices of existing drugs. New product innovation can't get that done in the very short time required of Big Pharma by their puppet masters.
What needs to happen is we need to make a law that puts politcians in jail when they dont honor their oath. To protect the public. Some pharmacy just bought a canadain pharmacy on the radio i heard this morning. So have santioned companies unless they are competitive and if they are nit invite companies that are to sell to U.S. Distributors only.
Presto Chango! Want to turn Hillary and the establishment Dems into honest Progressives? Treat Bernie Sanders as the new de-facto leader of the Progressive Democratic Party. After all most of us voted for him didn't we, and many of those who voted for Hillary would have voted for Bernie, if they believed he had a chance. The media made sure they didn't think he could win. Now, let's give them a story they can not ignore.
If the only thing the current leadership of the Democratic Party understands is money, so be it! Cut off the current establishment Dems and send OurRevolution ( your political contributions so Bernie can make sure they go to real progressive candidates. And directly support the Progressive Democratic candidates that Bernie backs. Make Bernie the gatekeeper for contributions and the rest of the party will fall in line until they are all real Progressives.
All politicians like to get out in front of a parade and we need to make the Progressive Revolution the biggest political parade they have ever seen.
Sociopaths of a feather-- Venal CEO Heather Bresch's father is none other than venal, republican loving blue-dog democrat Senator Joe Manchin. ...
DownWithTyranny!: U.S. Senator Joe Manchin's Daughter-- the Next
1 day ago - She's the daughter of US Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV). She finished her BA in political science at West Virginia University (WVU) and was ...
I think it's more that at least some of them just don't care if poor people die. Being unworthy of even being considered worthy of life is I think worse than being hated.
I wonder though how a rich family with a much-loved child with life threatening allergies feels about this story. I would think they would feel the same outrage as the rest of us.
We're all in this mess because the DNC and HRC and a whole bunch of money grubbing cronies cheated, riggged, slanted and staged the Dem Primary to get HRC installed as Candidate. They stole the Primary: it's a fact. They stole it from Sanders: straight up.
Thom, how can you ask whether HRC will 'oppose' the TPP when she has been pushing it all along (look at her damned donors) and she's stacked her 'transition team' with a bunch of die-hard pro TPP corporatists?? Is there some question in your mind as to howw she will "serve" as POTUS? Are you trying to convince us that because she said it, it has some ring of truth, thereby?
Uh, she's not what she says....generally - unless it is convenient to her private needs.
It's just further proof the rich and powerful want poor people to DIE.
It is the misuse and overuse of the neonics which is causing the problems. Neonics are overused and misused by factory farms, lawn care companies and gardeners causing not only bees but humans to ingest them. Neonics, however, should still be allowed for specific uses. I have worked to save many an eastern hemlock from the wooly adegid infestation that is devastating our hemlock forests. Hemlocks create an entire ecosystem and the loss of the hemlocks means the loss of that entire ecosystem and stream hydrology. Long-term, bio options will be the most beneficial but for now, many of our most prized hemlocks are only still standing because of neonics like imidacloprid.
Not lieing? You dont think she "stretched the truth a little" bit in her response to the FBI email investigation? Come one...even her most die hard supporters have to concede that one. That she is a war hawk is not even debatable.
Coalage1 -- You watch too much Fox news. I think HRC's worst problem is that she cannot lie which is a huge disadvantage in a presidential campaign.
An example of her not lying but sounding like it, is what she said about Bernie's vote on the auto bailout. HRC has been a lawyer too long; similar to Obama.
Her support, or lack of, for TPP (whichever way the political wind blows that day) is not Hillary's biggest problem in getting elected. Her biggest problem is that she is a liar, a conniver, a war hawk, and has possibly gained financially from her time as SOS.
Thom should know very well that Obama has no choice in TPP, agenda 21 or anything else that keeps the NWO on schedule. We can't get to that global, "one world, one currency" and thus fulfill that prophecy about the 'beast' without the agreements that ensure, one world, one international government, one comprehensive surveillance and subsequently one means of ridding the planet of the excessive 6.5 billion. Now can we?
Don't bring up stuff you know neither Obama, Clinton or Trump can deliver or even truly support unless they want to be painfully replaced.
As if Stomped
{… a rhyme and an image …}
Not even the biggest, most elaborate thesaurus
lists enough words to describe all the {horrors} horruhs
which pummel our nation
to abject ruination,-
- as if stomped by a cantankerous brontosaurus.
… Image:
Huzzah for Light-hearted Rhymes
{… a rhyme …}
’Tis fun to think up a light-hearted verse
which reverses one’s mood when politics is adverse
to how things OUGHT to be.
Things now are fraught with debris
which clutters our nation, - and it’s fast getting worse.