Monday Aug 22 Thom referred to Clinton as possible "Commander in Chief"...without clarity that a US president is ONLY Commander in Chief of most of the military...not even all of it. Prez may not be CIC of the Coast Guard, for instance, and debate has raged with Repug states about who's CIC of the National Guard..
Top point is that he/she is not/will not be OUR Commander in Chief. We, the People, are collective commanders in chief of the President...and every other government person we've elected, hired, and paid to do the public's legal, legitimate bidding. To just say "the" Commander in Chief omits the integral parts about the military...naturally confirming to many the perverse idea that a president is OUR Commander in, in a dictatorship.
This is a common problem...this "OUR Commander in Chief" thing is almost routine in mainstream media. Please use your forum to put a stop to it.
Third Party Scare: You would have us vote for the party whose president is killing little kids in drone strikes or and selling munitions to Saudi Arabia which does the same. I think that if the middle class would have had the common sense to vote only for third parties to tell both the republicans and democrats that "the people" have had enough we might actually get something done. It's not voting for a third party that continues the killing and destruction of the planet spawned by our two party system.
The US Army even celebrates the death and destruction by placing campaign ribbons on its official battle flag which still carries the 14 ribbons which stand for the 100 years of war against Native Americans from 1790 to 1890. They celebrate the killing of men, woman, and children of different races who might get in the way of profit for the few and the populace lets them get away with it. How sick is that?
God I hate politics so bad !! BUt sadly GOP is and has been toxic for USA, middle class , good jobs, decent wages, pensions, Saving SS & mediare , the disabled, old, sick, mentally ill GOP has NO family values !!! US needs Medicare for ALL / get the greedy billionaires OUT of health care They are driving up insurance costs !!!
Thoms fans I beg you Please tell Obama now NO TPP ask Why is he pushing it so hard ?? People are sick to death of' ' Global partnerships' they SUCK like hell Tell Hillary NO TPP NO bait & switch crap. People do not want Bill as CO President !
I find it extremely ironic that Clinton is currently running anti outsourcing ads on Network TV showing David Letterman exposing Dangerous Don's double dealing on the matter...... And now Obama is going to run a campaign supporting Mike Pence's stance on TPP???? Sorry I have to use this.. ..but WTF? Has Obama made a deal with the devil????
Oh it's just fine to put off a Supreme Court appointee, nobody is making a stir anymore, but The TPP, holy crap, Obama is obsessed....Obama is flat out wrong on this one, and Thom is flat out right....this will bring Clinton down big time, and very likely put Dangerous Don in control of the largest military the world has ever seen.
I would feel a lot better if Sec Clinton would speak out against zero and near zero tariffs. Her objections to the TPP seem to be along the line of not enough money allotted to workers who lost their jobs due to TPP and the corporate tribunal.
Mr Sperling's (an H. Clinton advisor on trade) appearance on Thom's show was not very comforting. He said on the show they are not going to support the TPP unless it helped Americans workers. With that kind of logic, NAFTA and CAFTA would have been supported by Sec. Clinton.
You're missing the big picture: The insurers can't make money because they can't survive competing on price, which is what the exchanges are all about. The lower the price, the smaller the profit, the more they complain, the quicker they exit.
They need a fragmented market place to confuse and charge as much as they want. Crossing state lines just makes it even worse for consumers to negotiate, buying plans they can afford bur won't cover much of anything.
The "peculiar institution" that we know of as American slavery was invented by the democrat party. The party of the old south. The party of the KKK. The party of segregation. The party that sought to keep guns out of the hands of former slaves, so they could not defend themselves, their families and communities against the violent racism of the white democrat party, who burned crosses in the front yards of black citizens and terrorized them. The reason for the 2nd amendment was to prevent such tyrrany. The Republican party was formed to free the slaves. We couldn't envision that the former slaves would be willing slaves to their former masters, the democrats. A sad outcome.
Where are you going to get the stormtroopers who are going to confiscate my guns? The police and military are mostly conservatives. I guess you'll need to raise an army of bed-wetting leftists, 60's burn-outs, college professors, welfare mothers, illegal immigrants, transvestites and femi-nazis. Pardon me if I'm not too worried. Come and take them if you can. You can't.
And then you woke up from your leftist wet dream. There are 300 million-plus weapons in this country and enough rounds of ammunition to fight WWIII 10 times over in the hands of patriots who know their right to self defense comes from nature and nature's God. The police and military for the most part side with them. Good luck, bed-wetter.
"We’re 7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, third in median household income, number four in labor force and number four in exports. We lead the world in only three categories. Number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real and defense spending..."
In Sorkin's honor, here are 25 other things America isn't number one in:
You want to feel as if you are getting great value for your money, even if you are ordering from a restaurant in person. So how do you pay the client, you do not have to sacrifice any aspect of quality for a lower price. Pizza Take Out Boca Raton
Well, Tom, you hit just about ALL my buttons with this introductory topic today. Although I don't live there anymore, I am a 4th generation northern Californian (also born in 1951) who noticed the sad decline of the Monarchs, in particular, before I left California in 1996. I am also the Design and Production Manager for The Natural Areas Journal published by a 501(C3) non-profit organization called the Natural Areas Association (NAA) - an organization formed in 1978 that includes professionals in the various interrelated fields as well as volunteers working as government and NGO land and resource managers, biologists, ecologists, naturalists, researchers, land trusts, educators and students, and others who care about environmental conservation and the management of natural areas. We address and focus on research, issues and opportunities that are shaping land protection and land management in the natural areas field, academia, or conservation in our academic, scholarly, international flagship publication. I am currently in the final throws of finishing a very special issue of our Journal - a first for us - that will come out the end of September that is being sponsored by the US Forest Service and is completely dedicated to "Pollinators." I also do technical editing for The Journal, which means before I can do the fun "artsy" layout and design of each article, I read it for technical and formatting issues. This issue has been an incredible eye-opener for me in terms of how so much of what we do impacts and relates to pollinators ... I tend to think immediately of bees and butterflies, but there are others.
In conjunction with climate change, the use of vast arrays of chemicals we pour onto the land (whether farm or orchard crops, pasturelands, forests, streams, or roadsides – rural or urban), our practices have impacted species in so many complex, multi-faceted ways that we need to think 'outside the box' for solutions to the catastrophic problems we've created. We also need to think in multi-faceted terms about our solutions – but up until now, we have really only been addressing the problems, each as it presents itself, as 'single-issues' much like the way we farm in neat, tidy, sterile mono-cropped rows: we don't seem to be comfortable with diversity, or at least, it doesn't seem to come naturally! Yet, diverse thinking really is key to the answers we so desperately need for these VERY complex issues we've created (and, I'm afraid, at a level of complexity very few of us really appreciate or even understand - and, even the professionals in the fields are just learning this!).
When we look at the looming extinction of a species, we tend to think in terms of 'oh my gosh - I have to go save a whale or a spotted owl!' rather than, 'what are the other factors impacting the species and also causing problems in tandem AND what can I do to change THOSE things thatwouldactually make a difference, rather than running out and building a big tank to drop a whale into so I can "save" it' and maybe one or two others ... or chain myself to a tree to keep it from being cut down to save an owl's home! We think of extinction almost on a ‘one-of or two-of’ type issue.... again, we need to be thinking in extreme diversity and complexity! … just like nature herself.
In the case of bees and butterflies that migrate, we have just begun to look at the ways our specific targeting of let's say an eyesore weed to kill (i.e., milkweed, for example) has decreased the ready supply of food (pollen) that is a particular, favored plant. Combine it with another externality, climate change, and you remove the majority of the plants from existence by having sprayed with toxic chemicals; now you have a more toxic plant that is trying to migrate itself to outside a given geographic territory to survive the onslaught, if it can (some can't!) AND blooming and producing pollen for our pollinators a few weeks too early or too late. So, you have not only REMOVED the food source from the food chain in general (and our bees and butterflies, specifically), you have made what smaller amounts of that food source that still DO remain, toxic, and to add insult to injury, climate change has caused those few remaining, somewhat toxic plants to bloom earlier than usual ... they are now no longer in sync with any migrating pollinators. Some of those pollinators who come along to feed and, in the process, help the plants migrate into a geographic region more suitable to their preferred climate (the ’new’ normal), won't be there when they need to be... even MORE die off of the plant in question, which will cause more loss of pollinators who benefit from the plants being there and blooming at a given, critical time. A vicious circle has just been created … but, weren't we talking about bees and butterflies?
If you are on a path to save Monarchs, for example, you can obtain a little kit and put a dozen in your garden and watch them form cocoons and hatch out and you have 'saved a few Monarchs from extinction' - a temporary but delightful, educational experience for us all, but especially for children. I mean, let's face it: who among us doesn't LOVE watching a fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar crawling around or a glorious butterfly landing on your nose! When that same dozen Monarchs, ones you raise .... your babies from your garden, head out into the bigger, wider world to join larger migrations, they are going to find that their favorite foods, like the above milkweed example, have been destroyed to 'get rid of those pesky, ugly old weeds' and the few who survived that onslaught are now toxically blooming a few weeks ahead of schedule. So, by the time your Monarch babies arrive, there isn't any food for them to continue their migration and they die enroute! We don't think in complex, multi-faceted terms, that might view that 'ugly weed' as something a little more valuable than just an eyesore to us humans… but it obviously means everything to those Monarchs! Everything we do from building a dam, a town, a road, a subdivision, or even a single building... down to picking a flower, cutting a tree, or walking on the few native Prairie grasses remaining, has an effect. Thinking about our actions gives new meaning to “the Butterfly Effect!”
If you can spare the time, I’d love to see a plug for our journal – and newsletter – and website - memberships are available and quite affordable, too! If you’d like to learn more, anyone can purchase this upcoming special issue by contacting NAA headquarters at, calling 541-317-0199, or writing to NAA, 115 NW Oregon Ave., Suite 114, Bend, Oregon 97701. It is DEFINITELY supporting not only a 'good' cause, but one vital to our survival.
Thanks for all you do, Tom. I never miss your shows .... :-)
Thomm, since you had a informative discussion on the native American fight on the pipe line, I was curious if you ever listen to the Jay Winter Nightwolf show on WPFW (89.3 FM)? His show, which he bills as the most dangerous show on radio, focuses on the plight of native Americans. Also, since he's local, you may be able to book him for a discussion on your show.
Ungesicherte schlechte Kredit-Darlehen kann für die Anleihe bis zu £ 25.000, ohne die Sicherheit erhalten werden. Also, man hat keine Risiken in diese Kredite aufzunehmen. Aber der Zinssatz kann höher sein, und die Laufzeit der Rückzahlung ist kurz. kleinkredit ohne schufa
So if I have this right a financial company can contrive some sort of financial 'gimmick' and no single nation will be able to say no, unless all member nations agree to say no together, and of course the chances of all member nations agreeing to stop the excesses of a financial company are slim to none.
Thinkle may Peep
{… 1.40 limericks …}
Trump is a sociopath
deserving our anger and wrath, -
- yet concerning this creep,
some thinkle may peep
{{ - yet concerning this fink,
some people might think }}
that this jerk is on the right path.
Hugely Meager
{… 1.40 limericks …}
They think he’s a yuugely-Big Leaguer,
‘tho’ Trump is instead yuugely meager.
He’s not enuff
for presidential stuff. …
… Yet he’ll huff and puff
that he’s ruff and tuff,
so his fan-club is yuugely eager.
Social Security is going bankrupt?
The kid makes no sense!
Study up lad.
Read: Social Security Works
Monday Aug 22 Thom referred to Clinton as possible "Commander in Chief"...without clarity that a US president is ONLY Commander in Chief of most of the military...not even all of it. Prez may not be CIC of the Coast Guard, for instance, and debate has raged with Repug states about who's CIC of the National Guard..
Top point is that he/she is not/will not be OUR Commander in Chief. We, the People, are collective commanders in chief of the President...and every other government person we've elected, hired, and paid to do the public's legal, legitimate bidding. To just say "the" Commander in Chief omits the integral parts about the military...naturally confirming to many the perverse idea that a president is OUR Commander in, in a dictatorship.
This is a common problem...this "OUR Commander in Chief" thing is almost routine in mainstream media. Please use your forum to put a stop to it.
Third Party Scare: You would have us vote for the party whose president is killing little kids in drone strikes or and selling munitions to Saudi Arabia which does the same. I think that if the middle class would have had the common sense to vote only for third parties to tell both the republicans and democrats that "the people" have had enough we might actually get something done. It's not voting for a third party that continues the killing and destruction of the planet spawned by our two party system.
The US Army even celebrates the death and destruction by placing campaign ribbons on its official battle flag which still carries the 14 ribbons which stand for the 100 years of war against Native Americans from 1790 to 1890. They celebrate the killing of men, woman, and children of different races who might get in the way of profit for the few and the populace lets them get away with it. How sick is that?
God I hate politics so bad !! BUt sadly GOP is and has been toxic for USA, middle class , good jobs, decent wages, pensions, Saving SS & mediare , the disabled, old, sick, mentally ill GOP has NO family values !!! US needs Medicare for ALL / get the greedy billionaires OUT of health care They are driving up insurance costs !!!
Thoms fans I beg you Please tell Obama now NO TPP ask Why is he pushing it so hard ?? People are sick to death of' ' Global partnerships' they SUCK like hell Tell Hillary NO TPP NO bait & switch crap. People do not want Bill as CO President !
It is possible that Obama sincerely believes TPP is good for the US.
Or, it may be there are large financial gains for trumpeting the corporate cause.
Politicans lie so well its difficult to guess their real motives.
I find it extremely ironic that Clinton is currently running anti outsourcing ads on Network TV showing David Letterman exposing Dangerous Don's double dealing on the matter...... And now Obama is going to run a campaign supporting Mike Pence's stance on TPP???? Sorry I have to use this.. ..but WTF? Has Obama made a deal with the devil????
Oh it's just fine to put off a Supreme Court appointee, nobody is making a stir anymore, but The TPP, holy crap, Obama is obsessed....Obama is flat out wrong on this one, and Thom is flat out right....this will bring Clinton down big time, and very likely put Dangerous Don in control of the largest military the world has ever seen.
I would feel a lot better if Sec Clinton would speak out against zero and near zero tariffs. Her objections to the TPP seem to be along the line of not enough money allotted to workers who lost their jobs due to TPP and the corporate tribunal.
Mr Sperling's (an H. Clinton advisor on trade) appearance on Thom's show was not very comforting. He said on the show they are not going to support the TPP unless it helped Americans workers. With that kind of logic, NAFTA and CAFTA would have been supported by Sec. Clinton.
You're missing the big picture: The insurers can't make money because they can't survive competing on price, which is what the exchanges are all about. The lower the price, the smaller the profit, the more they complain, the quicker they exit.
They need a fragmented market place to confuse and charge as much as they want. Crossing state lines just makes it even worse for consumers to negotiate, buying plans they can afford bur won't cover much of anything.
The "peculiar institution" that we know of as American slavery was invented by the democrat party. The party of the old south. The party of the KKK. The party of segregation. The party that sought to keep guns out of the hands of former slaves, so they could not defend themselves, their families and communities against the violent racism of the white democrat party, who burned crosses in the front yards of black citizens and terrorized them. The reason for the 2nd amendment was to prevent such tyrrany. The Republican party was formed to free the slaves. We couldn't envision that the former slaves would be willing slaves to their former masters, the democrats. A sad outcome.
Where are you going to get the stormtroopers who are going to confiscate my guns? The police and military are mostly conservatives. I guess you'll need to raise an army of bed-wetting leftists, 60's burn-outs, college professors, welfare mothers, illegal immigrants, transvestites and femi-nazis. Pardon me if I'm not too worried. Come and take them if you can. You can't.
And then you woke up from your leftist wet dream. There are 300 million-plus weapons in this country and enough rounds of ammunition to fight WWIII 10 times over in the hands of patriots who know their right to self defense comes from nature and nature's God. The police and military for the most part side with them. Good luck, bed-wetter.
Aaron Sorkin's The Newsroom premiered last night and everyone is talking aboutprotagonist Will McAvoy's tirade on how America isn't the greatest country in the world:
"We’re 7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, third in median household income, number four in labor force and number four in exports. We lead the world in only three categories. Number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real and defense spending..."
In Sorkin's honor, here are 25 other things America isn't number one in:
As go the bees and the butterflies, so go humanity.
You want to feel as if you are getting great value for your money, even if you are ordering from a restaurant in person. So how do you pay the client, you do not have to sacrifice any aspect of quality for a lower price. Pizza Take Out Boca Raton
Trumpsters. Phffoott^%xxx!!
{… a rhyme …}
News-reports report
that things get {worse}wuss-&-{worse}wuss
when Trump-supporters cavort.
We others {curse}cuss-&-{curse}cuss,
and hope that the Trumpsters abort.
================================ need to add Pam to your 'team' of technical advisors.
I will be contacting NAA to get a copy of the special issue that she mentions.
Hello Professor!
Well, Tom, you hit just about ALL my buttons with this introductory topic today. Although I don't live there anymore, I am a 4th generation northern Californian (also born in 1951) who noticed the sad decline of the Monarchs, in particular, before I left California in 1996. I am also the Design and Production Manager for The Natural Areas Journal published by a 501(C3) non-profit organization called the Natural Areas Association (NAA) - an organization formed in 1978 that includes professionals in the various interrelated fields as well as volunteers working as government and NGO land and resource managers, biologists, ecologists, naturalists, researchers, land trusts, educators and students, and others who care about environmental conservation and the management of natural areas. We address and focus on research, issues and opportunities that are shaping land protection and land management in the natural areas field, academia, or conservation in our academic, scholarly, international flagship publication. I am currently in the final throws of finishing a very special issue of our Journal - a first for us - that will come out the end of September that is being sponsored by the US Forest Service and is completely dedicated to "Pollinators." I also do technical editing for The Journal, which means before I can do the fun "artsy" layout and design of each article, I read it for technical and formatting issues. This issue has been an incredible eye-opener for me in terms of how so much of what we do impacts and relates to pollinators ... I tend to think immediately of bees and butterflies, but there are others.
In conjunction with climate change, the use of vast arrays of chemicals we pour onto the land (whether farm or orchard crops, pasturelands, forests, streams, or roadsides – rural or urban), our practices have impacted species in so many complex, multi-faceted ways that we need to think 'outside the box' for solutions to the catastrophic problems we've created. We also need to think in multi-faceted terms about our solutions – but up until now, we have really only been addressing the problems, each as it presents itself, as 'single-issues' much like the way we farm in neat, tidy, sterile mono-cropped rows: we don't seem to be comfortable with diversity, or at least, it doesn't seem to come naturally! Yet, diverse thinking really is key to the answers we so desperately need for these VERY complex issues we've created (and, I'm afraid, at a level of complexity very few of us really appreciate or even understand - and, even the professionals in the fields are just learning this!).
When we look at the looming extinction of a species, we tend to think in terms of 'oh my gosh - I have to go save a whale or a spotted owl!' rather than, 'what are the other factors impacting the species and also causing problems in tandem AND what can I do to change THOSE things that would actually make a difference, rather than running out and building a big tank to drop a whale into so I can "save" it' and maybe one or two others ... or chain myself to a tree to keep it from being cut down to save an owl's home! We think of extinction almost on a ‘one-of or two-of’ type issue.... again, we need to be thinking in extreme diversity and complexity! … just like nature herself.
In the case of bees and butterflies that migrate, we have just begun to look at the ways our specific targeting of let's say an eyesore weed to kill (i.e., milkweed, for example) has decreased the ready supply of food (pollen) that is a particular, favored plant. Combine it with another externality, climate change, and you remove the majority of the plants from existence by having sprayed with toxic chemicals; now you have a more toxic plant that is trying to migrate itself to outside a given geographic territory to survive the onslaught, if it can (some can't!) AND blooming and producing pollen for our pollinators a few weeks too early or too late. So, you have not only REMOVED the food source from the food chain in general (and our bees and butterflies, specifically), you have made what smaller amounts of that food source that still DO remain, toxic, and to add insult to injury, climate change has caused those few remaining, somewhat toxic plants to bloom earlier than usual ... they are now no longer in sync with any migrating pollinators. Some of those pollinators who come along to feed and, in the process, help the plants migrate into a geographic region more suitable to their preferred climate (the ’new’ normal), won't be there when they need to be... even MORE die off of the plant in question, which will cause more loss of pollinators who benefit from the plants being there and blooming at a given, critical time. A vicious circle has just been created … but, weren't we talking about bees and butterflies?
If you are on a path to save Monarchs, for example, you can obtain a little kit and put a dozen in your garden and watch them form cocoons and hatch out and you have 'saved a few Monarchs from extinction' - a temporary but delightful, educational experience for us all, but especially for children. I mean, let's face it: who among us doesn't LOVE watching a fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar crawling around or a glorious butterfly landing on your nose! When that same dozen Monarchs, ones you raise .... your babies from your garden, head out into the bigger, wider world to join larger migrations, they are going to find that their favorite foods, like the above milkweed example, have been destroyed to 'get rid of those pesky, ugly old weeds' and the few who survived that onslaught are now toxically blooming a few weeks ahead of schedule. So, by the time your Monarch babies arrive, there isn't any food for them to continue their migration and they die enroute! We don't think in complex, multi-faceted terms, that might view that 'ugly weed' as something a little more valuable than just an eyesore to us humans… but it obviously means everything to those Monarchs! Everything we do from building a dam, a town, a road, a subdivision, or even a single building... down to picking a flower, cutting a tree, or walking on the few native Prairie grasses remaining, has an effect. Thinking about our actions gives new meaning to “the Butterfly Effect!”
If you can spare the time, I’d love to see a plug for our journal – and newsletter – and website - memberships are available and quite affordable, too! If you’d like to learn more, anyone can purchase this upcoming special issue by contacting NAA headquarters at, calling 541-317-0199, or writing to NAA, 115 NW Oregon Ave., Suite 114, Bend, Oregon 97701. It is DEFINITELY supporting not only a 'good' cause, but one vital to our survival.
Thanks for all you do, Tom. I never miss your shows .... :-)
Pam Overholtzer, Moscow Idaho
Thomm, since you had a informative discussion on the native American fight on the pipe line, I was curious if you ever listen to the Jay Winter Nightwolf show on WPFW (89.3 FM)? His show, which he bills as the most dangerous show on radio, focuses on the plight of native Americans. Also, since he's local, you may be able to book him for a discussion on your show.
Ungesicherte schlechte Kredit-Darlehen kann für die Anleihe bis zu £ 25.000, ohne die Sicherheit erhalten werden. Also, man hat keine Risiken in diese Kredite aufzunehmen. Aber der Zinssatz kann höher sein, und die Laufzeit der Rückzahlung ist kurz. kleinkredit ohne schufa
Soon He’ll have Went
{… 1.40 limericks …}
We’ll rejoice when it’s over with, spent, -
- Trump’s run for pres-i-dent.
How much we resent
his ego’s advent,
his id’s intent,
the evil he meant.
We’ll be glad when soon he’ll have {gone} went.
the Verb, “to trump up"
{… a rhyme …}
The Donald person-i-fies
the verbs, “to fudge, to trump up”.
He ain’t got no {bona fides} bona fies.
He wins the Liars Cup,
and he wins the Blue {Ribbon} Ribbin
for Unconscionable Fibbin’.
Poli Sci 101
{1.40 Limericks}
Here’s how politics works:
√ Both parties replete with jerks.
√ Duties they shirk
and √ in Shadows they lurk
furtively in murk,
while √ Constituents they irk
by giving the Rich their perks.
Warmth’s Harmth
{… a rhyme …}
Things warmeth.
This harmeth.
July broke records; - our earth’s getting warm.
Many a rainy or dusty {storm} starm.
Oceans are rising ‘way 'bove their {norm} narm.
It looks like maybe we done bought the farm.
Fossil fuels have done lost their charm.
So if I have this right a financial company can contrive some sort of financial 'gimmick' and no single nation will be able to say no, unless all member nations agree to say no together, and of course the chances of all member nations agreeing to stop the excesses of a financial company are slim to none.
They know they've made us virtualy powerless so they're just having a laugh!