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  • Full Show 8/29/16: Did Bill Maher Find Trump’s Tax Returns?   8 years 26 weeks ago

    Trump’s Rhetoricians

    {… a rhyme and an image …}

    Trump’s rhetoricians:

    Raucus renditions

    and noxious emissions

    of Trumpian positions, -

    - hence juxtapositions

    with sense even sanity:

    Jones, Bannon, Hannity.

    … Image:


  • Goldman Sachs domination...Global Coup d'etat?   8 years 26 weeks ago

    It is possible to make masks with a photo process so you could print the initial(s) with a computer font and send off for to have the mask made or buy the supplies, but I never go it into that and don't know the costs and details.

    chanel button ring

  • Colin Kaepernick isn’t Unpatriotic, Levi’s Is   8 years 26 weeks ago

    huuuuh? I've never heard a right winger complain about that????? , elimination of the fairness doctine????..wonder why????

    .........T J was right...a bone stupid voting populous equals a country that will never see a real democracy. Mars help us!

  • Colin Kaepernick isn’t Unpatriotic, Levi’s Is   8 years 26 weeks ago

    Fairness Doctrine: Required broadcast licenses to both present controversial issues in honest, equitable and balanced ways. Eliminated in 19 fnnnn 87!!!!!!

  • Colin Kaepernick isn’t Unpatriotic, Levi’s Is   8 years 26 weeks ago

    just saying and hanging reality out there

  • Colin Kaepernick isn’t Unpatriotic, Levi’s Is   8 years 26 weeks ago

    Trump will win based on what the corspe media is doing right now...trying to make it a close race.....I'm currently working over my local board of elections regarding digital voting, and it's obvious that digital voting is built in election fraud ...everyone must question this...if the election is only within five points in favor of Clinton, Trump will win....I'v'e went over this many times with my friends who hack.

  • Colin Kaepernick isn’t Unpatriotic, Levi’s Is   8 years 26 weeks ago

    I'll tell you what is unpatriotic...a presidential candidate who tells the citzens he's against free trade, but turns around and picks a tea bag religious nut who is entirely for it....but hey, the media won't bring up a dichotomy like that. The fascist press is about to lead us into nuclear holocaust, and I'm not being bombastic....fear is real now! Dangerous Donny called for a hit on Hillary and everyone forgets it.....WTF!

  • Colin Kaepernick isn’t Unpatriotic, Levi’s Is   8 years 26 weeks ago

    The Reader Supported News article "The National Anthem Is a Celebration of Slavery" points out that the third verse of the Star Spangled Banner is HIGHLY RACIST as was its author, Francis Scott Key (who himself was a slave owner). Interestingly, that article points out that it was the United States Government's (President Madison's) attempt to militarily annex Canada into the Untied States that STARTED the US War of 1812 which among other things resulted in the British sacking Washington DC (including the Whitehouse).

    I highly recommend you read that article, because it reveals A LOT that has been omitted from our history books.

  • Colin Kaepernick isn’t Unpatriotic, Levi’s Is   8 years 26 weeks ago

    Years ago, 1970's, a Canadian named Gordon Sinclair wrote and published a song called "The Americans"; it was about his frustration and shame at all the 'America-bashing' by other countries, including Canada, that was happening at that time.

    I used to enjoy listening to that song when it would come up on the playlist, feeling proud to be an American, but now, I'm so ashamed of what America has become, I just skip over that song.

    Yeah, I wish I could move to Canada, Australia, or New Zealand.

  • Colin Kaepernick isn’t Unpatriotic, Levi’s Is   8 years 26 weeks ago

    I am a California native and was brought up wearing Levis. 501's are now made in Egypt and Haiti. Cost $39.99 and are rarely on sale. They do not hold up like they use to. But I still like the fit.

    Shipping our jobs overseas has been the biggest crime in America. If Levis shuts down a factory of 1000 employees. 1000 lose their jobs. 1000 in another country get jobs. We lose the property tax. We lose the income tax. The CEO is the only one that makes money out of the deal. We do not even make tariffs on the imported goods. Our inner cities are cesspools of crime because we do not have manufacturing jobs.

  • Nuclear Plant Has Been Leaking For Four Years   8 years 26 weeks ago

    There will be another accident at a nuclear power plant. It is a matter of where and when. They completly contaminated a huge government radwaste facility in New Mexico last year. Very little publicity. This will cost at least $2 billion. This is really stupid. They used organic kitty litter instead of mineral in a 55 gallon drum of moist plutonium waste. The kitty litter absorbs liquid. The organic kitty litter fermented. The barrel blew up, spreading the plutonium through the ventilation system. The said that it could not happen at Fukushima. We melted TMI unit 1. We have had 5 other close calls that could have destroyed reactors. We have no place to store or process radwaste. This is after 50 years of commercial operation. Dr J ignored deaths from uranium mining. We are shutting down nuclear and coal plants and you still have your AC. What are you complaining about?

  • Daily Topics - Monday August 29th, 2016   8 years 26 weeks ago

    Good show. I'm glad you provided an interpretation of Trump's comments. We've needed this for a long time. Unfortunately our news media does not do any kind of meaningful analysis of anything said by politicians. If it's not the horse race the media does not care.

  • Nuclear Plant Has Been Leaking For Four Years   8 years 26 weeks ago

    When you compare the number of actual deaths due to petroleum and coal extraction, refining, transportation, and use, versus those caused by nuclear energy (save Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where the purpose was different), the numbers vastly favor nuclear energy. There is also the viewpoint that Japan's involvement in World War II was directly related to their desire for oil, much like the USA's involvement in the Middle East since President Pappy Bush. How many lives did all that cost?

  • Nuclear Plant Has Been Leaking For Four Years   8 years 27 weeks ago

    Elinor roosevelt: So what is your solution to meeting our energy demands in the future? If you eliminate fossil fuels and nuclear power plants, do yoy really believe windmills can pick up all the slack? Or do you want us to without air conditioning, keep the house at 62% in the Winter, and drive tiny little electric cars that have little effective range and are very uncomfortable?

    My suggestion is to have the environmental hair-shirters put their money where their mouts are so to speak. Go to town on solar and wind power, increase hydroelectric power where possible, and reduce fossil fuel and nuclear power production "one for one" with "clean' energy production.

    Of course, since that won't happen in the near future, or maybe ever, these same environmentalistswill then start talking about significant "lifestyle changes " that they say are "needed" to eliminate fossil fuels and nuclear plants.

    I'm all for clean energy, but I'm not willing to completely eliminate fossil fuels and nuclear power until "clean" energy is able to produce supplies adequate to maintain a comfortable existence.

  • Tuesday 23 August '16 show notes   8 years 27 weeks ago

    Diese Darlehen sind grundsätzlich kurzfristig Kredite und sind an die Bevölkerung unter drei Hauptkategorien von Zahltag Darlehen angeboten, prüfen Darlehen und latente Anzahlung Scheck Darlehen. Heute sind mehrere Kreditnehmer diese Hilfe nutzen ihre Schulden zu begleichen, zahlen ihre wegen Stromrechnungen und die Kosten für zu Hause reparieren oder Studiengebühren zu kontrollieren. schufa freier kredit

  • Nuclear Plant Has Been Leaking For Four Years   8 years 27 weeks ago

    The Titanic was unsinkable!

  • CEO's Putting Profits Before Country Are Un-American   8 years 27 weeks ago

    2950-10k ... I'm not sure what your response has to do with my comments. I believe I said that I believe in taxes, and pay plenty of taxes. I did not comment on whether or not my taxes were too high. My sole comment on taxation was that I grumbled about people voting to increase taxes who pay no taxes. I also commented that there is money wasted by the government from time to time and I don't think that can really be disputed.

    That said ...

    There are states which do not have a state income tax and they have found that this is an effective tool for luring business. Similarly, there are COUNTRIES that have found that lowering tax rates is an effective tool for luring business. If you want more of something you create an attractive environment. America needs more jobs. If you really want to lift people out of poverty give them a job. Or, if all you really care about is their vote, you put a chicken in every pot and then forget them.

    We need a President who understands how business operates, and is focused on bringing jobs back to America. Hillary is at best paying lip service to this issue. Trump is 100% onboard to doing what it takes to bring back jobs from overseas.

    I am not arguing for lower taxes. Lowering taxes is only one tool out of many that can be employed to bring jobs back to America. (Eg. China builds factories on behalf of their companies) Ultimately the bills need paid and there must be taxes. But ... if you look at the complete picture, we need to be creatively thinking about what we can do to bring back money from overseas, and bring back jobs from overseas. As Thom has mentioned, tariffs is another arrow in the quiver. Those are definitely part of the plan, but we need both a carrot and a stick to get the job done.

    I hear your concern that this election is about the rich trying to cut taxes, or complain about the level of taxes. All I can say is, "I haven't said that" and "I don't remember Trump saying that." And, in fact, Trump made a comment early on which was that he thought taxes could use boosting, and he has backpedaled on that more recently. But, I always believe it is more important to see what people said before they were in the public eye rather than after they are running for office. Hillary is now anti-investment banker, and anti-TPP -- but, what do you really think she is? Trump is now anti-Obamacare and anti-tax increase -- but, what do you think he really is? My long term opinion on Trump is that he believes in health care for all, and that bills must be paid (and that we may need to spend outselves out of this hole). Dig deep and I think you'll agree. I think you'll also find he has a long healthy relationship with unions. Study his companies and you'll find women and all ethic groups in positions of power. Dig deep and I think you'll be surprised by all you learn.

    My two cents...

  • Full Show 8/26/16: LePage Calls Colleague a “Socialist Cocksucker”   8 years 27 weeks ago

    Ripped into Tatters

    {… a rhyme …}

    America is doing her Own un-doing,

    while the rest of the world up too she is screwing.

    Troubles are bubbling, troubles are brewing

    while pols cockamamie have us all stewing

    and ripped into tatters

    over stupid matters

    best left to Mad Hatters.


  • IRS being sued for ignoring tax-exempt churches' political activities   8 years 27 weeks ago

    "Re-reading because it popped up as a FB memory.

    3-years later, I agree with Palindromedary.

    """bobbler: on the other hand...perhaps, one's worst enemy is the one hidden behind what you thought was a ally. Just follow the money-political trail and see how they act...not what they say."""

    Well said. I find myself voting green the selection, against a zombie army of peer pressure to vote for Hillary. Vote for Hillary because will get trump. But Hillary's 5000 paid Internet trolls have demonized Trump to equal Hitler. With so much mud slinging on both sides I don't feel like I know anything about trump (if the argument is valid to vote for Hillary because will get trump). Frankly I don't see how he could be worse than the other Republicans. Hillary as a Democrat has fallen below the threshold where I can't hold my nose anymore. We may lose an election, but we are fighting and then I ideological war against conservatives ( that spans multiple election cycles) . And an avalanche of Democrats started migrating green, it would either change the Democratic Party from within, or the green party would start to become a viable party.

  • Nuclear Plant Has Been Leaking For Four Years   8 years 27 weeks ago

    Greed counteracts common sense

  • Full Show 8/26/16: LePage Calls Colleague a “Socialist Cocksucker”   8 years 27 weeks ago

    He Grumbles

    {… a rhyme …}

    Thunder rumbles

    and rainfall tumbles,

    while the old man grumbles

    that everything is crumbling

    while pols are fumbling,


    stumbling, -

    - and pundits are just mumbling.


  • Full Show 8/26/16: LePage Calls Colleague a “Socialist Cocksucker”   8 years 27 weeks ago

    Donald the Horrid

    {… a rhyme and an image …}

    Horridly horrid

    in pronouncements so torrid

    which spew so meanly

    from lips pooched obscenely

    through a complexion so florid

    under his pompadoured forehead.

    … Image:


  • Full Show 8/26/16: LePage Calls Colleague a “Socialist Cocksucker”   8 years 27 weeks ago

    Reproaches for Roaches

    {… a limerick …}

    As from woodwork come out the foul roaches,

    the nasty Alt-Right encroaches

    so’s the election to poach

    for The Donald their coach.

    Their encroachment deserves our reproaches.


  • Full Show 8/26/16: LePage Calls Colleague a “Socialist Cocksucker”   8 years 27 weeks ago

    Emperor’s Clothes

    {… a rhyme and an image …}

    Dear Mister Trump:

    What do you propose?

    Please clarify. What?

    Are we to suppose

    that you know doodly-squat?

    Please disclose

    whether it’s X or not.

    {Or is Emperor’s clothes

    all that you’ve got?}

    … Image:


  • CEO's Putting Profits Before Country Are Un-American   8 years 27 weeks ago

    leave before you're forced to flee

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