Savvmut, I don't know about Melania's past visa status. My strong suspicion is that if she was an 'illegal' at some point it would be national headlines coast to coast. As to Melania posing nude I seriously doubt anyone cares. Bill Clinton was elected in the midst of serious allegations from more than one woman that he was a rapist. Be it right or wrong, Americans vote based on issues other than the sex lives of the candidates or their wives.
Of course that's Hilllary's plan.. Just like her stinking Teen Screen.. She wants every single man, woman and child in the world on drugs because she's in bed with the drug industry. My God, Thom. It's so painful and embarrassing hearing you constantly shill for the Clintons. When I read the title of your piece, I thought you were gonna get into Mrs. Clinton's mental health problems. Get a grip, man. Pull yourself together, please.
This is great! I love when the progressive left is finally looking at reality. We are screwed for four years no matter who wins. Both of these offerings suck! HRC is the most arrogant lier ever! Trump is a joke and given the opportunity to be POTUS, he will fail as he does not realize that governing is not like being a CEO of a for profit corporation. The only hope we have is to be sure that the congess and the administration are on opposite sides of the fence. Four years of NOTHING getting done. Then we should fire all 545 humans that control the future of 300,000,000 citizens then start over with rational, intelligent humans. And of course stop the money flow into elections. Like the UK. 6 weeks, all free media, no lobbyists. No Corp Citizens. Just my dream.............!
Nope, I am afraid you are wrong and, I am happy to say, that Thom is right: "Trump has zero substance." Regarding your retort to this: "This is not completely accurate. Trump's position on immigration is quite clear. He is against illegal immigration." What about the space of time in 1995 when his future wife was busy involved in girl-on-girl frontal nude modeling? She boasted that she always made sure to exit the country to keep her VISA valid. However, this is not necessary with a working VISA, but it is under a travel VISA. So, while spitting vile verbiage about them, he's actually married to one! I call that a man with zero substance and a warped set of morals. And besides, would you actually want that to be First Lady, with such a sorted past? My God, you don't even have to have an imagination.
Not so "very wonky stuff".....1 The employee free choice act, 2 raise the cap, 3 single payer/public option, 4 end citizens united, 5 end free trade. All of these items are supported by the vast majority, both informed as well as misinformed citizens.
Hillary must win by a landslide, or just like Bush twice, election fraud will put dangerous Donny in charge of the largest military the planet has ever seen. She better become like Bernie very quickly or all is lost.
Everybody missed Trump's flip flop on privatization of the VA...very strange?
All I can say about Trump's policy for America is by how he's behaved in the past; not distant past - current past. He stiffs people out of money - people who have worked hard for him (and he's STILL doing it!). He pays his own companies for many of his campaign costs they've billed to him. And he's made and held onto money with which he has enriched himself and his family by buying companies, raping the retirement funds and as many other assets as possible, then files bankruptcy. If given AMERICA to oversee, how many trillions more will he run up here and find ways to enrich himself and his family and their respective companies before he gets his cronies in Congress to authorize the U.S.A. to file for bankruptcy in the World Court?!
The Bern has done a disservice to the Green Party by not endorsing its platform let alone Jill instead of the $hillary and dead-demo's whopping it up to beat Drumpfster, rather much two flips of the oligargic coin it's so disgustingly corrupt baldly for the world to see I cringe and can't believe it.
Worst of all we declare war and air-space supremecy from Syrian dirt supporting the vermin beheading folks along with our allies in Yemen for air-time drama such were the Romans skilled at these public atrocities.
Oh, we bomb hospitals, they're in the way of getting the "terrorists", eh?
How advanced can we get, drones are under precise control, eh?
Wanna' buy an F-35 we have a special going this week only ... step right this way --->>
The real mental health problem in this country is in Washington. We The People should require that our leaders pass a thorough mental health exam before they can run for office. Washington has so many paranoid-schizophrenics and psychopaths now it's a wonder anything gets done...oh, wait, that's right...nothing is getting done!
It seems to be the purpose to diminish the female candidate as much as possible. Hillary has been criss-crossing the country but all we hear is that she has not given a press conference in 270 days. Matt Lauer talks over her (how many women can relate to that) and it is the filly against a stallion horse race not a campaign to win the presidency.
His Republican California, Arizona, Florida farmers and fruit growers would absolutely go broke if they were not using illegals to plant, maintain and harvest their crops. Does one think that he would actually think that was a good thing. Not really. Besides who do you think could afford to buy all of their vegetables and fruit from foreign sources.
Thom said, "Unlike Clinton, he [Trump] has zero substance whatsoever. I mean, it's not even clear what his stance is on immigration - one of the top two or three issues that helped make his campaign."
This is not completely accurate. Trump's position on immigration is quite clear. He is against illegal immigration. There is some shifting on his position regarding who would be deported and how quickly, but this is just part of his style. He begins all negotiations with a position well beyond where he plans to settle and then lets the other side push him back one point at a time. Remember the New York Times leaked conversation with Trump. He opened the kimono just a bit to them and they burnt him for it.
It is also important to note that he is new to politics. Like it or not, much of America sees this as a good thing. He hasn't yet internalized that saying something preposterous and then starting the negotiation is not historically how things have been done when running for office. I don't think anyone ever actually thought he was really planning on sending trucks door to door to round up illegals and drive them to the border. Similarly, I'd swear that deep down he knows that Mexico won't pay for the wall. But .. if you want to win a negotiation, that's where you start, and then you take what you can get.
Bottom line: Trump's positions are clear. But, deliberately exaggerated. I suspect that as people figure out that he is making broad directional statements, which will later be tempered by reality, they'll come to like him much better.
I see it as a positive. Trump goes into the discussion with a mindset of "here's my goal, and here's my position, now, let's find something in the middle we can live with." Whereas currently what we have are republicans and democrats who draw lines in the sand and won't talk to each other long enough to seek a win-win for all. On those few occasions where someone has tried to reach across the aisle (think Ryan on immigration) they have been vilified by their own party. Washington needs a culture change. I'm betting Trump can change the culture.
On-airAlex: your guest is not a stage prop. Ask a question an stop so that she can speak.She is there because she knows stuff. Find out what she knows that you don't.
10 k. Trump has a business to run. It is much more profitable to manufacture over seas so that is what he has to do. I sincerely believe Trump will change the rules to bring those jobs back to America. Clinton won't. She is in bed with big corporations.
Permit this bit of history: - 1980s textbooks warned undergrads that such a degree of corporate-controlled news was in the offing {f’rinstance, the textbook I used in teaching the general-ed poli-sci course}. Poli-sci had been noting this and related problems for many years previously {I myself noticed it in academics-literature beginning in the early ‘70s}.
Kend: wow...what the hell are you thinking? Trump won't even bring his own manufacturing back to this country.... I have some cheap ocean front for sale in Kansas if you're interested.
A full half of our population can't come up with an emergency $400 for a car repair right now. If Obama and the Teapublic Party think more free trade will ease the tension building within a disaffected population like that, they're sadly mistaken. Trump exists because the media offered him to bewildered victims of free trade, just as ISIS exists because DICK and George's war for profit cost them their jobs. ISIS gives us a glimpse of what disaffected citizens are capable of.
The term Barbarian Hordes might even be on the light side for what is coming if we're unable to stop the multinationals and their fascism right now.
I've tried to understand just what hypothetical advantage the US gets from the TPP and it seems rooted in a sort of cold war mentality that if can just draw a ring around China and claim the Pacific with trade then we will have made a bulwark against China's steady ascent to the world's most powerful economy. TPP boosters seem to believe that if the US just gives multinational corporations whatever they want, to the point of treating our own workforce like another third world nation, then we will succeed somehow in limiting China's economic power and that we won't end up like Great Britain when the United States assumed dominance a century ago. My sense is that this simply won't work, and American workers will lose even more.
It won't work because China and Eurasia are already developing a vast overland system of transportation and commerce going through China, Russia, Iran, the Stans and Eastern Europe. Our navy in the Pacific won't mean squat, and many of the potential TPP nations can also get in on this. It can't be stopped, and the TPP is mostly a 'hail mary' pass that will miss the mark. It's time this country moved away from mindless consumerism and started to make things here again, even if it means having less 'things.'
Savvmut, I don't know about Melania's past visa status. My strong suspicion is that if she was an 'illegal' at some point it would be national headlines coast to coast. As to Melania posing nude I seriously doubt anyone cares. Bill Clinton was elected in the midst of serious allegations from more than one woman that he was a rapist. Be it right or wrong, Americans vote based on issues other than the sex lives of the candidates or their wives.
Of course that's Hilllary's plan.. Just like her stinking Teen Screen.. She wants every single man, woman and child in the world on drugs because she's in bed with the drug industry. My God, Thom. It's so painful and embarrassing hearing you constantly shill for the Clintons. When I read the title of your piece, I thought you were gonna get into Mrs. Clinton's mental health problems. Get a grip, man. Pull yourself together, please.
savvmut - The "that" you are referring to is a human being
Kindly quote your source(s) of information
You could be gossiping!
This is great! I love when the progressive left is finally looking at reality. We are screwed for four years no matter who wins. Both of these offerings suck! HRC is the most arrogant lier ever! Trump is a joke and given the opportunity to be POTUS, he will fail as he does not realize that governing is not like being a CEO of a for profit corporation. The only hope we have is to be sure that the congess and the administration are on opposite sides of the fence. Four years of NOTHING getting done. Then we should fire all 545 humans that control the future of 300,000,000 citizens then start over with rational, intelligent humans. And of course stop the money flow into elections. Like the UK. 6 weeks, all free media, no lobbyists. No Corp Citizens. Just my dream.............!
Nope, I am afraid you are wrong and, I am happy to say, that Thom is right: "Trump has zero substance." Regarding your retort to this: "This is not completely accurate. Trump's position on immigration is quite clear. He is against illegal immigration." What about the space of time in 1995 when his future wife was busy involved in girl-on-girl frontal nude modeling? She boasted that she always made sure to exit the country to keep her VISA valid. However, this is not necessary with a working VISA, but it is under a travel VISA. So, while spitting vile verbiage about them, he's actually married to one! I call that a man with zero substance and a warped set of morals. And besides, would you actually want that to be First Lady, with such a sorted past? My God, you don't even have to have an imagination.
The digital voting machines are very easily manipulated at the local level in the battleground states!
Not so "very wonky stuff".....1 The employee free choice act, 2 raise the cap, 3 single payer/public option, 4 end citizens united, 5 end free trade. All of these items are supported by the vast majority, both informed as well as misinformed citizens.
Hillary must win by a landslide, or just like Bush twice, election fraud will put dangerous Donny in charge of the largest military the planet has ever seen. She better become like Bernie very quickly or all is lost.
Everybody missed Trump's flip flop on privatization of the VA...very strange?
All I can say about Trump's policy for America is by how he's behaved in the past; not distant past - current past. He stiffs people out of money - people who have worked hard for him (and he's STILL doing it!). He pays his own companies for many of his campaign costs they've billed to him. And he's made and held onto money with which he has enriched himself and his family by buying companies, raping the retirement funds and as many other assets as possible, then files bankruptcy. If given AMERICA to oversee, how many trillions more will he run up here and find ways to enrich himself and his family and their respective companies before he gets his cronies in Congress to authorize the U.S.A. to file for bankruptcy in the World Court?!
The Bern has done a disservice to the Green Party by not endorsing its platform let alone Jill instead of the $hillary and dead-demo's whopping it up to beat Drumpfster, rather much two flips of the oligargic coin it's so disgustingly corrupt baldly for the world to see I cringe and can't believe it.
Worst of all we declare war and air-space supremecy from Syrian dirt supporting the vermin beheading folks along with our allies in Yemen for air-time drama such were the Romans skilled at these public atrocities.
Oh, we bomb hospitals, they're in the way of getting the "terrorists", eh?
How advanced can we get, drones are under precise control, eh?
Wanna' buy an F-35 we have a special going this week only ... step right this way --->>
The real mental health problem in this country is in Washington. We The People should require that our leaders pass a thorough mental health exam before they can run for office. Washington has so many paranoid-schizophrenics and psychopaths now it's a wonder anything gets done...oh, wait, that's right...nothing is getting done!
The best thing Hillary could do for the mental health of this country is withdraw
from the election.
Even if you think she is less terrible than Trump, can you believe a word out of her
It seems to be the purpose to diminish the female candidate as much as possible. Hillary has been criss-crossing the country but all we hear is that she has not given a press conference in 270 days. Matt Lauer talks over her (how many women can relate to that) and it is the filly against a stallion horse race not a campaign to win the presidency.
There is no substance to any of clintoris' empty promises/lies. I would have voted for her if not for that.
His Republican California, Arizona, Florida farmers and fruit growers would absolutely go broke if they were not using illegals to plant, maintain and harvest their crops. Does one think that he would actually think that was a good thing. Not really. Besides who do you think could afford to buy all of their vegetables and fruit from foreign sources.
Thom said, "Unlike Clinton, he [Trump] has zero substance whatsoever. I mean, it's not even clear what his stance is on immigration - one of the top two or three issues that helped make his campaign."
This is not completely accurate. Trump's position on immigration is quite clear. He is against illegal immigration. There is some shifting on his position regarding who would be deported and how quickly, but this is just part of his style. He begins all negotiations with a position well beyond where he plans to settle and then lets the other side push him back one point at a time. Remember the New York Times leaked conversation with Trump. He opened the kimono just a bit to them and they burnt him for it.
It is also important to note that he is new to politics. Like it or not, much of America sees this as a good thing. He hasn't yet internalized that saying something preposterous and then starting the negotiation is not historically how things have been done when running for office. I don't think anyone ever actually thought he was really planning on sending trucks door to door to round up illegals and drive them to the border. Similarly, I'd swear that deep down he knows that Mexico won't pay for the wall. But .. if you want to win a negotiation, that's where you start, and then you take what you can get.
Bottom line: Trump's positions are clear. But, deliberately exaggerated. I suspect that as people figure out that he is making broad directional statements, which will later be tempered by reality, they'll come to like him much better.
I see it as a positive. Trump goes into the discussion with a mindset of "here's my goal, and here's my position, now, let's find something in the middle we can live with." Whereas currently what we have are republicans and democrats who draw lines in the sand and won't talk to each other long enough to seek a win-win for all. On those few occasions where someone has tried to reach across the aisle (think Ryan on immigration) they have been vilified by their own party. Washington needs a culture change. I'm betting Trump can change the culture.
On-airAlex: your guest is not a stage prop. Ask a question an stop so that she can speak.She is there because she knows stuff. Find out what she knows that you don't.
10 k. Trump has a business to run. It is much more profitable to manufacture over seas so that is what he has to do. I sincerely believe Trump will change the rules to bring those jobs back to America. Clinton won't. She is in bed with big corporations.
The Apotheosis of Nastiness
{… a rhyme …}
As if by osmosis
thru his membranes’ mucus
seeps Trump’s psychosis
as if to rebuke us
for tolerating his brain’s necrosis
when he raises such a snotty {ruckus} rewkus.
He’s nasty phlegm’s apotheosis.
We blanch-faint-wretch-gag-puke-cuss.
Not a Chance
{… a rhyme plus images …}
‘Will you vote for candidate Trump?”, they were polled.
My, how they grimaced, - how their eyes rolled
as they glanced askance
and said “Not a chance”.
These ladies The Donald had trolled,
but they wouldn’t let themselves be cajoled.
… Images:
Permit this bit of history: - 1980s textbooks warned undergrads that such a degree of corporate-controlled news was in the offing {f’rinstance, the textbook I used in teaching the general-ed poli-sci course}. Poli-sci had been noting this and related problems for many years previously {I myself noticed it in academics-literature beginning in the early ‘70s}.
I agree that T-rump will do nothing good for trade.
I just wonder why he is the only one say that zero or near-zero tariffs are bad.
The people who think very low tariffs are good include Bill Maher and John Oliver.
Kend: wow...what the hell are you thinking? Trump won't even bring his own manufacturing back to this country.... I have some cheap ocean front for sale in Kansas if you're interested.
A full half of our population can't come up with an emergency $400 for a car repair right now. If Obama and the Teapublic Party think more free trade will ease the tension building within a disaffected population like that, they're sadly mistaken. Trump exists because the media offered him to bewildered victims of free trade, just as ISIS exists because DICK and George's war for profit cost them their jobs. ISIS gives us a glimpse of what disaffected citizens are capable of.
The term Barbarian Hordes might even be on the light side for what is coming if we're unable to stop the multinationals and their fascism right now.
Donald is the best negotiator. Just look how he got Mexico's president to agree to pay for his wall.
I've tried to understand just what hypothetical advantage the US gets from the TPP and it seems rooted in a sort of cold war mentality that if can just draw a ring around China and claim the Pacific with trade then we will have made a bulwark against China's steady ascent to the world's most powerful economy. TPP boosters seem to believe that if the US just gives multinational corporations whatever they want, to the point of treating our own workforce like another third world nation, then we will succeed somehow in limiting China's economic power and that we won't end up like Great Britain when the United States assumed dominance a century ago. My sense is that this simply won't work, and American workers will lose even more.
It won't work because China and Eurasia are already developing a vast overland system of transportation and commerce going through China, Russia, Iran, the Stans and Eastern Europe. Our navy in the Pacific won't mean squat, and many of the potential TPP nations can also get in on this. It can't be stopped, and the TPP is mostly a 'hail mary' pass that will miss the mark. It's time this country moved away from mindless consumerism and started to make things here again, even if it means having less 'things.'