Recent comments

  • If Trump becomes prez - will he build a wall & throw everyone out who is not a citizen?   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Not only farming but think of all that undocument immigrants do, yard work, domestic jobs, construction work and so on. No one had better doubt that a large amount of immigrants are paid under the table for the work they do. Think of the extra costs to numerous buisnesses that will have to hire legally. These buisness owners are the reasons numerous undocumentented immigrants have come to the USA. This is why the current laws on the books that would of stopped this long ago has been so weakly enforced. You know it is part of the FREE MARKET concept of the GOP. They cannot enforce the laws without angering a huge number of their base.

  • Why Won't the Media Push Back Against Liar Think Tanks and Experts?   8 years 24 weeks ago

    How do we combat media bias, to wit, CNN is campaigning against Hillary now, citing emails 'lied about'.

  • How Does It Help America to Vilify Russia?   8 years 24 weeks ago

    My God! Are these two people even real? There are so many analogies to prewar boobism in this conversation, that it makes my brain sick and my spine tingle! Don't these two hydebound idiots understand that it's useless to negotiate with someone who's sticking a shiv into Europe's back? Someone who denies that he invaded a country even the medals and shoulder patches on the 'little green men" clearly indicate what RF unit they're from?

    And it's a false equivalency they present when they compare Russia's "crony corrupt oligarchical capitalism" with America. We don't kill our journalists here, or arrest them phony charges! Anyone who is a journalist in Russia working Exo Moskvy, Commerzant like Alex Venediktov or Julia Latynina deserves a medal too! As did Anna Politkovskaya!

    Tom, you pride yourself on debating the other side all the time. Stop sucking up to Cohen and VandenHeuvel, and have a real conversation with Timothy Snyder, Anne Applebaum, Alexander Motyl. At least they've been to the region (Ukraine) and not on some Baldai Mountains junket like you pal and her husband there!

    Come on Tom! Lets have one of your famous debates with the other side!

    Or will your bosses at Russia Today allow you to do that?

  • Why Won't the Media Push Back Against Liar Think Tanks and Experts?   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Kend nailed it right from the start. Hostile interviews make people uncomfortable. It's all a magic show with the main ingredient being misdirection. Do viewers want to know Hillary's detailed solution for fixing Social Security, or, why she fell? Most headlines are about trivial issues. Hard issues are usually dry and not very entertaining.

  • Full Show 9/13/16: Yep, Trump Supporters Definitely Deplorable   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Abhorably Deplorable

    {… a limerick …}

    Trumpsters include the “deplorable”

    and others who aren’t adorable.

    If she scolds them more,

    we’ll hear more uproar

    from Trumpians tending abhorable.


  • Why Won't the Media Push Back Against Liar Think Tanks and Experts?   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Did anyone watch Lawrence O'Donnell? Not only is speaking the truth of Native Americans, the history and the unspoken lies Americans want to ignore or deny! Tonight he called Trump a liar asked the very same question Tom posed, why isn't the media not calling Trump a liar! It was great!

  • Why Won't the Media Push Back Against Liar Think Tanks and Experts?   8 years 24 weeks ago

    I have a better suggestion Tom. Just stop watching them. They only have the power we allow them to. We're not victims here. I stopped watching corporate media over 20 years ago. I now listen to KPFK, read the nation, etc...

    It's really not that difficult to just turn it off and put your energy into people sponsored media and products.

  • Why Won't the Media Push Back Against Liar Think Tanks and Experts?   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Corp run media has NO credibility with few exceptions. Hillary gets sick and its on 24 /7 Trump makes threats to wage war with Iran - lies- has erratic, irrational, rants But media does NOT challenge Trump what WIMPS inc Lauer Shameles media hacks CNN WE do not care about highly paid ' commentater' or their opinions Cover The ISSUES War, low wages, jobs, gas prices, education cuts, SS cuts, disabled cuts, old, sick rotting in nursing homes staffed by under paid people Lost pensions by millions Trumps numerous LIES DO YOUR JOBS - NOT SUCK UP TO TRUMPS RANTS & BS & DANGEROUS COMMENTS

  • Why Won't the Media Push Back Against Liar Think Tanks and Experts?   8 years 24 weeks ago

    We need a non profit media outlet that is entirely funded by the taxpayers and only contains speeches and interviews with our elected reps. The amount of time given for the billionaire party propaganda would be equal to the amount of time given to progressives like Bernie who only want to communicate the truth.

    This would draw all citizens, both the foxmerized, and enlightened, and with that, a real possibility that the misinformed would get exposure to the truth. At the end of each day there could be a non partisan segment doing fact checking, and thus the whip would finally come down on the propagandists. Easy access to this outlet on all forms of devices would be crucial.

    Then I woke up! Oh well.

  • Why Won't the Media Push Back Against Liar Think Tanks and Experts?   8 years 24 weeks ago

    There was an interesting phenomena discussed by a panel on the Diane Rehm show the day after the "Commander In Chief" forum or whatever: People can pick Hillary Clinton apart on her policies or her record or her e-mail foibles because there's something there to pick at. Many, many times Donald Trump's pronouncements are pure fantasy or based on pure fantasy and it's like trying to pick apart a cloud of smoke--there's no substance to say anything about or to call into question. I believe you're right, though, his feet should be held to the fire anyway. If there's no substance to his pronouncements, that should be pointed out and he should be hounded for details until he provides them or until it is clear that he doesn't know what he's talking about and never did. That's a journalists job even if it's not easy or pleasant.

  • Why Won't the Media Push Back Against Liar Think Tanks and Experts?   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Oh! And, there's more!

  • Why Won't the Media Push Back Against Liar Think Tanks and Experts?   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Donald Gibson's Battling Wall St is an excellent historical review of Kennedy's economic policies. Thom's argument appears to be factually correct, but Gibson's account shows that the Kennedy economic policy was part of a coherent, far-reaching regime intended to give direction to industrial economics rather than finance. The major point is that he was an enemy to the financial interests of the Eastern establishment, such as Steve Forbes who appears to have reviewed Kudrow's book on Amazon, and the assassination cover-up was implemented by those enemies to protect those interests. The fact that we have to debate this, or dispute this, at this point shows how successful they were. Gibson's book deserves high praise, here.

  • Why Won't the Media Push Back Against Liar Think Tanks and Experts?   8 years 24 weeks ago

    I would like to see an impartial team of Doctors give a complete physical exam to both presidental candiates and publish the results. The physicals need to take place before the first debate.

  • Why Won't the Media Push Back Against Liar Think Tanks and Experts?   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Personally, I don't think the Mainstream Media is that concerned about making profits from their media outlets. Otherwise, Thom and other progressive reporters and radio hosts would still be on a large number of stations that they were removed from in favor of Sports Talk shows and other shows with zero ratings.

    The Mainstream Media is really nothing more than a CORPORATIST NEWSLETTER. If profits can be made; so much the better. But the real money is made elsewhere, in the defense industry, chemicals, "Big Pharma" and so on. But controlling the message is the big reward of media ownership and all of mainstream media is owned by a few multi-national copporations.

    I keep hearing that the media reports favor Trump over Hillary because they want to see a horserace for better ratings. I don't believe it. The people that own the media are the same as Trump. They are equally ideologically invested in the Trumpian mind-set of greed, arrogance and power.

    If Trump was way ahead in the polls they would be jumping up and down with unrestrained joy and reporting exactly the same way they are now. Their goal is to bury the Progressive Movement and destroy the Constitutional government and establish an oligarchy.

    The truth about the credibility of the Mainstream Press, or lack there of, became patently clear throughout the entire Bush administration as the Mainstream Press gleefully waltzed us into the Iraq war. Not to mention ignoring the endless disastrous policies, crimes and misdemeanors of the previous administration.

    Make no mistake about it; for them, making profits off of the media can be a nice by product of their propaganda machine, but the real treasure they crave is much, much bigger.

  • Why Won't the Media Push Back Against Liar Think Tanks and Experts?   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Good point about the money.

    Why is Tom so surprised about the soft interveiws?

    He knows that news is just a branch of the entertainment business.


  • Why Won't the Media Push Back Against Liar Think Tanks and Experts?   8 years 24 weeks ago

    The late, GREAT Tim Russert would have slayed Mr. Trump, taken Mrs. Clinton in some respects to task for any deviations, and would have put Matt Lauer and for certain, Mr. Ludlow to shame. He always did his homework.

    Tim Russert was the researcher's mentor. He always had well-documented facts and clips/sound bites of previous interviews to substantiate whatever he was taking any of them to the woodshed about.

    When Tim Russert unexpectedly passed away at just 58 years old in 2008, he left a void in truthful, indepth interviews for which I fear will never be seen again. Those kinds of high standards appear to be "off limits" to this unenlightened age of ofadvanced technology.

  • Electing Trump to Stop Corruption is Like Smoking to Cure Cancer   8 years 24 weeks ago

    What puzzles me is the repeated notion of a POTUS to be "qualified"?

    Where are these "qualifications" documented?

    Kindly explain!

    I thought it was all about the MONEY

  • Why Won't the Media Push Back Against Liar Think Tanks and Experts?   8 years 24 weeks ago

    No one in the media will hold anyone accoutable because if they did they would never get a interview with any of them again. Its a business. They need interviews to make money. said but true.

  • Full Show 9/12/16: Bernie Joins Pipeline Fight. Hillary Still Silent   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Hillary has the more Cred

    {… a rhyme …}

    About her health and Foundation’s wealth,

    Hillary displays her furtive stealth.

    And the Donald’s deceitful,

    his wordings quite cheatful.

    AND SO:

    We the Peeps

    have durn’ little clue

    as to which of these creeps

    in THESE ways will do.


    We DO know that Hill’s got ‘way more cred

    than The Donald can squeeze from his rotten orange head.


  • Electing Trump to Stop Corruption is Like Smoking to Cure Cancer   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Comparing Trumps business "bribes" to Hillary's "pay to play" schemes would be like Hannibal Lector complaining someone eats too much red meat.

    Buying influence as a businessman is far more benign than selling influence as a politician or Secretary.

    One hundred million dollars of income to the Clintons after they left the White House "broke", for mostly giving "speeches" to corporations and foreign business leaders goes far beyond the pale in terms of quand the "erasing"estionable ethics. Add to that the e-mail scandal and the erasures, and I think that questioning Trumps business deals to show corruption is hippocritical at best, a red herring at least.

  • Electing Trump to Stop Corruption is Like Smoking to Cure Cancer   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Sorry Pastor. After what Clinton said about hard working working Republicans yesterday to her elite donors I have lost all respect for her. The Clinton's alway do the same thing. Lie, lie again by saying they didn't lie, and then deflect and You fall for it. I am not saying Trump is perfect, he is far from it. I think he is right what do you have to lose. It is getting harder and harder for low and middle income Americans to get by under the old establishments. Maybe it is time for a change.

  • Full Show 9/12/16: Bernie Joins Pipeline Fight. Hillary Still Silent   8 years 24 weeks ago

    The News Ruins our Day

    {… a rhyme …}

    Today seemed okay at first,

    but then its glories dispersed

    as news-reports splattered

    and battered and shattered

    the hopes we’d naïvely nursed

    that imminent dangers

    might somehow reverse, …

    … that smart game-changers

    might do the obverse. - - -

    - - - But no. Alas.

    √ We read of Trump’s sass,

    √ of the nuclear impasse,

    √ and of the ISIS morass,

    √ and suchlike, et cetera, and so forth.

    Troubles will forever go forth.


  • Electing Trump to Stop Corruption is Like Smoking to Cure Cancer   8 years 24 weeks ago

    DEMOCRACY IS NOT A JOKE...many have died for representative government, including some of my ardent " we the people" 18th century ancestors. Why have so many forgotten that timeless enlightenment truth?????

  • Electing Trump to Stop Corruption is Like Smoking to Cure Cancer   8 years 24 weeks ago

    No more Democratic Party timidity, I'm so sick of playing defense LAWSUIT CHARGES DONALD TRUMP WITH RAPING A 13 YEAR OLD.....and I'm sure he's done far worse!

  • Electing Trump to Stop Corruption is Like Smoking to Cure Cancer   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Thank you Thom for pointing out that Donny is part of the FASCIST ESTABLISHMENT!.....Government to the highest billionaire bidder!!!! if we could only get that info out to those Teabaggers who think they're taking back their government from the liberals...lmao

    Trump gives a nod to the gun nuts to shoot Hillary and that dissapears like he fffnnn never said it. The press today is all over Clinton for telling the truth about Don's supporters....guys like David Duke.....but hey, the fascist media has a lot to loose if Citizens United gets repealed, all those billions at democracy's expense....Thom you and most of us on this blog know why the CORPSE MEDIA will defeat Clinton at any cost.

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