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  • Why the Media is About to Deliver Us Into Trump's Hands   8 years 23 weeks ago

    MSM Radio Newspapers all owned by huge powerful Corps NO one looks out for we the people any longer. 'News' is now a huge money maker ' Trump plays the media like a violin . Trump quote ' I give money so when I call They kiss my A $$ ! '

    When a man tells you who- what he is BELIEVE HIM !!! Erratic, irational , vengeful, quick to lose it ' lack of critical thinking skills... his constant bragging reveals ' Visions of grandeur ' ( a mental disease ) Trump says he knows more than Generals or anyone ! People have been kissing his fat butt so long- he believes he is ' invincible' .

    Beware of WW 3 if Trump wins GOP war mongers will have his ear Cheney Newt Karl Rove Tom Delay McConnell, Pense who admires CHENEY ! and wimpy Ryan

  • Why the Media is About to Deliver Us Into Trump's Hands   8 years 23 weeks ago

    Thanks, Thom, for your critique of the MSM and their obvious attraction to the "newsy" Trumpster (contraction of "Trump" and "huckster"). They are lavishing in the increased ratings from their ongoing adoration of Trumpisms. However, the fertile ground from which this idiocratic media has arisen, is the utter disinterest of the bulk of "middle Americans" in anything even vaguely resembling education. We have become a trained audience, living vicariously through one "reality" show and "sporting" event after another, with the same unquestioning tranced attention. The average American barely reads one book a year. The History Channel has almost no programming on any historical event. Thank God, for those of us who have somehow preserved our curiosty and love of learning, for RTTV, LinkTV, FSTV, and CCTV. I have always listened to BBC and CBC for an outside perspective on American political and other news, rather than accepting the pablum of American MSM. The fascist American political system has essentially shut down the free flow of honest reportage and most Americans seem to have lost the capacity to discriminate truth from propaganda. Thank you for your heroic efforts to keep the discussion of important topics going, although we'll never see you on the MSM. Education is the core issue and the power elite knows it. Thus, their undermining of public education and substitution of "job training", in order to control the mass mind and "train" the next generation of unquestioning worker bees. But, then, how much training is really necessary to flip hamburgers?

  • Why the Media is About to Deliver Us Into Trump's Hands   8 years 23 weeks ago

    Clear analysis of the money reality by Tom.

    The first step to forming a successful plan is knowing the game.

    It begs the question for progressives:

    "how to be outragenous enough to attract eyeballs to the media and profits to their coffers?


  • Elizabeth Warren Demands FBI Director - Why DOJ Didn’t Prosecute Banksters? Will They Ever be Prosecuted?   8 years 23 weeks ago

    The fbi will go after the banksters slum, when the American people get rid of the obstructive GOP, and the money's they receive from the banks, period.

  • We Still Practice Human Sacrifice in America and Why and How......   8 years 23 weeks ago

    The article is not in the Atlantic; it is from the other side of the Atlantic, in the UK Independent newspaper.

  • Climate Denier Conspirator Exposed In Unhinged Moment   8 years 23 weeks ago

    Uh, so where's the part with the "unhinged" denier?

    Thumbs-down for misleading title.

  • New Genus Of Bacteria Found In Fracking Wells   8 years 23 weeks ago

    Donny got the star break on his home...lmao!

  • New Genus Of Bacteria Found In Fracking Wells   8 years 23 weeks ago

    FYI: I've got reliable info that the IRS is not looking into Donny's returns! He's just balking! He's not worth a god damn penny is what is coming thru.

  • New Genus Of Bacteria Found In Fracking Wells   8 years 23 weeks ago

    2950-10K -- There are Democratic Socialist countries among first world countries. As you say, I do not think any of them have that degenerate kind of bacteria. However, they do have an active marketplace driven by supply and demand. They also have capitalism. What they did not have was the Powell Doctrine and the degenerate oligarchs. It seems we need to fight the oligarchs and not capitalism.

  • New Genus Of Bacteria Found In Fracking Wells   8 years 23 weeks ago

    Guess what....that bacteria wouldn't exist in wells if we had a socialist economy, and I'll tell you why. The biggest lie ever told was that if you give the already rich all of the remaining wealth it will trickle down into the pockets of the suckers, the "teabaggers"! The second biggest lie ever told....socialism means nobody will be motivated to work!

    That last lie works for a capitalist slackard who wants to make money off the backs of desperate workers who want to eat and raise a family, but it's just an all out fffnnn lie. Democratic Socialism beneifits all in a manner that would eliminate the possibility of comtaminated wells. We the People would own the energy sector and thus guard against self annihilation. This is final proof that capitalism is an archaic form of economic sustainability!!!!!!

  • New Genus Of Bacteria Found In Fracking Wells   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Not to worry... The Creator has built within nature a process to correct for mans arrognance to corrupt the natural environment. The Caveat: This process to restore its natural balance has a negative side effect, in that mankind may not survive the correction that nature will implement. Mankind's quest for greed will be his own doing.

  • New Genus Of Bacteria Found In Fracking Wells   8 years 24 weeks ago


  • New Genus Of Bacteria Found In Fracking Wells   8 years 24 weeks ago

    We only have one earth and we are destroying it as fast as we can.....all in the name of money.

  • Are Experts Right on Household Income Going Up?   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Your guest, Mark W. did not answer your question you asked about "household income" v. "wages." You were talking oranges and he was talking apples. As a matter of fact he directly contradicted your position and you did not challenge him.

  • Full Show 9/15/16: Hey Obama, Time to Pardon Snowden!   8 years 24 weeks ago

    The Rightwing’s Infection

    {… a rhyme …}

    Trump looses the infection,

    and out squirts the pus

    of the Right’s predilection

    to harm all of us.

    Is there no injection

    to sedate their fuss?

    Is there no correction

    for the Right’s being thus?


  • Pipeline Being Built Near "Chernobyl On The Hudson"   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Howard - Nuclear power generation is not all bad news

    France has been doing this for a very long time quite rationally providing a very high percentage of needs... read -

  • Pipeline Being Built Near "Chernobyl On The Hudson"   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Looks like the power of influence and money could have had an effect on this issue

    Appears to have gone deeply into the check and balance system as well

    Chernobyl in New York should be pretty sobering I would think

    I guess all 1% don't live anywhere near NY

    They should be persueded to go there and we should televise the reaction

    Be interesting that!

  • Pipeline Being Built Near "Chernobyl On The Hudson"   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Take your camera and microphone to New York City and spread the Bad News and create a public protest about all nuclear power!!

  • Republicans, Proudly Serving the 1% Since the Gilded Age   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Trump is most of all ...lies, smears, bluster, erratic, self aggrandizing, has to have his way or he gets angry / defensive One of the original ' birthers' made a fool of himself then and now. Vague non answers Weak profit driven corp Media refuses to challenge Trumps BS and he knows it . Trumps a Master manipulator Smoke n Mirrors Who's the real man behind the curtin ?

  • Full Show 9/14/16: RFK: The Making of a Liberal Icon   8 years 24 weeks ago

    The Catastrophic Right

    {… a rhyme …}

    Here’s how historians will prob’ly explain: -

    - the Right’s several sectors are the perps who have slain

    our nation and world, - our chance to remain


    It’s a fact

    that Plutocrats and Nitwits are Nature’s bane.


  • Why Won't the Media Push Back Against Liar Think Tanks and Experts?   8 years 24 weeks ago

    2950-10K , what you described sounds in many ways similar to what the BBC is.

    I'm in the UK but when I lived in Texas Fox 'News' amazed me. It was almost impossible to find true news. For months coverage was mostly about a teenager missing in Aruba while meanwhile the US was trundling blindly into Iraq.

  • Full Show 9/14/16: RFK: The Making of a Liberal Icon   8 years 24 weeks ago

    The Deplorables are also the Gullibles

    {… a limerick and an image …}

    They are gullible who

    heed the hullabaloo

    raised with yuuge noise

    by the Right’s girls and boys,

    who tend to be full o’ poo.

    … Image:


  • Full Show 9/14/16: RFK: The Making of a Liberal Icon   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Trump-fans’ Damage

    {… a limerick …}

    More then MORE pained, - we watch

    while up things the Trump-fans botch

    so’s America to splotch, …

    … our hopes to scotch

    by chopping us down notch by notch.


  • Republicans, Proudly Serving the 1% Since the Gilded Age   8 years 24 weeks ago

    In the 'sixties most moderate to large companies gave 6 weeks maternity leave to employees, and their health insurance through the employer also paid for the pregnancy, the birth and medical visits for the first year... IF the mothers were "married." If the mothers were unfortunate enough to be "unwed," oh, well...

    But not a cent for any kind of child care, baby sitter, etc.

    But don't hold your breath for this to become a reality, even if Trump does get elected. Most elected Republicans don't respect him. Lots of them don't even really like him. And the one who will vote for him out of Party Loyalty will be pissed as hell. He won't get many easy passes, in any case.

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday September 14th, 2016   8 years 24 weeks ago

    Today's show opened with asking who is Dr. Oz? Oddly enough, he is very skilled thoracic surgeon who use to be at Columbia Presbyterian. Not sure if he still practices there. What caught my attention about him back in late 90's is, he would bring energy/Reiki practitioners into the operating room during surgery to support the patient. (I study and use alternative & energy medicine) I felt like he was an important bridge to bringing energy medicine into the mainstream.

    He made his way onto TV thru Oprah, as a recurring guest, talking about alternative medicine. I thought this was fabulous and had a ton of respect for him. Unfortunately, once he got his own TV show, the quality of his material began to slip and I stopped watching him. In my opinion, he sold out.

    So it made perfect insanity sense to me when it was annouced that he would be the person to reveal Trump's medical records. The TV Dr. and the Reality Star, of course! The only other person I can image revealing Trump's medical records is Groucho Marx dressed in a white coat with a mirror headband and a cigar. "Cholesterol panel says 36, 24, 36, wink wink "

    Love your show, I always learn a lot. All the best to you and your staff.

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