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  • When American Presidents Protect Foreign Governments...   8 years 22 weeks ago

    Clinton wants to end Citizens United...that seems like quite a contrast to the Teapublic Party. Bernie is doing what we need to do, he has infiltrated the Democratic Party...follow his lead.

  • When American Presidents Protect Foreign Governments...   8 years 22 weeks ago

    As Thom has pointed out many times....if we lose the executive branch we lose the Judicial branch too, but we lose the Supreme Court for decades. Appointees for 30, 40, 50 years!!!! Vote third party at your own peril.

  • When American Presidents Protect Foreign Governments...   8 years 22 weeks ago

    Well that sounds good until you consider that Obama has been "all in" for the TPP, which opens this country up to all manner of litigation regarding even our environmental protections.

  • When American Presidents Protect Foreign Governments...   8 years 22 weeks ago

    Obama knows the bill would open up a "can of drones" so to speak. The United States would be bombarded, excuse the pun, with lawsuits related to drone strikes and the collateral killing of innocent people.

  • When American Presidents Protect Foreign Governments...   8 years 22 weeks ago

    If I had to guess, I suspect that President Obama has made a chess-like calculation on his veto. There is a down-side to opening Pandora's box for other nations to sue our nation (which the legislation could do), eliminating the immunity that the United States enjoys in other parts of the world.

    If the legislation is passed by an overridden veto, there would be a political shield for the president from negative fallout from its passage. While there is a refreshing aspect to having our behavior subject to legal scrutiny from other entities, there is also the down-side; yet no nation should be able to transgress with impunity.

    Having Congress override the veto vests the responsibility with the same body that has thwarted President Obama's efforts to improve our domestic conditions over the past seven-plus years.

    What goes around, comes around. Let the blame fall where it must....

  • When American Presidents Protect Foreign Governments...   8 years 22 weeks ago

    Well, Pokerzion (Jewish card shark? ;-D, as I see it, we (the people) desperately need a third party. You can't slide a thin dime between the two major political parties any more because both of them are trying to outdo each other to please their corporate masters. Sanders had the message right, but failed to deliver in the end because (IHMO) he didn't want to go down in history as the next Ralph Nader. But in fact, he would have perfermed a far greater service had he linked up with Jill Stein. True, that might have split the progressive vote. True, it might have resulted in a Trump victory, and a calamitous decade, or worse. But what if that third party bid had come close? Next time around we might have a real choice, not the "lesser of two wevils". Until we get past this binary mindset, we might as well give up. And speaking of that, the notion that people are neatly divided into "liberals and conservatives" must end. For example, I'm an independent with progressive leanings but also a gun enthusiast, a concept that blows the mind of my liberal friends. We need, collectively, to start seeing things in shades of grey and start engaging in critical thinking.

  • When American Presidents Protect Foreign Governments...   8 years 22 weeks ago

    Well, who IS Pres Obama trying to protect? And why?

  • When American Presidents Protect Foreign Governments...   8 years 22 weeks ago

    So what's your solution?

  • When American Presidents Protect Foreign Governments...   8 years 22 weeks ago

    Obama's part of the same Neo-Liberal cabal that Hillary and Bill belong to. Always has been. So meet the new boss .... same as the old boss....

  • When American Presidents Protect Foreign Governments...   8 years 22 weeks ago

    Yeah... I'm going to send this out to a few places, but somehow we need to reach these people. Here's my attempt, and please anyone send any feedback they have. Thanks.

    This letter is to you, my conservative friend!

    I’m a liberal. I always have been, and always will be from all accounts. If you’re a conservative reading this article right now, I’m told that there’s no way you’ll listen or hear what I have to say, and that we’re so polarized as a nation right now that it’s pretty much a waste of time. I know that’s total and utter bullshit.

    You’re my neighbor. Quite literally you are. I live in Orange County, CA. It’s an extremely conservative pocket of an otherwise very progressive state. I’m married and have two children, and I often talk to you on the soccer or baseball field and we share a few laughs and screams as our kids enjoy some fun and friendly competition on the weekends. We pass each other as we’re leaving our houses and say hi, and occasionally run into each other on a walk and exchange some pleasentries. That’s the America I live in and love. And because I do love it so much, I’m not going to allow the forces in action to tear us apart and pit ourselves against each other. That is total and utter bullshit.

    We have poll after poll that prove that you and I have very similar concerns, fears, and values. We’re going to disagree on some things, and that’s what makes us human, unique and ultimately beautiful. Those differences are a good thing. So when and why did we stop listening to each other, valuing our differences, and appreciating them? I have a theory, and I think if you read it, in the end, you’ll agree with me. But if you don’t agree with me, I won’t call you names. I might laugh at you silently, but never to your face. I’m not rude after all. J I will in the end respect your opinion and you, and that’s where we need to be as a country if we really want the country we all deserve and should have.

    I want to first say, that as a representative of the liberal party, I’m going to go out on a limb and speak for a majority of them on a couple of things I think you’ve been told by our corporate media are true about our goals as a group and party, that are extremely far from the truth. To begin with:

    1. I don’t want your gun. Heck, I don’t even really know how to use one, and don’t really see the need. But clearly you do, and that’s fine. I just want some basic safety rules about using guns and purchasing them that I’m pretty confident you’d agree with. I want to limit their access by people with violent and criminal behavior, and terrorist.
    2. I don’t want your bible. One of my favorite parts of the American experiment is the freedom of religion. The freedom to see the world how you want to, and to have a relationship with any GOD you feel brings you closer to understanding your world, yourself, and your neighbor. I’m completely down with that. All I want is to protect us from repeating history by trying to blur too many lines between church and state. It’s the primary reason we left England and formed this beautiful country to begin with. The founders understood that this separation HAD to be diligently protected and respected, or we would just repeat history. Let’s honor their goal and not repeat history.
    3. I don’t want to support lazy people. I work hard for my money. You have to now a days. The economy has been so tilted in the favor of the wealthy elite, that we’re all forced to work much harder for our vacation time, our incomes, our retirement, and our rights as workers. I’ve yet to meet any liberal on any protest march or through casual conversation that has said to me that they think we should just give away our money. Instead we look at social programs as more cost effective methods to societal problems. Everyone has a lazy Joe or two in their family. No matter what you do to help them, they just aren’t going to get off their butt and do their fair share. Society is like your extended family, and unfortunately there’s some Joe’s out there. By and large though, people want to participate and feel good that they are making a contribution to their families and society. I’m more than open to any discussion about how to make social safety nets more robust and take up less of our hard earned money, but so far, I personally haven’t heard a better argument. We know what the outcome is if we cut these nets. It isn’t going to make people work harder, it’s going to make them steal, rob, and cause even bigger issues in our neighborhoods than already exist. Like I said, I’m open to any discussion, and I think most progressives are as well, but we already know the result of not having any social safety nets (think pre 1930’s).

    I could list even more positions I think we’d be on the same page about, that the media has tried to convince both of us that we’re on opposing sides, but I think this is the core of the major misunderstanding that’s happening right now in our country. Because of the immense wealth concentration we’ve had in the last 35+ years in this country, the wealthy elite have a strangle hold on the political direction and views of this country. If we don’t stop, get absolutely raw honest with one another, you’re going to have even more extreme Donald Trump’s representing your party. And I’ve spoken to enough of you to know that most of you are embarrassed by your candidate. I’m here to say that the change we need to correct these issues literally lies in your hands. You’re going to need to entertain the possibility, that maybe, you haven’t been as informed or correct in your positions in supporting what has now become the new Republican party. This is not the same party I understood and knew growing up, and I’m confident you know that at some level.

    So let’s put all of the bullshit aside, and I want you to just entertain this one idea for a moment. Because this one idea, and shift in our collective understanding of it, will in my opinion, re-shape the financial future of this country. Do shoe manufacturers create new jobs by getting more money from tax breaks, and thus they create more jobs because of this additional money they have from not paying as much in taxes? A company hires and creates just enough jobs in order to make the absolute most profits for themselves, and if they are publicly traded, for their investors. If they just hired more people from this extra new revenue they have now, they’d make less money for themselves and their stock holders. That goes against business 101. The answer is, no. Of course they wouldn’t. Would this extra money allow for them to create some kind of innovations in their industry that could create more jobs? If anything, a lot of the innovation would be in automation, which would eliminate jobs. There’s no real sound reason that someone could point to that will explain how this money would create new jobs. That’s why it was famously called, “Voodoo Economics” By Bush Sr. back in the 80’s, and why supply side economics has never worked anywhere, ever. It hasn’t worked in this country, and it never will.

    Now, if I instead give those take breaks to average family’s that spend near 100% of their income, can this create new jobs? Yes, of course it does. And why does it? Because it’s the first thing you learn if you’ve ever taken an economics 101 class. Demand creates supply. It does not work the other way around, and anyone telling you otherwise is quite literally conning you. People have the money to purchase goods and services, and that creates demand, which in turn creates jobs. It really literally is that simple.

    I could go on and on about how and why this con got started, but I want you to at least entertain this idea and reasoning for a bit. Then take a look at Donald Trump’s Tax Plan. You can find it on his website here. Just spend the 5-10 minutes reading it. You’ve already spent time reading this article to this point, might as well go big and go all the way. Compare it to Hillary Clinton’s tax plan considering what you just read. You can find it here. If you think Donald Trump’s tax plan is going to create jobs and help this country reduce its debt and service its needs, please re-read the last couple of paragraphs. Think about it some more. Ask questions to people you respect, but most importantly, don’t take Donald’s word that what he is saying is true. Because I’m here to tell you as your neighbor and someone who cares deeply about the future my kids will have in this great country, that’s it’s just simply not true. It is the same recycled plans that got us into deep recessions, because this makes the people at the top very very rich when these bubbles burst and they can buy up land and property cheaply (among other things).

    Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on… all of us. Let’s entertain the idea that a lot of us might have been wrong, and change our path. I trust you will do the right thing.

  • We Have All Won An Oligarchy and Lost A Democracy   8 years 22 weeks ago

    An oligarchy, or monarchy, plutocracy, or fuedalism, and now capitalism are only the systems that develop from the elitists adapting to the current power structure. We need to start exposing the true destrsuctive force in the world - elitsim and those that practice it.

  • Why Hillary Clinton Is In Serious Danger Of Losing To Trump   8 years 22 weeks ago

    Vote the 2016 Party Platforms. Google them and compare. Then vote for the Party not the candidates.

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday September 27th, 2016   8 years 22 weeks ago

    Trump is the quintessential republican candidate

    He represents the Republican party better than any other presidential candidate in recent history

    The Republican party has become a collation of single interests and Trump will deliver on all these interests like no other candidate.

    He is their dream candidate and the Left doesn't get it

    The right will come out for him cause they don't care about anything except their issue and he will pull Whitey from the left

    The only hope for the Left is rational out numbers irrational among voters

    Stay tuned

  • Full Show 9/26/16: Lyin' Don's First One-On-One Debate   8 years 22 weeks ago

    She Busted His Chops

    {… a limerick …}

    Trump lied, he bragged and he blustered, -

    - but Hillary wasn’t flustered

    as she countered his punch

    and ate his lunch.

    Boy, how his chops she {busted} bustered.


  • Full Show 9/26/16: Lyin' Don's First One-On-One Debate   8 years 22 weeks ago

    “Debates” Enable

    {… a limerick …}

    Such “debatings” tend to enable

    supporters with minds unstable

    to continue applause

    for the Trumpian cause, -

    - for ANYthing with a Trumpian label.


  • Why Won't the Media Push Back Against Liar Think Tanks and Experts?   8 years 22 weeks ago

    Here at this site really the fastidious material collection so that everybody can enjoy a lot. pest control fort pierce

  • Full Show 9/26/16: Lyin' Don's First One-On-One Debate   8 years 22 weeks ago

    Tummies in Knots

    {… 1.60 limericks …}

    Our tummies ache, in knots

    because we think of it lots:

    Is it Hill-a-ree{?}

    or The Donald{?} who’ll be

    the prez who’ll be calling the shots?

    With either, no glee: -

    - we Progressives foresee

    an America which gots the rots.


  • Why Hillary Clinton Is In Serious Danger Of Losing To Trump   8 years 22 weeks ago

    HRC lost the debate, Thom. She looked like Bambi's mom caught in the headlights.

  • We Have All Won An Oligarchy and Lost A Democracy   8 years 22 weeks ago

    Thank God we've nominated a life-long corporatist and an ersatz fascist, so we don't need to worry about anything changing substantially either way. Don't rock the boat, I aways say.

  • We Have All Won An Oligarchy and Lost A Democracy   8 years 22 weeks ago

    It's too bad the Tea Party isn't a third party, that would even up the score a bit ....but then again the Teapublic Party became what it is because the billionaires purchased Teabagger numb nuts and had them infiltrate the Republicon Party. The Fascists are too slick to allow third party fragmentation.

    Why we democratic socialists can't infiltrate the Democratic Party remains a mystery to me??? The progressive caucus is alive and well, so where there's smoke there certainly can be fire.

    Why would a Bernie supporter turn around and vote for Johnson, a polar opposite???? It makes totally no sense. I hope Bernie makes a statement to his young supporters exposing Johnson for what he truly is.

  • We Have All Won An Oligarchy and Lost A Democracy   8 years 22 weeks ago

    When Bernie lost the nomination to obvious DNC criminal actions at the least and didn't throw his support and run with Jill Stein as Greens it blew what would have been a walkaway landslide.

    With Bernie supporting $hillary it's obvious he still believes operating within the system is best and the GOP owns Ohio folks if you didn't have a clue and their gerrymandering is far stronger than Dems so running a strong 3rd party crosses those lines far easier than running as a Dem.

    Voting for Jill not the $hill, not into wars, the TPP, fracking, Roundup and Big Pharma, it's a dream to think you'll get away from those voting the 2-is-1 parties, so like the Cold War in the USSR and Pravda was FoxSnooze.

    American Austerity or democracy, lower-case "d", your choice, Bernie-n-Jill or business-as-usual.

  • We Have All Won An Oligarchy and Lost A Democracy   8 years 22 weeks ago

    The quality of the person in the presidency far outweighs any left or right agenda they have in mind.

    Hillary is morally and physically flawed to the point she should not be president.

    Remember most presidents get very little of what they want in this gridlocked system.


  • We Have All Won An Oligarchy and Lost A Democracy   8 years 22 weeks ago

    Any 3 rd party candidate will just HELP Erratic, irrational ,unstable Trump get his fat finger on the NUKE button ! Supreme court will be a disaster. Wages will remain lower, pensions long gone, we will have more wars, more corp loopholes, tax cuts, subsides, Bush Cheney wasted 1000's lives and many trillions, created ISIS / Halliburton made a ' killing' in Iraq. WE still have Homeless Veterans . Not all Veterans get treatment with out LONG delays. For 7 1/2 yrs GOP has lied, blocked, wasted billions on pointless investigations, refused to have hearings on a new Supreme Court justice. ARROGANT KY Sen Mitch McConnell ( living off the gov't teet ) rules Senate ! Its called the House of Representives but GOP does NOT represent us !!! McConnell & cohorts made it clear Jan 2009 " We will do everything to make Obama fail- make him a one term President ' ! Thats Treason or at least derelection of DUTY . WHY NO INVESTIGATION ? Yes Most who vote for Trump are ill informed, ignorant, gullible , watch only Fox or all of the above. The Poorly educated Trump says he loves ! Corp media Stop Ki$$ ing Trumps butt !!

  • We Have All Won An Oligarchy and Lost A Democracy   8 years 22 weeks ago

    Sure, it's easy to blame NBC, CBS, ABC, et al., but it's really the parent's fault.

    Jill Stein and the Green Party...

    "...will be using the open internet and social media to go around the corporate media to broadcast our voices.

    We have decided to heed the words of Jello Biafra-- “Don’t hate the corporate media, become the media!” And we will do that outside the doors of Hofstra University tonight.

    Deeper still, during the debate itself we will literally insert ourselves into the debate using Twitter/Periscope and Facebook Live.

    We aim to have millions of people watching, listening and reading Jill actually participate live during the debate.

    The Green Party will not
    be kept from participating

    in the Presidential Debates
    tonight, September 26!

  • Yet More Tribal Land Under Threat   8 years 22 weeks ago

    Repugs need to Google this - "What does it mean that ‘to whom much is given, much will be required’ (Luke 12:48)?"

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