It's what you might expect from republicans in a state with a republican governor (Mike Pence). It looks to me like they just wanted to confiscate the voter registrations of registered democrats to help republicans win elections in Indiana. This matter should be turned over to the US justice department for a thorough investigation. The wise ones among us are not fooled by republicans tactics to to suppress the democratic vote. Republicans are afraid. They are afraid to let everyone vote because they know they will not win many elections if they do.
I made this comment on a friends post that talked about people so stupid they give billions of dollars to elect politicians that screw us over. 'It's not so much "the people" giving to elect as it is the billionaires and millionaires. It's "the people" that give their votes according to the ads financed by the billionaires and millionaires. That's why campaign finance reform, publicly funded elections, overturning the supreme court's citizen united decision, stopping voter suppression, stopping the drawing of voter district lines according to party instead of population, and reinstating the FCC equal time rule and fairness doctrine are needed to have fair and balanced elections.
The Indiana voter registration group is being lead by a Democrat trying to register black voters and any other unregistered citizens in Pence's backyard....thus it's pretty obvious the raid is a crime. If the Justice Department doesn't make some arrests starting with the state police and working up the ladder, then in my opinion, the United Nations should get involved.
One has to wonder, is Trump just the useful idiot to get Pence in as President. If this is in fact the case and I was Trump, I'd be very worried about how the Fascists plan on dumping me if their election fraud plan works. Do they plan on nailing Trump with felony fraud for his fake university? What if that were to fail????
Pence and those behind him must realize that just letting Trump hold a powerless scepter would never work, even though Trump has offered this.
Thom, I heard you say twice now that it was John Cornyn and Jeff Flake who were at that second meeting at the Kochs'. In Dark Money, by Jane Mayer, she said that it was Jim DeMint and John Cornyn. It was Jim DeMint who wanted to obstruct everything, and John Cornyn who wanted to only obstruct those things that the Republicans were against. Cornyn lost the debate:
@hilipHenderson: You've just identified why health should have no relationship with insurance at all. Insurance is designed to pool risks to avoid catastrophic costs related to events which almost never happen. The more frequent the event, the less able any form of insurance is to act as intended. It just becomes a fraudulent business model that is sold by those who can profit by its sale. Health should be a means-tested welfare program, as should all other basic needs, like food and housing.
The seat belt is one of the key elements for safety while driving. Although the point to maintain the safety karpet murah, if not worn properly, the main function of the seat belt can not be obtained by the rider. To be safe, install the seat belt should be properly and should not be the origin.
None of you seem to get it. Of course voter fraud needs to delt with but histoically there has been so little that it has never been considered and issue at all. Excpet by repupublicans who are trying to distract everyone from the proven election fraud they keep getting away. And now there is a possiblity that once again they are trying to shut down new voters all together.
No you're missing the point. Hartman states the flood in Elliott City was a 1000 year event. Major flooding has occurred at least 16 times in the lasting 200 years. Compared to prior events, the flooding of 2016 was mild.
Hartman says
"There's also more water vapor in the atmosphere, which provides even more energy and more fuel for storms to form and rapidly build intensity, even over land - like we saw in the 1000-year event in Ellicott City, Maryland earlier this year that killed two people and cost the city hundreds of millions of dollars."
Drought, flooding, hurricanes, thunderstorms, etc. Very gradually some weather events (not all) have become more severe because of CO2 building up ,but not more frequent. Too much CO2 in the atmosphere makes our planet hotter. Too little makes it colder. This fact has been around long before climate change made it controversial. It's so simple.
However you're missing the point - the flooding used to be further apart in years (20, 31,33 years) and is growing closer and closer recently (4, 10, 4 ,16 years, etc.)
Also it appears the floods are getting higher and more sudden.
I agree with all the opionions. Prisonors should have rights to get education in prison, this is the only way you can guide them to straight and right path. Most percentage of the criminals are whome never go to college, school or university. Thousands of education opportunities are available now a days for everyone, so they are also human and with some policies education should be allowed to them.
My family has lived in Maryland since the beginning of the last century. I can assure you the flooding in Ellicott City is not a thousand years event. Ellicott City has flooded 15 times since 1817. The worst flooding occurred in 1972 ( I witnessed this event. I lived in Catonsville, MD at that time. Catonsville is about 1 mile from Ellicott City) when tropical storm Agnes placed main street under 14 1/2 feet of water and kept it there for several days. Following is an excerpt about the flooding of Ellicott City from Wikipedia.
"The town is prone to flooding from the Patapsco River and Tiber Creek. These floods have had a major impact on the history of the town, often destroying important businesses and killing many. Ellicott City has had major devastating floods in 1817, 1837, 1868,[4] 1901, 1917, 1923, 1938, 1942, 1952, 1956, 1972 (Hurricane Agnes), 1975 (Hurricane Eloise), 1989, 2011 and 2016. The 1868 flood washed away 14 houses, killing 39 to 43 (accounts vary) in and around Ellicott City. It wiped out the Granite Manufacturing Cotton Mill, Charles A. Gambrill's Patapsco Mill, John Lee Carroll's mill buildings, and dozens of homes.[4] One mill was rebuilt by Charles Gambill, which remained in operation until a fire in 1916.[5]"
Historic flood stages marked on the B&O viaduct, c. 2006. Hurricane Agnes flood stage (14.5 feet (4.4 m)) is in the middle of the photograph.
"A 1923 flood topped bridges, in 1952 an eight-foot wall of water swept the shops of Ellicott City, and a 1956 flood inflicted heavy damage at the Bartigis Brothers plant. A severe flood occurred in 1972 as a result of rainfall from the remnants of Hurricane Agnes, in which Ellicott City and the Old Main Line sustained serious damage."
The fact that you make up the 1000 year flood scenario, calls in question your credibility on the rest of the post. You are becoming guilty of Chicken little syndrome. In case you've forgotten Chicken Little went around telling everyone the sky is falling. It didn't turn out well for him either. I hope you correct your mistakes it would go a long way to fix your credibility.
No matter the take on the Affordable Care Act, citizens would much rather base their beliefs on rumors and anecodotal evidence to make choices at the ballot box. That's so much easier than researching issues. In high school current events, we were taught to read more than one source to form an informed decision. Growing up in the 50s and 60s, grocery shoppers were "forced" to know headlines at the checkout line from Time, Newsweek, USN&WR covers.
In the 19th century, Karl Marx said that religion was the opiate of the masses. In the 21st century, entertainment is the opiate of the masses.
Does anyone actually believe that Hillary will fight vigorously for a public option in Obamacare? I don't - just as I don't believe her when she says she is will oppose trade deals like the TPP, or that she will get tough on Wall Street, or that she will pursue a just foreign policy.
I can't support Clinton. I don't vote for Republicans, especially Republicans who pretend to be Democrats.
Hephaestus: Democratic Socialism is by far the purest form of "We the People" yes I was attempting to be sarcastic!
Citizens in the United States continually vote against their own best interests because of corpse media propaganda, like the kind of right wing crap aired by Fox News. Our media made it possible for the fascists to overthrow our government....and they have.
nowadays marks 30 years because the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe. In our January 1987 issue, Mary Jo Salter, an American living in Rome on the time of the twist of fate, described the worry and uncertainty of dwelling with the fallout, as public records and authorities checks of the risk kept converting.
Methane emissions from the Aliso Canyon gas leak had been detected through general Carbon Column observing community (TCCON) within a day of the start of the leak, however researchers at Caltech did now not have an reason for what was causing something "truly bizarre" over Pasadena until later. Pass4sure 200-120
It sickens me that they can be so outwardly devious and not be held accountable. Millions of seniors who many are now unable to get jobs due to some sort of disability will now be forced to live the next 20 yrs in poverty !!! They should be MADE to somehow bail these folks out QUICKLY so they can enjoy the sunset years of their lives. It's UNFORGIVABLE if the FBI doesnt do something other than a perp walk .
It's what you might expect from republicans in a state with a republican governor (Mike Pence). It looks to me like they just wanted to confiscate the voter registrations of registered democrats to help republicans win elections in Indiana. This matter should be turned over to the US justice department for a thorough investigation. The wise ones among us are not fooled by republicans tactics to to suppress the democratic vote. Republicans are afraid. They are afraid to let everyone vote because they know they will not win many elections if they do.
I made this comment on a friends post that talked about people so stupid they give billions of dollars to elect politicians that screw us over. 'It's not so much "the people" giving to elect as it is the billionaires and millionaires. It's "the people" that give their votes according to the ads financed by the billionaires and millionaires. That's why campaign finance reform, publicly funded elections, overturning the supreme court's citizen united decision, stopping voter suppression, stopping the drawing of voter district lines according to party instead of population, and reinstating the FCC equal time rule and fairness doctrine are needed to have fair and balanced elections.
Sorry! What a truely hopeless situation!
Everybody running around trying to justify this stance or that out of pure ego and self interest
Missing the real issues entirely
The Indiana voter registration group is being lead by a Democrat trying to register black voters and any other unregistered citizens in Pence's backyard....thus it's pretty obvious the raid is a crime. If the Justice Department doesn't make some arrests starting with the state police and working up the ladder, then in my opinion, the United Nations should get involved.
One has to wonder, is Trump just the useful idiot to get Pence in as President. If this is in fact the case and I was Trump, I'd be very worried about how the Fascists plan on dumping me if their election fraud plan works. Do they plan on nailing Trump with felony fraud for his fake university? What if that were to fail????
Pence and those behind him must realize that just letting Trump hold a powerless scepter would never work, even though Trump has offered this.
This needs to be publicized Nationally and INTERNATIONALLY
Thom, I heard you say twice now that it was John Cornyn and Jeff Flake who were at that second meeting at the Kochs'. In Dark Money, by Jane Mayer, she said that it was Jim DeMint and John Cornyn. It was Jim DeMint who wanted to obstruct everything, and John Cornyn who wanted to only obstruct those things that the Republicans were against. Cornyn lost the debate:
@hilipHenderson: You've just identified why health should have no relationship with insurance at all. Insurance is designed to pool risks to avoid catastrophic costs related to events which almost never happen. The more frequent the event, the less able any form of insurance is to act as intended. It just becomes a fraudulent business model that is sold by those who can profit by its sale. Health should be a means-tested welfare program, as should all other basic needs, like food and housing.
The seat belt is one of the key elements for safety while driving. Although the point to maintain the safety karpet murah, if not worn properly, the main function of the seat belt can not be obtained by the rider. To be safe, install the seat belt should be properly and should not be the origin.
Paranoia in paranioa land
None of you seem to get it. Of course voter fraud needs to delt with but histoically there has been so little that it has never been considered and issue at all. Excpet by repupublicans who are trying to distract everyone from the proven election fraud they keep getting away. And now there is a possiblity that once again they are trying to shut down new voters all together.
Isn't this Gov. pence's state?
Right before an election, why not wait until after the election and catch the dirty vote frauders red handed and charge them with felonies?
Why would Tom be so upset about actions to ensure the integrity of voter rolls and voter registration?
Strange how those on the left praise voting but not the efforts at quality control of the process.
No you're missing the point. Hartman states the flood in Elliott City was a 1000 year event. Major flooding has occurred at least 16 times in the lasting 200 years. Compared to prior events, the flooding of 2016 was mild.
Hartman says
"There's also more water vapor in the atmosphere, which provides even more energy and more fuel for storms to form and rapidly build intensity, even over land - like we saw in the 1000-year event in Ellicott City, Maryland earlier this year that killed two people and cost the city hundreds of millions of dollars."
Drought, flooding, hurricanes, thunderstorms, etc. Very gradually some weather events (not all) have become more severe because of CO2 building up ,but not more frequent. Too much CO2 in the atmosphere makes our planet hotter. Too little makes it colder. This fact has been around long before climate change made it controversial. It's so simple.
I saw the same website: here it is for reference:
However you're missing the point - the flooding used to be further apart in years (20, 31,33 years) and is growing closer and closer recently (4, 10, 4 ,16 years, etc.)
Also it appears the floods are getting higher and more sudden.
I agree with all the opionions. Prisonors should have rights to get education in prison, this is the only way you can guide them to straight and right path. Most percentage of the criminals are whome never go to college, school or university. Thousands of education opportunities are available now a days for everyone, so they are also human and with some policies education should be allowed to them.
Mr Hartman,
My family has lived in Maryland since the beginning of the last century. I can assure you the flooding in Ellicott City is not a thousand years event. Ellicott City has flooded 15 times since 1817. The worst flooding occurred in 1972 ( I witnessed this event. I lived in Catonsville, MD at that time. Catonsville is about 1 mile from Ellicott City) when tropical storm Agnes placed main street under 14 1/2 feet of water and kept it there for several days. Following is an excerpt about the flooding of Ellicott City from Wikipedia.
"The town is prone to flooding from the Patapsco River and Tiber Creek. These floods have had a major impact on the history of the town, often destroying important businesses and killing many. Ellicott City has had major devastating floods in 1817, 1837, 1868,[4] 1901, 1917, 1923, 1938, 1942, 1952, 1956, 1972 (Hurricane Agnes), 1975 (Hurricane Eloise), 1989, 2011 and 2016. The 1868 flood washed away 14 houses, killing 39 to 43 (accounts vary) in and around Ellicott City. It wiped out the Granite Manufacturing Cotton Mill, Charles A. Gambrill's Patapsco Mill, John Lee Carroll's mill buildings, and dozens of homes.[4] One mill was rebuilt by Charles Gambill, which remained in operation until a fire in 1916.[5]"
Historic flood stages marked on the B&O viaduct, c. 2006. Hurricane Agnes flood stage (14.5 feet (4.4 m)) is in the middle of the photograph.
"A 1923 flood topped bridges, in 1952 an eight-foot wall of water swept the shops of Ellicott City, and a 1956 flood inflicted heavy damage at the Bartigis Brothers plant. A severe flood occurred in 1972 as a result of rainfall from the remnants of Hurricane Agnes, in which Ellicott City and the Old Main Line sustained serious damage."
The fact that you make up the 1000 year flood scenario, calls in question your credibility on the rest of the post. You are becoming guilty of Chicken little syndrome. In case you've forgotten Chicken Little went around telling everyone the sky is falling. It didn't turn out well for him either. I hope you correct your mistakes it would go a long way to fix your credibility.
No matter the take on the Affordable Care Act, citizens would much rather base their beliefs on rumors and anecodotal evidence to make choices at the ballot box. That's so much easier than researching issues. In high school current events, we were taught to read more than one source to form an informed decision. Growing up in the 50s and 60s, grocery shoppers were "forced" to know headlines at the checkout line from Time, Newsweek, USN&WR covers.
In the 19th century, Karl Marx said that religion was the opiate of the masses. In the 21st century, entertainment is the opiate of the masses.
Does anyone actually believe that Hillary will fight vigorously for a public option in Obamacare? I don't - just as I don't believe her when she says she is will oppose trade deals like the TPP, or that she will get tough on Wall Street, or that she will pursue a just foreign policy.
I can't support Clinton. I don't vote for Republicans, especially Republicans who pretend to be Democrats.
Trump’s “King Midas" Touch
{… a rhyme and an image …}
Several sectors of our nation are such
that a Donald Trump can happen: -
- Malaise becomes anger, so many folks clutch
a Destroyer with his tongue a-flappin’
that deftly applying his King Midas touch,
he’ll soon have his voters toe-tappin’.
… Image:
Hephaestus: Democratic Socialism is by far the purest form of "We the People" yes I was attempting to be sarcastic!
Citizens in the United States continually vote against their own best interests because of corpse media propaganda, like the kind of right wing crap aired by Fox News. Our media made it possible for the fascists to overthrow our government....and they have.
nowadays marks 30 years because the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe. In our January 1987 issue, Mary Jo Salter, an American living in Rome on the time of the twist of fate, described the worry and uncertainty of dwelling with the fallout, as public records and authorities checks of the risk kept converting.
Pass4sure 400-101
Methane emissions from the Aliso Canyon gas leak had been detected through general Carbon Column observing community (TCCON) within a day of the start of the leak, however researchers at Caltech did now not have an reason for what was causing something "truly bizarre" over Pasadena until later. Pass4sure 200-120
It sickens me that they can be so outwardly devious and not be held accountable. Millions of seniors who many are now unable to get jobs due to some sort of disability will now be forced to live the next 20 yrs in poverty !!! They should be MADE to somehow bail these folks out QUICKLY so they can enjoy the sunset years of their lives. It's UNFORGIVABLE if the FBI doesnt do something other than a perp walk .