Of course, Mother Nature has more rights than people; She is MOTHER Nature, and she can 'spank' her children with great efficacy. It's just a question of when.
STOP using Greedy arrogant Wall St banks Use smaller local banks / or credit unions ! GOP anti middle class, pro corp, war loving, education cutting policies have drained ourcountry & its resources. US once had safeguards to protect the people They are all GONE. Since Reaganomics, trickle down, deregulation, lower wages, busted unions, anti US Free trade deals, 2 long failed Bush Cheney wars, global crash/ huge corp cuts, loopholes, subsides, then came Citizens United. That gave billionaires all the power . I'm 73.. we worked , we saved, counted on SS , savings, pension to make it in our old age. I've lost so much, my husband, health, pension was cut 75 % .. barely making it, medical bills. Medigap insurance is very high, Most health insurance co's do not want folks who take insulin ! I was a care taker 2012 -2015 . Lifetime savings almost gone..then what do I & people like me do ?
Greed Kills. Spreadsheet morality is a blueprint for hell on earth. A focus on short term profits over all long term investment destroys companies and countries. Anyone who claims any related self-serving personal and business strategies are "smart" doesn't understand that evolution must select for intelligence that benefits all of mankind, or we will all be gone. Greed kills.
Now he is retiring with a golden parachute of at least 186 million. This will also include other benefits such as medical insurance etc. Too bad that you cannot take it with you when you die.
Seems we have largely ignored and/or broken the treaties we have made with the Indians. I don't think that speaks very well of our government...along with everything else they do against the will of the people. The Bernie inspired Political Revolution absolutely needs to rise! It calls for all of us to stand up against this piepline as well as Corporatism, climate change denial, income inequality, privatization of entities that serve the common good, and ongoing war.
Stumph is a liar. My wife and I had an estate account at Wells Fargo, and anytime we wanted to draw money from the count we were offered all different types of "products" and "accounts" by the tellers. It was impossible for a simple transaction to take less than 40 minutes. I was almost tempted to get a gun and a mask to quickly gain access to my wife's and my money.
It's obvious employees were coerced into this type of behavior, as every teller we did this with had the same spiel, and all seemed uncomfortable, maybe even embarrassed, doing so. We withdrew all our money, finally.
We now have all our money in a credit union and two banks that are locally owned and not aggressive.
It is also evident that our Founding Fathers' vision of personal responsibility, a responsible electorate, and not having to address a government that could confiscate money from responsible citizens to subsidize the behaviors of the irresponsible has also been ignored.
I don't think they would approve of self appointed "elites" dictating behavior for the rest of us, or social engineering.
If the "one percent's" vision of America is different than that of our Founding Fathers's, so is the radical Left's and academia's.
It is time for a populist, "get back to basics" vision of our nation and the Constitution.
You're right on. With our pathetic '5th Estate' media and their forgotten role to watchdog the government, the majority of voters remain in the dark or ill-informed. It's going to be quite an endeavor to change things. Sad. And disasterous.
Greed is like gravity. I provides a point of reference and a sense of direction, but you need stops and controls for it to work against so that it works for you and not against you. In the case of gravity, it will keep your book on the table, but if you don't want your book on the floor, you need the table. If you don't want your wine on the floor, you need a glass to keep gravity from making a flat puddle out of it and a table to keep the glass off the floor where you can reach it.
Greed, and its slightly less warty cousin, Desire, provide impetus and a reason to do rather than not do, but you need some limits, restraints and guidelines to keep them from running completely amok and smashing everyone else's needs and plans on the pavement in the service of one or a few sociopaths.
Not to mention that Wells Fargo has thousands of employees that are expected to work lots of hours over 40 hours a week and receive no additional compensation. He takes home millions and they do not get anything as salaried employees.
Check out the answer here
Check out the answer here
Check out the answer here
Check out the answer here
Of course, Mother Nature has more rights than people; She is MOTHER Nature, and she can 'spank' her children with great efficacy. It's just a question of when.
STOP using Greedy arrogant Wall St banks Use smaller local banks / or credit unions ! GOP anti middle class, pro corp, war loving, education cutting policies have drained our country & its resources. US once had safeguards to protect the people They are all GONE. Since Reaganomics, trickle down, deregulation, lower wages, busted unions, anti US Free trade deals, 2 long failed Bush Cheney wars, global crash/ huge corp cuts, loopholes, subsides, then came Citizens United. That gave billionaires all the power . I'm 73.. we worked , we saved, counted on SS , savings, pension to make it in our old age. I've lost so much, my husband, health, pension was cut 75 % .. barely making it, medical bills. Medigap insurance is very high, Most health insurance co's do not want folks who take insulin ! I was a care taker 2012 -2015 . Lifetime savings almost gone..then what do I & people like me do ?
Greed Kills. Spreadsheet morality is a blueprint for hell on earth. A focus on short term profits over all long term investment destroys companies and countries. Anyone who claims any related self-serving personal and business strategies are "smart" doesn't understand that evolution must select for intelligence that benefits all of mankind, or we will all be gone. Greed kills.
Dangerously Panicky
{… a limerick …}
Trump is dangerously in panic
‘bout errors yuugely gigantic
and yuugely egregious.
So he will besiege us
with MORE of his antics so manic.
Done In by himSelf
{… a rhyme …}
Rudely and crudely lewd,
Trump’s a lascivious dude
who himSelf has royally screwed
His goose has been thoroughly {cooked} stewed
by himSelf.
Let him sullenly brood
while gathering dust on the shelf.
Now he is retiring with a golden parachute of at least 186 million. This will also include other benefits such as medical insurance etc. Too bad that you cannot take it with you when you die.
Wells Fargo's Stumpf
Stumpf rhymes with Drumpf. Coincidence???
Dan, San Diego
Banking should not be privately owned
And especially, fractional reserve banking needs to be illegal
Seems we have largely ignored and/or broken the treaties we have made with the Indians. I don't think that speaks very well of our government...along with everything else they do against the will of the people. The Bernie inspired Political Revolution absolutely needs to rise! It calls for all of us to stand up against this piepline as well as Corporatism, climate change denial, income inequality, privatization of entities that serve the common good, and ongoing war.
Stumph is a liar. My wife and I had an estate account at Wells Fargo, and anytime we wanted to draw money from the count we were offered all different types of "products" and "accounts" by the tellers. It was impossible for a simple transaction to take less than 40 minutes. I was almost tempted to get a gun and a mask to quickly gain access to my wife's and my money.
It's obvious employees were coerced into this type of behavior, as every teller we did this with had the same spiel, and all seemed uncomfortable, maybe even embarrassed, doing so. We withdrew all our money, finally.
We now have all our money in a credit union and two banks that are locally owned and not aggressive.
It is also evident that our Founding Fathers' vision of personal responsibility, a responsible electorate, and not having to address a government that could confiscate money from responsible citizens to subsidize the behaviors of the irresponsible has also been ignored.
I don't think they would approve of self appointed "elites" dictating behavior for the rest of us, or social engineering.
If the "one percent's" vision of America is different than that of our Founding Fathers's, so is the radical Left's and academia's.
It is time for a populist, "get back to basics" vision of our nation and the Constitution.
You're right on. With our pathetic '5th Estate' media and their forgotten role to watchdog the government, the majority of voters remain in the dark or ill-informed. It's going to be quite an endeavor to change things. Sad. And disasterous.
Tom hits the ball out of the park with this blog topic!
It underlies all manor of corporate abuse to the public.
It also remains to be seen which services should be private
enterprise and which should be run as public coops.
But its clear that money is too vital to the national interest to be
left to private bankers.
Just another check mark on a long list of things to come. Can't wait for Hillary to get elected so she can put an end to this crap...... Or not.$$$
Greed is like gravity. I provides a point of reference and a sense of direction, but you need stops and controls for it to work against so that it works for you and not against you. In the case of gravity, it will keep your book on the table, but if you don't want your book on the floor, you need the table. If you don't want your wine on the floor, you need a glass to keep gravity from making a flat puddle out of it and a table to keep the glass off the floor where you can reach it.
Greed, and its slightly less warty cousin, Desire, provide impetus and a reason to do rather than not do, but you need some limits, restraints and guidelines to keep them from running completely amok and smashing everyone else's needs and plans on the pavement in the service of one or a few sociopaths.
It's called civilization. Look it up.
Not to mention that Wells Fargo has thousands of employees that are expected to work lots of hours over 40 hours a week and receive no additional compensation. He takes home millions and they do not get anything as salaried employees.
Trump the Benighted
{a limerick}
This rhymer quite impolitely
treats The Donald quite lightly,
and he does so forthrightly
‘cause Trump is unsightly
and wickedly sickly {benighted} benightly.
’sToo Late
{… a limerick …}
’sToo late for his words to be edited.
’sToo late.Trump's long been discredited
for his tongue’s flapping brandish
of rhetoric outlandish.
’sToo late. It won’t be forget-it-ed.
Flushed and Slushed
{… a limerick …}
Trump whorls hurricanically rushed
down the toilet which himSelf he has flushed
by revealing his nature,
an ugly portraiture.
His unseemly ambition’s been slushed.
Snap, Crackle and Pop
{… 1.40 limericks …}
Trump is now without shackles
and in furious vigor he crackles
and pops and snaps
about the mishaps
which leave his campaign in ramshackles.
{When raised are his hackles,
Trump’s meaner than jackals.}