Voter suprression is Trump's best hope along with another HRC meltdown. Obama could have resolved all the VOTER ID BS by either passing a bill or issuing an executive order that the Social Security Card was valid anywhere and everywhere as Voter ID. This would have silenced the wobegone FOX watchers who are convinced voter fraud is a huge problem, and believe it or not, there are lots of folks who fall into that trap. Otherwise both candidates have created the issueless campaign that both want. Thom I admire your spirited defense of HRC. But truthfully she is Wall Street's woman and will support gender and identity equality but never economic egalitarian societies here or abroad (witness her murder of Gaddafi). She is what she is. Clinton's wife, the guy who gave us NAFTA, deregulation , etc.. If you think she is different look at her vote on the student loan issue. Along with Banker Joe Biden she voted to deny constitutional rights to those who file for bankruptcy. (Yes that right is explicit for people in the constitution, there are no foot notes.) Now only corporations can dismiss all their debts, destruction of the environment and fleecing of the public in the Bankruptcy courts. Do a show on that someday. The things the constitution states are actually of interest to some. The right of bankruptcy and the explicit unconstitutional nature of taxes on consumption are worth a show or two, don't you think?
Obama and other Democrats are making a big mistake in ridiculing Trump's claim that the election is being rigged. The Republicans rig elections, as much as they can, by surpressing voters and perhaps by hacking. Black box voting with proprietary machines owned by Republican companies. Trump's charges are a smokescreen to distract from the Republican's nefarious activities.
The elephant in the room, that seems to be avoided by everyone is too many people on the planet. That is the root cause to climate change and a multitude of other problems we face. Politically the subject has become a pariah so instead of attempting to address human population growth on a global and national scale we scurry about trying to figure out a cure for its individual consequences. The disease of overpopulation has symptoms of climate change, resource depletion and shortages, increased need for regulation, mass migration, wars over resources, and on and on. All of these symptoms are inevitable until we address the causal problem. How do we get the world to voluntarily and peacefully self-regulate our number of humans over the next century? If we don't, the symptoms of the disease eventually will regulate our numbers for us.
Here in Davenport Iowa we just broke an all time record of of 84 by 6 degrees for hottest day in October (Oct 17) it was 90. Early this month we had our first Oct tornado. Crazy how we can't get people convinced.
Some things you get right and on this subject you are partially correct. Your biggest mistake is listening to the government bought scientist and politicans. They have an adjenda and it's not to help mother earth. Is the weather changing,yes ; are we as a people polluting,yes ; however is the MAIN polluting coming the industry,Yes. Not all are, climate change, coming from pollutents, there are other factures that are out of mans control such as oceans warming from tectonic plate movement, under sea volcanos and many other natural occurances on this planet.
Stop taking in the garbage our government speaks through it's talking heads. Do so research out of political accepted channels. Learn, adapt and change.
What you are saying Kend is that Humans have no impact on the environment at all and can continue to abuse the Earth with no cosequences .You deny the finest minds on the planet who have studied these things for years claiming you know better .This denial exhibited by many politicians and our biggest corporations can go on for a few more years and then it will end .
The value of conciousness is that it considers consequences . We have to keep the Earths temperature stable not going above probably 1 degree so life can thrive.Kend what happens to your body temperature changes by a few degrees .If its 40 degrees this is serious is it not . Warming up the Earth by human induced climate change has the same effect .
Denial is used for those to continue the illusion that we are seperate from each other and seperate from nature.Responsibility is for those looking to evolve and mature the species .
Thanks Thom you should be advising the World Government on how to save Humanity from its own demise.
It takes around 300 years for a newly planted tree to grow to the size which will allow it to produce as much oxygen as many of the old growth trees in our rainforests that have been chopped down .We have cleared hundreds of thousands of acres and we are not stopping. To replace this loss would take thousands of years .
This is called eroding the life system .We are choosing to do this to satisfy the interests of the few .Intead of balancing our planets atmosphere so life can thrive.
To change all this we have to see the environment as part of ourselves and everything in it as well, only then will we begin to act differently towards her.This is a conscious choice we have to make .
To be or not to be .That is humanitys most vital question . It always has been ...
400-101 CCIE is really tough exam to pass but don’t worry now 400-101 past papers is here for you. We provide real exam questions of 400-101. Questions are up to date and fully accurate compiled by the experts. How can pass 400-101 exam For more info and latest exam questions visit us.
There's no revolution. We've been through another eight years of Dems and liberals calling on the public to Stand in Solidarity -- to maintain the status quo of the bourgeoisie, the middle class. Stay the course!
Unless you're using the word in the sense of a "revolutionary new breakfast cereal," revolutions are not driven by the better-off. They are waged by those who have been shut out, denied fundamental human rights, and no longer have anything left to lose.
We've known at least since the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973 that we have an "urgent need" not only to break our dependency on foreign oil, but to dramatically reduce our consumption of fossil fuels. Americans demand a solution, but not one that costs them financially or in terms of inconvenience. We know the problem, but remain stuck on finding a solution that Americans will accept.
I recently did a writing assignment for a college course with regards to Trees. And I also drew the conclusion that our Trees are dying, stating that "Trees are the Canary in the Coal Mine for Humankind",
I would like to share it with you........
The most surprising thing I learned about the
Hidden Life of Trees
****** *******
As far back as I can remember Trees have always been an important part of my life.
As a child, whenever my family moved to a new and unfamiliar neighborhood, remembering which trees lined the city blocks would always help me to find my way home after a long walk from my new school. As I grew up, many of those same trees provided more than just shade and recreation. They also provided safety and security from the occasional unleashed dog roaming the neighborhood. Now as an adult, one of the tallest Pine Trees in the Valley aides to keep my house cool in the summer, and provides ample lumber to burn in the winter.
While reading Brian Pickings: The Secret Life of Trees, a treatment of The Hidden life of Trees, written by Peter Wohlleben, I was reminded of the symbiotic relationship I shared with certain Trees in my old neighborhoods. I was also intrigued to learn more about the may ways trees affect almost every other species of life on the Planet as well.
Trees are not only part of our ecological system, cleaning and filtering the air we breath, but they are also part of a complex food chain within the wilderness. That if tampered with, may cause a ripple affect than can destroy an entire ecosystem.
The most surprising aspect of Wohllebens's observations of Trees, is that the Wolves of Yellowstone National Park serve as natural sheepherders of the Forest and protect the Trees. By controlling the balance of vegetation and not allowing nearby herbivores to over feed on the young trees and seedlings along the banks of various rivers, trees are able to flourish and maintain the balance of nature.
By taking note of this particular discovery, I have learned to draw yet another conclusion, among the many others I have come to know, and that is “Trees are the Canary in the Coalmine for Mankind”. Trees provide more than just shade on a summer day, or a something to decorate in the Winter, Trees are vulnerable, living creatures, that provide a great deal of life to our Planet. They ask for very little in return except to be left alone. They need our protection if Mankind wants to survive.
As I type this written assignment, vast areas of our Tropical Rain-forest in South America, as well as the mountaintops of North-America are being destroyed. They are being laid to waste in the name of profit, which in turn creates nothing more than pollution. The our great forests are responsible for the bulk of the clean air we breath. Without clean air, we die.
I hope someday soon, mankind will wake up from this veritable suicide pack. For I do not appreciate it at all.
Right now the native americans are gathering their largest get together since America was born in North Dakota to stop big oil and save our planet. At least someone is smart enough to actually do something about it. Unlike the rest of us that only talk about it. Keep being lazy and watch yourselves get destroyed and watch it all burn. Or do something.
I'm glad you mentioned slash-and-burn farming, but it's actually for livestock and their feedcrops. According to the facts in the movie "Cowspiracy," 136 million rainforest acres have been cleared for animal agriculture. By simply cutting back dramatically on our diet of cows alone we can regrow our forests, the lungs of the earth. This idea of creating a carbon-eating mechanism sounds pretty far-fetched, expensive, and pointless if we aren't cutting back on our consumption of this unsustainable, unhealthy, and planet-destroying practice.
So what caused the global warming, dust bowl in the 30's. Carbon???? It was much warmer then. I have to be a global warming denier. I certainty believe in climate change. Climate has changed for millions of years. If you look at it logically we have spent trillions on global warming and it hasn't reduced carbon at all. In fact according to Thom Carbon levels have gone up. Would we have been better off spending those trillions on healthcare and education?
A carbon tax will give incentive for companies to go green.
Hopefully the revenues will be directed at tech in these three areas:
Fusion (especially the smaller machines)
Aeroponics (grow food plants without soil, already a for profit business)
"Water from air" devices.
("The amount of water available in the air is for all forseeable practical purposes unlimited. The bottom 1 kilometre (in the atmosphere) alone contains about 1.000,000,000,000,000 litres of water and that is turned over every few hours}
A vote for Bernie is a vote for Trump. Listen to Bernie, he is campaigning for Hilary. Vote blue no matter who. The Supreme Court, The Democratic Platform and keeping Trump out are to important.
The big deal is that we don't have national ID. We only have state ID's that cost money to get, which disenfranchises poor people. Not to mention that some states have divested in DMV's that do those ID's in some regions that are mostly minority and poor, which requires them to go out of town to get ID, and there is no public transportation to get there. So these voter ID laws are used strategically to disenfranchise people who are likely to vote democrat. This kind of voter disenfranchisement can turn an election. Something else you probably don't realize, we also have a lot of elderly people that don't have a valid birth certificate! That's because states didn't start requiring central filing of birth and death certificates at a state bureau of vital statistics until after WWII. My dad doesn't have a valid birth certificate. He was born at home. No birth certificate, no ID. You start to see the problem now?
It's not voter fraud that's the problem, it's election fraud. There were plenty of indicators of election fraud in the democratic primaries. Perhaps you should pay more attention to that Thom.
The problem is that we think we are a Democracy but we arn't. We are an Oligarchy, controlled by the large money people who own the media and control how that media is being used to control, or negate the electorate.
How to change this?
My suggestion is to required all registered individuals be counted. Each slate of proposed electable officials would have to include "None of the above" and if that category was the greatest in count of registered voters, then none of the presented slate, including current holders of the office, would be elected and the next voting opportunity, preferable no more than 4 weeks later, would have to be an entirely new slate of candidates. If a person did not actively vote for one of the existing candidates, his/her vote wuld be counted in the "None of the above" slot. Existing candidates, now holding the office could be voted out. the candidates would be more interested in getting the registered voters opinion and satisfying their political needs than the moneyed interests.
ID should be reasonably priced and available to all that qualify. A passport is a form of national ID but they are not reasonably priced.
As far as Trumps rhetoric he is setting up his TV show in the future. He will complain about everything that Hilary does. I also think that he is setting up a run by one of his sons or his son in law.
بص بقي علشان تبقي عارف اخبار الدنيا وكل اخبار العالم مفيش قدامك غير انك تدخل المصدر 24 فيه اخبار من كل مكان اخبار مصر تلاقي اخبار الاقتصاد موجود اخبار الرياضة وريال مدريد واخبار برشلونة اشطا جدا انا حبيت اقول لك بس علشان تبقي عارف يعني شوف ده كده فيه اخبار مصر اخبار مصر وده ياسيدي فيه اخبار الرياضة اخبار الرياضة وده بقي لو انت بتاع اقتصاد وبورصة والكلام الكبير ده في اخبار الاقتصاد اقتصاد وصلنا بقي لشغل الابراج والكلام الكبير هنا هتلاقي كل توقعات الابراج لاي حد تتخيله ماغي فرح ماشي محمد فرعون اشطا جاكلين عقيقي كله حصري يابرنس اعرف ابراج اليوم وتوقعات الابراج في الابراج اليوم
Voter suprression is Trump's best hope along with another HRC meltdown. Obama could have resolved all the VOTER ID BS by either passing a bill or issuing an executive order that the Social Security Card was valid anywhere and everywhere as Voter ID. This would have silenced the wobegone FOX watchers who are convinced voter fraud is a huge problem, and believe it or not, there are lots of folks who fall into that trap. Otherwise both candidates have created the issueless campaign that both want. Thom I admire your spirited defense of HRC. But truthfully she is Wall Street's woman and will support gender and identity equality but never economic egalitarian societies here or abroad (witness her murder of Gaddafi). She is what she is. Clinton's wife, the guy who gave us NAFTA, deregulation , etc.. If you think she is different look at her vote on the student loan issue. Along with Banker Joe Biden she voted to deny constitutional rights to those who file for bankruptcy. (Yes that right is explicit for people in the constitution, there are no foot notes.) Now only corporations can dismiss all their debts, destruction of the environment and fleecing of the public in the Bankruptcy courts. Do a show on that someday. The things the constitution states are actually of interest to some. The right of bankruptcy and the explicit unconstitutional nature of taxes on consumption are worth a show or two, don't you think?
Obama and other Democrats are making a big mistake in ridiculing Trump's claim that the election is being rigged. The Republicans rig elections, as much as they can, by surpressing voters and perhaps by hacking. Black box voting with proprietary machines owned by Republican companies. Trump's charges are a smokescreen to distract from the Republican's nefarious activities.
I want to thank the caller on Monday who talked about the election triggering past trauma flashbacks. I thought I was the only one. Thanks.
Trees are NOT in a wholesale die-off from global warming. The Earth has, in fact, 14% more green vegetation than it did 30 years ago:
That is the equivalent of adding the vegetative area of twice the United States:
Thom is spouting fear mongering verbiage that has no basis in fact!
The elephant in the room, that seems to be avoided by everyone is too many people on the planet. That is the root cause to climate change and a multitude of other problems we face. Politically the subject has become a pariah so instead of attempting to address human population growth on a global and national scale we scurry about trying to figure out a cure for its individual consequences. The disease of overpopulation has symptoms of climate change, resource depletion and shortages, increased need for regulation, mass migration, wars over resources, and on and on. All of these symptoms are inevitable until we address the causal problem. How do we get the world to voluntarily and peacefully self-regulate our number of humans over the next century? If we don't, the symptoms of the disease eventually will regulate our numbers for us.
Here in Davenport Iowa we just broke an all time record of of 84 by 6 degrees for hottest day in October (Oct 17) it was 90. Early this month we had our first Oct tornado. Crazy how we can't get people convinced.
Some things you get right and on this subject you are partially correct. Your biggest mistake is listening to the government bought scientist and politicans. They have an adjenda and it's not to help mother earth. Is the weather changing,yes ; are we as a people polluting,yes ; however is the MAIN polluting coming the industry,Yes. Not all are, climate change, coming from pollutents, there are other factures that are out of mans control such as oceans warming from tectonic plate movement, under sea volcanos and many other natural occurances on this planet.
Stop taking in the garbage our government speaks through it's talking heads. Do so research out of political accepted channels. Learn, adapt and change.
What you are saying Kend is that Humans have no impact on the environment at all and can continue to abuse the Earth with no cosequences .You deny the finest minds on the planet who have studied these things for years claiming you know better .This denial exhibited by many politicians and our biggest corporations can go on for a few more years and then it will end .
The value of conciousness is that it considers consequences . We have to keep the Earths temperature stable not going above probably 1 degree so life can thrive.Kend what happens to your body temperature changes by a few degrees .If its 40 degrees this is serious is it not . Warming up the Earth by human induced climate change has the same effect .
Denial is used for those to continue the illusion that we are seperate from each other and seperate from nature.Responsibility is for those looking to evolve and mature the species .
Thanks Thom you should be advising the World Government on how to save Humanity from its own demise.
It takes around 300 years for a newly planted tree to grow to the size which will allow it to produce as much oxygen as many of the old growth trees in our rainforests that have been chopped down .We have cleared hundreds of thousands of acres and we are not stopping. To replace this loss would take thousands of years .
This is called eroding the life system .We are choosing to do this to satisfy the interests of the few .Intead of balancing our planets atmosphere so life can thrive.
To change all this we have to see the environment as part of ourselves and everything in it as well, only then will we begin to act differently towards her.This is a conscious choice we have to make .
To be or not to be .That is humanitys most vital question . It always has been ...
400-101 CCIE is really tough exam to pass but don’t worry now 400-101 past papers is here for you. We provide real exam questions of 400-101. Questions are up to date and fully accurate compiled by the experts. How can pass 400-101 exam For more info and latest exam questions visit us.
There's no revolution. We've been through another eight years of Dems and liberals calling on the public to Stand in Solidarity -- to maintain the status quo of the bourgeoisie, the middle class. Stay the course!
Unless you're using the word in the sense of a "revolutionary new breakfast cereal," revolutions are not driven by the better-off. They are waged by those who have been shut out, denied fundamental human rights, and no longer have anything left to lose.
We've known at least since the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973 that we have an "urgent need" not only to break our dependency on foreign oil, but to dramatically reduce our consumption of fossil fuels. Americans demand a solution, but not one that costs them financially or in terms of inconvenience. We know the problem, but remain stuck on finding a solution that Americans will accept.
Hello Thom,
I recently did a writing assignment for a college course with regards to Trees. And I also drew the conclusion that our Trees are dying, stating that "Trees are the Canary in the Coal Mine for Humankind",
I would like to share it with you........
The most surprising thing I learned about the
Hidden Life of Trees
****** *******
As far back as I can remember Trees have always been an important part of my life.
As a child, whenever my family moved to a new and unfamiliar neighborhood, remembering which trees lined the city blocks would always help me to find my way home after a long walk from my new school. As I grew up, many of those same trees provided more than just shade and recreation. They also provided safety and security from the occasional unleashed dog roaming the neighborhood. Now as an adult, one of the tallest Pine Trees in the Valley aides to keep my house cool in the summer, and provides ample lumber to burn in the winter.
While reading Brian Pickings: The Secret Life of Trees, a treatment of The Hidden life of Trees, written by Peter Wohlleben, I was reminded of the symbiotic relationship I shared with certain Trees in my old neighborhoods. I was also intrigued to learn more about the may ways trees affect almost every other species of life on the Planet as well.
Trees are not only part of our ecological system, cleaning and filtering the air we breath, but they are also part of a complex food chain within the wilderness. That if tampered with, may cause a ripple affect than can destroy an entire ecosystem.
The most surprising aspect of Wohllebens's observations of Trees, is that the Wolves of Yellowstone National Park serve as natural sheepherders of the Forest and protect the Trees. By controlling the balance of vegetation and not allowing nearby herbivores to over feed on the young trees and seedlings along the banks of various rivers, trees are able to flourish and maintain the balance of nature.
By taking note of this particular discovery, I have learned to draw yet another conclusion, among the many others I have come to know, and that is “Trees are the Canary in the Coalmine for Mankind”. Trees provide more than just shade on a summer day, or a something to decorate in the Winter, Trees are vulnerable, living creatures, that provide a great deal of life to our Planet. They ask for very little in return except to be left alone. They need our protection if Mankind wants to survive.
As I type this written assignment, vast areas of our Tropical Rain-forest in South America, as well as the mountaintops of North-America are being destroyed. They are being laid to waste in the name of profit, which in turn creates nothing more than pollution. The our great forests are responsible for the bulk of the clean air we breath. Without clean air, we die.
I hope someday soon, mankind will wake up from this veritable suicide pack. For I do not appreciate it at all.
Right now the native americans are gathering their largest get together since America was born in North Dakota to stop big oil and save our planet. At least someone is smart enough to actually do something about it. Unlike the rest of us that only talk about it. Keep being lazy and watch yourselves get destroyed and watch it all burn. Or do something.
I'm glad you mentioned slash-and-burn farming, but it's actually for livestock and their feedcrops. According to the facts in the movie "Cowspiracy," 136 million rainforest acres have been cleared for animal agriculture. By simply cutting back dramatically on our diet of cows alone we can regrow our forests, the lungs of the earth. This idea of creating a carbon-eating mechanism sounds pretty far-fetched, expensive, and pointless if we aren't cutting back on our consumption of this unsustainable, unhealthy, and planet-destroying practice.
So what caused the global warming, dust bowl in the 30's. Carbon???? It was much warmer then. I have to be a global warming denier. I certainty believe in climate change. Climate has changed for millions of years. If you look at it logically we have spent trillions on global warming and it hasn't reduced carbon at all. In fact according to Thom Carbon levels have gone up. Would we have been better off spending those trillions on healthcare and education?
A carbon tax will give incentive for companies to go green.
Hopefully the revenues will be directed at tech in these three areas:
Fusion (especially the smaller machines)
Aeroponics (grow food plants without soil, already a for profit business)
"Water from air" devices.
("The amount of water available in the air is for all forseeable practical purposes unlimited. The bottom 1 kilometre (in the atmosphere) alone contains about 1.000,000,000,000,000 litres of water and that is turned over every few hours}
Did you mention an alternative organization to AARP?
A vote for Bernie is a vote for Trump. Listen to Bernie, he is campaigning for Hilary. Vote blue no matter who. The Supreme Court, The Democratic Platform and keeping Trump out are to important.
Screw voting for Trump or Clinton.
Write in votes for Bernie Sanders!!!
The big deal is that we don't have national ID. We only have state ID's that cost money to get, which disenfranchises poor people. Not to mention that some states have divested in DMV's that do those ID's in some regions that are mostly minority and poor, which requires them to go out of town to get ID, and there is no public transportation to get there. So these voter ID laws are used strategically to disenfranchise people who are likely to vote democrat. This kind of voter disenfranchisement can turn an election. Something else you probably don't realize, we also have a lot of elderly people that don't have a valid birth certificate! That's because states didn't start requiring central filing of birth and death certificates at a state bureau of vital statistics until after WWII. My dad doesn't have a valid birth certificate. He was born at home. No birth certificate, no ID. You start to see the problem now?
It's not voter fraud that's the problem, it's election fraud. There were plenty of indicators of election fraud in the democratic primaries. Perhaps you should pay more attention to that Thom.
The problem is that we think we are a Democracy but we arn't. We are an Oligarchy, controlled by the large money people who own the media and control how that media is being used to control, or negate the electorate.
How to change this?
My suggestion is to required all registered individuals be counted. Each slate of proposed electable officials would have to include "None of the above" and if that category was the greatest in count of registered voters, then none of the presented slate, including current holders of the office, would be elected and the next voting opportunity, preferable no more than 4 weeks later, would have to be an entirely new slate of candidates. If a person did not actively vote for one of the existing candidates, his/her vote wuld be counted in the "None of the above" slot. Existing candidates, now holding the office could be voted out. the candidates would be more interested in getting the registered voters opinion and satisfying their political needs than the moneyed interests.
ID should be reasonably priced and available to all that qualify. A passport is a form of national ID but they are not reasonably priced.
As far as Trumps rhetoric he is setting up his TV show in the future. He will complain about everything that Hilary does. I also think that he is setting up a run by one of his sons or his son in law.
بص بقي علشان تبقي عارف اخبار الدنيا وكل اخبار العالم مفيش قدامك غير انك تدخل المصدر 24 فيه اخبار من كل مكان اخبار مصر تلاقي اخبار الاقتصاد موجود اخبار الرياضة وريال مدريد واخبار برشلونة اشطا جدا انا حبيت اقول لك بس علشان تبقي عارف يعني شوف ده كده فيه اخبار مصر اخبار مصر وده ياسيدي فيه اخبار الرياضة اخبار الرياضة وده بقي لو انت بتاع اقتصاد وبورصة والكلام الكبير ده في اخبار الاقتصاد اقتصاد وصلنا بقي لشغل الابراج والكلام الكبير هنا هتلاقي كل توقعات الابراج لاي حد تتخيله ماغي فرح ماشي محمد فرعون اشطا جاكلين عقيقي كله حصري يابرنس اعرف ابراج اليوم وتوقعات الابراج في الابراج اليوم