Recent comments

  • Full Show 10/11/16: Is Grabbing Genitals Sexual Assault? Sen. Sessions Unsure.   8 years 20 weeks ago

    Up the Creek

    {… a rhyme …}

    Regarding the Trump-fan clique

    of folks with their fits of pique: -

    - Trump is apaddling

    them up the creek,

    their canoe astraddling

    a sandbar: Trump-speak.

    Their brains are addling

    by heeding this freak.

    … … …

    They’re up the creek

    with Trump’s broken paddle.

    The Donald’s election they seek

    by applauding his sheer fiddle-faddle.


  • The Billionaires' Vision For America is Very Different From Our Founders'   8 years 20 weeks ago

    Trump threat of special prosecutor

    Trump threatened that if elected, he would use the DoJ to go after Hillary Clinton. It was also mentioned that that threat sounded Nixonian. While Trump made a threat; the GOP-controlled House has actually abused power for political purposes for years going back to Whitewater. The Republicans in Congress need to be called out just as much as Trump.

    Dan, San Diego

  • The Billionaires' Vision For America is Very Different From Our Founders'   8 years 20 weeks ago

    Anti-American government Republicans get voted in only because citizens are being lied to by right wing conservative media. Reagan's trickle down disaster would never have lasted for decades had it not been for misinformation which went on steroids after the Fairness Doctrine got eliminated, Fox propaganda network being a case in point.

    Nothing will change until truth reaches people who vote in the Paul Ryans of our government.

    Bernie was getting the truth out and the country started to respond, then silence. The billionaire weapon of mass misinformation is responsible for the billionaire vision taking hold.....a weapon of truth is needed more than ever now. Bernie was that weapon.

    Without control of the message the billionaires would still be paying pre Reagan tax rates.

    The media is the horse here...Reaganomics is the cart.

  • The Billionaires' Vision For America is Very Different From Our Founders'   8 years 20 weeks ago

    A favorite phrase of Republicans is "let the people speak." Yet time and again what Republican politicians do is not what the majority of voters want. Neither Scott Walker, governor of Wisconsin or this governor declared their agenda to bust unions and privatize state services in their campaign platform, but as soon as they were elected they went right ahead and attempted to carry out their agendas. I have to wonder when voters are going to wise up to Republicans.

  • The Billionaires' Vision For America is Very Different From Our Founders'   8 years 20 weeks ago

    Thanks Thom, your blog post is an urgent reminder to vote down ballot and vote progressive. Local races and ballot issues matter! Here in Colorado we have an opportunity to vote for universal healthcare, Amendment 69. Unfortunately everyone's attention seems to be focused on GOP trainwreck, Donald Trump. Big insurance and Koch funded groups have payed for many silly ads telling folks here to vote against Amendment 69, but not even telling us what it is. I know that the pro Amendment 69 group has a real dissadvatage in funding. Their website is pretty good and answers people's concerns in a straight forward manner. Please check it out

  • White Men Don't Want Trump To Go After White Women   8 years 20 weeks ago

    Hephaestus: Absolutely not. Thank you for bringing this vagueness on my part to my attention.

    I meant the "takes two to tango"remark to not include rape. When I said "except for rape", I meant in cases other than rape.

    I find rape to be a violent, hideous crime that has less to do with sex than power, control, and violence.

    Men, or males: (" men" don't rape women) that do these things should be subject to the same treatment.

    Thanx for the question.

  • White Men Don't Want Trump To Go After White Women   8 years 20 weeks ago

    The reasons for Republican men reacting so strongly to Trump's trivialization of sexual assault of women aren't simple, but they are definitely worth looking at more closely. Do you know how, before women entered the workforce back in the 50s, we were subjugated in the sense that we provided free labor to men in the home and were treated as children all our lives basically, but, some perks came along with that? (De'Beauvoir famously called the benefits women get for performing femininity under male supremacy the "delights of passivity" and, while she argued and I'd argue they aren't worth sacrificying the goal of true liberation to, they are real, they do win you approval from men, they are easier and quicker to get than liberation, and, in some ways, they feel good, otherwise women wouldn't do them). In the 50s, when women "knew our place" more, at least according to a patriarchal world view, we were allowed to be a lot heavier physically (ie, we didn't have to starve ourselves to be considered beautiful), we were given a modicum of honor and respect for our role in the home as mothers and caregivers, and, even if that respect was paternalistic, we were treated "sweetly" for giving compliance. As women moved into the work force and asserted our indepence and power relative to men, you can see fashion trends becoming more sadistic, women having to be thinner and younger even (a young woman is more likely to be naive, after all, easier to control, less "uppity" by virtue of her lack of experience) and men's pornography of women in particular became much more violent, degrading, and contemptuous in its attitudes towards women. It's as though men have responded to our expanding freedoms in some areas of society by more ferociously "putting us back in our place" in others, particularly the realm of sex.

    I think of Republican women as being more like 50s style women, in the sense that, they don't challenge traditional gender roles and they are loyal to their men. So, maybe as a result of that, they have more input and sway on Republican men on some level than Liberal women do on their males. It seems like Bill Clinton could, after all, humiliate women in such deeply degrading ways (sticking a cigar in a woman who orally services you on her knees at your command whenever you take her into a private enclave at work and simply unzip your trousers is about as far from egalitarian sex as one could get, and that's not even mentioning the assault and rape charges, which, to me, do feel credible) and yet, men on the Left did nothing, said nothing, even, in the cases of figures like Bill Maher and Chris Rock, romanticized Clinton's "exploits." It's almost as though men on the Left feel a contempt or, at least disregard for women's humanity in sex that men on the Right haven't gotten to yet (not, mind you, because they are more compassionate towards women, but because "their women" have been more compliant). Still, as women, we wait and wait for our men, that is, progressive men, those who claim to support feminism, those who claim to care about our status in society, to condemn Bill Clinton's misogyny and sexual predation of women, to show some anger towards him on our behalf. But that anger never comes, and my sneaking suspicion is that it's because most Leftist men would still rather *be* President Clinton than condemn him.

  • Why Are Police Raiding Voter Registration?   8 years 20 weeks ago

    It would be interesting know the details of those so-called fraudulent registrations. I bet John Oliver could have a wonderful 15 min segment about it.

  • White Men Don't Want Trump To Go After White Women   8 years 20 weeks ago

    I'll try to be clear! Trump is a direct result of control and manipulation of the corp media.

    Very wealthy individuals who have more wealth and power than our elected officials both own and use networks like Fox News in addition to endless extreme right wing radio broadcasts to confuse listeners/ viewers. A woman who called Thom yesterday and with great vehemence declared "I want more than anything to see Hillary locked up." is a great example of that confusion.

    Becoming that twisted requires hearing endless broadcasts repeating over and over and over and over agian...Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi ,e-mails, emails, emails. It's a time tested Fascist technique.

    We can bemoan all we want about Bernie not being our candidate. The right wing monopolized corpse media defeated Bernie. We no longer have our fourth branch of government, it has been seized by the Fascists.

    Hillary is the Democratic candidate not because of super delegates or whatever other fraud may have been implemented, she's our candidate because the truth is no longer reaching the masses.

    BTW: Paul Ryan is no different than Trump or Pence , maybe even more dangerous....the lack of truth in reporting is the only reason he has been placed in office.

    Trump very likely raped a 13 year old, yet we still hear nothing about it. it, the info is out there.

  • Full Show 10/10/16: 32 More Republicans Say No to Trump   8 years 20 weeks ago

    Trump’s “King Midas" Touch

    {… a rhyme & an image …}

    Several sectors of our nation are such

    that a Donald Trump can happen: -

    - Malaise becomes Anger’s Stupidity,

    and Stupidity’s lack of Lucidity

    has them in raving Lividity, … so they clutch

    a Destroyer with his tongue a-flappin’

    that deftly applying his Midas touch,

    King Trump’ll have his voters toe-tappin’.

    … Image:


  • Politics Panel: Is Trump Channeling A Banana Republic Dictator?   8 years 20 weeks ago

    Trump is TOO Much

    {… a rhyme …}

    We conclude that Trump is TOO crude;

    he oughta be booed for being TOO lewd.

    TOO much of moral tur-pi-tude, -

    - and in Other ways TOO with badness imbued,

    with his Id-driven Ego which can’t be subdued.

    TOO much lacking in rec-ti-tude.

    TOO much for virtue no ap-ti-tude.


  • Politics Panel: The GOP Will Never Be the Same Post Trump   8 years 20 weeks ago

    Hateful Prate

    {1.60 limericks}

    During the second debate,

    we saw Trump escalate

    his persona’s prate

    and venomous hate, -

    - and Wow! did he stimulate

    his “deplorable” corps

    to a yuuge furore,

    to a fury which’ll Never abate.


  • Myra Bradwell: America's First Woman Lawyer...   8 years 20 weeks ago

    Excellent! This is where womens stand in business profile. Worth a reading article to know how women are making there name in law firm. The "rising star" tells how much she worked hard for it. Many lawyer govern there name in law directories by there professional work. Profiles like this which are recommended to read where you can get advice and many more solutions to resolve your legal issues.

  • White Men Don't Want Trump To Go After White Women   8 years 20 weeks ago

    I believe Trump could use a handgun and murder a stranger on 5th Avenue by shooting them in the face (as he has said) and many of his supporters would justify it with whatever excuse Trump would come up with. They are just that loyal and stupid and I assume some of them are good people. Nothing, not even murder, will change the mind of many of trump's supporters. I'm not convinced Trump's bus talk is what convinced republican lawmakers to start abandoning him. I believe it's like the Trump boat full of republican lawmakers got a hole in it and started sinking when he tweeted about a nonexistent sex tape. They were trying to plug the hole and keep the Trump boat afloat when the boat got another hole in it when the bus talk came out. Well, the Trump boat started sinking faster as poll numbers begin to fall. That's when Republicans began to jump out of the Trump boat and swim to the safety of congress numbers as Trump was left to sink and drown as the Republicans had taken the RNC campaign fund life jackets with them. No, I don't believe Trumps horrible misogyny is causing republican politicians to pretend they are disgusted with him and for that reason they are discontinuing to supporting him. I believe they simply see that he will not win and want to divert republican campaign funds away from the presidential race to down ballot races to save republican seats in the senate, the house and other down ballot races. I believe that if Trump's poll numbers were high, say 60%, when the bus talk came out, none of the Holier Than Thou republicans that are now saying they can no longer support Trump because his horrible bus talk is offensive to women would be abandoning him. I believe for Republicans, it's not about morals, it's about money to save down ballot races since seeking a Republican presidency now is obviously a lost cause.

  • White Men Don't Want Trump To Go After White Women   8 years 20 weeks ago

    Hillary was wrong, its not half of them but ALL of them that are deplorables!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Republicans are ignorant, evil and really make me sick!!!!!!!!!!

  • White Men Don't Want Trump To Go After White Women   8 years 20 weeks ago

    Being a toady to someone who would have no qualms about fondling your wife or daughter--maybe even in your presence--is extremely emasculating and is where some of these self-loathing single issue voter types finally get off.

  • White Men Don't Want Trump To Go After White Women   8 years 20 weeks ago

    That's rough. Besides, things are more complicated today. Think about it: Democrats and liberals wrote the jobless poor off as something less than human, therefore undeserving of the most basic human rights (UN's UDHR) of food and shelter. The majority of poor are white, and the majority of these are women. (We call poor people of color "disadvantaged," and still refer to poor white people as "white trash.") We know that not everyone is able to work (health, etc.), and that there aren't jobs for all, and have decided that the poor are mere "surplus population," dispensible. No question, Trump's words are ugly, but not as ugly as the consequences of the Democrats' policies or the liberals' flat indifference.

  • White Men Don't Want Trump To Go After White Women   8 years 20 weeks ago

    You still reading the Hitchiker's guide to the galaxy? You might try coming into the 21st century and look at the facts.

  • White Men Don't Want Trump To Go After White Women   8 years 20 weeks ago

    Your male naivete is showing. You have no idea.

  • White Men Don't Want Trump To Go After White Women   8 years 20 weeks ago

    To pull off "The Sting" if one recalls the movie the setup acting is superbe to get to the Sting and disappear.

    Team Oligarch's pick is $hillary thus her opponent well chosen to lose, eh?

    Drumpfster on the other hand gets to play himself, not being a Ronald Reagan needs no coaching and an obvious loose-cannon, why would Team Oligarch care, he's picked as the loser it's for show and ratings?

    However, according the the Hitchhikers Guide the more improbable an event, the more likely it is to happen, why would the Guide say that?

    What possibly could go wrong? ---->>> Drumpfster wins ...

    The math? ... Bernie's coattails to $hillary are thin, that block went Green on bright-eyed principle along with anti 2-is-1 party results on domestic needs, shhhh (((climate changed to add to lost pensions-retirements and potholes))).

    Even today if Bernie went Green it's a landslide, he loses as a write-in the current trend; legally, if you win a nomination physically stealing ballots to not be counted it's a fraudulent win.

    The DOJ should see allowing that at nomination level is implying it's legal by not halting the general election, then, where fraud is proven a re-vote to get a valid vote-count for those primaries allowing voters to change their minds, then a delegate voting to also allow delegates to change their minds.

    Otherwise, a general election of such nominees can be none other than fraud.

  • White Men Don't Want Trump To Go After White Women   8 years 20 weeks ago

    TomDorr - Do you imply that a victim of rape is part of a "two to tango" scenario?

  • White Men Don't Want Trump To Go After White Women   8 years 20 weeks ago

    When your candidate is a serial liar and probably too ill to hold the office,

    all thats left is to go after the opponent on his personal life.

    As an independant thought that was a ploy owned by the Repubs.

    Can now see that when it gets down and dirty, the Dems haul it out also.


  • White Men Don't Want Trump To Go After White Women   8 years 20 weeks ago

    Republican politicians are just saying their disapproval because they don't want to be hurt in elections.

    But when it comes to male politicians, there are no political or philosophical divisions between those that "womanize". Power is power.

    Even Barney Frank used his power to seduce a page, although that page was male.

    Party, philosophy, sexual identity. Doesn't matter. Those in power will seek attractive female (or young male) conquests, and attractive females (and young males) will always be present in enough numbers to play this game.

    Except for rape, it takes two to tango.

  • Why Are Police Raiding Voter Registration?   8 years 20 weeks ago

    Looks bad. New voters threatening the status quo. So sorry. Hope that they can fight back.

  • Why Are Police Raiding Voter Registration?   8 years 20 weeks ago

    Republicans can only win by cheating and lying. Trouble is the mainstream media lets them get away with it because it is owned and operated by the 1% who are Republican and have Republicans in their pocket.

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