How would anyone know? We used to estimate poverty by adding UI and welfare statistics. When actual welfare ended, so did those statistics. Americans (liberals included) have simply done a good job of disappearing the issue. The fact is, we have no way to determine how many Americans have no legal means of providing for themselves today.
Last year, 0% COLA for Social Security. This year, .03% COLA for Social Security. That means that this year I will get a 30 cent raise each month, which works out to be about $3.60 increase in my Social Security for the ENTIRE YEAR. Now, that is going to make a heck of a dent in my rent. So those who say we're better off than we were last year, I guess they're correct. They're correct, but it really isn't right.
As a member of Michigan Election Reform Alliance (MERA), we find that there is NO Voter Fraud (findings are insignificant mathematically). However, there is ELECTION FRAUD as we have shown in Beverly Harris' Black Box Voting Court win. Rigging machines can take as little as 3 seconds and you don't need to be an IT expert to do that. Software which is protected under Patent Rights forbids us from scrutinizing it. Quality Control of this software is severely lacking. Do votes get flipped ...yes, they do and it can be done discriminately without anyone ever noticing. Small numbers when races are close go unnoticed. Rules to obtain ballots for recounts? FOIA costs have soared and time intervals make it almost a redundant exercise. Once they have the positions...and we prove fraud...nothing happens. No penalties. No penalties are imposed on those that benefit from obtaining their seats thru fraud and proving it takes too long. We have 3+ court cases now over sabotaging of Sanders campaign. Whether we win or lose - nothing changes. Obama promised a Voting Reform Act in '08 and nothing became of it. If you are truly interested in than get Bob Fitrakis or Beverly Harris on your show!!!! We could use the Experts voice to dispel and set the record straight. Please do for everyone's sake. Thanks.
The writer understand better the mind of people what they want to learn through their writing therefore this article is outstanding. Thanks!!!
There is a big difference between voter fraud and election fraud. It was election fraud that got Bush elected and it was election fraud that made sure that Hillary beat Bernie in the primary. Trump said he would reserve judgement about whether or the election was rigged until after the election. As far as i am concerned that was the only reasonable answer a person could give. Believe me, that doesn't mean I will vote for Trump. I will not be voting for the corporate war monger either. I'll vote for Jill Stein.
David S Lynch is correct. At the local level the digital voting machines are highly vulnerable to election fraud. However I do agree voter fraud isn't and has never been a problem.
If anyone thinks election fraud is below the Teapublican Party after what they have put this country through the last eight years.... then you must have your head where the sun doesn't shine.
The Republican Party's strategy to win is to surpress the votes of minorities, aged, and women. They have employed tactics that make it increasingly difficult for those leaning Democratic to register and if registered to vote. They have succeeded in preventing hundreds of thousands if not millions of American citizens from voting and they have bragged about their success. The Federal Courts are slowly catching up with these unfair and illegal actions by elected officials but it is a constant battle. Voter fraud is a rare occurrence but voter suppression is just the way the Republicans like to conduct elections, that is how they win in many instances.
Thom, you have spoken many times on your program about ELECTION fraud, the wholesale theft of votes due to our tabulation systems being run by private corporations who keep the process a secret. We have not fixed this broken system, which allows tampering at the precinct level, as well as at the central tabulator level.
These secretive digital systems offer no way to truly verify an eleciton. Thom, I have heard you voice this concern so many times.
The problem is, since this broken system has never been fixed, the vulnerabilities still exist - and are available for someone like Trump to point out. Unfortunately, he can claim the election was rigged and there is no way to disprove him.
There are no paper ballots to recount. There is only digital information that is vulnerable to tampering and hacking.
We've handed this mess to Trump on a silver platter and given the kind of person he is, we shouldn't be surprised that he's exploiting it.
I just ask you to remember back to the 2000 election when the supreme court elected Donald Duck for our president for a period of 8 years. It's amazing for you to dismiss our electronic polling as being honest, really tom! We have't had a honest election for many years and certainly this will be a case in point this year.
Don't get me wrong both canditates are just a joke. Hilery should be in Jail and Donald is not certainly open minded. To have either of these two represent the US in world affairs is just a absolute tradegy. The clinton/bush crime family surely has the fix on.
It upsets me terribly when I hear people improperly discussing "voter fraud!" What actually began to happen, in the 2000 election, was ELECTION FRAUD -- which was primarily performed by the Republicans. This ELECTION FRAUD had many facets, from manipulated computerized voting machines to outright ballot manipulation -- like in the 2004 election.
When investigators started getting the publics attention and pointing the finger at the RepublicanParty, they (the Republicans) immediately started re-directing the public's attention to VOTER FRAUD and thus started a massive national campaign to pass legislation to combat a nonexistent problem while making it more difficult for voters (mostly Democrats) to vote. The Republicans joyfully gave themselves a "two-fer" -- at our expense!
Thom, I'm surprised that you have fallen into their corrupt meme and instead ignored the real -- and VERY imporatnt story, in this article!
Tom, what are you becoming a shill for the Democratic Party? Two columns in a row about discrediting talk of election fraud by the Democrats when they engaged in wholesale fraud during the primaries. Are you becoming like Michael Moore?
The Republicans built up how fair the Fox news hosts, Chris Wallace, would be. How professional he is and that he would control it. I thought it was the worse of the 3 debates. Trump was constantly interupting. He was constantly talking over Hilary. I saw no control at all. As usual "Fair and Balanced" is just a phrase to brainwash the gullible.
Quote DHBranski:no matter how the election turns out, masses of us will lose.
It's true. This election has been, and will be, the biggest disaster this country has ever faced. The Civil War is beginning to look like a minor skirmish. People talk about "too big to fail"; maybe we should look at "too big to exist". I think the United States as grown too big to exist. Too many people with too many differences, all wanting to dictate how everyone else should live their lives.
The Roman Empire fell, the Soviet Union fell; the United States will fall.
Tom, I don't recall, but did you run a column about the blatant election fraud during the Democratic primary that was used against Bernie Sanders. Yes, the fraud occurs on both sides, and while I am anything but a Trump supporter, I would be concerned as well. Instead of deflecting his comments, which I think is disingenuous on your part, you should at the same time show that he has legitimate concerns based on the Democratic primaries.
Our liberal bourgeoisie never quite grasped how deeply the Clinton wing split apart the Dem voting base, while liberals only continued over the past 20 years to more deeply alienate the poor, etc. Over the past eight years, race has been used quite powerfully to alienated many white voters. I think we have a rather unique mess today. In the end, it looks like a good chunk of the country thinks that no matter how the election turns out, masses of us will lose.
Interestingly, Eisenhower was actually to the left of today's Democrats and liberals, esp. on core socioeconomic issues. So was Nixon, for that matter. This has been a very strange era.
When was the last time we had an election that didn't come complete with the routine claims of "widespread voter fraud" and the list of voter suppression allegations? When was the last time you heard anyone claimed that there was any integrity in our elections system, much less in our government? And yet with each election comes the howls of outrage against those who choose not to vote.
Bush stole the 2000 election. Fla courts, Jeb Bush & katheryn Harris made sure of that . Bush had trouble putting 2 coherent sentences together , when elected he led US to global crash- TARP - loss of 700 K jobs a month in 2007- 2008 . Bush Cheney lied us into Iraq war, wasting lives and trillions. Now GOP has Trump.. who has his excuses all lined up when- if he loses. Trump never accepts responsibility for anything he does or says. He is a thin skiined, petulant, erratic, man- child who always got what he wanted . If he loses.. The touted Trump Brand will be tarnished
Being a ' loser' for first time in his pampered greedy life. This country is not the one I grew up in in 50's . Eisenhower was last decent GOP President - he warned us of the growing Military Industrial Complex 's . Cheney's Halliburton is just one one result.
The winners of a US presidential election are causing the country real harm by not going out of their way to put in place before the election the quality controls suggested by the opposition.
It appears that DJT is about to suffer a complete emotional breakdown. I don't think he can hold it all together until November 8, 2016. Either he knows what he is saying is all a lie, that makes him evil; or he believes what he is saying is true, that makes him mentally incompentent. I prefer to believe that he suffers from a brain lesion than to call him evil.
How would anyone know? We used to estimate poverty by adding UI and welfare statistics. When actual welfare ended, so did those statistics. Americans (liberals included) have simply done a good job of disappearing the issue. The fact is, we have no way to determine how many Americans have no legal means of providing for themselves today.
Last year, 0% COLA for Social Security. This year, .03% COLA for Social Security. That means that this year I will get a 30 cent raise each month, which works out to be about $3.60 increase in my Social Security for the ENTIRE YEAR. Now, that is going to make a heck of a dent in my rent. So those who say we're better off than we were last year, I guess they're correct. They're correct, but it really isn't right.
Is there transcript of the show?
As a member of Michigan Election Reform Alliance (MERA), we find that there is NO Voter Fraud (findings are insignificant mathematically). However, there is ELECTION FRAUD as we have shown in Beverly Harris' Black Box Voting Court win. Rigging machines can take as little as 3 seconds and you don't need to be an IT expert to do that. Software which is protected under Patent Rights forbids us from scrutinizing it. Quality Control of this software is severely lacking. Do votes get flipped ...yes, they do and it can be done discriminately without anyone ever noticing. Small numbers when races are close go unnoticed. Rules to obtain ballots for recounts? FOIA costs have soared and time intervals make it almost a redundant exercise. Once they have the positions...and we prove fraud...nothing happens. No penalties. No penalties are imposed on those that benefit from obtaining their seats thru fraud and proving it takes too long. We have 3+ court cases now over sabotaging of Sanders campaign. Whether we win or lose - nothing changes. Obama promised a Voting Reform Act in '08 and nothing became of it. If you are truly interested in than get Bob Fitrakis or Beverly Harris on your show!!!! We could use the Experts voice to dispel and set the record straight. Please do for everyone's sake. Thanks.
The writer understand better the mind of people what they want to learn through their writing therefore this article is outstanding. Thanks!!!
It’s really such nice information to get advantage from.
There is a big difference between voter fraud and election fraud. It was election fraud that got Bush elected and it was election fraud that made sure that Hillary beat Bernie in the primary. Trump said he would reserve judgement about whether or the election was rigged until after the election. As far as i am concerned that was the only reasonable answer a person could give. Believe me, that doesn't mean I will vote for Trump. I will not be voting for the corporate war monger either. I'll vote for Jill Stein.
We support AuditAz. We are worried about Election fraud.
David S Lynch is correct. At the local level the digital voting machines are highly vulnerable to election fraud. However I do agree voter fraud isn't and has never been a problem.
If anyone thinks election fraud is below the Teapublican Party after what they have put this country through the last eight years.... then you must have your head where the sun doesn't shine.
Sooo,,, Trump is right. Then, why are so many offended by him saying it?
The Republican Party's strategy to win is to surpress the votes of minorities, aged, and women. They have employed tactics that make it increasingly difficult for those leaning Democratic to register and if registered to vote. They have succeeded in preventing hundreds of thousands if not millions of American citizens from voting and they have bragged about their success. The Federal Courts are slowly catching up with these unfair and illegal actions by elected officials but it is a constant battle. Voter fraud is a rare occurrence but voter suppression is just the way the Republicans like to conduct elections, that is how they win in many instances.
Thom, you have spoken many times on your program about ELECTION fraud, the wholesale theft of votes due to our tabulation systems being run by private corporations who keep the process a secret. We have not fixed this broken system, which allows tampering at the precinct level, as well as at the central tabulator level.
These secretive digital systems offer no way to truly verify an eleciton. Thom, I have heard you voice this concern so many times.
The problem is, since this broken system has never been fixed, the vulnerabilities still exist - and are available for someone like Trump to point out. Unfortunately, he can claim the election was rigged and there is no way to disprove him.
There are no paper ballots to recount. There is only digital information that is vulnerable to tampering and hacking.
We've handed this mess to Trump on a silver platter and given the kind of person he is, we shouldn't be surprised that he's exploiting it.
I just ask you to remember back to the 2000 election when the supreme court elected Donald Duck for our president for a period of 8 years. It's amazing for you to dismiss our electronic polling as being honest, really tom! We have't had a honest election for many years and certainly this will be a case in point this year.
Don't get me wrong both canditates are just a joke. Hilery should be in Jail and Donald is not certainly open minded. To have either of these two represent the US in world affairs is just a absolute tradegy. The clinton/bush crime family surely has the fix on.
It upsets me terribly when I hear people improperly discussing "voter fraud!" What actually began to happen, in the 2000 election, was ELECTION FRAUD -- which was primarily performed by the Republicans. This ELECTION FRAUD had many facets, from manipulated computerized voting machines to outright ballot manipulation -- like in the 2004 election.
When investigators started getting the publics attention and pointing the finger at the Republican Party, they (the Republicans) immediately started re-directing the public's attention to VOTER FRAUD and thus started a massive national campaign to pass legislation to combat a nonexistent problem while making it more difficult for voters (mostly Democrats) to vote. The Republicans joyfully gave themselves a "two-fer" -- at our expense!
Thom, I'm surprised that you have fallen into their corrupt meme and instead ignored the real -- and VERY imporatnt story, in this article!
Tom, what are you becoming a shill for the Democratic Party? Two columns in a row about discrediting talk of election fraud by the Democrats when they engaged in wholesale fraud during the primaries. Are you becoming like Michael Moore?
The Republicans built up how fair the Fox news hosts, Chris Wallace, would be. How professional he is and that he would control it. I thought it was the worse of the 3 debates. Trump was constantly interupting. He was constantly talking over Hilary. I saw no control at all. As usual "Fair and Balanced" is just a phrase to brainwash the gullible.
It's true. This election has been, and will be, the biggest disaster this country has ever faced. The Civil War is beginning to look like a minor skirmish. People talk about "too big to fail"; maybe we should look at "too big to exist". I think the United States as grown too big to exist. Too many people with too many differences, all wanting to dictate how everyone else should live their lives.
The Roman Empire fell, the Soviet Union fell; the United States will fall.
Tom, I don't recall, but did you run a column about the blatant election fraud during the Democratic primary that was used against Bernie Sanders. Yes, the fraud occurs on both sides, and while I am anything but a Trump supporter, I would be concerned as well. Instead of deflecting his comments, which I think is disingenuous on your part, you should at the same time show that he has legitimate concerns based on the Democratic primaries.
Green Gold - Documentary by John D. Liu
Watching Apocalypse
American Bamboo Society
Our liberal bourgeoisie never quite grasped how deeply the Clinton wing split apart the Dem voting base, while liberals only continued over the past 20 years to more deeply alienate the poor, etc. Over the past eight years, race has been used quite powerfully to alienated many white voters. I think we have a rather unique mess today. In the end, it looks like a good chunk of the country thinks that no matter how the election turns out, masses of us will lose.
Interestingly, Eisenhower was actually to the left of today's Democrats and liberals, esp. on core socioeconomic issues. So was Nixon, for that matter. This has been a very strange era.
When was the last time we had an election that didn't come complete with the routine claims of "widespread voter fraud" and the list of voter suppression allegations? When was the last time you heard anyone claimed that there was any integrity in our elections system, much less in our government? And yet with each election comes the howls of outrage against those who choose not to vote.
Bush stole the 2000 election. Fla courts, Jeb Bush & katheryn Harris made sure of that . Bush had trouble putting 2 coherent sentences together , when elected he led US to global crash- TARP - loss of 700 K jobs a month in 2007- 2008 . Bush Cheney lied us into Iraq war, wasting lives and trillions. Now GOP has Trump.. who has his excuses all lined up when- if he loses. Trump never accepts responsibility for anything he does or says. He is a thin skiined, petulant, erratic, man- child who always got what he wanted . If he loses.. The touted Trump Brand will be tarnished
Being a ' loser' for first time in his pampered greedy life. This country is not the one I grew up in in 50's . Eisenhower was last decent GOP President - he warned us of the growing Military Industrial Complex 's . Cheney's Halliburton is just one one result.
The winners of a US presidential election are causing the country real harm by not going out of their way to put in place before the election the quality controls suggested by the opposition.
It appears that DJT is about to suffer a complete emotional breakdown. I don't think he can hold it all together until November 8, 2016. Either he knows what he is saying is all a lie, that makes him evil; or he believes what he is saying is true, that makes him mentally incompentent. I prefer to believe that he suffers from a brain lesion than to call him evil.