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  • The Danger With Trump's "Election Rigging" Talk   8 years 19 weeks ago

    Under the heading of all of this or all of that is voter ID laws. Clearly the purpose of Republican voter ID laws is voter supression. But just as clear is the Democrats refusal to implement any ID requirements. They ahve no problem with illegal alien voters.

    While massive voter fraud is both unproven and difficult to accomplish Dems should remember Florida in 2000. A couple of hundred votes cast fraudulently by Bush voters could have been the difference in that election (notwithstanding all of the other crap that went on).

    So it wouldn necessarilly take thousands or tens of thousands of votes to change the course of history.

    Clearly a voter ID law that took 10 years to begin should not present an undue burden on anyone. If your ID cannot be verified in that amount of time you probably aren't who you say you are.

    I'm sure if somehow Trump won the election because of a few votes in Nevada or New Hampshire and there was some evidence of voter fraud the Dems would go beserk.

    A few weeks ago I received an unsolicited package from the California Secretary of State inviting me to register to vote. I've been a registered voter in California since I moved here in 1989 and at my current address since 1998 and I've voted in every election.

    What was that all about? Maybe an honest mistake; maybe not.

  • The Danger With Trump's "Election Rigging" Talk   8 years 19 weeks ago

    The recent article on the 13year old girl being raped by a Donald Trump may have been another person since the Prosecuting Attorney's charges were for a Donald J. Trump, not the Donald A. Trump running for president.

    Many Republicans like to waste money making spurious charges about fraud. Then they spend money on unnecessary military equipment that has not been tested out sufficiently and therefore are dangerous for out military people to use.

    Unnecessary wars kill more Americans than some of the necessary activities.

    The lack of responsibility of corporations is the primary reason I continue to consider myself a progressive and want government regulations.

  • The Danger With Trump's "Election Rigging" Talk   8 years 19 weeks ago

    President Obama encourages everyone to vote but is not pursuing Litigation against voter suppression.
    It would Expose the truth about election fraud.
    I think the Democrats are doing the country and themselves a huge disservice by not being more aggressive in pursuing prosecution of Election Fraud.

  • The Danger With Trump's "Election Rigging" Talk   8 years 19 weeks ago

    In a study done from 1992 - 2008 republican recorded votes exceeded the exit poll data in 226 out of 274 state elections. So yes, there's election fraud, but it's almost always in favor of the party Trump represents. However I do agree that voter fraud is nearly non existent.

    Hillary has to win by more than 5 percent in the swing states to actually win them. This is common knowledge in some circles.

  • The Danger With Trump's "Election Rigging" Talk   8 years 19 weeks ago

    Republicans in Congress have been behaving as if they were a domestic terrorist organization ever since the election of President Barack H Obama. Minority Senate Leader promised Republicans that he and his fellow Republican Senators would do everything they could to ensure that Obama was a one term president. They meant to obstruct every good intention of the president and the people who elected him even when to do so would harm the public. Senator McConnell did do everything he could do to de-legitimatize the adminstration of president Obama. These Republicans were the worst sore losers one can imagine. They stirred the ground for a person like DJT to arise as their leader. He is saying and doing everything they have said the past 7 years except on steroids. The Republican Party created a clear path for DJT. He belongs to them.

  • The Danger With Trump's "Election Rigging" Talk   8 years 19 weeks ago

    I live in a country that requires showing ID to vote. What is the big deal. I am 54 and I was asked for ID to buy beer in Atlanta last month.

  • The Danger With Trump's "Election Rigging" Talk   8 years 19 weeks ago

    Trump has done a lot of damage to our country and its electoral process. So has Hillary with her pandering to special interests on the sly. That does irreparable or barely reparable damage to people's confidence in the democratic process, at least people who have less than $300 million to spend on an election. I am definitely not voting for Hillary; I'm voting against Trump. If I had Bernie to vote for, I would have no interest in or sympathy for Hillary Clinton at all.

    But let's not forget who has damaged our democracy the most: our media. I don't mean the "liberal mainstream media" or the "right wing wacko media;" I mean all of the media, all of the for-profit media who fall all over themselves in pursuit of a titillating story that will prop up a narrative that they decided on last year. And I lump all of the "public" broadcasters and all of the "progressive" media outlets right in there with the whole mess. Sure, Wasserman-Schultz and her merry band of grifters did what they could to foul the waters of the Democratic primary process, but the media were right there covering every single word that preceded from the mouth of Trump in quadruplicate, for days or until he said something else, while they completely ignored---YES, IGNORED!---the ground swell of support that was there for Bernie Sanders in 2015. Rallies that drew twenty and twenty five thousand people, often several thousand over the venue's capacity, went totally unreported BY ANYONE in favor of a phone call from The Donald to a Sunday morning news show.

    Trump is dumber than dirt and a lout of galactic proportions. Hillary is a life-long corporatist who will probably forget any progressive promises she had to make on the fly to get elected as soon as she settles into the Oval Office and begins welcoming the parade of Wall Street bankers and middle east oil magnates who are her true constituents.

    But it is the US media that really, really failed us this time. They failed us by pandering to us. We want a juicy story. We don't want news; we want a narrative. In the past, it was the Fourth Estate's roll to be the adult in the room. Now there isn't one and things are going straight to . . .

  • The Danger With Trump's "Election Rigging" Talk   8 years 19 weeks ago

    Always a troll mr cccctttt. Voter fraud has never ever been shown to be an issue. But the fact the Republicans have, ironicslly, been the ones trying as hard as they can to rig elections themselves. And now we have extreme racists thinking they can and will try and force their sick way on the rest of us. I hope you aren't on board with that.

  • The Danger With Trump's "Election Rigging" Talk   8 years 19 weeks ago

    Tom's talk of voter suppression laws is why I am an independent.

    Nations all over the world have voter ID.

    If the process is not vetted, then how can there be any confidence in the outcome?


  • The Danger With Trump's "Election Rigging" Talk   8 years 19 weeks ago

    I have often compared Trump to Hitler; I've come to the conclusion the comparison is unfair. Trump IS Hitler...reincarnated!

    We are in so much trouble.

  • Lead Poisoning Drug Price Skyrockets   8 years 19 weeks ago

    Why do people have such a problem with being successful?

    Donald Trump is a very poor candidate.

    Fart jokes?

  • Lead Poisoning Drug Price Skyrockets   8 years 19 weeks ago

    If it's money from the average Joe they wil steal it!


    The average Joe is a huge market for the crooked, the unethical and the amoral!

  • Personhood For Nature?   8 years 19 weeks ago

    I believe the Bolivian government under president Evo Morales also passed a law that gave Nature protected natural rights on a par with humans.

  • Lead Poisoning Drug Price Skyrockets   8 years 19 weeks ago

    My Republican Congressman spoke at a local event this past Thursday regarding SS and other subjects. He stated that SS was going to be broke by 2020, or that the trust fund would be broke by then, that the trust fund money was loaned out to other government agencies, which he did not name. He Indicated that when SS needed to draw from the trust fund that these other "agencies" would have to come up with the money and what a problem that would be. He proposed that our COLA be determined based on income so for instance if a person's income was $20K they'd get a 3.5% incr and then went through diff levels of income until he got to a $1.5% COLA inc or thereabouts. I didn't write this down, so I'm relying on memory. He went on to propose these "private" solutions for retirement ie; IRA's and 401K's with they mythical $500K when we retire from each. Gee where have I heard that one before? So, he lied about everything. After he spoke I took the rare opportunity to confront him and educate him about when and why the trust fund was created and that SS was a pay as you go system and corrected his 2020 to 2034 but he rejected that. I later learned that SS will stop receiving a surplus by 2020 which is where he got the year from, but that it wouldn't run out till 2034, so I was correct and he was wrong. There is a 5 page report on the Center forBudget and Policy Priorities that lays it all out. Shows that SS invests in Treasuries, which you state all the time, and the trustees project that the trust funds will earn $89 b in 2016. It earns an average of 3.4% per year. When the trust fund bonds are redeemed, it will be able to pay out benefits until 2034. So, I am assuming that the Republican Congress does not want to make good on US Treasury Bonds by allowing SS to cash any of them in, something they'd not deny to China, Saudi Arabia or anyone else. I would be interested to know if any listeners in other parts of the country are being fed the same lie?

  • Lead Poisoning Drug Price Skyrockets   8 years 19 weeks ago

    EDTA is a common product that has been in the market place for decades it should cost about as much as an equal amount of bicarb of soda.

    We have been sold a bucket of swill that capitalism is the only way to go. Capitalism has an inherant cruelty in it that is exhibited again here and in our insurance industry, our for profit hospitals, medical and pharma manufacturing and of course Wall Street where billions are skimmed from our healthcare system.

    The whole world is laughing at us and our exceptionalism.

  • Lead Poisoning Drug Price Skyrockets   8 years 19 weeks ago

    Medicare and other health insurance has reached points of negative benefit. If you pay $121 per month for medicare and you still pay 20% of a procedure that costs 5 times what it costs in other countries, then you are paying 100%. A single individual will pay over $1000 per month for medical insurance for $5000 deductable and still pay fees and for drugs. If you set up your own fund you can afford to fly to Cuba once a year, see a doctor for a check up, visit the beach and fly home. Get your drugs from Canada, Mexico and Cuba. For anything major (such as heart surgury) you can fly to India where they have excellent doctors. They have travel agents that will arrange this for you. I have been told that if I ever need dental work (beyond cleaning) to fly to Panama where they have excellent dental care.

  • Lead Poisoning Drug Price Skyrockets   8 years 19 weeks ago

    It's a "Trump move." Ask for ten times what you really want, and then back it down to what you really had in mind. The drug company gets what it wants and our leaders can brag about how they fought for us. Just another genius business move, allowed by our government to run it's course.

  • Lead Poisoning Drug Price Skyrockets   8 years 19 weeks ago

    Uncle Ralph, stecopp01, twelter001 - government has been bought by lobbyists, corporate money, institutional self interest and other levers (blasted bankers especially) including twisting of the judicial system

    The media also has massive influence on the minds of people that have no time to consider much of anything except doing this and doing that, working the butt off working 2-3 jobs to pay the bills and keep body and soul together

    Third world stuff

    Where has the American Dream gone?

  • Lead Poisoning Drug Price Skyrockets   8 years 19 weeks ago

    I am totally amazed that the CEOs of many corporations and this pharmaceutical one continually believe that we are all stupid consumers not seeing the games of deception and greed. I thought that they were the smart ones.

  • Lead Poisoning Drug Price Skyrockets   8 years 19 weeks ago

    This is what happens when unbridled greed is allowed to run amuck. Unrestrained greed hurts everybody, and the Teabaggers just don't understand why regulations are needed, to rein in greed and protect WE THE PEOPLE.

  • Lead Poisoning Drug Price Skyrockets   8 years 19 weeks ago

    The Dollar is our Lord. And, as the Bible commands, we have have no other gods before it.

  • Full Show 10/13/16: Make America Grope Again?   8 years 20 weeks ago

    Trump’s Flacks’ Counter-Attacks

    {… a rhyme and an example ….}

    The news continues its tracking

    of Trump’s flacks’ counter-attacking

    to give his detractors a whacking

    for wanting to send him a-packing.

    … … … …

    The Donald’s nitwit flacks

    make lotsa nitwit cracks. …

    … Rush Limbaugh, f’rinstance:


  • Personhood For Nature?   8 years 20 weeks ago

    Uncle Ralph: We are up against a mountain of crap higher than Everest

    I don't know what's happened to "common sense"?

    I guess PC has quite successfully managed to remove that from our thinking


  • Personhood For Nature?   8 years 20 weeks ago

    I recently reread 1984. Calling things people that aren't people is doublespeak, which is to say, fantasizing, which is to say lying. We as a civilization and as a species need to grow up and quit pretending we don't know any better. The only purpose of calling something what it is not, or failing to call it what it is, is for one group to try to bamboozle another, to try to grab more than their share and end up in control. Quit it. There's enough that needs doing without this crap.

  • Personhood For Nature?   8 years 20 weeks ago

    Actually, there are millions of Americans who revere nature as sacred. They are called the neo-pagan movement.

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