President Clinton is correct, private for-profit health insurance makes no sense. Economist refer to the cost of operating a health insurance company, including its cost of sales, marketing, processing claims, auditing, and profits, as friction. Those costs are more than 30% of the premiums they collect. None of those costs pay for medical services. That means at least 30% of the revenue collected by for-profit insurance are overhead. The overhead cost for Medicare is less than 4%, that is what makes the current plan crazy. Insurance makes sense for automobiles and homes because most drivers don't have claims and most homeowners don't have claims. However, almost every person has some health care exenses whether for an injury or an illness. Routine check ups to prevent illness also costs money. Doctors must employ coders whose sole purpose is to process claim forms. Health insurance is a scam.
Once we have the public option, I wonder how long Fox News will be able to convince viewers that paying four times more for the same thing is a victory over that demon called democratic socialism???...the same demon the rest of the world already embraces with much gratitude.
Better than Medicare-for-all would be to skip having even a single payer or retrospective payment system with all the invoicing and administrative complexity. I say invoice rather than claims because without premiums to match individual risk, even employer plans are entitlement programs rather than insurance. Why can't I join a major health provider system and be eligible for services the same way my children attend an educational institution without invoices for every instructional intervention? We need to go back to the Nixon era of Group Health and the original health maintenance organizations.
USA Today is stating the RNC declared Pence the winner of the debate before the debate even started! Then it was taken down!!! Check it out!!! Google it please!!!
Hi Thom, on your show today a libertarian called up to explain his thoughts on economics. You asked him a question and then proceeded to talk over his answer by explaining what you thought he meant. Very rude and narrow minded. Why don't you pick on someone your own size and have as a guest on your show from the Mises Institute for example. I'm sure you could "wipe the floor" with him/her.
Legend - the notion of overpopulation is an effort to focus our fears elsewhere
Off subject --- depending how you view
The real issue is fractional reserve banking along with its evil tentacles and hidden intent
An amazing american made this statement a long time ago -
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." -- Thomas Jefferson
What do you see?
How much of our collective power of reason has been taken over by, what is only best described as propaganda?
(Particularly recommended for voters in "swing" and maybe "non-swing" states)
Don't feel you know Ajamu Baraka well enough?...
...livestreaming (check your local listings).
Perhaps you could tell five friends, and they can each tell five friends, and so on...
So this is a reminder that we need your help for tonight's Vice Presidential debates, by again taking it to the “people’s airwaves”, social media. Try as they might, the Democrats, Republicans, and the sham Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) can't keep us out of tonight's Vice Presidential Debate because they can’t (yet) control the free speech airwaves of social media and the Internet!
Democracy Now! (the premier source of non-corporately filtered news, information and analysis) is going to insert Ajamu Baraka directly into the debate! He’ll be able to take on Kaine and Pence in real-time!
One thing I have not heard in the discussion about Trump not paying taxes is that people who receive Unemployment Benefits and Social Security must pay income taxes on that money. In most cases the people don't earn enough on a yearly basis and get most of it back but the fact that they have to pay it is unconscionable.
Well, I am using Mediacom cable tv services but I found it that they provide the reliable services in reasonable cost. I subscribe them 6 months ago and it is still working properly.
Assuming that a Congress full of Democrats and a Democratic President might manage to save the day(s) for humanity... this really the time to insist on fair and fraud-free elections?
Maybe the election fraud experience Democrats gained in the primaries will really pay off in the general.
Actually, climate change is referred to quite a bit on The Weather Channel. The next episode of "23.5 Degrees" is about Exxon's knowledge of climate change and their efforts to hide it. No doubt, all our leaders know the truth, but not enough of them are willing to rock the boat. These die hards will put career ahead of responsibility.
This website Nutrition Fox was extremely informative and very well organized. It goes through the different steps of Health Benefits of Wasabi and outlines how to really listen to our bodies. There are exercises that go with each step that help us apply the principles we are learning. This step helps us to learn to really take the time to enjoy our food and have it be an experience. Would definitely recommend the class.
Artful Dodger, plays a role in the Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist. Dodger is a pickpocket, so called for his skill and cunning in that respect. He is the leader of the gang of child criminals.He was trained criminal.In the novel, he becomes Oliver's closest friend and he tries to make him a pickpocket, but soon feels that Oliver won't succeed, and feels sorry for him, saying "What a pity it is he isn't a pedant! (
Jessmartenuf Create a new model and make the old one obsolete as Bucky Fuller said .
We could reduce the economy tomorrow ! ever growing of the worlds economy in a never ending upward spiral has always been a fallacy .It can't happen on a finite planet .We have used more resources in the last 40 years than 40 000 years and we are not slowing down .This is progress towards our own demise .
So we need solutions fast .Change our profit every man for themselves Power and Possessions economy as in the more things you own the more power you have .Power over and ownership of stuff,land ,people you get the gist .Create an economy that has a purpose of creating sustainable wealth .Move to a Use and Access economy where people do not have to own the individual items but can share them .We have so much stuff sitting idle for 95% of the time .We are taught in the west to have our own copy of everything so people are getting into debt buying stuff they hardly use while 2/3 of the planet owns very little .Moving to this Use and Cooporating economy has massive advantages creating and sharing the wealth giving people hope and a future .
The western nations have to say first look we are changing our model before the the rest will change as poorer people naturally aspire to what they see on western television shows .
People are happier when they can use things without having to own them .There is no need for everyone to own a lawnmower ,hoover or a washing machine or a car for that matter but it helps people have a happier life if they do get access to them .Saves them some time and time is money as some say .So we could have four families sharing a hoover or washing machine making the cost of the item 75% less expensive . Sharing the stuff of life has to be the new model not owning the stuff of life .This is what all evolving races finally achieve .That the resources of the planet naturally belong to all the worlds people .
This has wonderful implications for the ecology as well less stuff to landfill and products being made to a very high standard as there being used more .
Read the book Tomorrow's God for a better understanding .The chapter throwing out he money changers again !
When i was a boy of 6 there were 140 million people in the United States and the Japsnese had just bombed Pearl Harbor.
Today there are 320 million and growing, each burning fossil fuels each day, whether through a drive to work, using electricity, cooking or simply exhaling. I do not expect that to change. I fear for the well being of my descendants. Every economic model is based on more growth, everything produced is a natural resource depleted. Multiply this by 15 world wide and it is a catastrophe ongoing.
So i do not wish to hang black crepe and i know my message is not one of optimism, but when we have politicians that are so pandering they deny reality and we have a large segment of our population that agree with them the total ignorance is numbing.
kend -- Several hundred people have contributed to this blog since 2007. Based on the coments I have read, I would be surprised if more than 2 or 3 would say global warming is just natural. I know why you say "climate change", but I do not understand why anyone else repeats the words of the fossil fuel economic royalists.
Kend: You're just like my foxmerized 80 year old mother. She thinks everything is a just matter of opinion. Take my advice and go to wikipedia, carbon dioxide in earth's atomsphere. Scroll down and look at the carbon dioxide variations graph. That's not a matter of opinion, it's science!
I noticed that every time Thom talks about climate change there is almost no interest here. I think more and more we are all realizing that this is probably just natural. After spending trillions and seeing no change at all it in carbon reduction maybe it's something we can't control.
President Clinton is correct, private for-profit health insurance makes no sense. Economist refer to the cost of operating a health insurance company, including its cost of sales, marketing, processing claims, auditing, and profits, as friction. Those costs are more than 30% of the premiums they collect. None of those costs pay for medical services. That means at least 30% of the revenue collected by for-profit insurance are overhead. The overhead cost for Medicare is less than 4%, that is what makes the current plan crazy. Insurance makes sense for automobiles and homes because most drivers don't have claims and most homeowners don't have claims. However, almost every person has some health care exenses whether for an injury or an illness. Routine check ups to prevent illness also costs money. Doctors must employ coders whose sole purpose is to process claim forms. Health insurance is a scam.
2950-10K - What are you talking about?
Are you being ironic?
I can't understand the fear in "the land of the free" about healthcare!
What you have now is disgusting for an economy that is supposed to be world leading?
Once we have the public option, I wonder how long Fox News will be able to convince viewers that paying four times more for the same thing is a victory over that demon called democratic socialism???...the same demon the rest of the world already embraces with much gratitude.
Better than Medicare-for-all would be to skip having even a single payer or retrospective payment system with all the invoicing and administrative complexity. I say invoice rather than claims because without premiums to match individual risk, even employer plans are entitlement programs rather than insurance. Why can't I join a major health provider system and be eligible for services the same way my children attend an educational institution without invoices for every instructional intervention? We need to go back to the Nixon era of Group Health and the original health maintenance organizations.
USA Today is stating the RNC declared Pence the winner of the debate before the debate even started! Then it was taken down!!! Check it out!!! Google it please!!!
A Trumpian Tack
{… a rhyme …}
It’s hard to track
The Donald’s tack
when he’s steering through rugged winds
toward a shore where supportive friends
excuse his deceptive didactic
as their crafty hero’s tactic: -
- Stretch-then-retreat like elastic,
his brain-hence-his-tongue going spastic, …
… confusing
opponents by changings so drastic
while enthusing
supporters by his style so bombastic.
Hi Thom, on your show today a libertarian called up to explain his thoughts on economics. You asked him a question and then proceeded to talk over his answer by explaining what you thought he meant. Very rude and narrow minded. Why don't you pick on someone your own size and have as a guest on your show from the Mises Institute for example. I'm sure you could "wipe the floor" with him/her.
Sorry! The comment above is inappropriate and relevant only on this page (looks like links are broken)
Thom's blog
Criminal Justice Reform Is Dead In Congress
Very sadly it is blatantly obvious that, apart from alll their other bigotry, republicans are racist
Hard to believe they represent about 50% of americans
Does that tell a story?
Legend - the notion of overpopulation is an effort to focus our fears elsewhere
Off subject --- depending how you view
The real issue is fractional reserve banking along with its evil tentacles and hidden intent
An amazing american made this statement a long time ago -
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." -- Thomas Jefferson
What do you see?
How much of our collective power of reason has been taken over by, what is only best described as propaganda?
(Particularly recommended for voters in "swing" and maybe "non-swing" states)
Don't feel you know Ajamu Baraka well enough?...
...livestreaming (check your local listings).
Perhaps you could tell five friends, and they can each tell five friends, and so on...
So this is a reminder that we need your help for tonight's Vice Presidential debates, by again taking it to the “people’s airwaves”, social media. Try as they might, the Democrats, Republicans, and the sham Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) can't keep us out of tonight's Vice Presidential Debate because they can’t (yet) control the free speech airwaves of social media and the Internet!
Democracy Now! (the premier source of non-corporately filtered news, information and analysis) is going to insert Ajamu Baraka directly into the debate! He’ll be able to take on Kaine and Pence in real-time!
One thing I have not heard in the discussion about Trump not paying taxes is that people who receive Unemployment Benefits and Social Security must pay income taxes on that money. In most cases the people don't earn enough on a yearly basis and get most of it back but the fact that they have to pay it is unconscionable.
Well, I am using Mediacom cable tv services but I found it that they provide the reliable services in reasonable cost. I subscribe them 6 months ago and it is still working properly.
Assuming that a Congress full of Democrats and a Democratic President might manage to save the day(s) for humanity... this really the time to insist on fair and fraud-free elections?
Maybe the election fraud experience Democrats gained in the primaries will really pay off in the general.
Actually, climate change is referred to quite a bit on The Weather Channel. The next episode of "23.5 Degrees" is about Exxon's knowledge of climate change and their efforts to hide it. No doubt, all our leaders know the truth, but not enough of them are willing to rock the boat. These die hards will put career ahead of responsibility.
This website Nutrition Fox was extremely informative and very well organized. It goes through the different steps of Health Benefits of Wasabi and outlines how to really listen to our bodies. There are exercises that go with each step that help us apply the principles we are learning. This step helps us to learn to really take the time to enjoy our food and have it be an experience. Would definitely recommend the class.
Artful Dodger, plays a role in the Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist. Dodger is a pickpocket, so called for his skill and cunning in that respect. He is the leader of the gang of child criminals.He was trained criminal.In the novel, he becomes Oliver's closest friend and he tries to make him a pickpocket, but soon feels that Oliver won't succeed, and feels sorry for him, saying "What a pity it is he isn't a pedant! (
The problem is worldwide over population.
Jessmartenuf Create a new model and make the old one obsolete as Bucky Fuller said .
We could reduce the economy tomorrow ! ever growing of the worlds economy in a never ending upward spiral has always been a fallacy .It can't happen on a finite planet .We have used more resources in the last 40 years than 40 000 years and we are not slowing down .This is progress towards our own demise .
So we need solutions fast .Change our profit every man for themselves Power and Possessions economy as in the more things you own the more power you have .Power over and ownership of stuff,land ,people you get the gist .Create an economy that has a purpose of creating sustainable wealth .Move to a Use and Access economy where people do not have to own the individual items but can share them .We have so much stuff sitting idle for 95% of the time .We are taught in the west to have our own copy of everything so people are getting into debt buying stuff they hardly use while 2/3 of the planet owns very little .Moving to this Use and Cooporating economy has massive advantages creating and sharing the wealth giving people hope and a future .
The western nations have to say first look we are changing our model before the the rest will change as poorer people naturally aspire to what they see on western television shows .
People are happier when they can use things without having to own them .There is no need for everyone to own a lawnmower ,hoover or a washing machine or a car for that matter but it helps people have a happier life if they do get access to them .Saves them some time and time is money as some say .So we could have four families sharing a hoover or washing machine making the cost of the item 75% less expensive . Sharing the stuff of life has to be the new model not owning the stuff of life .This is what all evolving races finally achieve .That the resources of the planet naturally belong to all the worlds people .
This has wonderful implications for the ecology as well less stuff to landfill and products being made to a very high standard as there being used more .
Read the book Tomorrow's God for a better understanding .The chapter throwing out he money changers again !
Failure in Business too
{… a rhyme …}
Nor at Business is Trump all that great,
‘tho’ he says it’s his forte,
in his prate, prate, prate.
Clearly, we should defenestrate
this guy, and deport
him. Give him the gate.
When i was a boy of 6 there were 140 million people in the United States and the Japsnese had just bombed Pearl Harbor.
Today there are 320 million and growing, each burning fossil fuels each day, whether through a drive to work, using electricity, cooking or simply exhaling. I do not expect that to change. I fear for the well being of my descendants. Every economic model is based on more growth, everything produced is a natural resource depleted. Multiply this by 15 world wide and it is a catastrophe ongoing.
So i do not wish to hang black crepe and i know my message is not one of optimism, but when we have politicians that are so pandering they deny reality and we have a large segment of our population that agree with them the total ignorance is numbing.
kend -- Several hundred people have contributed to this blog since 2007. Based on the coments I have read, I would be surprised if more than 2 or 3 would say global warming is just natural. I know why you say "climate change", but I do not understand why anyone else repeats the words of the fossil fuel economic royalists.
Kend: You're just like my foxmerized 80 year old mother. She thinks everything is a just matter of opinion. Take my advice and go to wikipedia, carbon dioxide in earth's atomsphere. Scroll down and look at the carbon dioxide variations graph. That's not a matter of opinion, it's science!
I noticed that every time Thom talks about climate change there is almost no interest here. I think more and more we are all realizing that this is probably just natural. After spending trillions and seeing no change at all it in carbon reduction maybe it's something we can't control.