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  • Eco-Certified Wines Taste Better   8 years 28 weeks ago

    We had a red wine called Purple Haze....! Finger Lakes Rasta winery!

  • Eco-Certified Wines Taste Better   8 years 28 weeks ago

    I just took a buddy to blue monday at a local winery today, an "eco friendly" one, he 's a weed smoker, and he rediscovered the joys of alcohol ...LOL! ......great music too!

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday August 9th, 2016   8 years 28 weeks ago

    My post as above.

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday August 9th, 2016   8 years 28 weeks ago

    I'm amazed that I got this far through the login requirements to post a comment, but I'm delighted that I've gotten this far.

    My point: Earlier on today's program (8/15/2016) a female caller extolled the virtues of Gary Johnson as a candidate.

    Having lived in New Mexico for decades, I am all too familiar with the Johnson administration and what he did to this state.

    I believe he makes Scott Walker look like a liberal. To choose one point, Johnson went so far as to attempt to steal money from the Public Employee's Retirement fund. Fortunately the issue went up for a vote in a public referendum where it was defeated.

    Johnson also refused to take measures back in the 90s when the Educational Retirement Board needed (comparatively) minor adjustment. The result of this was that that NMERB had to be fixed years later at much higher cost both to the public and educational retiree.

    As is unfortunately typical, the Democratic Party (both nationally and in NM) has failed to make an issue of this,

    IMHO it doesn't get much lower than stealing from a retirement fund, as Gary Johnson tried.

    So - my hope with this post - is to publicize Gary Johnson's past actions and maybe get this info to Thom so that he will be better able to deal with such callers in the future.

    Regards to all-


  • Eco-Certified Wines Taste Better   8 years 28 weeks ago

    Raising wine grapes to Organic standards and preparing to certify our small Pinot Noir vineyard in both Organic and Biodynamic...I was surprised by the term eco-wines.

    In the past, I'd equate eco-wines with the term 'Natural'...though with additional study I see that France uses 'Ecocert' to Organically certify many of the vineyards and wineries.

    Having the good fortune to be located in the McMinnville AVA in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, we are surrounded by what may be the largest concentration of Biodynamic vineyards and wineries anywhere in the County, I'll concur that the Organic and particulary the Biodynamic wines are unique and changing year by year and are normally rated among the best.


  • We Need to Throw Out the Second Amendment   8 years 28 weeks ago

    I see that Mr hartmann left out that gun control has been a progressive stance going back to the 1640's when they outlawed free black people from having weapons. And again in the 1940 50 and 60s guess they figured it was easier to terrorize them into submission if they could not fight back.

  • Friday 12 August '16 show notes   8 years 28 weeks ago

    If two groups of primates were placed adjacent, separated by a large window, one side with a few residents furnished with all they could want and more. On the other side with a large group furnished with just enough to survive. We would see terrible behaviors on the deprived side and little to no predatory behavior on the other not because either side was intrinsically superior or inferior. Inequality has its unavoidable consequences. Hungry dogs will fight over scraps. I suspect sharing increases directly as equality increases.

  • NASA Targets Asteroid Heading For Earth   8 years 28 weeks ago

    We should let it hit. It would be a better death than dying from from the results of Hillary Clinton's worldwide fracking. Barack Obama's TPP deal.

  • NASA Targets Asteroid Heading For Earth   8 years 28 weeks ago

    Two quick points. Bennu is not set to hit the Earth 'sometime over the next hundred or so years.' It is set to pass about 300,000 miles from Earth in the year 2135. At that time its path will determine IF it will be likely (a 1 in 2,700 chance) to strike the Earth sometime between 2175 and 2196. And by collecting, and returning to Earth, a sample will help to learn about the solar system BILLIONS of years ago. Otherwise your spot on. Actually, I realish the chance to correct you. Even if it is a trivial point. Cheers.

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    A vote for Gary Johnson's Libertarian policies is a vote for capitalist anarchy! The human is fundamentally hypocritical. It's a character flaw originating within our DNA, originally aiding our survival. Humans have kown this for thousands of years; therefore, some among us created death of a cross and the hope fulfilled through grace. So I guess my point is that there is a difference between being a motivated ambitious politically engaged person with as many faults as every other human and the perceptions one might have of that same individual having been demonized, lied about and transformed into a mythological societal shadow over thirty years. I think Ted Cruz said it best, "vote your conscience." We might be better served understanding when our conscience reflects giving up, when we are voting against the best interests of the many such that the goals of the very few might continue unabated.

  • NASA Targets Asteroid Heading For Earth   8 years 29 weeks ago

    Online Radyo Dinle, ücretsiz canlı radyo yayını favori radyo kanallarınız burada tüm şehirlere ait radyolar ve her kategoriden yerli yabancı müzik yayınları.

  • Foods Can Help With Chronic Inflammation   8 years 29 weeks ago

    By doing this, you can narrow the field of possibilities and get much closer to the discovery that your favorite restaurant is. Once you found a Healthy Pizza Delray Beach service you can count, you can relax, knowing that at any time you need to order food, Best Italian Pizza Delray Beach you can do it with ease. The next time you do not want to cook, you can get the number of your favorite places and order your favorite dish.

  • Full Show 8/12/16: DEA: Pot as Bad as Heroin   8 years 29 weeks ago

    Pols’ Hypocrisies

    {… a rhyme and an image …}

    Youse’s good mood youse lose

    when the news youse peruse

    is where pols accuse

    each other of ruse

    while of themSelves they ooze

    that They themSelves aren’t hypocritical.

    It’s the way of the perp political. …

    … Trump sets a yuge set of examples

    when on Hillary he hypocritically tramples.

    {Hillary sometimes feeds back

    with a deceptive counter-attack.}

  • NASA Targets Asteroid Heading For Earth   8 years 29 weeks ago

    Jill Stein cannot handle anything better. Presidents SUGGEST. CONGRESS acts. In order for Presidential suggestions to turn into LAWS. A President must win a majority vote in Congress.

    What party and therefore members of Congress does Stein control?

    In order for laws to be enacted, state legislatures must adopt them and put them into practice. WHAT state does Stein (or any other Independent) control or have a party infrastructure in them?

    If you think existing federal, state, county, and city governments will listen to, respect or follow a third party candidate with no party of her own to enforce, then you have no idea how governments work or go into chaos.

    I've been an Independent for almost 40 years. WE HAVE no party, no political infrastructure, no cohesive platform, and no Congressional power.

    Independents have the power to drive or influence elections.. but we cannot rule and if ever a 3rd party candidate came to power, the two parties and their hundreds of thousands of employees and appointees would sabotage and destroy local governments to make the public regret the audacity of trying to put 3rd party candidates into power.

    Stein would be a lame duck, Trump might also be a lame duck.

  • NASA Targets Asteroid Heading For Earth   8 years 29 weeks ago

    The world is supposed to end sooner due to global warming. So going to ignore the asteroid and "the sky is falling" hyperbole.

  • NASA Targets Asteroid Heading For Earth   8 years 29 weeks ago

    The technology to do all this is phenomenol. Now where is the technology to stop the human creature from producing more billions of us and preventing us from destroying the earths eco system and ourselves in the process before Bennu does?

  • Full Show 8/12/16: DEA: Pot as Bad as Heroin   8 years 29 weeks ago

    Bones to Pick

    {… a rhyme and an image …}

    For “conspiracy” they’ve humungous {hungers} hongers,

    do the far-Right’s crew of conspiracy-mongers

    such as Alex Jones,

    who makes no bones

    that he has bones to pick.

    Wow, is HE ever sick.

    … IMAGE:


  • Great Minds P1: Zachary Roth - When did the Republican war on democracy begin?   8 years 29 weeks ago

    Bones to Pick

    {… a rhyme and an image …}

    For “conspiracy” they’ve humungous {hungers} hongers,

    do the far-Right’s crew of conspiracy-mongers

    such as Alex Jones,

    who makes no bones

    that he has bones to pick.

    Wow, is HE ever sick.

    … IMAGE:


  • Great Minds P1: Zachary Roth - When did the Republican war on democracy begin?   8 years 29 weeks ago

    This was among major themes of my era’s undergrad textbooks on state-local gummint, - a severe problem even back then in the halcyon Fifties.

  • NASA Targets Asteroid Heading For Earth   8 years 29 weeks ago

    A more imminent threat than Bennu to the planet is Trump, what are NASA's plans for him?

  • Can We Believe Hillary’s Opposition On Free Trade?   8 years 29 weeks ago

    Correct Thom, Hillary did NOT say she was entirely against the TPP, and she never will. However, to accept any part of the TPP is akin to treason. American sovereignty already lost to NAFTA, CAFTA, and the WTO's monopolistic anti-competitive rules will be finalized with any acceptance of the TPP.

    Just like Barack Obama, Hillary has proven to be no more than a deck chair expert on this rapidly sinking ship of state. When you finally read her Wall Street speeches you'll realize who her economic speeches are meant to help. Trickle Down disease is rampant in D.C. and Hillary's got it. The childishly giddy reactions to HIllary's so called economic speech are the exact same fainting spells I saw for Barak Obama in 2008. He then immediately proceded to ensure Wall Street's and K-Street's systemic and predatory financial corruption world wide which continues to this day.

    Hillary is guaranteed to do the same.

    Trump or Hillary, it don't matter.

    It's the system, stupid; the corrupt Wall Street/K-Street system bleeding us dry. Optimism's one thing: willful self delusion is another. You have to properly identify the problem if you are ever going to fix it.

    Don't worry, I'll be sure to put your name in for a deck chair award as well.

  • NASA Targets Asteroid Heading For Earth   8 years 29 weeks ago

    ​ROCK ON, NASA !!!

  • Great Minds P1: Karen Shragg - The Ticking Time Bomb - Population   8 years 29 weeks ago

    Climate change is just one of the symptoms of human overpopulation. There are so, so many others. Humans are a bacteria outgrowing its petri dish and it's far past time it gets addressed seriously. We should have had both economic disincentives (i.e. no exemptions for more than 2 kids) and economic incentives (a tax bonus for NO kids) in place DECADES ago. But corporations are in control of govts. around the world, not to mention all the religions that promote overpopulation. It seems apparent that crowding stress is impacting humans to a great degree (road rage is one small example). In ANY animal population, crowding stress causes abberant behavior, increased violence, etc., etc. Human overpopulation is DESTROYING OUR BIOSPHERE. We either get serious about controlling our numbers, or Nature will do it for us - and it will be very, very ugly.

  • NASA Targets Asteroid Heading For Earth   8 years 29 weeks ago

    I think Jill Stein would handle the asteroid situation better.

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    Have a nice day

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