Majority of population growth is in third world countries. So, remind me again how you get the uneducated to stop breading ike a plague. Certain religions are the same way. So do you force them, educate them, what is the answer. Do you not think it will just be ignored until disease and famine just ravages everything. If our past performances are anything to go on, greed will continue, ignorance might change some, but mostly people will always feel its their right to breed as much as they want. Didnt work very well for the Chinese. You cant control it, but you know eventually the elite will release a disease after they all take the cure to save themselves. I just hope and pray its quick when it happens. Then again wouldnt it be nice if we just got all on the same page before we step right into it. Push stupidity to the edge and see what it does, not smart.
This rate of plunder is unsustainable. Industrial capitalism is like a malignant tumor, with uncontrollable growth that eventually destroys the organism that sustains it.
I couldn't agree more. If the progressive movement hopes to go anywhere, they need to learn how to walk before they try to run. Go spend some time on Truthout or Nation of Change and you'll be amazed at the vitriol wasted on the Democrats, when the energy would be better spent actually working toward a goal, like trying to get Green candidates elected to Congress or even state legislatures. Thank you for your post. It gives me hope.
The Green Party needs to infiltrate the Democratic party the same way the billionaire/fascists took over the Republic Party, and thus turning it into the Teapublic Party. However unlike the Koch's with their easily fooled no information Teabaggers, the Green Party doesn't need to hoodwink citizens with propaganda. Exposure to climate science and related facts presents no room or reason for dissension.
Voting for the Democratic Party is a must....we'll never get anywhere until we unseat the Koch's Teabaggers....that from a full blooded Democratic Socialist.
The geoengineering program may be responsible for both 'climate change/global warming and the hot weather. For more info and proof of this insidious program see They have the documents and patent numbers proving that we are under attack and being sprayed like bugs! Wake up people!!!
Poor Cora. She doesn't understand that the Bernie Revolution can and should continue without Jill Stein. If Hillary drifts from the platform on any of the issues, she must be held accountable. Counting on Bernie supporters to keep her in check. Of course, assuming that Donald BS Trump will NOT be our next President!
Thom, I love your newsletter. But why aren't you going after HRC and DNC rigging of the nomination? Not only that, but four anti-Clinton or people who may have had sensitive information related to her and her campaign have been murdered in the last three weeks, and mainstream media is virtually ignoring it.
Mr. Hartmann, You are much smarter and more experienced in politics than myself, who am I to question you, but I do have a question. How can you state in hour one that you would gladly donate to a campaign that talks the ISSUES not personalities. Then in hour three you quote an attack on JILL STEIN and her VP stating she is only doing this so she can run in 2018, she is a "healthcare professional" (no mention she is a retired MD, who understands single payer healthcare) with no experience, she hasnt been elected, VP attacked Bernie etc.? Nothing about why you disagree with progressive Green ISSUES/platform. It seems a little hypocritical to me? You and many other underestimate the problem. True Bernie Progressives will NEVER vote for Hillary because she will not promote or push a progressive platform or ISSUES. WE know she will say anything to get elected for her Wall St and Corporate friends and FAMILY. Haven't you watched Clinton Cash? Are you serious that you think its only a coincidence a 27 year old (NOT 37 year old as you stated) staffer was gunned down and not robbed just before testifying? Come' On Man! You cannot be that naive.
We want impact and change. To vote FOR something. I'd vote Libertarian who believe in personal freedom, internet freedom, immigration reform, decriminalize drugs and promote treatment, before I would vote for Hillary. You can be in denial all you want but I meet many others that feel the same way. Bernie should have run third party, he would have won easily!
Hillary, Trump and Johnson are hydrofrackers. If Thom were to put his words where his ideology is, he'd be #JillNotHill. Like Bernie or bust, it's a pledge movement.
Thom, one of your callers mentioned a book called "The Purge" I would like to suggest that the purge of the poor is going on every day by doing nothing about climate change, heathcare, high drug prices, no jobs, students saddled with enormous debt, cutting support for food and shelterr for the poor, unending wars, fracking, Monsanto and on and on. It is not just one day, it is ongoing, forever.
I'm hearing scientists say that we've passed the point of no return. If we stopped pumping carbon into the atmosphere today, the human race is doomed.People say "Save the Earth." Actually, the Earth doesn't care if our oceans are polluted with plastic, or the forests are dead, or the lowlands are flooded. Our planet continues spinning around the sun with or without humanity. To wake people up, we needed the ecological equivalent of Pearl Harbor. Didn't happen. Environmental death is slow. No one notices. Politicians do not need to act. Besides, I have my six pack and large screen TV... why should I care?
After reading the book by economist Michael Hudson "Killing the Host" it becomes clear that the agenda of the One Percent that comprise the ruling class is based on predatory debt creation and rent collection of the workers and industry that comprise the real economy. Classical economists did not include interest payments and rent payments as part of GDP as these were wealth transfers from servants to their economic masters and did not constitute wealth creation in the form of products or services.
Once one realizes that bankers have never in world history financed new businesses but only loaned money to those buying existing companies (most infamous of our time being Carl Ican) then it becomes obvious how this financial strip minining by FIRE (finance, insurance, and real estate) companies like Goldman Sachs, extract wealth and income while gutting companies and workers' pensions and increase the cost of goods and sevices and have made manufacturing much less competitive when stock buybacks change shareholder equity into bank debt.
For not even a penny on the dollar the FIRE industries can buy a politician like Barrack Obama and have trillions of dollars paid to cover their speculations and losses. We have the banksters in control of the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury department and the IMF and the EU.
We have entered an era of neo-feudalism with landlords and serfs. College students graduate to become indentured servants of the One Percent as they spend the next two decades paying off loans, and they pay more money to the banks than they paid to the universities for their education. Charter schools are extending debt and privatization of public institutions so that all students and their parents will need to incur debt and as free education becomes a part of American history the competiveness of the United States will continue to rapidly decline.
So long as neoliberal economists continue to include debt and rent extraction in the GDP, this decline will not show up in the "numbers" and it will look like there is growth in the real economy when the opposite is occurring.
re evaluating Trump’s mentality: === In the early ‘70s, my academics-bunch recommended that such exams be done f’rinstance as part of a nominating party’s responsibilities. We were impressed by James David Barber’s first edition of “The Presidential Character”; - his still-valued model is shown at
Since when does a Revolution need an election? Why not start the climate revolution now. I would recommend everyone to read Tony Seba and act now. Put PV panels on your house and buy a battery to store the energy. In the USA, Tesla is building solar panels and batteries and EV in America. Support the effort. Buy an EV even from another company until his Model 3 comes out. In Europe there are a few companies that are building PV's in Europe. I am trying to encourage companies to build a battery factory in Europe. Contact the Auto Builder's Union and ask them why they are still building gas powered cars. This is Zombie work and is a waste of time. They should push from the inside to develop and build EV's on a huge scale. I am disappointed with the Green Party in Germany since they don't want to make the effort to do any significant changes and Germany continues to burn more Brown Coal now than in 2010. With everyone investing in batteries this will cut down on Peak Power plants and will help to clean up the environment. I have contacted several Electrical Utilities in Switzerland and they are open to a change. I approached them about batteries and they were open to a dialogue. I stopped using Air travel for 5 years. How can you be worried about the environment while still travelling. Become serious. Stop bombing Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, etc, etc. I won't vote for Jill Stein, I am too busy fighting the revolution. Start Now since it is too late. We can't wait until November.
Majority of population growth is in third world countries. So, remind me again how you get the uneducated to stop breading ike a plague. Certain religions are the same way. So do you force them, educate them, what is the answer. Do you not think it will just be ignored until disease and famine just ravages everything. If our past performances are anything to go on, greed will continue, ignorance might change some, but mostly people will always feel its their right to breed as much as they want. Didnt work very well for the Chinese. You cant control it, but you know eventually the elite will release a disease after they all take the cure to save themselves. I just hope and pray its quick when it happens. Then again wouldnt it be nice if we just got all on the same page before we step right into it. Push stupidity to the edge and see what it does, not smart.
This rate of plunder is unsustainable. Industrial capitalism is like a malignant tumor, with uncontrollable growth that eventually destroys the organism that sustains it.
I couldn't agree more. If the progressive movement hopes to go anywhere, they need to learn how to walk before they try to run. Go spend some time on Truthout or Nation of Change and you'll be amazed at the vitriol wasted on the Democrats, when the energy would be better spent actually working toward a goal, like trying to get Green candidates elected to Congress or even state legislatures. Thank you for your post. It gives me hope.
The Green Party needs to infiltrate the Democratic party the same way the billionaire/fascists took over the Republic Party, and thus turning it into the Teapublic Party. However unlike the Koch's with their easily fooled no information Teabaggers, the Green Party doesn't need to hoodwink citizens with propaganda. Exposure to climate science and related facts presents no room or reason for dissension.
Voting for the Democratic Party is a must....we'll never get anywhere until we unseat the Koch's Teabaggers....that from a full blooded Democratic Socialist.
This program, Aug 8, '16, disappeared from Philadelphia's Ch 35 RT MiND TV 7:00 schedule...without any announcement from the station.
What's to know?
You are absolutely correct. For an incisive discussion of this issue rea Alan Waisman (or Weisman)s book Countdown.
The geoengineering program may be responsible for both 'climate change/global warming and the hot weather. For more info and proof of this insidious program see They have the documents and patent numbers proving that we are under attack and being sprayed like bugs! Wake up people!!!
Poor Cora. She doesn't understand that the Bernie Revolution can and should continue without Jill Stein. If Hillary drifts from the platform on any of the issues, she must be held accountable. Counting on Bernie supporters to keep her in check. Of course, assuming that Donald BS Trump will NOT be our next President!
Your talk with Cora needed to be shared on FB.
Thanks, Thom.
Thom, I love your newsletter. But why aren't you going after HRC and DNC rigging of the nomination? Not only that, but four anti-Clinton or people who may have had sensitive information related to her and her campaign have been murdered in the last three weeks, and mainstream media is virtually ignoring it.
The only way for the biosphere to survive requires a drastic reduction in the extreme overpopulation of humans.
Vote FOR something and someone, we would welcome your vote for The Green Party. Don't be fooled into thinking its a vote for Trump.
Mr. Hartmann, You are much smarter and more experienced in politics than myself, who am I to question you, but I do have a question. How can you state in hour one that you would gladly donate to a campaign that talks the ISSUES not personalities. Then in hour three you quote an attack on JILL STEIN and her VP stating she is only doing this so she can run in 2018, she is a "healthcare professional" (no mention she is a retired MD, who understands single payer healthcare) with no experience, she hasnt been elected, VP attacked Bernie etc.? Nothing about why you disagree with progressive Green ISSUES/platform. It seems a little hypocritical to me? You and many other underestimate the problem. True Bernie Progressives will NEVER vote for Hillary because she will not promote or push a progressive platform or ISSUES. WE know she will say anything to get elected for her Wall St and Corporate friends and FAMILY. Haven't you watched Clinton Cash? Are you serious that you think its only a coincidence a 27 year old (NOT 37 year old as you stated) staffer was gunned down and not robbed just before testifying? Come' On Man! You cannot be that naive.
We want impact and change. To vote FOR something. I'd vote Libertarian who believe in personal freedom, internet freedom, immigration reform, decriminalize drugs and promote treatment, before I would vote for Hillary. You can be in denial all you want but I meet many others that feel the same way. Bernie should have run third party, he would have won easily!
James Carlson
Hillary, Trump and Johnson are hydrofrackers. If Thom were to put his words where his ideology is, he'd be #JillNotHill. Like Bernie or bust, it's a pledge movement.
Do they break out those numbers by nations?
Thom, one of your callers mentioned a book called "The Purge" I would like to suggest that the purge of the poor is going on every day by doing nothing about climate change, heathcare, high drug prices, no jobs, students saddled with enormous debt, cutting support for food and shelterr for the poor, unending wars, fracking, Monsanto and on and on. It is not just one day, it is ongoing, forever.
I'm hearing scientists say that we've passed the point of no return. If we stopped pumping carbon into the atmosphere today, the human race is doomed.People say "Save the Earth." Actually, the Earth doesn't care if our oceans are polluted with plastic, or the forests are dead, or the lowlands are flooded. Our planet continues spinning around the sun with or without humanity. To wake people up, we needed the ecological equivalent of Pearl Harbor. Didn't happen. Environmental death is slow. No one notices. Politicians do not need to act. Besides, I have my six pack and large screen TV... why should I care?
Please Disappear PDQ
{… a rhyme …}
To Trump:
Will you please hit the door
so we can’t smell your spoor.
You’re hard to endure,
so here we adjure:
Please save our nation from YOU.
Please disappear P D Q.
You’re “Fired”!!
{… 1.60 limericks and an image …}
The night is cool and calm,
yet we awaken with sweat in our palm.
We’d dreamt that orange-haired
his brain had mis-flared
and The Donald had fired The Bomb.
“You’re ‘FIRED'!!”, punned he
to his fan-club’s glee.
There’s many an enemy to embalm.
… Image:
After reading the book by economist Michael Hudson "Killing the Host" it becomes clear that the agenda of the One Percent that comprise the ruling class is based on predatory debt creation and rent collection of the workers and industry that comprise the real economy. Classical economists did not include interest payments and rent payments as part of GDP as these were wealth transfers from servants to their economic masters and did not constitute wealth creation in the form of products or services.
Once one realizes that bankers have never in world history financed new businesses but only loaned money to those buying existing companies (most infamous of our time being Carl Ican) then it becomes obvious how this financial strip minining by FIRE (finance, insurance, and real estate) companies like Goldman Sachs, extract wealth and income while gutting companies and workers' pensions and increase the cost of goods and sevices and have made manufacturing much less competitive when stock buybacks change shareholder equity into bank debt.
For not even a penny on the dollar the FIRE industries can buy a politician like Barrack Obama and have trillions of dollars paid to cover their speculations and losses. We have the banksters in control of the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury department and the IMF and the EU.
We have entered an era of neo-feudalism with landlords and serfs. College students graduate to become indentured servants of the One Percent as they spend the next two decades paying off loans, and they pay more money to the banks than they paid to the universities for their education. Charter schools are extending debt and privatization of public institutions so that all students and their parents will need to incur debt and as free education becomes a part of American history the competiveness of the United States will continue to rapidly decline.
So long as neoliberal economists continue to include debt and rent extraction in the GDP, this decline will not show up in the "numbers" and it will look like there is growth in the real economy when the opposite is occurring.
His Followers are Sociopaths too
{… a rhyme and an image …}
The Donald’s yuge Ego is ravenous
as it feeds on the scum of our culture,
with their Ids so yuge and cavernous
that they applaud this conscience-less vulture.
Where is their conscience, - their ego-Super?
Is it destroyed in their degenerate stupor?
… … …
The Trump-camp’s followers’ sociopathology
is best described via ugly scatology: -
- As inside a restrooms’ stools,
they stink like the bowels’ foul drools.
… … …
- - - an image:
Hey, Ryan. Don’t Count on Trump
{… a rhyme …}
Trust not his endorsement, ’tho’ he feigns “sincere”; -
- Trump changes horses and shifts his gear
as mood-changes change his atmosphere
of gasses’ effluvia of colors unclear.
Pity the Down-ticket R-candidate
{a limerick}
The down-ticket candidates shudder: -
- their party’s for-president’s a dudder.
Trump’s coat-tail won’t serve,
so their voters will swerve.
He’s for their boat a poor rudder.
re evaluating Trump’s mentality: === In the early ‘70s, my academics-bunch recommended that such exams be done f’rinstance as part of a nominating party’s responsibilities. We were impressed by James David Barber’s first edition of “The Presidential Character”; - his still-valued model is shown at
Since when does a Revolution need an election? Why not start the climate revolution now. I would recommend everyone to read Tony Seba and act now. Put PV panels on your house and buy a battery to store the energy. In the USA, Tesla is building solar panels and batteries and EV in America. Support the effort. Buy an EV even from another company until his Model 3 comes out. In Europe there are a few companies that are building PV's in Europe. I am trying to encourage companies to build a battery factory in Europe. Contact the Auto Builder's Union and ask them why they are still building gas powered cars. This is Zombie work and is a waste of time. They should push from the inside to develop and build EV's on a huge scale. I am disappointed with the Green Party in Germany since they don't want to make the effort to do any significant changes and Germany continues to burn more Brown Coal now than in 2010. With everyone investing in batteries this will cut down on Peak Power plants and will help to clean up the environment. I have contacted several Electrical Utilities in Switzerland and they are open to a change. I approached them about batteries and they were open to a dialogue. I stopped using Air travel for 5 years. How can you be worried about the environment while still travelling. Become serious. Stop bombing Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, etc, etc. I won't vote for Jill Stein, I am too busy fighting the revolution. Start Now since it is too late. We can't wait until November.
thanks for that.