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  • Grim News - CO2 Concentration Teetering On Point Of No Return   8 years 31 weeks ago

    At this point with a 1000 year remedial time frame, it no longer matters what we do or do not do. Man kind will be long gone by the time the earth corrects itself, and most of humanity will be dead long before then.

  • Grim News - CO2 Concentration Teetering On Point Of No Return   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Because Jill Stein can get very little done and will never be President. We have to be practical and a 3rd party candidate is just a lost cause.

  • Grim News - CO2 Concentration Teetering On Point Of No Return   8 years 31 weeks ago

    More and more, the prognostications and predictions of Guy McPherson are coming true and the scoffed, naysayers, corporate apologists, and sycophants who vindictive actions marginalized him are shown to be the irresponsible, reckless and feckless idiots they always were.

    The positive feedback loop was activated with evidence in 2010, and instead of acknowledging Rome was burning while Nero fiddled, by pulling the alarm; irresponsible scientists stuck their collective heads in the sand and assured the masses that gasoline was ok to play with near the flames.

    So here we are, and there we go.


  • Grim News - CO2 Concentration Teetering On Point Of No Return   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Tell us something we don't know Thom. The fact is the only viable source of energy that doesn't impact CO2 levels is nuclear energy, but not the present technology that was engineered to create bombs, is horrifically fuel inefficient and yes somewhat unsafe with regards to spent fuel disposal. There is a nuclear tchnology. Liquid Flourine Thorium Reactor (LFTR), that is safe, fuel efficient and deployable sooner that most other technologies. Unfortunately, due to the fear mongering over the small risk of, dare I say it, RADIOACTIVITY, by the miss-informed naysayers, include yourself in that category, LFTR technology is being swept under the rug. Just a little objective research by yourself and those obsessed with finding ways to not act, we know who they are, should convince you as I am convinced, that LFTR technology can be a significant game changer in providing long term bulk energy production that will significantly reduce the use of fossil fuels, We must encourage the energy industry to buy into finding ways of making LFTR and all the other alternative sources work rather than wasting time on prolonging fossil fuels until there are no longer any left. If the oil and gas companies threw their weight behind developing solutions that don't involve fossil fuels the world will be a much better place. One strong encouragement would for the US to become a corporate tax haven, eliminating taxes on corporate profits that, as you surely realize, are paid by the consumer. It is time the lie of corporations paying their "fair share" is exposed for the scam that it is and that we understand that corporate taxes are ultimately paid by the public. Imagine the benefit to our economy if we could repatriate the TRILLIONS of dollars corporations have shipped offshore and to find other ways to curb the greed of wealthy individuals that do nothing to return their wealth to the economic health and welfare of America. We must put "middle" back in the "middle class" if America is to survive in the long term.

  • Grim News - CO2 Concentration Teetering On Point Of No Return   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Very promising tech development:.

    Solar device turns CO2 in air back into fuel.

  • Grim News - CO2 Concentration Teetering On Point Of No Return   8 years 31 weeks ago

    I find it interesting that so many people complain about the responsibility for climate change resting with the fossil fuel industry then get in their car and drive 5 miles to the store. Or 15 miles to work. In the winter they turn the heat up to 72 or blast air conditioning 24/7 in the warmer months. You're feeding the dragon. Google 'reduce carbon footprint' and take some personal responsibility. But most won't because it's easier to be lazy.

  • Grim News - CO2 Concentration Teetering On Point Of No Return   8 years 31 weeks ago

    One needs to go back before the Pleistocene and then some to see when our atmosphere's CO-2 exceeded 300ppm. We also know that CO-2 and Temperatures follow in lockstep with each other such that just as one rises so does the other. At 400pm we are guaranteed an ice free Earth and that means an additional sea level rise of 180+ feet is in progress with no recourse to reversal. Just saying...

    Also why blame the oil industry when it is us, as Pogo said, who are to blame as consumers.

    Old paleoclimatologist.

  • Grim News - CO2 Concentration Teetering On Point Of No Return   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Thom's reply to Glenn Beck might be WHAT?

  • Grim News - CO2 Concentration Teetering On Point Of No Return   8 years 31 weeks ago

    So why does Thom support a fracker like #CorporateClinton and not Jill Stein?

  • Trump Gets His Talking Points from Storm Front   8 years 31 weeks ago

    When are people going to realize that Trump is a PSYCHOPATH?!? If 'We The People' give him control of our nuclear arsenal, we deserve what we get.

  • Trump Gets His Talking Points from Storm Front   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Trump First kidding about Oil, taking who oil and giving it to who?

    Don't forget John Kerry was Kidding about Putin help on getting Chemicals Weapon out of Syria, because he did not Think Putin would take him up on it. That turned out lot better than it could have.

    Just Kidding can get you Killed, For I don't find anything funny about it, And I don't think our enemy would think it is at all funny.

  • Full Show 7/28/16: Trump Gets Talking Points From Neo-Nazis   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Pillory-ize The Donald:

    {,,, a rhyme and an image …}

    She disappoints as a Centrist merely, -

    - yet even tho’ our option is Hillary

    it’s America’s case quite clearly

    that Donald Trump we must pillory

    lest our future stumble drearily

    or worse: - that it flame-then smoke

    as we suffer from Trump’s bad joke.

    … Image:


  • Trump Gets His Talking Points from Storm Front   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump...

    So much to fear.

    So much to loathe.

    Dunno about the spinning of his stupid missing e-mails joke/poke into a case of treason... ...'tis the season, I suppose.

    Trump and Secretary Clinton will probably be "debating".... lucky us.

    (Jill Stein and Gary Johnson should be invited to participate too, of course.)

  • Hedge Fund Managers' Outrageous Compensation   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Ken Griffin is also the biggest supporter of Governor Bruce Rauner of Illinois who is our Scott Walker.
    Johnnie Dohrman, Clinton has only learned how to better to get away with her crimes and wipe her fingerprints off the bodies.

  • Can Mushrooms Treat Depression?   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Ou812, ever have anything substantive to say?
    ckrob, she isn't a swell person.

  • Who will win for Prez in November?   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Seeing the current polls I'm truly frightened that a Trump presidency is a very real possibility. The Dems in their blind lust to get Hillary elected they might have just dammed this country to decades and perhaps centuries of misery oppression ever growing poverty and perhaps even war given the emotional instability and immaturity of Trump.

  • Hedge Fund Managers' Outrageous Compensation   8 years 31 weeks ago

    The Republican Neo-cons are the ones that started the whole mess, and the Clintons simply rode the same Reagan style economic policies band wagon that both parties were involved with. The rich don't like regulations because regulations keep them in line.

    The main difference for the Clintons is that they have learned their lessons in economics 101, whereas the Republican Neo-cons have not. Hillary has learned a lot in the past few years, give her a chance to redeem herself. She has already done so where other issues are concerned and I'm sure she will listen to us, whereas the Republicans don't listen or progress in any way, shape or form. The Neo-cons are the fascists of this country, all the Clintons must do is get out of bed with them.

  • Full Show 7/27/16: O’Reilly: White House Slaves "Were Well-Fed"   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Agreement here with “Elizabeth42”: - Your “Rumble” segments’ Rightists way-too-often subtract from your show’s value. {I’ve written you before, that I fast-forward to by-pass your “Rumblers”.}

  • Hedge Fund Managers' Outrageous Compensation   8 years 31 weeks ago

    I'll NEVER UNDERSTAND this kind of GREED and SELFISHNESS! What is it with these thugs, that enough is NEVER ENOUGH!

    It's WHY we must clean house in Washington, in the House and Senate, because its because many of them have APPROVED this kind of LOOTING of the Working People!

    And I'm very afraid, that Hillary Clinton is in bed, with these Thugs whom run and control Wall St, the President, the House and Senate! It's because of BILL CLINTON, why Wall St has run amok .... by he KILLING OFF GLASS STEAGALL!

    THIS IS ALL BILL CLINTON'S FAULT, and WHY anyone would want the Clinton's back in the White House, after ALL the DAMAGE they have done to the American Worker's, is just MIND BOGGLING!

  • Hedge Fund Managers' Outrageous Compensation   8 years 31 weeks ago

    I'll NEVER UNDERSTAND this kind of GREED and SELFISHNESS! What is it with these thugs, that enough is NEVER ENOUGH!

    It's WHY we must clean house in Washington, in the House and Senate, because its because many of them have APPROVED this kind of LOOTING of the Working People!

    And I'm very afraid, that Hillary Clinton is in bed, with these Thugs whom run and control Wall St, the President, the House and Senate! It's because of BILL CLINTON, why Wall St has run amok .... by he KILLING OFF GLASS STEAGALL!

    THIS IS ALL BILL CLINTON'S FAULT, and WHY anyone would want the Clinton's back in the White House, after ALL the DAMAGE they have done to the American Worker's, is just MIND BOGGLING!

  • Can Mushrooms Treat Depression?   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Magic mushrooms have lifted severe depression in a dozen volunteers in a clinical trial, raising scientists’ hopes that the psychedelic experiences beloved of the Aztecs and the hippy counter-culture of the 1970s could one day become mainstream medicine.

    A clinical trial, which took years and significant money to complete due to the stringent regulatory restrictions imposed around the class 1 drug, has found that two doses of psilocybin, the active substance in the mushrooms, was sufficient to lift resistant depression in all 12 volunteers for three weeks, and to keep it away in five of them for three months.
    Pass4sure 200-120

  • What happens in a musician's brain when they play a song?   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Further evidence of the myriad benefits to the human brain by exposure and participation in the various arts.

    Yet for the last thirty-five years or so, budget-slashing Republicans have been taking this away from our children and test scores are going down so that we have dreck like NCLB on us.

    Coincidence? Or part of Pres. Ronnie's "Let's-defund-public-education-to-create-generations-of -Americans-stupid-enough-to-vote-GOP" pogrom?

    But then we're talking about those who view compropmise thusly:

    Can I burn down your house?
    Just the second floor?
    Let's talk about what I can burn down.
    You're not compromising!!

    Wotta nyse buncha guize.

  • Who will win for Prez in November?   8 years 31 weeks ago

    The DNC is so desprate to beat Trump yet they contrive to screw Bernie out of the nomination when it is clear that he is the ONLY person who can actually get the job, of beating Trump, done! Then they turn around and expect Bernie supporters to fall in line and throw their support to Hillary. Really!?! Unbelievable.

  • Full Show 7/27/16: O’Reilly: White House Slaves "Were Well-Fed"   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Thom, I have been a 'fan' of yours since you moderated on CompuServe, but tonight I was appalled by your "rumble". There was no discussion, there was just vitriol and yelling. The woman, Crystal Wright, was just totally out of line and diverting the discussion to her own agenda and I found it repulsive. She wasn't being an assertive woman, which I respect - she was being just nasty. I quit watching this type of television back when CNN had the most repulsive show on Television that seemed to initiate the practice of disrespect and yelling over others to make points that simply could never be heard or understood or even appreciated because they were made with such bad manners. PLEASE don't continue this way. It isn't civilized.

  • What Do People Who Know Tim Kaine Say About Him? (w/Guest: Rep. Don Byer)   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Why are you blocking comments on youtube?

    Why are you AFRAID of J GALT?

    Time to find another hobby!!!!!

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