Recent comments

  • The WTO is harming Consumers   8 years 32 weeks ago

    Wake up. The US is already importing chicken and fish from China and allowing usda stickers applied with no mention of country of origin. This is the same country with lead in the water in Flint, love's canal, and Desert Storms 'wind illness'. The same country that admitted to deliberately injectingAmerican citizens with Syphilis and denying them treatment, tested LSD in prison inmates and agent orange on soldiers.

    What exactly has to happen before you realize the American government does not have the best interest of the average American at heart?

  • The WTO is harming Consumers   8 years 32 weeks ago

    I don't eat meat and this is a good reason for others to stop.

    IN ADDITION, the government released this bogus story about American chickens being processed in China and being stamped USA or USA inspected.

    Those aren't American chickens. It is not feasible or legal to move dead carcasses into and out of countries.

    IF there are chickens from China getting American approved stamps, it is Chinese chickens. The same types of flocks that intermingled with pigs and gave us the H1N1 virus.. and China? The same people who exported lead, melamine and Mercury laden products to the States.

    YOU could not pay me to eat chicken. or seafood, most which also comes from poison, polluted lands.

    I grow my own veggies, from my own seed. Thank you. My non-gmo , non hybridization, heirloom seed, thank you very much.

    People better learn to STOP relying on the government for labeling , because even with laws in place. People will lie and sell questionable goods.

    BEST to rely on coops, or grow yourself... grown locally, by people you trust, or run the risk of eating tainted or tampered with food,from God knows where.

  • The WTO is harming Consumers   8 years 32 weeks ago

    When all of us poor people have died because of the bad food, I wonder who the big corporations will find to screw next?

  • The WTO is harming Consumers   8 years 32 weeks ago

    Trump represents a party totally on board with free trade....makin merica great again! .......and the food pathogens are free!

    Money, power, lies! ..... and Fascists take all!

  • The WTO is harming Consumers   8 years 32 weeks ago

    I think we are in very serious times.whole foods sold out to Monsanto supporting the fake labeling bill where they can out non GMO & it can be GMO.These corp's completely sold us all out.this meat thing sounds like the free trade deal where corp's can be sovereign and Sue us for even posting a negative comment.

  • The WTO is harming Consumers   8 years 32 weeks ago

    How much control does the WTO have over US international agreements? I'd imagine that whatever jurisdiction, if that's the right word, the WTO has over US foreign policy can be restricted, or completely destroyed, by the President or by Congress, right? The WTO is able to make suggestions, but no foreign organization or government has any actual power over the U.S. Even treaties can be undone.

    I can't see the US federal government taking a WTO ruling that seriously, especially a ruling that may subject American consumers to harm and raise the ire of the farming industry. The UN can't even make Israel abandon its illegal occupations. There's no way the WTO can force the US government to do least, that's how it seems to me.

  • The WTO is harming Consumers   8 years 32 weeks ago

    C.O.O.L. is not cool, man.

  • The WTO is harming Consumers   8 years 32 weeks ago

    The WTO sueing the U.S. for COOL is just a forwarning of what consumers, workers, and those seeking to protect our natural resources can expect if President Obama signs the TPP.

    In the meantime, don't eat meat unless you know exactly where it's coming from--preferably a local source you can verify yourself.

  • How a Bank Robber is Right on Taxes   8 years 32 weeks ago

    In Santa Cruz, CA they recently hired a new parks and rec adm. with a $200,000 salary and million dollar pension. They designed colored dots on the downtown streets. If your found on the wrong colored dot either standing or playing music or dancing your ticketed. People are ticketed for smoking in the wrong places. Homeless are dying in the streets from hypothermia. We have they highest mortality rate while incarcarated in the state. Two young people have been executed by taizer while incarcarated. A 78 yr old senior was jailed for smoking pot during halloween downtown. He was denied his meds and later died. If your jailed and denied medical care it is the same as an execution. If you receive too many tickets here you are imprisoed or put on a work detail. This forced labor is replacing union city labor. I witnessed a young man given a $1000 fine for putting his beverage can down on the rocks near the coast to save a puppy that had got stuck hanging over the rocks. A senior was taized in the back walking his small dog with his leash off in the park and later fined. They put up cameras to rake in tickets and have been found to shave the time on the light changes illegally to make more money. This is central coast living in CA.

    We need a tax on net worth. The first $10 million exempt. The rest on a progressive scale. Those that denounced citizenship should not be allowed back in or do business in our society for all goods and services. Give them a special exit tax on net worth.

  • The Middle Class Is Shrinking   8 years 32 weeks ago

    Tom D -- Do you know of any real world examples that support what you say?

    One dynamic you have not mentioned, is that a $15 wage would make companies, e.g.. Walmart, pay their employees rather than the welfare system supporting their employees.

    Also, a significant indicator of the economy is the inflation rate. An inflation rate less than 4% (Robert Reich in Aftershock) means the economy is weak. Janet Yeltsin refuses to adjust the fed rate until the inflation rate is at least 2%. She is starting to weaken her stance and say she might adjust it if it could just get near 2%.

  • The Bush Administration did nothing to stop 9/11   8 years 32 weeks ago

    They have finally released the omitted 28 pages of the 9/11 Commission which clearly implicates Saudi Nationals on American Soil providing material support to Hijackers.

    Here is what i had to say about it:

  • 9/11 was NOT an intelligence failure!   8 years 32 weeks ago

    Well now you know Thom. We hope you will follow up now that the missing 28 pages from the 9/11 Commission hav been declassified and reveal material suppoort from Prince Bandar and others within his circle.

    Best regards,

    - Vision

  • First Responders John Devlin and Kenny George plead for Bill   8 years 32 weeks ago

    They have finally released omitted 28 pages implicating Suadi Nationals on American Soil providing material support to Hijackers.

    Here is what i had to say about it:

  • 9/11 was NOT an intelligence failure!   8 years 32 weeks ago

    They have finally released omitted 28 pages implicating Suadi Nationals on American Soil providing material support to Hijackers.

    Here is what i had to say about it:

  • Trumpism is a Scam -- You’re Actually Voting for Mike Pence   8 years 32 weeks ago

    Or.. Trump dramatically removes himself from the ticket shortly before the election (as envisioned and planned with Koch's). Dems, who were leading at the time, won't have time to react. General relief that the country dodged a bullet. GOP wins with President Pence and hand picked (by Kochs) VP. Walker, anyone?

  • Trumpism is a Scam -- You’re Actually Voting for Mike Pence   8 years 32 weeks ago

    Pence is part of the biggest political swindle in history, the Tea Party! It's basically a Fascist bait and switch overthrow of our democracy. Persuade the vulnerable victims of Fox News, "Merica," that you're on their side, and then stick it to them with economic and tax policy that is nothing short of devastating to those same citizens.

    Thom's predicted crash is coming, boy is it ever! Free trade and the extreme concentration of wealth it has lead to certainly guarantees it.

    Trump is an establishment fascist and has made Pence his Teafascist partner. I'll say it again, the corpse media has been the passive evil behind Trump's rise to power. For god sakes, is Hillary still even on the road? Very very little is being said about her or the democrats....and now it looks like she is going to pick a lack luster VP. This is so typical, the democrats rarely fight or speak out.

    Jeff Epstein, Trump, and 13 year old Katie Johnson, look it up.....and all they have on Hillary is Benghazi and emails...if the Dems don't learn how to fight back real soon, we're all screwed!

  • Trumpism is a Scam -- You’re Actually Voting for Mike Pence   8 years 32 weeks ago

    Sort of reminiscent of the Chaney/Rove administration, isn't it? Those were the good old days, when a billionaire didn't need to worry about where his next $100 million was coming from.

  • Trumpism is a Scam -- You’re Actually Voting for Mike Pence   8 years 32 weeks ago

    Two war hawks both willing and able sell us out to the bankers who always win every war.Wake up Americans foreign policy is disgusting under either of these two candidates and our aggressiveness around the globe endanger every living being on this sad planet.I hold all media but especially free speech afraid to speak truth to power so sad not worth a plug nickel so sad sold we the people out for what HRC.

  • Trumpism is a Scam -- You’re Actually Voting for Mike Pence   8 years 32 weeks ago

    If Trump wins the election, shortly after inauguration he will resign or die under 'mysterious circumstances'...and Pence will be president. It's all been pre-arranged, the fix is in.

  • Trumpism is a Scam -- You’re Actually Voting for Mike Pence   8 years 32 weeks ago

    ""The puppet master will become the puppet."

    That would be great! I mean it worked okay during the Cheney/Bush Presidency, didn't it? Oh my!

  • Trumpism is a Scam -- You’re Actually Voting for Mike Pence   8 years 32 weeks ago

    Trump will continue to be the Trump we all know until after the election. Only if they win will the Pence agenda reveal itself. The puppet master will become the puppet.

  • Trumpism is a Scam -- You’re Actually Voting for Mike Pence   8 years 32 weeks ago

    If you’re thinking of voting for Trump because you've been bamboozled into thinking Hillary Clinton would be bad for the nation, what you’re actually going to get is Mike Pence, who’s just another Republican who will be worse.

  • Trumpism is a Scam -- You’re Actually Voting for Mike Pence   8 years 32 weeks ago

    This news should make the general election campaign debates very interesting cause Mike Pence can't do the debating for him. Perhaps this wil be his downfall. I cross my fingers.

  • How a Bank Robber is Right on Taxes   8 years 32 weeks ago

    (1) The Donald's first deal: Deal between Donald and the GOP: Mike Pence can be Dick Cheney on steriods, if the GOP establishment unites with the Tea Party behind Trump as a figurehead/spokesperson/maste of cerimonies.

    (2) Rodger Ailes will soon transition to "chief-of-staff" for Campaign Donald. He'll expect to be high up in the White House propoganda arm, on stage or behind the scenes, e.g., Press Secretary? Trump's Carl Rove?

    (3) Of course, Donald, if elected, can renig on either or both of these deals at anytime.

  • Tuesday 19 July '16 show notes   8 years 32 weeks ago

    Your Wed. guests just before the break at the bottom of the 2 o'clock hour would transfer responsibility away from the government for our vets. Bad idea!

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