Recent comments

  • We Need to Throw Out the Second Amendment   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Wow! Great artical. I'm gonna lay down my guns and push to repeal the 2ndA! That way all law abiding Americans will have to lay down their guns and the violence will FINALLY STOP!! Then the only people that have guns will be the military and cops... O and criminals. Because they'll always be able to get guns. Because they don't obey the law.

    Wake up America. The citizens being armed is one of the only things that allows us to keep the 1st amendment. Without freedom of speech, there's gonna be even more people out of jobs. NOT TO MENTION, Hitler pulled the same thing before going off the deep end. He disarmed the population before he started killing out of his own free will. Do your research. Educate yourselves. Think.

  • What?! GOP Focus on Heat From Porn Instead of Climate Change…   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Re: Kind of tree"

    Maybe lots of different kinds... ...maybe heavy on the drought, heat, and insect resistant ones... ...(And now, No. 1) The Larch(?). (Red and White) Cedars and Sequoias seem nice.

    years to foliate?? guess we'd do well to start soon.

  • What?! GOP Focus on Heat From Porn Instead of Climate Change…   8 years 33 weeks ago

    I've been trying to sign-in to the chat and for the last few months I sing-in over and over and can't seem to get in.

  • What?! GOP Focus on Heat From Porn Instead of Climate Change…   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Clearly, global warming is an urgent problem, and most readers/listeners of TH understand that. But I take issue with this column. It mocks concern about pornography, reducing that issue to a low priority. I would agree that global warming must be made priority one, worldwide. But to respect the Earth and undertake healing and proper stewardship, human beings need to lift women to status equal to men. Women have been shown to work more cooperatively in groups, something that can only enhance efforts to save the planet. In addition, women in crises react not with fight or flight, but with a tend and nurture response, also needed if we plan to heal our world. One more underlying issue implicit in this column is an "either/or" mentality, that pits one issue against another, creating hierarchies. A "both/and" approach would be more appropriate if we are to truly affect our world's problems, which tend to be complex and interconnected. While I have little respect for puritanical and prudish attitudes toward sex, I do see a problem with the rampant access to porn on the internet. It demeans women and teaches young people to view women through that lens. It reinforces the oppression of women by men. So while I support all efforts to curb global warming, not just for the sake of human beings but for the entire planet's ecosystem, I also support efforts to raise women to equal status and to include women in all areas of government, science, and groups working to help our world. Women are needed now if we are to avoid disaster, and that means that men need to take a sober and respectful view toward including half of the human race.

  • Clinton: I'll defend Israel but push for 'two-state solution   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Netanyahu's hasbara rhetoric to American's (2-state solution) is quite different from his rhetoric to Israeli citizen's (No state solution). So I guess Hillary will tell him "Cut it out!" The question is will she allow the 50+ year U.N. resolution to move forward this time or once again veto it as the U.S. does every year? Also, by definition, Israel cannot be a U.S. ally since we require all allies to have discrete, legal, settled borders, which Israel has never had!

  • How The Food Industry Destroys Democracy   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Since I know Thom is anti-Koch, it's hard to believe he hasn't been using the Buycott Koch phone app for the last 5 years as many of us have? It takes about 1 full minute to find packaging barcode, successfully scan it and then wait for info to upload. To do this with every product in the store on grocery shopping day would increase time in the store from 1 hour to 10 hours and, at least with my iPhone, would require another 2hrs of about 3 phone recharges. So, a 1 hour chore going to 12 hours just to know what's in your food? Seems like major store chains would be protesting this just on the basis of all of the melted ice cream and frozen foods ruined and ultimately not purchased as shoppers desperately attempt to find out what's in their food. Insanity!

  • What?! GOP Focus on Heat From Porn Instead of Climate Change…   8 years 33 weeks ago

    "Harmful effects, especially on children" : That would be Paul Ryan's teabagger budget plan to redistribute massive wealth from the working class to the top one percent.


  • What?! GOP Focus on Heat From Porn Instead of Climate Change…   8 years 33 weeks ago

    It might be relevant to consider what kind of tree

    Some take years to foliate and produce any effect

  • What The NRA Doesn't Want You To Know   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Sorry Outback! It's twisted logic supported and lobbied by the NRA that has twisted the intent of 2nd Amendment

    "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

    Pretty simple really!

    I wish you well with you phallic addiction

    Guns are not necessary except in the nation of about 2% of the worlds population... shame!

  • A Historic Day - Bernie Endorses Hillary!   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Nothing to watch here, Sanders "betrays" the progressive movement, as

    did Hartmann, in the beginning. Feb 5, 2016.......well now we know.

    Hit that handy, dandy UNSUBSCRIBE button.......

    Stop censoring my posts on youtube aka J Galt ( biohazard avatar )


    FTDP FHC FTH ( translated on request ) BBB WOT

  • What?! GOP Focus on Heat From Porn Instead of Climate Change…   8 years 33 weeks ago

    "But we're not out of the woods yet, ...only going to get hotter."

    When in the woods, it often seems much cooler... planting several trillion trees may seem like a radical idea, but it could probably be done for the cost of a tiny fraction of any of our MIC boondoggles... heard a "number of trees planted by the ol' Civilian Conservation Corps" statistic... (lots and lots (way more than I'd have imagined) of trees).

  • Daily Topics - Monday July 11th, 2016   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Bernie capitulation...Wall Street closes at record high....You lefties have been fooled again.

  • Daily Topics - Monday July 11th, 2016   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Bernie is an Independent Senator who ran as a Democrat. He caucuses with the Democrats in the Senate therefore he must support the Democratic nominee or he will be powerless in the Senate. The Revolution is over, we lost and the Oligarchy won again. Hillary is in the pocket of the one percent as is all of the Republican and most all of the Democratic party period. In my 70 years I have always gone along to get along and accepted the lesser of two evils and look where it has gotten us? I refuse to do it again, I won't vote for Hillary or any other Democrat who supported her over Bernie and certainly won't vote for a any Republican. Hillary or Trump will appoint judges who are sympathetic and support Wall Street, the banks and corporations over the people. The Party platforms are meaningless and not worth the paper they are written on they are simply rhetoric to appease the party base. The super delegates have stolen the primary process from the elected delegates in the Democratic party. The only way a peaceful revolution will happen is to vote these people out of office in both partys. I was sorry to hear Thom announce today that he will no longer allow anyone who disagrees with his endorsement of Hillary to talk on his program, which shuts down any further serious conversation on alternatives to preserving the Oligarchy.

  • Daily Topics - Monday July 11th, 2016   8 years 33 weeks ago

    The Constitution begins with the assumption that we're all in this endeavor together. If some cannot accept this principle they fail to support the Constitution and are a threat to the nation's survival as a democratic republic. Our move away from support or even the recognition of the common good is a symptom of how far we have fallen from the aspirations of the founders expressed in the phrase "We the People." Society needs to decide whether the concept of the common good or zero-sum will guide our governance.

  • What The NRA Doesn't Want You To Know   8 years 33 weeks ago

    p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }

    Well this is my take. I'm an old white guy, 73 years of age. I grew up in the Pacific Northwest where “race” was never an issue, at least in our well insulated minds. When I was a kid we played “cowboys and Indians” and cap guns were the standard toy, and later BB guns. The Lone Ranger was a hero and the NRA was a good thing in that it was one of the places where our older siblings could go to get a good grounding on real fire arms and safe practices relating to their legitimate use, which meant hunting safety and, in some abstract sense, the skills that might some day be helpful in military service. This was Camelot. Much has changed in my perception over the intervening six decades. As a nation we have engaged in almost perpetual warfare during that time, from Korea to Viet Nam to Iraq and Afghanistan in addition to all the other intermediate skirmishes. In that time I have learned much about the history of this nation, which is an exceedingly violent one. I have observed the inhumane treatment of minorities both socially and economically, particularly the black population, despite our lofty pronouncements of progress in the post civil rights era. More recently I've seen a shift along class lines, where the “haves” are systematically protected while the “have nots” are progressively marginalized. And powerful interests in this country are relentless in their pursuit of what amounts to a feudal system enforced by a police state. So no, I will not give up my cap gun, because I still believe I'm one of the “good guys”. Nor will I accept the twisted logic employed by some that reduces the Second Amendment to an argument for maintaining a citizen's militia instead of a standing army. The founders were at least as wary of the potential abuses of a corrupt government as they were of threats from beyond our borders. For the record, I don't condone violence in any form. On the other hand, I stand ready to protect what's dear to me and my generation from aggression, no matter the source.

  • What The NRA Doesn't Want You To Know   8 years 33 weeks ago

    If the Dickey amendment gets repealed, I sure hope the CDC research includes how many hours gun toting killers spend listening to right wing hate speech outlets such as Fox News.

    There are many George Zimmermans wearing police badges. His was a hate crime every bit as much as white cops killing black citizens are hate crimes.....could it be more obvious, for christ sakes? And Zimmerman is still walking around a free man! Cops can get foxmerized just as easy as any other citizen.

  • What The NRA Doesn't Want You To Know   8 years 33 weeks ago

    I see a bigger problem. White police officers, if any will sign up, will stop going into black neighborhoods. Or at very least slow going to homes in black neighborhoods for fear of being shot. The results from this could be grave There is a very good chance this could go horribly wrong

  • What The NRA Doesn't Want You To Know   8 years 33 weeks ago

    I heard awhile back the gentrification, which has been occurring in the U.S. for many years, is not good for our country. It's been going on since 1900 when immigrants from Europe came over and were comfortable with their own people who speak the same language. This is understandable. Since WWII the middle class has been moving out of the big cities to the surburbs leaving ghettos behind. I see ghettos as a major problem for the police. Ghetto schools are usually substandard an crime is a problem. What some cities in California are doing is requiring developers of subdivisions to build homes of different size and value in these subdivision.

  • What The NRA Doesn't Want You To Know   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Our neighboring small village Los Lunas, New Mexico was given an armored personnel carrier by the defense department. I guess the tires got dirty so they gve a bunch of them away to small towns around the country. I understand these vehicles cost about $500,000 each. I saw the vehicle today parked in their street maintenance yard. It has been painted black and I doubt if it has ever been used. Los Lunas has a population of 15,330 souls and is 20 miles south of Albuquerque. Why is the defense department pissing away our money on equipment that they obviously don't need.

  • What The NRA Doesn't Want You To Know   8 years 33 weeks ago

    What is the matter here?

    The "so called" mess is caused by man

    Resolving the matter is so damned easy

    Ban guns

  • Union Membership Falls, Top 10 Percent Get More Wealthy   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Queenbeethat'sme, you GOTTA do better than THAT! You do if you want your $20 bucks per post, LOL.

  • Is the TPP Debate A Test for Our Democracy?   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Why it's NOT OVER for Bernie!!!!! ( and will Thom ever speak to this or the

    fact that Hillary should be "indicted" and is GUILTY. )

    Sanders/Stein WINS......

    Please stop censoring my posts on youtube.....J GALT ( biohazard avatar )

  • American Chicken... Produced in China?   8 years 34 weeks ago

    "Another example of unregulated capitalism."

    not sure what you mean ccccctttttt. The Obama / Clinton government approved it. It doesn't get more regulated then that. I don't think Trump would.

  • American Chicken... Produced in China?   8 years 34 weeks ago

    People come on ,corporations do not care for your health never have done really .But the corporations have to be fully transparent as to whats in their products and where and how they are produced.But tranparency is another word for truth.Corporations do not want to let you know the truth .Infact the whole capitalist system is based on secrets.There is only one conspiracy and its a conspiracy of SILENCE.

    Best to eat local and low on the food chain to stay healthier me thinks. Read the books of John Robbins to educate yourself on food matters ...The Food Revolution is a good start.

    People have a right to be educated and make informed decisions .

    A famous guy once said ...The truth shall set you free...but hey we do not listen to the wisest amongst us we kill them and say your truths are too good to be true ! So it must be a lie ...we have played the lie on ourselves but we are in the process of remembering that we are the ones we have been looking for . God is not going to fix the planet nor Highly evolved beings from distant star systems or quick fix technology . All this could help but its up to us who else is there . We have played the trick on oiurselves that we are on seperate teams this is a great lie and a misunderstanding the other team is not real its only real in our imagination.

    Humans must take responsibility and through observation ,saying what is so , and implementing what works at the functional level . But first we have to decide if we want to live at all .Who are we ? what are we trying to do as a collective ? Do we want to live long and prosper or die even quicker deaths through short term satisfactions.We are going to have to make really big choices over the next few decades as Human Beings do we want to make long term decisions or simply BE at all.

    That choice is yours so as Thom says Tag you are it. You get to choose .

    Food for Thought ...Do you know why every army thinks God is on their side in a war ..

    Because she is ...

  • Let's reboot the American Dream!   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Black Sabbath still the greatest band, Ozzy Osbourne is the most distinctive vocalist in metal ever. Children of The Grave best song and lyric in all history of metal.

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