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  • Raising the D.C. minimum wage to $15 by 2020 would lift wages for 114,000 working people   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Sure. Hopefully the return to labor will go up, and the return to capital fall a bit.

  • What?! GOP Focus on Heat From Porn Instead of Climate Change…   8 years 33 weeks ago

    The 1st step in taking control of the Internet. Create a problem. Create a solution of controlling the Internet. Get Billionaires behind you. Done deal. The Republican Mantra. They have control of the rest of the media.

  • Raising the D.C. minimum wage to $15 by 2020 would lift wages for 114,000 working people   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Wouldn't everyone else up the scale also need a pay raise? If the cashier makes $10 an hour, and the manager makes $15 an hour, then when the cashier gets bumped up to $15 an hour, the manager would need to be bumped up to about $23 an hour to maintain the same ratio, right?

    Otherwise, why take on the responsibilities of management, if you're going to make the same as the cashier?

  • Are the Bubbles About to Burst?   8 years 33 weeks ago


    {… a rhyme …}

    May mayhem not hem

    our future in.

    Will someone please stem

    its flow ‘ere it’s been

    too late for them

    their remedies to begin.

    … … … …

    Mayhem’s shock-waves are stacking up

    like a hurricane’s ocean, - its cracking up

    first the shore, then more

    with its devastating roar.

    … … … …

    √ Gunners packing

    √ Earth-crust’s fracking

    √ Wall Street’s ransacking

    √ Racists attacking

    √ Civility’s hijacking.

    Sanity is lacking.


  • Raising the D.C. minimum wage to $15 by 2020 would lift wages for 114,000 working people   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Currantly in Washington state 15$ an hour is way too little, espcially in the area around Seattle/Tacoma. Housing is going through the roof, many can't even afford an Apt at $20 per hour. By mid 2020 just 15$ will be starvation wages by then. But then that''s plan, cause mass starvation turn eveyone into the extreme poor. And even those who are employed many are part time or in jobs via vendors with no benifits, and can only get contract work anymore. Which means they are out of a job every 3-12 months and looking again. This country is becoming a nightmare along with most of the world. But that's the top 1%'s plan huh.

  • Raising the D.C. minimum wage to $15 by 2020 would lift wages for 114,000 working people   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Raising the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour in Washington DC by mid 2020 will not really be such a big increase, if, as stated, the average worker's annual wages will only increase $ 2900 annually when the wage reaches $ 15.00 per hour. Assuming a 40 hour work week, the annual wage at 15 per hour would be $ 30,600.00. If this is only, on average, a $ 2900 annual difference, that means the present average wage of those affected is already $ 13.57 per hour. To raise $13.57 per hour to $ 15.00 per hour in four years only requires a compounded 2.7% increase a year, which is not particularly substantial and shows that D.C. is not a low wage city with alot of heads of households earning less that $ 8.00 per hour. Therefore, this wage increase should not not be harmful to higher wage workers due to inflationary factors, or pose an undue burden on businesses. However, the unintended consequences of this law might be the "freezing out" of less skilled and less educated workers from the market place. As employers forced to pay $15.00 will seek (and be able to find) better educated, higher skilled employees who don't need additional training, can perform multiple tasks, and who don't have child care concerns, those now making only the Federal minimum wage will most likely be replaced by college studentts, senior citizens, or suburban high schoolers now attracted to the higher wage of $ 15.00 per hour. It will be interesting to see what happens to the DC workforce, and employment, in the next four years.

    A much better way to bring adults out of poverty in America, rather than piecemeal attempts to raise the minimum wage in select municipalities would be to significantly raise the Earned Income Tax Credit to the equvalent of $ 15.00 per hour, paid quarterly, for adult US citizen heads of household. This would target those who truly need this increase, without having to raise the minimum wage for children living at home, part-timers, and non-citizens. This would also not have the job -killing effect many fear that significantly raising the minimum wage would, and be politically more palatable to those on both sides of the Congressional aisle.

  • Raising the D.C. minimum wage to $15 by 2020 would lift wages for 114,000 working people   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Raising the minimum wage will certainly benefit some individuals, but for many the primary benefit will eventually go to their landlord in the form of higher apartment rental charges. Because of systemic problems with tax policies, broad increases in incomes of any group are capitalized into higher land values, which are passed on in the form of higher apartment rents and higher residential property prices. The group that will benefit most are young working adults living with parents (unless their parents decide to increase whatever they are charging their adult children to live "at home." To really benefit lower-income individuals and households, what is needed are policies that dramatically increase the supply of affordable rental housing, first, and ownership opportunities, second.

    The traditional approach since the end of the Second World War has been to provide public subsidies to developers or to use broad-based taxes and revenue sharing to construct and manage publicly-owned rental housing. This has proven ineffective in the face of a rapidly increasing population, and, in particular, the dramatic increase in single-person households. Moreover, Republicans have voted against increased funding for such housing subsidies.

    The one real solution to the problem is offered in the form of changes in tax policy. Local governments and school districts should move over some period of time to a land-only property tax base. What this will do is reduce the potential to profit from land speculation and increase the annual cost of holding land idle. Thus, as more land is brought to the market and developed to its highest, best use, land prices will come down making it less costly to construct housing affordable to more individuals while still maintaining acceptable profit margins to developers.

    The positive effects would be further enhanced by elimination of the beneficial tax treatment of so-called "capital gains" over the rates imposed on wages and salaries. The rate differential actually rewards gains derived from speculation and passive investment. Actual capital goods (e.g., buildings, machinery, technologies, etc.) do not resell for more than their cost of acquisition. They depreciate in resale value over time and in functional utility (unless here is a constant systems upgrades and detailed attention to maintenance).

    More could be done to reward the production of housng (and other goods) over gains from what former World Bank economist Joseph Stiglitz and other insightful economists describe as the "rent-seeking" incentives vested interests have managed to secure under our tax laws for many decades. For example, tax simplifcation of federal and state individual income taxation, combined with real progressivity would capture more rent-derived income while lessening the tax burden on earned income.

  • Raising the D.C. minimum wage to $15 by 2020 would lift wages for 114,000 working people   8 years 33 weeks ago

    So that presents an interesting problem for state workers. I am state employee in Arizona and because it seems our wages are locked by the Legislature, and have been stuck for close to 15 years, what happens to us if the Legislature fails to act on a 15.00 minimum wage? I honestly think the loons in the reins of power will send a big middle finger salute to the Fed's if that were to be the case, because this is the land of the yahoos and gun nuts. They don't care about doing the right thing, they care on doing an only for them thing. Anything to embarass the Dem's. I went to my Legislator, Governor, Dept agency, and the Dept of Administration and basically lent a deaf ear. Just one of those really big fish that are so big, they really don't seem themselves every getting caught to perform an action that actually benefits the people that need it the most. 13.00/hour really sucks.. I work two jobs; 65 hours a week... and that really should NOT be the norm.. but unfortunately it is in Arizona. Home of the 2nd most rudest city (Phoenix--Thank you to Paul Babeu and Joe Arpio)

  • Time to Rein in the Robber Barons Again   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Here's the 2012 third party debate introducing Jill Stein, moderated in part by Thom on RT.

  • Raising the D.C. minimum wage to $15 by 2020 would lift wages for 114,000 working people   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Backing HRC incrementalism is a disservive to we the people and your failure to discuss the elephant been in the room since 9/11 a crime committed by neocons every agency our corrupted government and your failure and same goes for the entire network claim truth to power excuse me cowardice face our enemy war profiteers wall street and the neocons running empire our dwindling wealth while we get and pay all the bills they steal all the olil fields gold minerals etc.Minium wage needs be increased much sooner as you well know and failure to state is another disservice by you to all who listen to you as I do far less since your obvious sold we the people out.

  • Time to Rein in the Robber Barons Again   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Hillary is clearly with the plan. All she has going for her is that she isn't Trump. She doesn't let anybody forget that too. Seems her campaign slogan is, "Hillary, she's not as bad as Trump!"
    But the way Wall Street, with their buying of the election and nomination process, has it laid out, that's all she needs. That's exactly the set up.
    I recommend Jill Stein. She's as good and as capable as Bernie, pure on the issues and accepts no money from business or superpacs, nobody Bernie wouldn't take from. There's no need to try to get Bernie to run independent.

  • Time to Rein in the Robber Barons Again   8 years 33 weeks ago

    You're absolutely right, Kend, you nailed it.
    Didn't want to miss the opportunity to say that.
    I think it's gonna snow today.

  • How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?   8 years 33 weeks ago

    You have to love Thom's revisionist history. For starters we are not now nor have we ever been a democracy. Democracy is the tyranny of the majority and the antithisis of freedom. You have to love his cherry picking of quotes of the likes of Thomas Jefferson. Example? "If the overgrown wealth of an individual be deemed dangerous to the State, the best corrective is the law of equal inheritance to all in equal degree..." Of course in this country we have Due process so first you would have to prove that the wealth was a threat to the state in a court of law. In the same letter he condemed double taxation on the same dollar earned and was anamently against the "Progressive Tax" My rebuttle can be found here.

  • Time to Rein in the Robber Barons Again   8 years 33 weeks ago

    The CEO salary issue seems to fly under the radar with the American public. It has outraged me for years. I have worked for several companies and seen it first hand. You can be a complete idiot and pull in millions in America.

  • Time to Rein in the Robber Barons Again   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Ou812, you're right, they want the cheap labor coming in from south of the border and their "free trade" and so on. This is all part of the strategy of moving the American political spectrum incrementally to the right every election by having Fortune 500 contribute to both parties and that way determine the nominees of each party. They then nominate a Darth Vader, monster Republican and a corporate shill Democrat, and so, force a choice between evils.

    Wall Street and Fortune 500 don't need a crazy guy, they're happy with a corporate shill.

  • Time to Rein in the Robber Barons Again   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Well Queenbee, everybody didn't know that but since you did what's your plan?
    You sound like Jill Stein when you talk about Obamacare - without a public option - except that the government could easily solve the problem - if it wasn't captured by big business the same way Obamacare (without public option - thanks to Joe Liebermann, Senate waterboy of the insurance industry) was.
    You seem to want us to stop expecting government to serve us so we wouldn't interfere with the capture.
    You were paying less before Obamacare?

  • What Bernie Sanders Gave America...   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Bernie gave us what your endorsement of him gave us.....absolutely NOTHING,

    or WORSE, the EVIL of.....Hillary Clinton.

    Bernie needs to walk away NOW and join Jill Stein......but no one is covering that

    or asking about it.....

    The next four years......NO HOPE, NO CHANGE. Enjoy!!!!

  • Does BREXIT Signify the End of Globalization?   8 years 33 weeks ago

    It's not like the EU can stop them, they are a sovereign country not a state.

  • U.K. Pound Falls As Markets Get Brexit Jitters   8 years 33 weeks ago

    The real question is; faced with potential copy cat exits, will Europe ostracize the UK now to teach other potential ship jumpers that there will be no reward or "free trade" with traitors?

    It is perfectly understandable why Britain opted to get out and retrieve their own autonomy...but do the British know what that means in the post combined ramifications to both the EU and England?

    The smart course for the Union is to turn their backs on the UK, restricting trade, commerce and tourism until England is on its knees begging forhiveness..but that "stiff upper lip" is notoriously stubborn..if jobs an opportunities were in short supply IN the EU, they be scarce as hens teeth in the near future.

    Britain's failure to understand their own gambit was made clear when the UK assumed all the benefits of EU membership would still be theirs but all of the burdens would fall just to member countries.

    It will be interesting to see just how big a stick Brussels plans to wield and where on England's backside they plan to strike first..or maybe England just needs a time out?

  • Time to Rein in the Robber Barons Again   8 years 33 weeks ago

    You mentioned a site yesterday that was incorrectly, I think you said, ""

  • Time to Rein in the Robber Barons Again   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Gee Thom, thank you for telling everyone what they already how about sharing the plan for reining them in?

    BTW, I'd like the extra 15k a year it costs for me to have my health insurance. You know, the insurance I and everyone else is forced to have so that hospitals and insurance companies can get rich and build mega medical campuses while they diagnose bogus illnesses to justify tons of tests and dangerous surgeries.

    Before Obama care, my insurance was 4300/ year with a 250.00 per person out of pocket, a 20 dollar Co pay or an 80/20 plan...I could choose any provider I wanted as long as they were in network, out of network my insurance paid 80% and I paid 20% until the max of 2500.00 or 4000.00 per family.

    .....I pay over 12k a year, my personal deductible is 4k and the insurance company pays nothing until my deductible is reached. Out of pocket is 10,500 per year.

    So basically, I pay a lot more and have no insurance...because I am not spending 6K just so they start splitting bills with me 80/20.

    People should start insurance Co a nominal yearly fee to meet insurance requirements, then f... the government. OBAMA CARE is about a captive consumer for insurance companies and the uninsured have been duped into thinking they now have great coverage...they now have a chance to get butchered or a nosocomial infection and die from it like the rest of us.

  • How The Food Industry Destroys Democracy   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Hello. I am new here so pardon me if I break any rules. Does anyone know which companies and/or corporations supported the Dark Act? I wanted to know the names of these companies who watered down the Vermont act. Would like to boycott those corporations. If anyone knows can you post that information ?

  • Time to Rein in the Robber Barons Again   8 years 33 weeks ago

    I agree with Thom, going back to the "highest marginal income tax rates" that existed before Reagan's trickle down swindle would be a very wise move and might even help us avoid the next Great Depression.

    Don't count on Trump/Pence doing this though. During the Bush/Cheney Great Recession, Mike Pence a hardcore Teafascist, twice refused to endorse unemployment benefits if it meant that taxes went up on only millionaires.

    Unrelated: Last night I noticed that NBC news spent the first six minutes talking about how brilliant Trump is for creating suspense around his VP pick, comparing it to his TV shows. Hillary then got two minutes of nothingness.

  • Time to Rein in the Robber Barons Again   8 years 33 weeks ago

    Hillary is one of the CEOs, what is the difference between raking in millions from a business or a foundation? Both fly around in private jets.

  • Time to Rein in the Robber Barons Again   8 years 33 weeks ago

    58% of the fortune 500 CEO'S support Hillary Clinton for President.

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