Recent comments

  • American Chicken... Produced in China?   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Educate eveyone and raise conciousness we must .Humans will continue to hurt themselves until they realise its not in there best interest to continue to do so .

    Healthy mind healthy planet .

  • American Chicken... Produced in China?   8 years 34 weeks ago

    It would be helpful if we could identify the sellers of these well-traveled chickens. Is there any way they can be identified? Are there any purveyors who are willing to state unequivocally that their product is raised and processed within the U.S?My pets have been endangered by melamine-containing food in the past. So, now I can expect my family to be victims as well.

    Why in hell can't anyone just tell the truth....oh, right, the profit motive.


  • Caller: My White Privilege experience...   8 years 34 weeks ago

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  • American Chicken... Produced in China?   8 years 34 weeks ago

    I don't want these torture and kill chickens "jobs" here or in China...or anywhere on this planet. We must end slaughterhouses if we are to survive as a species. 65 billion farm animals raised to glut the arteries and souls of 8 billion humans breeding breeding breeding is a recipe to clear -cut and burn the remaining rain forests of the world to feed the slaves and commodities of LIFE. Wildlife habitat rendered to monoculture - human domination and ignorance.

    We humans have no soul. We destroy life as if it were nothing. We live in denial. And we will not escape the mass extinction that we are hastening to predicted fish-less oceans by 2048 and a murdered world. Who else hoards billions of animals raised in horrific conditions to consume, throw out in sick recalls, and consider as nothing? We have no respect for life or liberty or the pursuit of happiness. I often think this world must be purgatory - or hell - to have so much pain caused by humans. What could be a more effective hell than so much beauty, innocent loving sweetness of farm and wild animals, bees, and ocean life - and US torturing, confining, and killing all?

  • American Chicken... Produced in China?   8 years 34 weeks ago

    They are probably not the same chickens coming back

  • American Chicken... Produced in China?   8 years 34 weeks ago

    We all know that many people have been poisoned by products from China. I don't eat anything where the label says China. I don't use Made In China unless I'm desperate and can't find American Made. Wake up America- bring back our jobs!!!

  • American Chicken... Produced in China?   8 years 34 weeks ago

    In my opinion, unless the chicken is labeled "Raised in America, processed in China," both the USDA and any involved agri businesses should be wide open for a lawsuit.

    In 2013 a company in China purchased Smithfield Ham, the largest producer of ham in this country. The hogs are raised here, the ham processed in China, then shipped back. It looks like chickens are on the same travel plan now.

    Aren't trade agreements wonderful? .....wonderful for a few wealthy scoundrels who I bet will never even touch, let alone eat, any of this GD meat.

    This loophole allowing a meat product to remain anonymous as to where it gets processed reminds me of the TPP.....what's all the secrecy if we have nothing to worry about????? The damn Fascists are in full control!

  • American Chicken... Produced in China?   8 years 34 weeks ago

    And now we've handed China the oppurtunity to kill all our children! America is dead.

  • American Chicken... Produced in China?   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Another example of unregulated capitalism.

    There is more profit in having foriegn workers process the chicken.

    Let us be clear.

    Capitalism has many positive features.

    But like fire, without restraints, it will incinerate US jobs.


  • American Chicken... Produced in China?   8 years 34 weeks ago

    To make matters worse this cooked chicken will be served in schools across the country according to an article I read several weeks ago. Here's the link to another article on this topic:

    Is the Chicken You Are Eating Really Made in America?

  • American Chicken... Produced in China?   8 years 34 weeks ago

    WOW, do you really think it would do any good to contact our Congressperson. I will do just that even though I am pessimitic if that will do any good. Thanks for bringing this to light.

  • American Chicken... Produced in China?   8 years 34 weeks ago

    WOW, do you really think it would do any good to contact our Congressperson. I will do just that even though I am pessimitic if that will do any good. Thanks for bringing this to light.

  • American Chicken... Produced in China?   8 years 34 weeks ago

    As a past food inspector I know that transporting food long distances for processing or and re- processing increases the chances for contamination, spoilage and lowered quality and nutrition. Considering the fuel and energy cost, I find it alarming that some company can actually send food abroad for processing and send it back for profit, bypassing inspection as well as robbing America of jobs.

    Apparently this has been approved by the Obama administration so appears that our illustrious executive branch will risk public safety to allow corporate profit. I guess this should not really surprise us as this administration does not mind killing several dozen inocent civilians in their drone wars to get one supposed bad guy. A tragically stupid example to set for the rest of the world.

    Screw all the Trump scare stuff and vote third party and show your disgust with the two party capitalistic system being imposed upon us.

  • Daily Topics - Friday July 8th, 2016   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Hi Thom

    Addressing Artic Ice: No one talks about certain Countries creating over-population. It seems a taboo phrase. One thing never mentioned is how much gas do we use mowing our idiotc, manicured lawns. There is nothing wrong with wild flowers and, if you want, goats.. they mow lawns. Covering your roof with a string nets and growing vines keeps heat off house. And it's cheap!!

    Hating methane is idiotic. It's great fuel. Easy to make. With ALL of the combustion and forest fires that occur in the world, we have burned up the lingering methane problem. (It stays near the ground) < done!

    Riverside, Chicago

  • Foods Can Help With Chronic Inflammation   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Lack of calcium also causes of joints pains. We need to include proper food diet with vitamins and proteins.

  • Goldman Sachs domination...Global Coup d'etat?   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Low fat consumption causes increase of the SHGB, which means one thing, less free testosterone. It is considered that monounsaturated fats play an important role in testosterone levels and bioavailability.

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  • Climate Denier Rubio Clueless on FL Toxic Algae   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Government by organized hypocrisy. That's what Ben Disraeli called it. If there was a prison sentence for hypocrisy then the republicans would get a life term.

    The Marx brothers would do a better job at governing.

    There is a long rope of hypocrisy running through American history and it is catching up to us and forming a noose around our collective necks.

  • Climate Denier Rubio Clueless on FL Toxic Algae   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Yes but isn't that what CEOs are paid to do??? Unfortunately, Republicans are also "paid" to do the same.


  • What’s the 1 Issue You Want Congress To Address More?   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Important questions to consider.....

    Is Thom Hartmann actually a progressive or a PINO?

    Why is he censoring his youtube feed to prevent corrections of his

    errors of FACT and genuine criticisms of many of his "foolish" positions?

    What is the difference between a dittohead and a tommyhead?

    People have suggested that I challenge YOU to a debate.....but there is no

    way I am going to call you to be cut off....I want your whole radio show,

    or a three hour segment of "conversations" v. the edison gene.

    Or you can just STOP making my posts and comments "invisible" on youtube.

    I post there under J GALT with a biohazard avatar....the J is required by

    google disqus id is GALT.....make whatever assumptions you like

    and the concept of "inclusive sustainability" is MINE!!!!!!

    I would think you would want to get the FACTS .....RIGHT!!!!!!????????

    The best your defenders can manage seem like a nice guy.

    I used to think that....I don't any longer.

    Do some research....let me know if you WANT to BECOME a progressive and

    what is NEEDED now!!!!!

  • Climate Denier Rubio Clueless on FL Toxic Algae   8 years 34 weeks ago

    The Republicans have sentenced the human race to death...all for a few bucks.

    It's good to know they'll die with the rest of us; hopefully, there's special place in Hell getting all warmed up just for them.

  • Climate Denier Rubio Clueless on FL Toxic Algae   8 years 34 weeks ago

    A lefty friend of mine once met a CEO of a giant, polluting corporation on a hiking trip in a remote area of a National Forest. The CEO said he loved unspoiled wilderness and visited it as much as he could.
    It seems there's legal machinery in perpetual motion that forbid corporate executives from taking ANY action that is for anything but the bottom line of the corporation they are charged with caring for.

  • Union Membership Falls, Top 10 Percent Get More Wealthy   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Queenbeethat'sme, I replied to your last comment on the July 4th 1776 - The First Brexit blog post. Just so you'd know.

  • July 4th 1776 - The First Brexit   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Queenbeethat'sme, my history instruction was long before PC as well. Slavery may not have been Lincoln's truest motive but it was his ostensible motive and for the people - and for the Southern secessionists - it was THE motive, nothing else would have been reason enough for seccession. Southern rhetoric was that secession was because "the North was trying to tell us what to do" but what it was trying to tell them to do was not practice slavery, even if it would not have been very pretty for the South to admit that in so many words.

    I can't believe you didn't know that, especially if you're African-American, as you claim. To defend Southern secession is to defend slavery, bogus rhetoric aside.

    The Republican Party was, in that period, the progressive party for human rights. It was not only abolitionist but supported the labor movement of that period of the Industrial Revolution supporting the 40 hour week and such.

    The Southern Democrats of pre Civil Rights times are now Republicans and Democrats have to at least try to be racially inclusive. Most of the Democratic Party, as I said above, has abandoned the labor movement and ostentatious committment to racial diversity, it seems, is a re herring means of ignoring that.


  • Union Membership Falls, Top 10 Percent Get More Wealthy   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Queenbeethat'sme, a willfully absurd mischaracterization of communism.

  • Union Membership Falls, Top 10 Percent Get More Wealthy   8 years 34 weeks ago

    A good business labor model is with a strong union making sure workers are fairly treated and justly compensated. It is important the union or its standards have influence throughout the industry to not put a just employer at a competitive disadvantage.

    The best business labor model, however, is not a unionized shop but an employee owned business. Those businesses work very well and need no adversarial interplay between employee and employer for optimum productivity and fair treatment and compensation.

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