Recent comments

  • Here's What's the Matter with Kansas…   8 years 35 weeks ago

    HRC media annointed UP declared the presumptive nominee while over 2 million votes alone California not even ae than counted excuse me fair election please report facts truth not fairy tales for children.We are already being treated same as any other banana republic and disgrace watching Elizabeth I had such high hopes for her and HRC a neoliberalo a war hawk being endorsed by the enemy within every agency our government neocons PNAC worth discussing on air if you dare that is.

  • Fukushima wake up call   8 years 35 weeks ago

    We need end the era of nuclear energy And the sooner the better.Storing the waste alone present problems beyond today being able to uncover and the length of time it must be safely stored a problem from some future if any left inhabitants so sad.

  • Fukushima wake up call   8 years 35 weeks ago

    Appreciate the editorial focus on a horrilbe situation that is not much better than after the disaster.

    Lke idiots Japan is burning contaminated waste in every province so there will not be mass exits of people to safe areas.

    My concern with the US:

    How can nuclear power companies get the plant license extended after the 40 year design life has expired?

    Need I answer: profit and screw the nearby population.


  • The Homeless Need A Good Night’s Sleep Too   8 years 35 weeks ago

    Zero: 2015 was the national effort to reduce the number of chronic homeless veterans to ZERO by January 1 2016. Locally two veterans homeless - one for a month and another for 3 months - were so unusual to make the newspaper serving about 250,000 population.

    Zero: 2016 is the national effort to reduce the number of chronic homeless persons to ZERO by January 1, 2017.
    National event just announced:

    2016 National Zarrow Mental Health Symposium Ready For Zero: Innovative + Sustainable Solutions For Housing & Recovery

    Tulsa, Oklahoma September 28 – 30, 2016

  • Here's What's the Matter with Kansas…   8 years 36 weeks ago

    If this keeps up, there will be a mass exodus from Kansas leaving greedy Kansas businesses with few (if any) customers left.

  • Here's What's the Matter with Kansas…   8 years 36 weeks ago

    Mark, old buddy old pal. No where in my comment did I mention any parties. They both borrow way to much. Our grandchildren are going to pay no matter who borrows. All I am saying us let's think of them.

    How are thing going for you. I hope we'll.

  • Here's What's the Matter with Kansas…   8 years 36 weeks ago

    Kend, you're still playing dumb, I see.

    Republicans and conservatives spend much, much MORE than lefties, they just don't tax, in willful attempts to bankrupt government. They spend on their cronies like defense contractors and such and put the government's - the people's - money into their own pockets, thieves that they are.

    The Republicans are the drunken sailors. You're pretending not to know that, how cute.

  • Does BREXIT Signify the End of Globalization?   8 years 36 weeks ago

    Globalization is a pyramid scheme, based on the idea that you can keep exporting your slaves to yet newer foreign lands and importing riches in trade, while simultaneously ignoring those people living in your own nation who are hopelessly underpaid by default, the folks whom you anticipate will learn to love all the toxic pollution and byproducts, even if it is fatal for them. History will laugh at the illogically insane who once believed in an economic perpetual motion machine. Doing some reading, one discovers that history is about people with no shoes or food deciding enough is enough and killing those wearing silver slippers and consuming caviar, not about kings who were deemed quite highly successful for ruining their own kingdomside with their unfulfilled, complex promises of prosperity. Globalization is like an old horror movie where people who are forced to observe it must yell at the screen, "Don't go in there!" The only hope remaining is that those discovering the fallacy will be humans, and not some bemused extraterrestrials who are casually researching a bizarrely dead planet.

  • Here's What's the Matter with Kansas…   8 years 36 weeks ago

    You will see in time that the states that are spending uncontrollably like California and Oregan will find themselves in huge trouble. Remember that the nation has taken on a massive amount of debt recently as well. Now about $60,000/per person. Over $161,000 per/tax payer. What do you think is going to happen if interest rates go up. Services will be limited as most of your taxes will go to service debt. Governments should not be able to borrow money, only raise taxes. Then the current generation pays. It makes me sick to know our grandchildren wil be stuck paying for our stupity.

  • Why The Dying of the Coral Reefs Brings Planetary Instability   8 years 36 weeks ago

    Once again Thom rightly crusades for decreasing the use of fossil fuels, but he fails to mention that the single most important activity any one person can do to impact global warming is to decrease their intake of meat and dairy. Thom has blogged on this before but i wish he would include the devastating effects of animal agriculture on the planet every time he discusses global climate change.

  • Does BREXIT Signify the End of Globalization?   8 years 36 weeks ago

    They notified EU that they want to leave. In a few years we will know if it is granted. Then we will begin to understand the the positive and negative consequences.

  • Here's What's the Matter with Kansas…   8 years 36 weeks ago

    I believe the republicans won't deviate from these failed theories because they DO NOT CARE how poorly their plans and programs work: They will only to keep saying that they work, repeating the lies over and over. And they'll add plenty of reasons why things aren't as rosey in Kansas as elsewhere by BLAMING "problems " in Washington, by democrats, liberals, progressives, Obama, Clinton, immigrants, etc.

  • Here's What's the Matter with Kansas…   8 years 36 weeks ago


    I agree with you 100% on Reaganomics. However you are off the mark on California (I've lived here 27 years). One reason our economy "looks" better today is that we fell further and recovered later than every other state.

    The 3% tax increase was Proposition 30. It was promised to restore all the money taken from education during the lean years. After it passed Gov Brown decided that most of the money would go to "troubled" schools (i.e. those with illegal alien children. While those schools definately needed additional funding it leaves the rest of the school system a mess.

    The state university system, once the envy of the world (the schools are still great) because of it low costs for residents is now not only exspensive but excluding state residents because they increased the enrollment of out of state kids for the money.

    Our infrastructure is a disgrace as we have some of the worst roads in the country. Despite on going droughts we haven't built any additional water storage in over 30 years. We're now going to spend 68 billion (it will easily excede 100 billion if it is ever cmpletd) on a high speed train that will not be high speed will only go between LA and SF leaving out Anheim San Diego and Sacramento that was in the original 32 billion dollar proposal.

    We also have massive long term unfunded debts.

    But worst of all when the next recession hits the state will probably be close to bankrupt. Our tax system relies so heavily on the "rich" (capital gains) that when the bad times hit and all that tax revenue dries up there is no money to pay for all of the benifit programs the state increases as soon as they get a few dollars in their pockets.

    Remember what I said when the next recession comes.

  • Here's What's the Matter with Kansas…   8 years 36 weeks ago

    Due to Brownback's pitiful leadership and medicaid privatizing, the city of Independence found it necessary to close it's hospital after 100 years of operation due to the failed fiscal policy.

    To put is as kindly as possible, Brownback is a loser, a total economic incompetant and the people of Kansas who have voted him into office are a disgrace to their state. The incredible stupidity to continue a failed program speaks volumes to the deep red Republican mentality of the state. The same mentality that refuses to understand they are wrong. incredible. The inablility to learn from obvious mistakes is defined as worse than ignorant, it is stupid. I feel so sorry for those in Kansas who understand this but do not have the number of votes to correct it by throwing the bum out of office. I was born and raised through the 7th grade in Independence, i am embarrased when i read about the stupidity that prevails there.

  • Here's What's the Matter with Kansas…   8 years 36 weeks ago

    States are an excellent testing ground to see what works, both

    the bad (Kansas red plan) and the good (North Dakota state bank).

    Unfortunately, the EU does not have such a structure.

    The free movement of labor and migrants across borders was causing

    economic hardship and anger in the working class in Britain.

    As one citizen said, "Enough is enough!".

    The EU did not respond, and thus we see Brexit, the triumph of borders, language

    and culture achieved in an historic election.


  • Let Students Refinance Their Loans   8 years 36 weeks ago

    That sounds more like it. I should know better than to take things at face value.

  • A New Generation Speaks Out On The Future For The LGBTQ Community! (w/Guest: Grace Dolan-Sandrino)   8 years 36 weeks ago

    Letter to Grace Dolan Sandrino - A reply from a Gay Patriot to a Transgendered Teen:

    Dear Grace Dolan Sandrino,

    Let me start by saying how much I truly admire your courage and sheer determination, and sadly also recognize the years of torment and struggle. Both internally and externally you’ve endured and probably continue to suffer in your struggle to find your own identity and become comfortable in your own skin. “It gets better”, yes but when you’re coming from behind having been given the short end of the stick, does the fight ‘to be’ ever fully end for some of us?

    My empathy comes in part because I too, as a gay man from a couple generations ago, have struggled along that same path. I’m from a time though when society was far less accepting than it is now (if you can believe that). We endured hiding our identity, nearly zero public tolerance and even less from the police. These and more made gay bashing, persecution and abuse an acceptable norm.

    I tell you this so you will believe that I understand where you’re coming from.

    The Orlando massacre was a metaphorical bullet in all our backs. In many ways, it was even worse than Stonewall. Where, as I am sure you are aware, those whom are paid to serve and protect the citizen relentlessly and violently harassed them instead. Orlando has suddenly made it seem like we were reverting to the dark ages. If Orlando sets any precedent it’s that terrorists and nuts jobs are now ramping up their attacks on the most vulnerable, or what they may deem as ‘soft targets’, aiming for maximum damage and attention.

    Like you I too am very concerned for our future not only as LGBTs but as Americans and free citizens of this great republic. The divisions we sometimes face can seem insurmountable, the hate and persecution can be staggering and at best difficult to endure. Any suggested resolutions seem hardly adequate and difficult to attain, and in order to do what? Come to some all too fragile, flimsy and imperfect agreement?

    Obviously not facing the divisions and pretending they do not exist is not an option. So trudge on we must, knowing that mistakes will be made and therefore we must remember to try to remain open-minded, adaptable and determined to fight for equality. We must also understand that there will never be that perfect solution that makes everyone happy.

    While I couldn’t agree more with your take on “those bigoted and ridiculous bathroom bills” and “common sense guns bills” I can only agree so long as those ‘common sense’ bills do NOT infringe on the rights of responsible, good and caring gun owning citizens.

    You see I am first an American and second a Gay man. My fundamental ‘rights’ are a birthright as a human being and are protected by the Constitution. The bottom line is that without the liberties and natural rights listed and protected by the Constitution I (we) will never have or keep any rights as Americans, much less as LGBT persons. So no matter my race, gender, orientation or sexual preference the Constitution for any true American should come first.

    Just as important as the Constitution is as a whole, so is the Second Amendment. It is that which guarantees me the right to protect myself and my family from any threat, whether from criminals or tyrannical government. The Second Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms for the protection of self and family, is the ONE right and freedom in the Constitution that insures every other freedom we as citizen hold dear. Therefore it is without doubt and without question the most important Constitutional Amendment of them all. It is the very cornerstone of our entire republic. Any bill or law that inhibits that God given liberty, that natural birthright as a human being, can only be taken as being anti-America.

    And yet in spite of this inherent right none of the people in Orlando could protect themselves. Not one person ever really had a chance. Why, because not one of them had a gun, not a single one (I’d bet my last dollar every one of them wished for one). And so, disarmed by the very laws they were told would protect them, they were “like lambs to the slaughter.” I would have much rather had the chance to #shootback. I would have given my life to protect my family, my friends and citizens. I would have much rather faced the evil than cower in fear and hope for a savior in blue. Wouldn’t have you? Wouldn’t you have risked your own life and pulled the trigger to save your mother, your lover, your friend, an innocent stranger? I strongly suspect you would have.

    The more we focus on pointing fingers and trying to blame each other the more it divides us and continues the erosion of our rights. The more distractions that are thrown about such as what types of firearms are ‘acceptable’ the more the issues are confused and muddled. The result is the slow and methodical disarming of the people.

    Case in point, the very rifle they’re intent on vilifying and outlawing is precisely the best rifle we have to protect ourselves.

    The more we become complacent and falsely dependent on a government that cannot, and almost never will be, there in time to stop the crazies whether they are terrorist groups, lone wolf, or your average psycho nut job the greater the chance is we may face the peril first hand and empty handed. Add to that ‘Warren vs. DC’ –in short: “Police Have No Duty to Protect Individuals…”(!)

    Criminals will always find a way to get guns. If not guns, then bombs, if not bombs, then fires, or poison, or cars as weapons. The list is endless and grows as our technology grows. Those that want mass death and casualties will figure out a way to hit soft targets. Happyland Nightclub is one example that comes to mind, 84 dead with nothing more than gasoline.

    ‘For the people by the people’ does not mean a Government that disarms the people to me. No, in fact ‘for the people by the people’ means EXACTLY the opposite. It means we must exercise the right to come together, to protect one another, ourselves, our family our friends. It means we must finally realize that we cannot wait for the cops to come. We must learn how to stand up for ourselves. We must take back the right to responsible carry of firearms and then be ever vigilant. Those willing to answer the call of being a true American be they LGBT, Straight, Black, White, Latin, Asian, Et al. must train ourselves to use firearms safely and responsibly. We must also learn how to assess the situation and act accordingly.

    It is our duty as a free people and as citizens, we are required to act ‘for the people by the people.’ In fact it is training that government should be required to offer to any law abiding citizen who is willing to stand in defense of their fellow citizens. Law abiding citizens should have access to free and thorough training done by qualified, certified professionals.

    As important as all of the above is we must never forget that we are a product of our history and all the freedoms protected by the Constitution are as vital today as they were at the beginning during the American Revolution. The threats we face to our liberties today may be even greater than those of the past as they are more subversive, clandestine and cloaked in the guise of 'progress' and the greater good. Should we forget why we fought the American Revolution, why so many were willing to sacrifice their fortunes, their property and their very lives we will be doomed to repeat it or be lost forever.

    At the end of the day we must remember it is not about fear, it’s about freedom and the preservation of liberty. It’s about freedom of speech, freedom of expression, the right to defend my family and myself and the fundamental right to self-determination. Should, God forbid, the event ever come to pass that I need to do so I will protect my family, myself and others first and worry about the consequences later. Former Chief of LAPD Ed Davis said it best, "Citizens arm yourselves, the police cannot protect you".

    Marc W. Director

    Bunny K. Transitioning M to F

    Get Involved! and are social groups primarily about helping anyone to learn responsible and safe use of firearms for the use of self-defense and recreation.

    Gays With Guns also promotes the political goal of reversing the restrictive, prohibitive and extremely unconstitutional concealed weapon permit process.

  • Why The Dying of the Coral Reefs Brings Planetary Instability   8 years 36 weeks ago
    "Assessments of coral reef ecosystem health are often made by examining coral cover across space and over time, inside and outside of Marine Protected Areas, before and after a disturbance or across gradients of human population density [11,12,16,33]. However, given the variability in the frequency and intensity of natural and anthropogenic disturbances, coral cover alone is not a reliable indicator of reef health or resilience [35]. At any given point in time coral cover may be in flux, and low coral cover alone does not indicate low resilience or low recovery potential [36]."


    "This is, to our knowledge, the first study to comprehensively examine how benthic communities vary across the central Pacific in the presence and absence of local human populations. We provide data from some of the world’s most remote and unpopulated islands and show that in the absence of local human populations these islands were often truly dominated (more than 50% cover) by reef-building corals and coralline algae. These results suggest that in the absence of local human impacts reefs may be more resistant or resilient to global change and provide incentive for local management action on more populated islands. However, we also show that coral cover alone is not the best indicator of the human presence or the absence on reefs across a broad geographical gradient. Because of the incredible diversity present in coral reef communities, it is more insightful to examine the structure of the benthos as a whole than to focus on a single taxon. While corals may have been dominant space occupiers decades or centuries ago, this is rarely the case now owing to global stressors that affect even the most remote regions of the planet. However, just because corals do not ‘dominate’ a habitat does not mean that it is not ‘healthy’."

  • Should America Repeal the Second Amendment?   8 years 36 weeks ago

    I hope I don't regret posting this -- no, I -don't- trust most of you folks. From the comments I read here, many of you are completely clueless about (whatever the topic is this time). Yes, some of you have good ideas about whatever, but haven't -reeeaaally- thought it all the way through. Now, having stirred the pot to a rolling boil...

    I am a veteran. I know a fair amount about using firearms - various types for various situations for various 'uses'. Unfortunately, most people, =especially= the NRA gun-nut types, haven't -a- =clue= in the world about firearms, not really!! Sure, some people take them to the range and burn through -cases- of ammunition thinking that'll make them "experts" .. or something. Doesn't mean a damn thing, except you know how to pull a trigger. I'll tell "experts" the very same thing I teach certain of my 'martial arts' students: any damn fool can cut meat, but it doesn't make you even ::close:: to being a samurai. ((And if you can't figure out how that applies to you, =you= are part of the 'problem'!!))

    I agree that -much- tighter regulation is =needed= .. =BUT= .. it -will- =not= stop the shooting rampages! Cut down on the number, -maybe-, but not eliminated them. If a person is going to be an asshole, there is very little you can do about it if they're determined. Are they *stupid* beyond belief? Yep, no doubt about it. Are they complete and utter losers? 'Fraid so, guys. If a person =insists= on running around with their head up their ass, well, it's their choice and there -literally- isn't much you can do about it.

    One last thing -- Thom has already told us where the 2nd Amendment 'came from' [>I would sure like the 'cite' for that -- 'hint, hint', Thom<]. Even though the 'reason' no longer applies, it is sooooo ingrained into the American psyche that -it- =can't= be ousted, and, frankly, probably shouldn't be, either. No, it has nothing whatsoever to do with protecting the citizens from a tyrannical 'gubmint' - =think= about it!! It is, indeed, an American "Right" .. .. but there is something about our "Rights" that most people don't pay -any- attention to, deliberately or otherwise: every "Right" has a "Responsibility" of at least equal importance attached to it! If you're going to take and use the "Right", then =by= =definition= you accept the "Responsibility", too. Ignoring it -does- =NOT= make it magically go away, either!

    Hmmm, I'm rambling, again. Well, you either know what I'm talking about or you don't. If you =reeeaaally= want to talk about it some more, drop me a line. Otherwise, have a nice evening.

  • Should America Repeal the Second Amendment?   8 years 36 weeks ago

    I agree that to own a gun, one should be licensed; and I agree that automatic weapons should not be included in that, with some allowance for protecting the populice from a peace-time standing army!

    Your take on the whole thing, Thom, on a recent broadcast was 'sane' (grounded) and right on!

  • Why The Dying of the Coral Reefs Brings Planetary Instability   8 years 36 weeks ago

    We won WWII because both fighting sides, were too exhausted, tired, bombed out and devastated to really fight anymore. we were the pinch hitters who came in after both sides were tired and almost bankrupt. That is an inconvenient truth.

    Our refusal to embrace the fact we are neither super heroes nor saviors means we keep entering wars or conflicts and in all honesty, we have not won a definitive victory in a major war since WWII.

    Maybe we are not as great as we like to believe...not are we that bright. We keep pushing the date and times back as if us saying that we have 20 more years or we need to get down by 1degreesC makes it so.

    Who are we kidding? Are we this intellectually immature? We are in unchartered waters, are already in the climate chaos rapids, can see the edge of the falls and we still like to believe we can prevent going over the side.

    We are in the positive feedback loop..on the one hand we speak of it taking at least 1000 years to reverse damage then on the other, we have head up our you know whats saying we have 20 more years to act.

    I have no doubt even as the last mammal takes its last breath, some scientist will wheeze about projections, more chances, and give us bonus years to straighten ourselves out.

    Can anyone besides Guy McPherson admit we are not running out of time, because time is already up?

    43 seconds to midnight and some egg heads are still spotting us an extra 2 hours...voodoo math meets human denial.

  • Why The Dying of the Coral Reefs Brings Planetary Instability   8 years 36 weeks ago

    I know of quite a few anti neoplastic drugs that come from the rainforest..what anti cancer drugs come from coral reefs? On another note, we have known about climate chaos since the 1980s, and not much was done with a Democratic majority in Congress either. We are beyond politics, or race or ethnicity or religious squabbles now.

  • Should America Repeal the Second Amendment?   8 years 36 weeks ago

    Let us repeal the Second Amendment and then confiscate all the legal guns. Only criminals should have guns in a land of prohibition. Also let us repeal the First Amendment so that the criminals are not alowed internet or library access to learn about where to find black market guns or how to modify the guns they have to be more efficient at killing.

    Why should I be guaranteed a right to defend my home and my loved ones against those whom intend to do us harm? Maybe in Thoms world law enforcement is only five minutes away. In mine it an hour away on a good day.

    So what is it Thom??? We don't want to take away your gun or... we just want to take away your right to have it...Sure thing why don't we get rid of the whole Bill Of Rights in favor of a manifesto!

  • Why The Dying of the Coral Reefs Brings Planetary Instability   8 years 36 weeks ago

    For those that measure life in dollars- A 20% loss of coral equates to about a 1.14 trillion dollar loss in potential revenue from coral species/ecosystems that supply anti-cancer drugs.

    The current loss of diversity and net primary productivity is very serious-something that the republican congress ignores because of its religious belief in capitalism. Species are dropping out at an increasing rate and ecosystems can no longer fix the amount of carbon they once did.

    As Don Marquis learned in his conversation with a tiny insect (Ant):

    "It wont be long now, it wont be long ; man is making deserts of the earth

    it wont be long now, before man will have use it up so that nothing but ants and

    centipedes and scorpions can find a living on it...................................."

    We are being set up by an arrogant few to experience the domino effect of failing ecosytems. They will still have lots of money I suppose--I hope they like eating money because thats about all there will be left.

  • We Need to Throw Out the Second Amendment   8 years 36 weeks ago

    Esteemed Mr. Hartmann and Mrs. Marie,

    It is politically impractical to talk in terms of Throw Out or repeal the Second Amendment

    Should speak rather in terms of the Update of the Second Amendment, extrapolating to the present the thoughts of the Founders.

    Observing that what the founders sought to avoid with the Second Amendment, is precisely what corporate moguls have achieved with it: a dictatorship of capital with a huge military power at its service.

    If the guns in the hands of people turned out to be the best resource to defend democracy in the 18th century, in the 21st century it turns out to be the electoral vote. But not to elect the course best candidate with Manichean prejudices, but to condition the political parties to effectively promote the updating of laws that the people demand (the optimal proposal is now the Second Amendment) before the day of the election, to vote for their candidates.

    A powerful update to the Second Amendment, preserving the spirit of the Founders, would have to release the democracy of the capital, because simply it has it bought.

    Therefore, it is necessary to convert the Second Amendment in a preventive transparency law, to ending the discretionary management of public resources through consensus of the citizen communities involved before making any project and exert any budget.

    And only like this it will be able to confront the challenge of the climatic change, implementing a citizen or community economy by means of cooperatives of companies that in coexistence with the capitalism overcome the economic crises of United States and around the world.

    It is now when the American people must ratify its global political leadership to move the world towards a better future.


    Jesús Morfín Garduño.

    Global Social Engineering

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