Recent comments

  • We Need to Throw Out the Second Amendment   8 years 36 weeks ago

    Americans are sadly addicted to thier gun(s)


    If anyone has the testicular fortitude to take them guns away there will be an almighty childish tantrum across a nation

    And, withdrawal symptoms akin to cocaine termination

  • We Need to Throw Out the Second Amendment   8 years 36 weeks ago

    I wholeheartedly agree!

    Peace & thanks,

    Marie Spike

  • What Should Bernie Do Right Now?   8 years 36 weeks ago

    Thousands of people in San Diego & Los Angeles are in the process of over seeing the recount for Bernie Sanders. Other counties also need help, sign up at:

  • Thursday 16 June '16 show notes   8 years 37 weeks ago

    Hi Sue,

    Of course the war funds came out of our pockets as taxpayers. So I'm wondering who got how much on the other side of the equation. Most of the spending went into the war contractors pockets and oil companies may have had a windfall. It would be instructive to know how badly the taxpayer got ripped off.

  • Dietary Fiber Intake Is Linked To Successful Aging   8 years 37 weeks ago

    Thom, I have to say that this pseudo-study is just more of the same corporate propaganda we have been hearing for the last 100 years! Grains like wheat, oats and barley may contain fiber, but they also contain gluten, which degrades the function of almost everyone's digestive tract—like paint that seals the seals the intestinal cilia.

    And when baked into American breads, the advertising mislead us into believing this concoction is healthy. Shamefully, however, the neurotoxin bromine is added in US breads but banned in most civilized countries. A toxic soup of flavor chemicals is also added, along with petrochemical vitamin substitutes (as required by the government) to keep us from dying right away from eating it. Countless pounds of sugar is hidden under creative pseudonyms. And, of course, there is plenty of extra gluten is also added to make bread easier to mass produce.

    And to top it all off, the only nutrition that can be extracted from this toxic ball of dough and flavor chemicals comes from carbohydrates and unsaturated fats derived from GMOs. Carbs change into sugar very quickly, which is why the study carefully monitored glucose spikes, which causes type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and a variety of neurological conditions when carbs replace healthy, saturated fats.

    Unsaturated fats, as we should all know by now, also cause type 2 diabetes, heart disease and a variety of neurological diseases. These adulterated fats taken with grain glutens and carbohydrates are a delicious recipe for death. Eating raw lard is healthier than soybean oil!

    Certainly, healthy plant fiber is the “broom that sweeps the gut clean,” but bread is the paint brush that seals the cilia, blocks absorption of nutrients, causes widespread inflammation and amounts to nothing but slow poison!

  • Thursday 16 June '16 show notes   8 years 37 weeks ago

    I dare say they are disappointed, but I doubt they spent any of their own money.

  • Dietary Fiber Intake Is Linked To Successful Aging   8 years 37 weeks ago

    Important but also not eating bad fats and carbs and all added sugar.

  • Dietary Fiber Intake Is Linked To Successful Aging   8 years 37 weeks ago

    "Grandma called it "roughage""

    Election fraud: "It's not just for [Republicans] anymore"

    "You deserve a break today"

  • Thursday 16 June '16 show notes   8 years 37 weeks ago

    In '03 the Cheney/Bush administration took us to war to control Iraqi oil.

    Where are we with that objective given our current situation? How much oil is being produced now in Iraq and who gets it? What is the return on investment for the $trillion plus we have dumped into the war?

  • Full Show 6/17/16: Why Gun Sales Spike After Mass Shootings   8 years 37 weeks ago

    Repugnantans’ Suicide-by-Equivocation

    {… a rhyme …}

    Equivocation, tergiversation

    in their with-The-Donald flirtation: -

    - This makes for Repugnantans’ self-truncation:

    They sponsor their own cessation

    by not squelching the Trumpian degradation,

    by not quelling their Trump-centered altercation.

    From governing roles they’re in abdication.


  • Dietary Fiber Intake Is Linked To Successful Aging   8 years 37 weeks ago

    Trump needs more fiber in his diet.

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday June 14th, 2016   8 years 37 weeks ago

    Where the president lost the war with the NRA.

    I'll give the exact date first. April 17, 2013. That was the day the post-Newtown Manchin-Toomey expanded background checks bill failed to get past a Senate filibuster. And that was also the day of the ultimate display of hutzpah by a freshman senator to a president of her own party!!
    That was the day following a week or two in which Mr. Obama gave new meaning to Lloyd Bentsen's iconic declaration to Dan Quayle that he was "no Jack Kennedy", by showing the world - and most importantly the NRA - that he was surely no Lyndon Johnson. Because back in the day, LBJ would have summoned Heidi Heitkampt to his office and locked the door, and the senator serving only in the third full month of her career would have emerged 20 minutes later with her arm in a sling and the promise of a "yea" vote on her lips! It's one thing for the other four red state "nay" voting Democrats with pending reelection campaigns to get a pass from their boss. But when the NRA thugs saw a president failing to secure the vote of a FRESHMAN same-party senator with 5&1/2 years before her next campaign, they understood that they had him not just on the ropes but on his back! Is it any wonder that they've had their way ever since?
    2018, the year of Heidi Heitkampt's reelection bid, is getting closer. She must be defeated - AND YES, EVEN BY A REPUBLICAN IF THAT'S WHAT IT TAKES!!!

  • Dietary Fiber Intake Is Linked To Successful Aging   8 years 37 weeks ago

    As a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, I have followed the "fiber" recommendation throughout my career. Fiber is found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and acts as an intestinal broom" to "move stuff along". Also, it contributes to satiety. Eating a salad with a meal can prevent overeating more Calorific food, and can certainly make a 3-4 ounce portion of meat, chicken or fish more doable. I personally like stir-fry which uses lots of vegetables, small amouts of protein, is quick and easy to prepare (I like an electric wok) and follows current recommendations to increase fruit and vegetable consumption. Those with issues with gluten found in barley, oats, rye and wheat can opt for gluten free products based on rice or potato flour. Gluten-free has become popular, but there is a test, called a "celiac panel" that your doctor can perform that will show if you are truly allergic to gluten. This is called celiac disease and can cause major harm to the intestinal lining. Elimination of gluten is the cure, Miraculous! Many people have been misdiagnosed with IBS, Crohn's, etc. who, indeed, when tested, had celiac disease.

  • Dietary Fiber Intake Is Linked To Successful Aging   8 years 37 weeks ago

    Great blog article.

    Perhaps US could save huge amounts of medical expenses if they gave away

    free fiber foods.

    Even a repub can understand cost benefit analysis.


  • Dietary Fiber Intake Is Linked To Successful Aging   8 years 37 weeks ago

    Telling us to eat our fruit and vegetables is old news. I hear more about what not to eat. Fat, sugar, salt, processed foods, etc. Oh yes.. Don't forget moderation. It's all retelling old established recommendations.

  • Dietary Fiber Intake Is Linked To Successful Aging   8 years 37 weeks ago

    As with most "dietary studies" this is a simplistic analysis. It points in the right direction but falls quite short of coming to any conclusion as to WHY fiber intake is the most important of the factors examined. Dietary fiber is highly rated not because of the fiber alone, but because it is found in great abundance in whole foods, particularly fruits and vegetables. A great deal of research shows that grain products, included in this fiber category, can be detrimental to health. If they say "the right amount" from breads & cereals, this falls incredibly short of eating healthy long term and ignores a body of evidence that grains in general are not good nutrition, particularly in the highly refined form we most often see them in. Do I eat grains? Very occasionally. Do I do better without them altogether? You bet. It's not a matter of taste or liking foods. I was raised on and like the taste of almost every grain product (in natural form), but experience has demonstrated over 50 yrs. of dietary experimentation that I do a lot better without them.

  • Dietary Fiber Intake Is Linked To Successful Aging   8 years 37 weeks ago

    There is NO fiber in animal products, so, yay, this is advocating a VEGAN diet!

  • What Should Bernie Do Right Now?   8 years 37 weeks ago

    "I do know the mechanisations of the Democratic election process are corrupt, but they were that way long before Hilary..what was done to Bernie was done to Hilary and she had to suck it up and leave the stage or risk destroying her party as encouraged by the self immolators in both parties."


    The GOP destroyed Jimmy Carter. They impeached Bill Clinton. They tried to destroy Hillary Clinton as FLOTUS, they threw everything they had at Obama. HILLARY AND BILL CLINTON HAD OBAMA'S BACK.

    I love Bernie Sanders, but the GOP would destroy him - he has no army of DC insiders behind him, and in the real world and present situation in our government, that's a losing situation. The GOP would eviscerate POTUS Sanders. That's why I'm with her.

    Bernie always said he wanted to draw focus to the real issues. He's done that, but now he's becoming a distraction. We need him to fight for us and that meand fight for Hillary, not against her.

  • The Homeless Need A Good Night’s Sleep Too   8 years 37 weeks ago

    San Jose CA has among the most homeless people and an economy that could help prevent it. Soup kitchens, medical care and low income housing can be organized. You can invent the driverless car in San Jose but you cannot do soup Kitchens, medical care and low income housing? Reagan closed the mental hospitals and now the mental patients are on the street. $10.00 an hour employees cannot afford housing in San Jose.

  • Full Show 6/16/16: The Political Revolution Fights On   8 years 37 weeks ago

    Gun Lobby

    {… a rhyme …}

    The gun-lobby won’t learn the lessons

    that it ain’t about Smith-&-Wesson’s

    continuing to gain

    from victims’ pain

    when perps perpetrate their aggressions.

    {“We get our loot

    from your freedom to shoot, -

    - so let’s have no gunner-suppressions”.}


  • The Homeless Need A Good Night’s Sleep Too   8 years 37 weeks ago

    I believe Tam has a beginning of understanding the problem of the homeless, as a person currently homeless since May 2010 living in the back of my truck, after getting sick (Heart Attack) losing my Medical certificate as a Pilot. ineligible for Medicare in Florida and no health care Medical bankruptcy etc. and under age 65, white Male, US citizen, and since I'm not an Alcoholic, Drug abuser or Mental patient, or a abused female or teenager I do not "Qualified" for any housing or government aid. its almost impossible to get back your Health to the point you can work a simple job, forget rent, I'm looking for FOOD,WATER, Gas, A safe place to park and sleep out of the Heat without the Police or "Tow truck Sharks" attacking and me and a clean place to take a dump and shower. all your energy is wasted in trying to servive.

    We Need PUBLIC Safe Zones to Sleep, Park, Camp, Shit, Shower and Shave.

  • The Homeless Need A Good Night’s Sleep Too   8 years 37 weeks ago

    I've read people blaming the homeless long enough. I have a different tack on this problem. The cost of housing. I was recently in the Bay area and I can't help but notice those little ranch homes that were built after the war in the suburbs now cost up to and over a million dollars. In San Francisco proper, homes are approaching 2 million and up. This is being felt in almost every major community in America now. Here where I live, homes are now approaching the 500K in the suburbs. A 1.5 million dollar home requires 300K down ( 20% ) and has a payment before taxes of about $5500. Throw in another 3 to 5K for state and local property taxes and your close to $10,000 a month for a modest 2000 sq ft home. I firmly believe this is a significant driver of homelessness as the jobs that are being created cannot keep up with these prices on a mass scale.

  • The Homeless Need A Good Night’s Sleep Too   8 years 37 weeks ago

    Thom, a lot has changed since you've lived in Portland.

    It should be noted that Right To Dream Too was on private property and allowed by a private party. The group self-polices inside the 'camp.'

    Unfortunately Portland elected Charlie Hales as mayor (whose only concert seems to be making sure developers get really good deals on City owned property and that the City buys property at a massive premium). Charlie Hales' edict allowed Portland's homeless to camp overnight in public areas (except around his neighborhood) with absolutely no oversight or security. No protection for women.

    A group did set up a planned and controlled/protected spot for homeless women. But the City sold the property instead and kicked them out. They are still waiting for a replacement spot.

    Portland is a disgusting mess now. No one is really safe - homed or homeless. Crime is up. Many reports of strangers trying to nab children. Homeless sex-offenders spending the days on people's porches. Garbage, drugs/paraphenalia and human feces are all over the bike trails. Oh, yes, and they keep inadequately funding the (very) understaffed Portland Police Bureau.

    If only the City of Portland could be responsible enough to administer a homeless camp or anything really. Our City Council and mayor are only concerned about real estate investment. (or divestment.)

  • The Homeless Need A Good Night’s Sleep Too   8 years 37 weeks ago

    There are many reasons why the homeless are homeless and it is far deeper than a good night's sleep or some housing.
    Many need drug intervention and mental health services and some need life skills and coping skills.

    Throwing food stamps, housing, free meals at those who for whatever reason are outside the strictures if society are like putting a bandaid over an amputated limb.

    you don't need empathy ( though it helps) or experiencing one night in someone's life to understand their predicament .

    In fact it is impossible to understand the failings and crashes of a life in a visit or three.

    Social failures are slashings of a thousand small cuts, people rarely just become homeless, it is a series of unfortunate events and them lacking the skills and resources to bounce back from those events. Many of these events are a result of their own very poor choices and decisions.

  • The Weaponization of Hate   8 years 37 weeks ago

    Hate politics flourish in a time of falsity. So called moderates like Clinton are responsible for creating a truth vacuum where people like trump can succeed.

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