Recent comments

  • Are Students To Blame For The Growing Debt Crisis?   8 years 37 weeks ago

    Everything in this country is about Greed and Money. Even in Mexico, students can get free education. I worked in a language school with 20 somethings that have no debt. The public institutions are Free. Yes, Free or almost free. There were a variety of professionals. Private schools costs a bit, but nothing compared to the U.S. And guess what, they have health care too. So what the hell is going on here?

    I was fortunate to get most of my education paid for by employers. I had no debt. This situation is totally a class war. The haves and the have nots. I say bail. This country is toast. I encourage the young ones I meet to leave. There is nothing here for them anymore. Much less any of us, unless of course you are in the 1 per cent.

    Adios America!

  • What Should Bernie Do Right Now?   8 years 37 weeks ago

    Bernie needs to focus on and get the word out about Ryan's savage budget plans, and remind anyone voting for the Teapublic party, they're voting themselves into ever increasing economic hardship. Make it known that Trump and Ryan both plan on cutting and then privatizing Social Security. That alone will be enough to swing many voters. Trump is very excited about turning over the Social Security trust fund to his Wall Street bankster cocktail pals. Ryan is also wetting himself over the prospect.

  • Are Students To Blame For The Growing Debt Crisis?   8 years 37 weeks ago

    They need to do something about this form of slavey, before it is to late. Millions and millions of anger student are going to reach a breaking point. Then it will be to late and the US will experience a second revolution. "When the goverment no longer repersents the people , it becomes the dutie of the people to throw down that goverment. "

  • Are Students To Blame For The Growing Debt Crisis?   8 years 37 weeks ago

    The government is responsible for these debts and also Wall Street ! In just over 20 years our College's have had their tuitions go up over 2,000% !! My own Alma mater has gone up this much and it is called "Humboldt State University" in the area where I still live up in rural northern California. It is horrendous! My daughter went back to HSU to get her Masters Degree and had to take out almost $40,000 in loans in order to accomplish this. She, after receiving her Masters degree has a 3,000 hour committment to work at so she can become licensed for the state. While this is going on she is paying back her loan.

  • Are Students To Blame For The Growing Debt Crisis?   8 years 37 weeks ago
  • Are Students To Blame For The Growing Debt Crisis?   8 years 37 weeks ago

    the elite/powerful and many in both parties want socalled free slaves. Encumbered with so much debt that they have to work 2 jobs to survive.

  • United Airlines Adopts the Walmart Welfare Model   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Thank you Thom for bringing this issue to light. It's been going on far too long to keep it under wraps. UAL actually fires 30+ year employees for nothing more than posting comments on Facebook! UNREAL that they get away with it!

  • Republicans Only Care About Children Before They’re Born   8 years 38 weeks ago

    I'm so happy somebody at last brought up the Republicans scorn for the living and their arousing around the unborn. On the off chance that no one but we could get standard media to announce it, the republicans would be done, similar to the dinosaurs. Shade Structure San Diego

  • How Can the GOP Run American Government If They Hate It?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Hornejas Jenethm, My WIFE Stage IV breast cancer and MS has just been cured with the cannabis oil gotten from DR. Henry Zimmerman, cannabis oil is great medication. To hell with the government and their insane policy, Dr.Henry Zermmerman have a medication that is hundred percent assured to cure cancer and you don't need to spend so much money on anymore on chemo, radiation or surgeries that wouldn’t work. Where to purchase, contact via: ( My family is now a brand new one, so stop your worries and go get your medication and set the family free of the deadly disease that hold no respect to family harmony. Make your health a better one by using cannabis oil in your everyday life. contact Dr. Zimmerman on: ( for all type of cancer cure.

    Thank you.

  • What Should Bernie Do Right Now?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Well said. It is evident to me that Bernie is not only immensely popular but the only candidate trusted. If he does not get the nomination at the convention he should run on a new progressive Green party ticket with Jill Stein as his VP.

  • What Should Bernie Do Right Now?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Bernie should run third party if Hillary and the DNC are not thoroughly disgraced by the time of the convention. I still hope he will be the nominee if the votes in California can be counted and the massive election fraud exposed. We must not allow our votes to be stolen.

  • If Democrats Don’t Start Talking Like Trump On Trade, They WILL Lose   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Exactly right. My husband and I retired from GM in 2011. We loved our jobs. Our children struggle and they buy imported cars. Makes no sense.

  • What Should Bernie Do Right Now?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Bernie should start a 3rd party to represent all of us who NO ONE now to represent us!

  • If Democrats Don’t Start Talking Like Trump On Trade, They WILL Lose   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Hey, wassamatter Democrats? Rank and file, blue collar working people not doing as they're told?
    Remember Hillary's DLC buddy, Rahm Emanuel, when talking about progressive Democratic Party voters? "Where else are they gonna go?" Meaning, of course, "Go ahead, sell them out."

  • Is This The Beginning Of End Of Antibiotics?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Yes! And GcMAF I know that works too. Dig deep to find the real story Alan, this treatment for more than fifty 'diseases' is being supressed. NO PATENT , EFFECTIVE and AFFORDABLE !

  • What Should Bernie Do Right Now?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Please explain how Bernie has a good chance of winning running as a 3rd party candidate.

  • What Should Bernie Do Right Now?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Generally speaking, an independent presidential candidate must petition for placement on the general election ballot in all 50 states, as well as Washington, D.C. A handful of states may allow an independent candidate to pay a filing fee in lieu of submitting a petition.

    The methods for calculating how many signatures are required vary considerably from state to state, as do the actual signature requirements. For instance, some states establish a flat signature requirement. Other states calculate signature requirements as percentages of voter registration or votes cast for a given office.

    In order to access the ballot nationwide, it is estimated that an independent presidential candidate in 2016 would need to collect more than 880,000 signatures. California is expected to require independent candidates to collect 178,039 signatures, more than any other state. Tennessee is expected to require 275 signatures, fewer than any other state.

    An individual can run as a write-in candidate. In 35 states, a write-in candidate must file some paperwork in advance of the election. In seven states, write-in voting for presidential candidates is not permitted. The remaining states do not require write-in candidates to file paperwork in advance of the election.

  • What Should Bernie Do Right Now?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    The youth need to get their act together. Each and every one of them, without exception, needs to stop what they are doing and put their life on hold and become well-informed individuals, free of misinformation and disinformation, and get actively involved in the political process to usher in a Whole New Way of Living rooted in Love and Wisdom.

    Dear superdelegates: There are at least 50 million registered young people and independents, many of whom were not able to vote or whose vote was not counted in the primary, who will not vote for Hillary in the general election. If Trump wins the Presidency, there will be no one to blame except yourselves for not supporting Bernie Sanders.

    March on the Democratic National Convention in Philly.
    Monday, July 25 at 11 AM | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

    We need at least 1 million individuals (1% of the youth electorate) to show up.

    We need to send a clear message to the democratic party leaders: We want Bernie and we won't waste our vote on Hillary. Moreover, the national polls show Trump and Hillary neck and neck, while Bernie beats Trump by a wide margin.


    March on the Democratic Convention.

    DC to DNC - March for Democracy July 15th - July 24th.

    Places to stay for Bernie supporters.

  • Full Show 6/10/16: Bernie Surrogate Blasts Elizabeth Warren   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Trump? or Not?

    {… a rhyme…}


    The Donald continues to appall

    with his non-repentance and all.

    “It’s impossible,” y’awl say,

    “that he’ll have his way”?

    Might y’awl be quite wrong, might y’awl?

    . . . .

    or Not?

    Humpty Trumpty might after all

    trip on his own {fill in the blank}, and fall from his wall.

    Of course with a Trumpian squall,

    since his Ego ain’t likely to crawl.

    {May his fall be ignominious.

    and applauded by many of us.}


  • Is This The Beginning Of End Of Antibiotics?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    This is so ridiculous and sad. The answer is very simple. Intravenous vitamin C is the most powerful antibiotic and antiviral treatment. There is no resistance to it. It's completely safe. George Washington University Medical Center has been running a vitamin C clinic for more than a dozen years for a reason. A patient there, in just one sitting of about 2 hours can get more than 200 grams if needed.

    The pharmaceutical companies, for obvious reasons, don't want vitamin C to replace so many of their medical products so they work very hard to make vitamin C look ineffective. They have all kinds of data they manufactured to show how bad vitamin C is. It's all fabricated. Vitamin C kills every infectious disease. It just depends on the dose, the frequency of dosing and the duration of treatment. There is plenty of information about this in the NIH PubMed archives.

    Alan Roth, Ph.D.

  • Is This The Beginning Of End Of Antibiotics?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    And! Then to feed, by one means or other, an animal with antibiotics to increase weight in order to sell that to humans FOR PROFIT


  • Is This The Beginning Of End Of Antibiotics?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    There are plenty of "antibiotic resistant" pathogens, including MRSA and Lyme disease. So what's the BS about the "first instance" now being found in the US?

    There is no incentive for pharmaceutical companies to develop new antibiotics. They make much more money keeping people chronically ill and then treating only the symptoms of diseases, not actually curing them.

    There is even speculation that Big Pharma has developed diseases which keep people chronically ill. I know... it's hard to fathom. At first. But the evil of Big Pharma and the CDC knows no bounds.

  • Is This The Beginning Of End Of Antibiotics?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Many excellent reviews describing the genetics and biochemistry of the origins, evolution, and mechanisms of antibiotic resistance have appeared over the last 60 years. The planet is saturated with these toxic agents, which has of course contributed significantly to the selection of resistant strains. The development of generations of antibiotic-resistant microbes and their distribution in microbial populations throughout the biosphere are the results of many years of unremitting selection pressure from human applications of antibiotics, via underuse, overuse, and misuse. This is not a natural process, but a man-made situation superimposed on nature; There have been upwards of 200,000 references on resistance to antibiotics since the 1950s. And yet the relentless march towards the day anti biotics use will no longer be effective.Given the many imponderables, the best one can expect is that all physicians and health care centers provide their patients with environments that are resistance-free by taking stricter measures in infection control and antibiotic use. This must be backed up by efforts to prevent dumping of antibiotics into the environment through sewer systems; complete destruction of antibiotics before disposal should be common practice.

  • Is This The Beginning Of End Of Antibiotics?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    How is it, we're still ignoring Sovereign Silver? I have cured more Virusis and Bacteria than I can shake a stick at, with it. I've been using it for 2 decades.

  • Is This The Beginning Of End Of Antibiotics?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Lab tests last century showed that bacteria and virus can be destroyed by violet and blue light, different bacteria and viruses of course would require different frequencies. It may well be the way forward.

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