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  • Is This The Beginning Of End Of Antibiotics?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Bee propolis is a great anti bacterial, anti fungal anti viral. Bees gather it from plants who manufacture it and coat themselves with it to ward off infection. They use it to disinfect and prevent infection of their hives.

  • Is This The Beginning Of End Of Antibiotics?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    The irony is, that animals that are not treated with antibiotics can themselves become reservoirs for resistant strains of bacteria. Once ingested, those wild, nonexistent strains can cross species.

    We are attempting to close the barn door after the horse is already gone..we are never as smart as we think we are and invariably we repeatedly as a species, get hoisted by our own petard.

  • Is This The Beginning Of End Of Antibiotics?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    This is very concerning. Do not our elected officials not understand a lick of science, the simple concept of cause and effect? Why do we only react when it's a diaster? I thought we had the brain capacity to put two and two together, but alas.....

  • Is This The Beginning Of End Of Antibiotics?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    It may have resulted from a random mis-copy of a the virus gene in her system.

  • Is This The Beginning Of End Of Antibiotics?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    I may be incorrect, but I believe the woman's UTI was cured using multiple anti-biotics. Fortunately, this wasn't pandrug-resistant, but it's just a matter of time. In some countries, antibiotics are OTC!

  • Is This The Beginning Of End Of Antibiotics?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Instead of subsidizing oil, we should subsidize research and development in antibiotics and any other healthcare

  • If Democrats Don’t Start Talking Like Trump On Trade, They WILL Lose   8 years 38 weeks ago

    The most important issue before us - next to climate change - is "free" trade. Trump opposes it, i.e., opposes NAFTA, GATT, TPP, WTO and all the others and supports a 30% tariff on imported goods. That is the only thing that could bring back manufacturing - and the flight of manufacturing is the source of ALL our economic problems. Manufacturing used to be the tax base and the source of jobs that made the blue collar middle class.

    Hillary says she is against free trade, now. Once elected she's certain to either flip or try to support it without too much notice, in flagrant hypocrisy.

    Climate change has Hillary the better - if you believe her words (in which case I have a bridge to sell you).

    Hillary just plain doesn't DESERVE anybody's vote. Most of us are just so personally offended by her constant lying to our faces that we wouldn't vote for her if the world was on fire and she had the last extinguisher.

  • If Democrats Don’t Start Talking Like Trump On Trade, They WILL Lose   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Obama just nominated a judge for SCOTUS who supports the Citizens United decision. How much more so will Hillary?

    Roe v. Wade won't be overturned no matter who is president.


  • If Democrats Don’t Start Talking Like Trump On Trade, They WILL Lose   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Citizen United was about HRC!!!

    Citizen united came out as a case the right wing was trying to use to destroy Hilary. They (the right wing group) wanted to use a propaganda movie to make sure she lost against then Obama. The Supreme court then took the opportunity to widen the scope of the case as more of a case that was about free speech. The right won that case and Hilary lost that battle. However, since then the has been saying she would do whatever it take to turn it over. Am just tired of people always saying HRC is not going to fight to overturn Citizen united.

  • Daily Topics - Friday June 10th, 2016   8 years 38 weeks ago

    And finally, I think we should all be asking those who favor Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders, whether they'd still vote for Hillary if she were NOT a woman. I REALLY wish we could focus more on the candidates' MINDSETS, than on their genders! People usually tend to condict their business with their minds, not their genitalia!

  • What Should Bernie Do Right Now?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    So you are giving your vote to tRump.

  • Daily Topics - Friday June 10th, 2016   8 years 38 weeks ago

    As a primary election poll worker on June 7th in California, a state that leans toward the Democratic party, I was puzzled as to why there were only half as many Democratic paper ballots as Republican. There were also a significantly higher number of people coming in, voluntarily announcing that they were there to vote for Bernie Sanders, than any other candidate. And if we ran out of the supply of Democratic paper ballots, any voters thereafter wishing to vote Democratic were forced to wait in line at the only electronic voting machine available for my precinct.

    On a somewhat different note, I'm wondering how our electoral delegates can say that they're being fair to all the candidates, while aware of the virtually nonexistant media coverage of one particular candidate who STILL manages to get over 45% of the Primary Election vote, isn't deserving of some credit for doing that well under the circumstances!

  • Thursday 9 June '16 show notes   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Did you ever notice that the Conservative supporters of no-abortions resist public funding for things like prenatal care, health insurance for the mother or the child at and after delivery, food stamps to feed a child of the poor, better school funding for a child of the poor, etc. Briefly stated, we love the child unless it costs us tax money.

  • Daily Topics - Friday June 10th, 2016   8 years 38 weeks ago

    I still want to read the long awaited transcripts of Hillary's lucrative speeches to the Wall Street moguls and compare those with clips of her speeches to the Occupy Wall Street protests. Wait a minute, Hillary didn't talk to the protesters at Wall Street.

  • Full Show 6/9/16: Bernie Brings the Revolution to DC   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Doggies. Don’t we hope there’re some ways to keep Progressivism afloat under Hillary-as-President? … Hard to fathom, but it’s apparently THE current fact: THE priority is to keep Trump away from the presidency, … and not the ISSUES which concern America’s well-being {so, f’rinstance, we’ll let Hillary continue favored-treatments of WallStreetians et al}.

  • If Democrats Don’t Start Talking Like Trump On Trade, They WILL Lose   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Saulys, I don't agree with much of what you say. Neither political revolution nor ball games are won by giving in or giving up. I respect your conviction, you are hanging in while your fellow lefties are jumping off the Bernie bandwagon. If you lefties want any hope of winning your political revolution, you cannot give up now. I guess we'll see in the next few weeks if Bernie is a true leader, or just another politician. Support for Clinton is not support for Political Revolution, it's support for the same old same old.

  • Shutting Down the Democratic Convention?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Yeah! Can't wait to see Chris Hedges new show. Hedges is a great addition to RT's programs. I will be watching!

  • If Democrats Don’t Start Talking Like Trump On Trade, They WILL Lose   8 years 38 weeks ago

    The bourgeois, academic left has no business presuming to speak for the blue collar worker. They live in libraries and lecture halls and have no idea about the real world.

  • If Democrats Don’t Start Talking Like Trump On Trade, They WILL Lose   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Lefties are really stupid, they cut their own throats constantly. They really DESERVE to have Trump.
    Only problem is WE don't deserve to have Trump. We don't deserve to be victims of their stupidity.

  • What Should Bernie Do Right Now?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    What if Bernie runs as an independent, would you vote for him?

  • What Should Bernie Do Right Now?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    If Bernie Sanders does not get the democratic nomination at the convention, then he should run as an independent. I think he would win. There are lots of discruntial republicans and democrats that I think would vote for Bernie Sanders as an independent. MAKE THIS A POLL QUESTION. That question should be IF BERNIE DOES NOT BECOME THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE AT THE CONVENTION, THEN SHOULD HE RUN AS AN INDEPENDENT?

  • If Democrats Don’t Start Talking Like Trump On Trade, They WILL Lose   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Trump has everything the American, white, male, blue collar worker would want. Only Bernie could beat Trump.

  • If Democrats Don’t Start Talking Like Trump On Trade, They WILL Lose   8 years 38 weeks ago

    If Hillary is the standard bearer of the Democratic Party then Democrats can talk all they want, it won't mean a thing. Why does ANYBODY think changing rhetoric does?
    I'm beginning to think it's by design. Every election cycle the Republicans get crazier and crazier and we vote for an ever increasingly conservative, corporate shill Democrat because "Anything is better than the Republican!".

  • Full Show 6/8/16: Bernie or Bust?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    I am a Bernie bro. I’ve been a fan, and on the same page, since I first heard him on “Brunch with Bernie” and I absolutely contributed and voted for him here in Oregon. Finally he has had the platform to share the message he has been preaching for the last 30 some years to the widest audience and it is resonating. Money has been taking this country away from “We the people…” destroying the environment, manipulating our government and sucking the life out of the economy by propagating misunderstanding, fear, anger, even hatred. I have two things to say to my most angered Bernie supporter compatriots. To those who choose to not vote I say “We’re trying to create a better world, wish you were here”. To those who even consider voting for Trump, please listen to the speech Vice President Boden gave at the American Constitution Society last evening. (Have patience, he gets into it about halfway through.) Keep in mind, moving the impetus of a nation of 3-1/2 million people takes time, commitment and perseverance.

  • If Democrats Don’t Start Talking Like Trump On Trade, They WILL Lose   8 years 38 weeks ago

    I agree trade should not be an economic race to the bottom benefiting only a few heartless and greedy individuals. I would add however that labor unions and worker coops representing the many, have always been the answer to the greed and power of the few. The Fascists in our own country have beat down most of our unions, so I'm not sure how unions in the slave labor countries can evolve.

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