McConnell's filibuster of legislation ending tax breaks for companies shipping jobs overseas needs to be repeated as often as possible too. The Republican Party wants to outsource your jobs...yep, the same party Trump represents.
I worry about the extreme left and extreme right positions that are being thrown around. The choice between unfettered free trade and protectionism is a false choice. The problem with the current system is its assymetry and "race to the bottom" tragectory.
The US removes barriers to US imports but China and Japan erect barriers to importing into their countries. Chinese companies operate freely in the US, yet US companies have to give majority control to Chinese partners for their divisions operating in China.
US companies export jobs to China and India because of low wages and low worker & environmental protection. Asian companies employ workers in near-slave labor conditions. For US workers to compete, should they have to work for $2/hour minimum wage on dirt floor factories?
A better approach would be to establish the value of worker hours on an even scale. Consider safety, environment, health and retirement benefits, as well as salary. When we import something from a country whose standards are inferior to our own, we charge a duty for the difference. These countries would rather pay their workers better than to give the money to our government. Wages and conditions in those countries would improve until they've raised to our level.
We need trade regulations that favor workers across the world, not just the CEO's of international companies and politicians.
Bernie and the Dems also need to expose Ryan's budget plans, as well as his obsession with cutting Social Security. If this info ever reaches the voters, Ryan and the Teapublic Party will quickly shrink from existence.
Trump can lie all he wants about ending free trade and protecting social security, if informed, most voters, the non gun nuts, will recognize and not trust Trump's alliance with Ryan's party, the one that votes "yes" on his insane budget plans.
We should promote tariffs with a documentary using Alex. Hamilton's play and or ideaology as well as exhibiting the Reagan Legislation that
that facilitated the abandoned USA factories and job loss to countries like China.
In my opinion, Globalization is unpatriotic.
You've got that right. And what scares me the most is her war hawkishness. I am dumbfounded as to how ignorant people are. That said, with all the brainwashing (hear MSM lack of reporting truthful news) it is no wonder. We're in deep do-do now. I read and watch a lot of independent journalism, and have no reason to doubt what they report. It really is going to take a political revolution. And one way to start is to clean up our corrupted voting system. We should demand it, after all, government is supposed to be for, of and by the people...and for the most part, they don't even listen to us. How many overturn Citizen's United or Just Label It petitions have we all signed? Sorry, I can get carried away becasue I am so pissed. P.S, Fox News needs to be off the air as well as lamestream media.
Honestly, I don't think the "party platform" does nothing nor does it mean anything. It can list everything wonderful that people want to hear, but it really means squat because it is non-binding to any nominee. HRC can yes Bernie and his supporters to death. If she gets elected, it's a whole new ballgame...just look at Barack Obama and the Dems who actually controlled both houses in 2009 / 2010. They removed the public option, they disallowed Medicare to negotiate pharma prices for beneficiaries, they didn't put the Wall Street crooks in jail, they supported and approved the Panama Trade Deal while telling the public they were going to have the wealthy pay their fair share, and now Obama is pushing the very worst trade deal of all..the TPP. Where is the fight for the economic interests of working people? Party platform be damned. Bernie Sanders is a new deal democrat that we desperately need while Hillary is a subscriber to the third way agenda...exactly what we DONT need or want.
Bernie's Primary momentum gives him a huge platform to publicly advocate important progressive causes. In my opinion, the most important cause is our democracy itself.
The new Voter ID laws created huge problems for a large portion of the electorate as Republican statehouses have been systematically taking away people's right to vote. While that frustration is still fresh in voters minds, this would be a great time to promote a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to vote and fix some of the ills of our voting process.
There's a proposed amendment by Congressmen Pocan and Ellison that starts off well but I'd argue should be expanded to cover more of the ills of our current system.
SECTION 1: Every citizen of the United States, who is of legal voting age, shall have the fundamental right to vote in any public election held in the jurisdiction in which the citizen resides.
SECTION 2: Congress shall have the power to enforce and implement this article by appropriate legislation.
I would insert several new sections between Section 1 and Section 2. These include elimination of the electoral college, reducing gerrymandering, adding instant-runoff voting, and making our voting system verifiable. Of course, the language could be improved.
SECTION 2: Elections for President are won by popular vote;
SECTION 3: Congressional districts in each state shall be drawn compactly and without bias.
SECTION 4: Voters shall rank Presidential candidates in order of preference. If no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, an instant runoff vote count is performed.
SECTION 5: Voting shall be performed using independently verifiable voting apparatus.
I plan to vote for Stein, since there won't be a socialist on the ballot in my state, but I would prefer Trump get in over Clinton -- and very few people understand where Trump is actually coming from, and how he has been conducting his campaign like an exhibition in Wrestlemania.
He tells different stories to different groups at different times to gather the votes he wants. He bashed the Muslims and Mexicans because he wanted the votes of the angry white masses, understanding that few Muslims vote and most Latinos (and 'progressives' would not vote for a Republican in any case. He just does the numbers, creates the impressions he want, and manipulates the 'consumers' the same way any TV commercial or used car saleman would. He's a master practitioner of cognitive linguistics and manipulation, sales pitches, corporate 'street fighting' -- and that explains how he got so rich and how he creamed his competition in the primary.
Don't be surprised if his narrative changes significantly as he goes into the general election campaign, where his target is different, and don't be surprised if he wins the presidency (which I expect he will do), that his policies will be very unlike what you have seen from him so far -- that's very unpredictable: he might be very good, utter disaster, or just a placeholder for a few years. Trump is not your standard politician by any means, even if he knows how to play the game well when it suits his purposes. He plays this game on a higher and deeper level than any of them (and plays the media the people, and the system like a piano).
"What I mean is that Democrats need to start talking about trade and economic issues like Trump does."
And then we the people would see even more clearly that the Democrats are lying and saying things to get elected which they will ignore and forget when in office. Already Clinton is lying about what she supports when her record shows just the opposite: wars, neoliberal (and neoclassical, austerity) economic and foreign policies, gutting welfare and the economy, mass incarceration to private prisons, civil rights and privacy violations, etc.
It doesn't matter what Democrats any any more than what Republicans say because they all lie through their teeth and work for the rich plutocracy and war mongers. There's only so much lipstich that can stick to pigs. Maybe Trump won't start WW3 and destroy the world, and maybe he will break from the Republicans and turn out to be an actual libertarian and realpolitiks guy (not good but better than neolibs or neocons).
But going by Clintons record, and even what she says now, she will start and support more wars and regime-change coups, (as with Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Honduras) and likely destroy the world (in a war with Russia), collapse the economy even more, further destroy privacy, deregulate banking more, consolidate the media monopoly more, and put more people in prison. She's still a 'Goldwater Girl at heart, and virtual war criminal.
It's too late, Thom -- the jig is up and more and more people are catching on and looking for real alternatives (such as socialism of some sort). Campaign rhetoric or the Democratic platform mean nothing because after the election it's back to business as usual. Fool me once, fool me twice, fool me three times ... there comes a point when even Charlie Brown wises up to Lucy and the football (and maybe votes Green or real socialist (instead of the pseudo-socialist of Sanders, who is more just a new deal social democrat)).
We have met the enemy and it is the duopoly party -- two branches of the same gang. 'Everybody knows'!
Never under estimate the number of bigots in this country or the power of the gun lobby. It will be the dirtiest campaign in history. A lot of baggage on both sides. I am glad that the Democrat Convention is after the Republican Convention. I would not announce VP candidate until the D convention.
I think Thom is telling it all. I am not a brilliant person but even I can see what the networks are doing (i.e. MSNBC, CNN) focusing on Trumps mis-steps they miss the fact that the Republican party has show these same views, hate mongering, anti-minority, social security hating, healthcare bating and a total distain for the safety net that Trumpet boy really is all about. His books expose some of these same views, of course he changes in them as much as he do in public. The man is about himself, his wealth and power.....AND HE IS TELLING YOU THAT!!! But what fools if they think he is actually going to help them one Malcolm X so graciously stated: they have been had, they been took, hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray, run amok....and they can't see it because of their hate.
Trump is a very dangerous man Thin skinned, bad temper, a bully, can not take any criticism without losing it... Trump boasts, has no compassion, is ignorant on foreign affairs & well may start a nucleat war when he is pi$$ ed off..which is often. Trump wil do greatl harm to our country . He will NOT raise min wage, will chose far right wing anti middle class judges ..who have lifetime jobs. Imagine Trump having access to nuclear code ! Trump & GOP depends on ignorance & fear to gain / retain power. Look at the people of KY ..who for 30 yrs keep voting for McConnell .. One of the most arrogant , uncaring, politicians of all So called 'public servants' Politicians get very wealthy on our dime while ignoring our wishes & doing what they please . Families, eduation, social security, medicare , poor kids, old, sick, elderly, mentall ill mean nothing to the GOP> US has too many GOP governors , becasue people do not vote in mid term elections, They must go asap .
My thank you to Bernie is in the form of a monthly auto-contribution to his campaign fund for as long as he has the fund open. Thank you Bernie! See you in the Senate doing good things.
I want to join the "Thank you, Bernie" party. I live in Oregon City, Oregon, and became a precinct committee person in the Clackamas County Democrats, and then a House Leader in my precinct because of Bernie and his call for us all to become involved. I became a delegate to the Oregon State Platform Convention for the same reason. Then, last weekend, I was elected from my Congressional District Convention to be a Bernie delegate to the Oregon State Democratic Party Convention. Because of Bernie, I am in this for the long haul and will continue to fight for the political revolution we Berners want. To that end, I am now active in the Brand New Congress movement and already working on the 2018 election cycle.
If it is in truth the policies of Bernie Sanders that you support and that you are in fact a true progressive then why not Vote for Jill Stein. Sure she stands little chance but so did Bernie six months ago and see how close he has come.
Two airline pilots live in my neighborhood. Both Republican Tea Party types. The union protects them and they vote against others being unionized. Like most Republicans they are hypocrites.
The Dems have always been timid and weak with their message...Wasserman Shultz is a fine example...absolutely zero fight. They're always on a lame defense, and this will be their downfall. Dangerous Don will be on a relentless dominating offense and the corpse media will amplify it to beat hell. At least half of those who vote will think Hillary should be in jail before it's all said and done in November....Fox Fascist propaganda machine will be leading the slander attack.
Our only hope was Bernie...Dangerous Don backed out of the debate with him for good reason, Bernie would have exposed him the same way he's exposing the rest of the Fascists.
The power of corpse media mass misinformation has destroyed our democracy and country, yes it's that simple.
Your predicted severe economic crash is on it's way Thom, the Teapublic Party won't have it any other way.
I didn't know anything about the Norwegian Airline issue that you mentioned, so I had to do a little research. Apparently, the DOT is operating under the US-EU Open Skies Agreement that was initiated in 2007, and the second phase initiated in 2008 (see Wikipedia.) The 2007 Open Skies agreement superseded a previous Open Skies agreement. The second agreement, according to wikipedia, was more favorable to America. The prior Open Skies Agreement is, I believe, 20 years old.
Sanders, followed by Hillary, called for Obama not to approve the Norwegian Airline deal for fear that there would a "race to the bottom"--airlines would outsource their workforce to pay the lowest wages and increase their profits as a result. Richard Trumpka (AFL-CIO) and Edward Wytkind (AFL-CIO) wrote an article about this in Politco.
Although the direct impact would affect Norwegian Airline workers in Norway, the fear is that this would become a business model that other airlines would follow possibly undermining American airline workers in the future.
Norwegian Air is able to replace their workforce with a foreign workforce by using Norways version of an H1B visa. Being that Trump has never been elected to a public office, he has no record of anything for you to measure. However, when it comes to H1B visas, he has used H1B visas improperly to hire non-Americans to do jobs Americans should have done. Basically, Trump has done exactly what Norwegian Air wants to do in order to boost its profits. Indeed, Trump outsourced the production of his clothing line for cheaper labor. You seem to care about unions a lot. Honestly, I doubt you'd find a less union friendly candidate than Trump. But, don't take my words for it, look at who the unions support. However, you're free to vote against your own self-interests.
Again, you don't sound like a progressive. When you say you favor Trump's list of SCOTUS appointees over M. Garland, you are clearly not a progressive. You may say you are, but in substance, you're not. No need to guess how Trump feels about global warming, he is on record saying that he doesn't believe in it. You cannot even pretend to be an environmentalist and support Trump at the same time. I'm surprised you're claiming to be pro-union when you're saying you'd select Trump over Hillary. It's laughable. :)
Personally, I have no qualms utterly smashing anyone who's willing to vote for a racist hypocrital Trump. You can take your dislike of Hillary, Obama, Osama bin-Laden, Kim Kardashien multiply it by 100 and you'd be 1/10 close to my hatred for Trump. Trump will never be President of America. Ever. Anyone with Trump as a surname will never become President of America.
However, I do agree that HIllary is not much of a liberal. I call her a centrist Democrat and a product of oligarchy. I'm hoping that movement behind Bernie will generate a big enough swell, that the entire Democratic Party will move much further left, including Hillary. Bernie, as Thom Hartmann has noted, is using his influence to impact the DNC platform and rules. As a very proud progressive, who never takes crap from any Republican racist, sexist, chauvanist, islamaphobe, fake acting proud to be an American, so long as that America doesn't consist of people of different colors!!, I will proudly cast my vote for Hillary and the change being ushered in by Bernie and his appointees. That's being a true progressive. Feigning to vote for Trump is NOT being a progressive. That's being a hypocrite.
Honestly, I think Wall Street will no more allow Donald Trump to win the presidency than they would allow Bernie Sanders to win the Democratic nomination.
Trump's role in all this is to massage his ego and provide entertainment and buco $$$ for the media.
Seriously, if Hillary Clinton wants the presidency enough Wall Street will buy it for her, with help from the Republicans such as Koch and Cheney and others who already think Hillary is just peachy.
In states such as California where ALL electoral votes will go to the Democrat no matter what, it is a perfect opportunity to vote for Dr. Jill Stein.
If Donald Trump should actually win it will prove two things; 1) Clinton truly sucks, and 2) the United States is truly fu^&ed.
The only way to send a message when the system is broken is to not play the game. Vote for a progressive and damn the torpedos. Do not, under any circumstances. vote for the oligarchy. Like codependency, you have to stop enabling it.
McConnell's filibuster of legislation ending tax breaks for companies shipping jobs overseas needs to be repeated as often as possible too. The Republican Party wants to outsource your jobs...yep, the same party Trump represents.
I worry about the extreme left and extreme right positions that are being thrown around. The choice between unfettered free trade and protectionism is a false choice. The problem with the current system is its assymetry and "race to the bottom" tragectory.
The US removes barriers to US imports but China and Japan erect barriers to importing into their countries. Chinese companies operate freely in the US, yet US companies have to give majority control to Chinese partners for their divisions operating in China.
US companies export jobs to China and India because of low wages and low worker & environmental protection. Asian companies employ workers in near-slave labor conditions. For US workers to compete, should they have to work for $2/hour minimum wage on dirt floor factories?
A better approach would be to establish the value of worker hours on an even scale. Consider safety, environment, health and retirement benefits, as well as salary. When we import something from a country whose standards are inferior to our own, we charge a duty for the difference. These countries would rather pay their workers better than to give the money to our government. Wages and conditions in those countries would improve until they've raised to our level.
We need trade regulations that favor workers across the world, not just the CEO's of international companies and politicians.
Bernie and the Dems also need to expose Ryan's budget plans, as well as his obsession with cutting Social Security. If this info ever reaches the voters, Ryan and the Teapublic Party will quickly shrink from existence.
Trump can lie all he wants about ending free trade and protecting social security, if informed, most voters, the non gun nuts, will recognize and not trust Trump's alliance with Ryan's party, the one that votes "yes" on his insane budget plans.
We should promote tariffs with a documentary using Alex. Hamilton's play and or ideaology as well as exhibiting the Reagan Legislation that
that facilitated the abandoned USA factories and job loss to countries like China.
In my opinion, Globalization is unpatriotic.
You've got that right. And what scares me the most is her war hawkishness. I am dumbfounded as to how ignorant people are. That said, with all the brainwashing (hear MSM lack of reporting truthful news) it is no wonder. We're in deep do-do now. I read and watch a lot of independent journalism, and have no reason to doubt what they report. It really is going to take a political revolution. And one way to start is to clean up our corrupted voting system. We should demand it, after all, government is supposed to be for, of and by the people...and for the most part, they don't even listen to us. How many overturn Citizen's United or Just Label It petitions have we all signed? Sorry, I can get carried away becasue I am so pissed. P.S, Fox News needs to be off the air as well as lamestream media.
Honestly, I don't think the "party platform" does nothing nor does it mean anything. It can list everything wonderful that people want to hear, but it really means squat because it is non-binding to any nominee. HRC can yes Bernie and his supporters to death. If she gets elected, it's a whole new ballgame...just look at Barack Obama and the Dems who actually controlled both houses in 2009 / 2010. They removed the public option, they disallowed Medicare to negotiate pharma prices for beneficiaries, they didn't put the Wall Street crooks in jail, they supported and approved the Panama Trade Deal while telling the public they were going to have the wealthy pay their fair share, and now Obama is pushing the very worst trade deal of all..the TPP. Where is the fight for the economic interests of working people? Party platform be damned. Bernie Sanders is a new deal democrat that we desperately need while Hillary is a subscriber to the third way agenda...exactly what we DONT need or want.
Bernie's Primary momentum gives him a huge platform to publicly advocate important progressive causes. In my opinion, the most important cause is our democracy itself.
The new Voter ID laws created huge problems for a large portion of the electorate as Republican statehouses have been systematically taking away people's right to vote. While that frustration is still fresh in voters minds, this would be a great time to promote a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to vote and fix some of the ills of our voting process.
There's a proposed amendment by Congressmen Pocan and Ellison that starts off well but I'd argue should be expanded to cover more of the ills of our current system.
SECTION 1: Every citizen of the United States, who is of legal voting age, shall have the fundamental right to vote in any public election held in the jurisdiction in which the citizen resides.
SECTION 2: Congress shall have the power to enforce and implement this article by appropriate legislation.
I would insert several new sections between Section 1 and Section 2. These include elimination of the electoral college, reducing gerrymandering, adding instant-runoff voting, and making our voting system verifiable. Of course, the language could be improved.
SECTION 2: Elections for President are won by popular vote;
SECTION 3: Congressional districts in each state shall be drawn compactly and without bias.
SECTION 4: Voters shall rank Presidential candidates in order of preference. If no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, an instant runoff vote count is performed.
SECTION 5: Voting shall be performed using independently verifiable voting apparatus.
What do y'all think?
Big corporations want cheap labor.
Hillary is for sale to big corproations.
She will say anything for a vote , but you can
bet her deeds will be the same as Obama.
Not a single word about a much needed WPA for the high
tech age?
I plan to vote for Stein, since there won't be a socialist on the ballot in my state, but I would prefer Trump get in over Clinton -- and very few people understand where Trump is actually coming from, and how he has been conducting his campaign like an exhibition in Wrestlemania.
He tells different stories to different groups at different times to gather the votes he wants. He bashed the Muslims and Mexicans because he wanted the votes of the angry white masses, understanding that few Muslims vote and most Latinos (and 'progressives' would not vote for a Republican in any case. He just does the numbers, creates the impressions he want, and manipulates the 'consumers' the same way any TV commercial or used car saleman would. He's a master practitioner of cognitive linguistics and manipulation, sales pitches, corporate 'street fighting' -- and that explains how he got so rich and how he creamed his competition in the primary.
Don't be surprised if his narrative changes significantly as he goes into the general election campaign, where his target is different, and don't be surprised if he wins the presidency (which I expect he will do), that his policies will be very unlike what you have seen from him so far -- that's very unpredictable: he might be very good, utter disaster, or just a placeholder for a few years. Trump is not your standard politician by any means, even if he knows how to play the game well when it suits his purposes. He plays this game on a higher and deeper level than any of them (and plays the media the people, and the system like a piano).
"What I mean is that Democrats need to start talking about trade and economic issues like Trump does."
And then we the people would see even more clearly that the Democrats are lying and saying things to get elected which they will ignore and forget when in office. Already Clinton is lying about what she supports when her record shows just the opposite: wars, neoliberal (and neoclassical, austerity) economic and foreign policies, gutting welfare and the economy, mass incarceration to private prisons, civil rights and privacy violations, etc.
It doesn't matter what Democrats any any more than what Republicans say because they all lie through their teeth and work for the rich plutocracy and war mongers. There's only so much lipstich that can stick to pigs. Maybe Trump won't start WW3 and destroy the world, and maybe he will break from the Republicans and turn out to be an actual libertarian and realpolitiks guy (not good but better than neolibs or neocons).
But going by Clintons record, and even what she says now, she will start and support more wars and regime-change coups, (as with Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Honduras) and likely destroy the world (in a war with Russia), collapse the economy even more, further destroy privacy, deregulate banking more, consolidate the media monopoly more, and put more people in prison. She's still a 'Goldwater Girl at heart, and virtual war criminal.
It's too late, Thom -- the jig is up and more and more people are catching on and looking for real alternatives (such as socialism of some sort). Campaign rhetoric or the Democratic platform mean nothing because after the election it's back to business as usual. Fool me once, fool me twice, fool me three times ... there comes a point when even Charlie Brown wises up to Lucy and the football (and maybe votes Green or real socialist (instead of the pseudo-socialist of Sanders, who is more just a new deal social democrat)).
We have met the enemy and it is the duopoly party -- two branches of the same gang. 'Everybody knows'!
Never under estimate the number of bigots in this country or the power of the gun lobby. It will be the dirtiest campaign in history. A lot of baggage on both sides. I am glad that the Democrat Convention is after the Republican Convention. I would not announce VP candidate until the D convention.
I think Thom is telling it all. I am not a brilliant person but even I can see what the networks are doing (i.e. MSNBC, CNN) focusing on Trumps mis-steps they miss the fact that the Republican party has show these same views, hate mongering, anti-minority, social security hating, healthcare bating and a total distain for the safety net that Trumpet boy really is all about. His books expose some of these same views, of course he changes in them as much as he do in public. The man is about himself, his wealth and power.....AND HE IS TELLING YOU THAT!!! But what fools if they think he is actually going to help them one Malcolm X so graciously stated: they have been had, they been took, hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray, run amok....and they can't see it because of their hate.
Did you name those billionaire oil magnates? No, because they are so close to Obama?
Trump is a very dangerous man Thin skinned, bad temper, a bully, can not take any criticism without losing it... Trump boasts, has no compassion, is ignorant on foreign affairs & well may start a nucleat war when he is pi$$ ed off..which is often. Trump wil do greatl harm to our country . He will NOT raise min wage, will chose far right wing anti middle class judges ..who have lifetime jobs. Imagine Trump having access to nuclear code ! Trump & GOP depends on ignorance & fear to gain / retain power. Look at the people of KY ..who for 30 yrs keep voting for McConnell .. One of the most arrogant , uncaring, politicians of all So called 'public servants' Politicians get very wealthy on our dime while ignoring our wishes & doing what they please . Families, eduation, social security, medicare , poor kids, old, sick, elderly, mentall ill mean nothing to the GOP> US has too many GOP governors , becasue people do not vote in mid term elections, They must go asap .
My thank you to Bernie is in the form of a monthly auto-contribution to his campaign fund for as long as he has the fund open. Thank you Bernie! See you in the Senate doing good things.
I want to join the "Thank you, Bernie" party. I live in Oregon City, Oregon, and became a precinct committee person in the Clackamas County Democrats, and then a House Leader in my precinct because of Bernie and his call for us all to become involved. I became a delegate to the Oregon State Platform Convention for the same reason. Then, last weekend, I was elected from my Congressional District Convention to be a Bernie delegate to the Oregon State Democratic Party Convention. Because of Bernie, I am in this for the long haul and will continue to fight for the political revolution we Berners want. To that end, I am now active in the Brand New Congress movement and already working on the 2018 election cycle.
If it is in truth the policies of Bernie Sanders that you support and that you are in fact a true progressive then why not Vote for Jill Stein. Sure she stands little chance but so did Bernie six months ago and see how close he has come.
So you deny that there is working class racism passed on from generation to generation?
Two airline pilots live in my neighborhood. Both Republican Tea Party types. The union protects them and they vote against others being unionized. Like most Republicans they are hypocrites.
Thank God that ’Tain’t Ted
{… a rhyme and an image}
Rise from thy bed
and take thou thy med
and face what thou dread: -
- ’Twill be Trump whose swelled head
might in our governance imbed.
{Well, thank God that ‘tain’t Ted,
who’d do Worse the aforesaid.}
… Image of Cruz:
Trump’s Trumpet
{… a rhyme …}
A teleprompter mutes
the Trump trumpet’s toots, -
- but then he re-boots
his mouth and shoots
again spontaneously,
again insane-eously.
The only man more dangerous than Trump to society right now is Paul Ryan. Mitch retreated to his hole months ago.
The Dems have always been timid and weak with their message...Wasserman Shultz is a fine example...absolutely zero fight. They're always on a lame defense, and this will be their downfall. Dangerous Don will be on a relentless dominating offense and the corpse media will amplify it to beat hell. At least half of those who vote will think Hillary should be in jail before it's all said and done in November....Fox Fascist propaganda machine will be leading the slander attack.
Our only hope was Bernie...Dangerous Don backed out of the debate with him for good reason, Bernie would have exposed him the same way he's exposing the rest of the Fascists.
The power of corpse media mass misinformation has destroyed our democracy and country, yes it's that simple.
Your predicted severe economic crash is on it's way Thom, the Teapublic Party won't have it any other way.
I didn't know anything about the Norwegian Airline issue that you mentioned, so I had to do a little research. Apparently, the DOT is operating under the US-EU Open Skies Agreement that was initiated in 2007, and the second phase initiated in 2008 (see Wikipedia.) The 2007 Open Skies agreement superseded a previous Open Skies agreement. The second agreement, according to wikipedia, was more favorable to America. The prior Open Skies Agreement is, I believe, 20 years old.
Sanders, followed by Hillary, called for Obama not to approve the Norwegian Airline deal for fear that there would a "race to the bottom"--airlines would outsource their workforce to pay the lowest wages and increase their profits as a result. Richard Trumpka (AFL-CIO) and Edward Wytkind (AFL-CIO) wrote an article about this in Politco.
Although the direct impact would affect Norwegian Airline workers in Norway, the fear is that this would become a business model that other airlines would follow possibly undermining American airline workers in the future.
Norwegian Air is able to replace their workforce with a foreign workforce by using Norways version of an H1B visa. Being that Trump has never been elected to a public office, he has no record of anything for you to measure. However, when it comes to H1B visas, he has used H1B visas improperly to hire non-Americans to do jobs Americans should have done. Basically, Trump has done exactly what Norwegian Air wants to do in order to boost its profits. Indeed, Trump outsourced the production of his clothing line for cheaper labor. You seem to care about unions a lot. Honestly, I doubt you'd find a less union friendly candidate than Trump. But, don't take my words for it, look at who the unions support. However, you're free to vote against your own self-interests.
Again, you don't sound like a progressive. When you say you favor Trump's list of SCOTUS appointees over M. Garland, you are clearly not a progressive. You may say you are, but in substance, you're not. No need to guess how Trump feels about global warming, he is on record saying that he doesn't believe in it. You cannot even pretend to be an environmentalist and support Trump at the same time. I'm surprised you're claiming to be pro-union when you're saying you'd select Trump over Hillary. It's laughable. :)
Personally, I have no qualms utterly smashing anyone who's willing to vote for a racist hypocrital Trump. You can take your dislike of Hillary, Obama, Osama bin-Laden, Kim Kardashien multiply it by 100 and you'd be 1/10 close to my hatred for Trump. Trump will never be President of America. Ever. Anyone with Trump as a surname will never become President of America.
However, I do agree that HIllary is not much of a liberal. I call her a centrist Democrat and a product of oligarchy. I'm hoping that movement behind Bernie will generate a big enough swell, that the entire Democratic Party will move much further left, including Hillary. Bernie, as Thom Hartmann has noted, is using his influence to impact the DNC platform and rules. As a very proud progressive, who never takes crap from any Republican racist, sexist, chauvanist, islamaphobe, fake acting proud to be an American, so long as that America doesn't consist of people of different colors!!, I will proudly cast my vote for Hillary and the change being ushered in by Bernie and his appointees. That's being a true progressive. Feigning to vote for Trump is NOT being a progressive. That's being a hypocrite.
Honestly, I think Wall Street will no more allow Donald Trump to win the presidency than they would allow Bernie Sanders to win the Democratic nomination.
Trump's role in all this is to massage his ego and provide entertainment and buco $$$ for the media.
Seriously, if Hillary Clinton wants the presidency enough Wall Street will buy it for her, with help from the Republicans such as Koch and Cheney and others who already think Hillary is just peachy.
In states such as California where ALL electoral votes will go to the Democrat no matter what, it is a perfect opportunity to vote for Dr. Jill Stein.
If Donald Trump should actually win it will prove two things; 1) Clinton truly sucks, and 2) the United States is truly fu^&ed.
The only way to send a message when the system is broken is to not play the game. Vote for a progressive and damn the torpedos. Do not, under any circumstances. vote for the oligarchy. Like codependency, you have to stop enabling it.