I've often thought it inconsistent that Joan of Arc's God would tell her, " thou shall kill the Engish occupiers, or that the same God would tell crusaders to go kill Seljuks, Jews, and anyone else along the way, or the same God would tell Mahomet's followers to kill all infidels.
We'd be much better off if the Iroquois had been able to convert the Jesuits!
Dear Thom. What I found most troubling is the fact that down through time it appear's at first glance as if the "Elite" are passive warm loving great humanitarians who War NOT or at least they don't seem to suffer the brutality or the horror's of War in the slightest while at the exact same time those "little people" shoulder the brunt of ALL War namely the destruction of entire community's and death often time's entire family's being killed but these horror's of War seem to be limited to the little people ONLY and I would be willing to bet the farm that those very little people didn't play ANY part in the starting of these Wars . I bet if you go back as far as you can you will find that those Elite bloodlines have been at the center of ALL the hardship the War and the profit's of said wars while the little people paid the tab in blood and oppression the Elite don't seem to suffer ANY of the consequences of War . I almost think it's by design and NOT by chance just like you will never read or hear about any member of an Elite bloodline who suffer's the ravages of cancer in fact they seem to exist just below the radar and completely free of ANY Law enforcement scrutiny while we little people are under constant 24 /7 law enforcement scrutiny the very moment we step out our front door and again I don't think it's by accident but rather careful design I also believe for good reason that the majority of these so-called mass murder's are poorly done B movie scripted & directed attempt's at directing an agenda that we will see clearly later . all anyone with a 5th grade education need do is just go back and carefully scrutinize the alledged eye witness accounts and some of the oh so timnely statem,ents made . from 9/11 to Sandy hook to the Oklahoma city bombing it feed's the PNAC agenda that will make itself known completely ..
… {i} My-era poli-sci opposed “open” primaries; - {I grad-schooled in the 1960s}. ’Twas back when both parties functioned relatively-well, such that “closed” primaries helped maintain the “integrity” of each {each’s cohesion-coherence-etc}. … {ii} As to “voting-system reform”, we were still advocating our national association’s 1950 recommendation that America improve “Toward a More Responsible Two-Party System”, which is described in this pdf: http://www.hazlet.org/cms/lib05/nj01000600/centricity/domain/188/toward%20a%20more%20responsible%20two-party%20system%20(pdf).pdf
Things are VERY different now, to be sure. So I'm VERY outa-date. {So the above is merely an old-history note, perhaps of little value nowadays.}
What is this collective "we" stuff? By and large the simple term of "American" is a euphemism for a white person with former European ancestry. To not hyphenate or preface with a color presupposes a white person.
Rampage and serial killing within the US is always assumed to be done by a white perp with every now and then a ringer of a black or Asian or Hispanic or SubCaucasian* thrown in just to not make every person of color go completely paranoid about crazy whites going off the rails.
Whites have always felt besieged by everyone else, paranoid of everyone else and since they remain unrepentant about the harm they have done to other races..including the export of guns and bombs to Asia, Africa and elsewhere on the globe..many whites have a sneaking fear that :
1. Retribution is nigh
2. A comeuppance is due
3. If they don't prepare and strike first, they will be overrun
ALL of this stems from white certainty that every other race views the world in the same bigoted way many whites do, and since whites can't even stand criticism much less the type of oppression they routinely practice against others...they are scared indeed.
There is that karmic,/Judeo Christian/Asian law of reaping what one sows or what comes around goes around and deep in the heart of whoredom is the fear that there just might be something to the idea of a higher power and unpaid debts.
Silly Americans think it will be in the form of Muslim terrorists but that is not karma. Karma is when you get back what you gave out.
KARMA is the detonation/destruction, sabotage/immolation of a society from within..anarchy, war and mayhem.
Let's see Amerikkka, that would be genocide, racial rape and appropriation, slavery, institutionalized racism, apathy, finger pointing, attacking others without provocation, fomenting and selling wars...yikes..this is really going to hurt...and most of the world will just think it is about time we got our due.
We are indeed on the slow slide to karmic comeuppance but not by the hands of Muslims which whites see as terrorists when a Muslim commits a rampage shooting but fail to see all the white terrorists who mail bombs, rage kill, politically assassinate, send out poisons, bomb government and church buildings and yet we don't profile young, angry white men...
was this a hate crime? Yes it was..a terrorist act? In that it has caused present society to reel and fomented distrust and anger..yes it is..but not due to Islam..Dylan Storm committed a terrorist act, Timothy McVeigh committed a terrorist act the unibomber,mailboxbomber, Boston marathon bomber, shoe bomber, ricin mailers, anthrax mailers, sandy hook shooter,columbine shooter, Aurora movie theater shooter ALL COMMITTED terrorist acts but when did we stand up to demand the profile of those bombers be watched, or monitored, or foreign males be limited? NEVER.
Because they were all white perps and whites whine Lou and long about the stench of everyone's mess but their own.
*SubCaucasian are all the other ethnicities redesignate by whites to also be Caucasian (mostly done in the 1970s) to pre empt their coming racial minority status and diminishing fertility.
Heck maybe such hatred and savagery IS genetic..vestiges of the latent misanthropy of the Neanderthal gene.
Many of us lust for social, economic, and environmental justice, and we by far out number the piggish elites who lust for unending wealth and arbitrary power. It's time for all of humanity to make these out of control elites, "the other"!
I known what side I'm on, and I'm never silent about it.
Humanity will never be anything more than barbaric savages, until WE THE PEOPLE evolve beyond hatred, paranoia, greed and arrogance. Sadly, this may never happen.
still trying to figure out how this all connects. If as Thom says the End is near due to abrupt climate change, and we are all getting tumors due to cell phone radiation..why does who we put in matter?
I AM also trying to figure out what Hilary had done or not done that is so bad the Democratic party is trying to fracture like the Republican party (,who miraculously are managing to come together under Trump,)
This is like a really, really, really bad movie with many so myopic that they don't realize they have burned down their own house...until they are homeless .
I do know the mechanisations of the Democratic election process are corrupt, but they were that way long before Hilary..what was done to Bernie was done to Hilary and she had to suck it up and leave the stage or risk destroying her party as encouraged by the self immolators in both parties.
"Tear the house down" sounds really great and even is exciting when you say it and while you do it..but in the aftermath it is always regretted and always much is lost..and the "lessons" the rabble rousers hoped to convey actually end up only being painful lessons to themselves.
The net result may not be the disenchanted getting their way or a NWO, it just might mean you guys cut off your own noses to spite your own faces and now you are just really ugly and have trouble breathing.
The problem with fracturing and trying to teach your brothers a lesson, is that they owe you one and so you get internecine warfare..meanwhile the other side unites and rules you with an iron fist. take a lesson from the plight of black people.
Lol. We are such creatures of denial. Most people are on cell phones every chance they get..I'm on one now, typing. Besides cell phones similar frequencies are used by utility companies with smart electricity meters, cable, internet providers, smart card readers..and so we have this radiation zipping around AND through most of us all the time.
I live far away in the mountains far from the madding crowd...and yet there are dirty meters on my electricity line and cell phone towers nearby.
But why debate a study or worry about it..?
According to more and more scientists we are trending towards extinction this century due to abrupt climate change.
Maybe brains addled with tumors are the perfect way for the species who raped the planet and pushed us all over the edge to exit?
Here we are, 35 seconds to Midnight and people are putting out stories about something like this...
One thing about it..tech having played a huge hand in destroying the planet, and the West becoming drooling brain cancer zombies too addled to more than grunt and kill each other is the height of of irony
well. It is a good thing climate change is going to end the world really soon because Radio frequency radiation is all around us. Even if we never use a cell phone, all the towers and use around us...the smart meters on homes, the use of smart cards etc will still deliver those dosages of cancer causing brain waves.
It appears the god of technology has feet of clay. Let's see, all the progress and industrial back slapping of the West has destroyed the climate and hastened the extinction of everything on it...and all the proliferation of cell phones means we may be so addled with brain tumors we wont be able to think a way out of all this.
Maybe being more like primitive people might have saved us but that is Monday morning quarterbacking and not something most in the West could ever have accepted/understood or Forseen.
Sometimes it is only after you get crap all over you that you can realize just how badly it stinks.
Before you believe or disbelieve anything like this you have to see the numbers for yourself. Back in the '60s "cyclamates" (a type of artificial sweetener) were banned because they were found to cause cancer in rats. Later it was revealed that the amount of cyclamate fed to the rats was the rough equivalent of a human being drinking 24 cases of Diet Pepsi a day. If I drank 24 cases of anything a day I would be very surprised if I did not develop health problems. Just make sure the studies are comparing oranges to oranges.
You intended to stress the dangers of cell phones by conveniently leaving out the details of their findings:
For the studies, rats and mice were exposed to frequencies and modulations currently used in cellular communications in the United States. The rodents were exposed for 10-minute on, 10-minute off increments, totaling just over 9 hours a day from before birth through 2 years of age.[9 hours of cell phone use per day with the cell phone held against the head? Unlikely in humans. And, with distance, radiation is reduced by the inverse square law.]
NTP found low incidences of tumors in the brains and hearts of male rats, but not in female rats. Studies in mice are continuing. [So do female hormones protect against the radiation, or are the findings a coincidence because male rats are more prone to tumors? Unclear.]
The complete results from all the rat and mice studies will be available for peer review and public comment by the end of 2017.
Previous human, observational data collected in earlier, large-scale population-based studies have found limited evidence of an increased risk for developing cancer from cell phone use. [And this is key. We've been using cell phones for a while now, but the evidence for increased cancers that could be caused by cell phones is not there.]
So sensationalizing the findings of an inconclusive study on rats is part of why people distrust the media. What's dangerous today is OK tomorrow to be considered dangerous again later on. Just look at the findings on red wine, which are so incredibly confusing and contradictory.
It's certainly worthy of study, but the study doesn't seem to point to a great danger for humans. At best, an elevated risk for males only? We need to see the entire study and what th peer-reviews have to say.
It has been known for many decades that high-energy microwave radiation can cause cellular damage and even alter DNA. But there has been no definitive study on the effects of long term exposure to low-energy microwave radiation, such as used in microwave communication links, satellite broadcasts, weather radar, speed radar, wi-fi systems, and, yes, cell phones.
We are now constantly bathed in low-level microwave radiation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round. It would not surprise me if, someday, they discover that that constant exposure has caused many Human problems, including altering brain chemistry resulting in psychotic behavior. It just might explain how crazy this world has become.
Rats be damned!! Cell phones have been in use for decades. Why hasn't there been a study of humans by now? There are heavy users and seldom-users. Why not test if there's a difference between these two groups?
We should run third-party announcing after the DNC convention. The DNC and corporate media played every dirty trick they could think of on us. We will pull votes from tRump and Hillary making it a true three-way race.
"An excellent plumber is infinitely more admirable than an incompetent philosopher. The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity, and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity, will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor it's theories will hold water.".
John W. Gardner, Excellence: Can we be Equal and Excellent Too?
A The cost of not providing free education through graduate school far exceeds the cost and benefits of keeping university tuition costs at the staggaring level they are today.
A more highly educated population:
will bring higher revenues and productivity a to our economy.
will make growth through technolgly and innovation.
invoke accelerating scientific advancements
will bring greater adaptation and flexibility for the changing nature of production and job required skills.
We can not afford not to provide free education and pay off student debt. Keep the promise of Horace Mann.
Very interesting and informative interview. We look forward to reading his upcoming book release on this subject. Thank you for this information Thom and Professor.
The best way to get rid of debt is good jobs. Unfortunately the Leader those students picked isn't very good at producing them. He scares the heck out of those who produce them. A vote for Hillary will keep you in your basement for four more years and interest building up on your debt. What we really need is less arts students and more tech degrees. By the amount of Bernie supporters I don't see that happening any time soon.
Regarding the increase in the population of the countrys poor. I would like to hear Thom compare the Republican destruction of Detroit with what is happening to Chicago.
I've often thought it inconsistent that Joan of Arc's God would tell her, " thou shall kill the Engish occupiers, or that the same God would tell crusaders to go kill Seljuks, Jews, and anyone else along the way, or the same God would tell Mahomet's followers to kill all infidels.
We'd be much better off if the Iroquois had been able to convert the Jesuits!
Dear Thom. What I found most troubling is the fact that down through time it appear's at first glance as if the "Elite" are passive warm loving great humanitarians who War NOT or at least they don't seem to suffer the brutality or the horror's of War in the slightest while at the exact same time those "little people" shoulder the brunt of ALL War namely the destruction of entire community's and death often time's entire family's being killed but these horror's of War seem to be limited to the little people ONLY and I would be willing to bet the farm that those very little people didn't play ANY part in the starting of these Wars . I bet if you go back as far as you can you will find that those Elite bloodlines have been at the center of ALL the hardship the War and the profit's of said wars while the little people paid the tab in blood and oppression the Elite don't seem to suffer ANY of the consequences of War . I almost think it's by design and NOT by chance just like you will never read or hear about any member of an Elite bloodline who suffer's the ravages of cancer in fact they seem to exist just below the radar and completely free of ANY Law enforcement scrutiny while we little people are under constant 24 /7 law enforcement scrutiny the very moment we step out our front door and again I don't think it's by accident but rather careful design I also believe for good reason that the majority of these so-called mass murder's are poorly done B movie scripted & directed attempt's at directing an agenda that we will see clearly later . all anyone with a 5th grade education need do is just go back and carefully scrutinize the alledged eye witness accounts and some of the oh so timnely statem,ents made . from 9/11 to Sandy hook to the Oklahoma city bombing it feed's the PNAC agenda that will make itself known completely ..
Re long-ago’s poli-sci thinkings: …
… {i} My-era poli-sci opposed “open” primaries; - {I grad-schooled in the 1960s}. ’Twas back when both parties functioned relatively-well, such that “closed” primaries helped maintain the “integrity” of each {each’s cohesion-coherence-etc}. … {ii} As to “voting-system reform”, we were still advocating our national association’s 1950 recommendation that America improve “Toward a More Responsible Two-Party System”, which is described in this pdf: http://www.hazlet.org/cms/lib05/nj01000600/centricity/domain/188/toward%20a%20more%20responsible%20two-party%20system%20(pdf).pdf
Things are VERY different now, to be sure. So I'm VERY outa-date. {So the above is merely an old-history note, perhaps of little value nowadays.}
What is this collective "we" stuff? By and large the simple term of "American" is a euphemism for a white person with former European ancestry. To not hyphenate or preface with a color presupposes a white person.
Rampage and serial killing within the US is always assumed to be done by a white perp with every now and then a ringer of a black or Asian or Hispanic or SubCaucasian* thrown in just to not make every person of color go completely paranoid about crazy whites going off the rails.
Whites have always felt besieged by everyone else, paranoid of everyone else and since they remain unrepentant about the harm they have done to other races..including the export of guns and bombs to Asia, Africa and elsewhere on the globe..many whites have a sneaking fear that :
1. Retribution is nigh
2. A comeuppance is due
3. If they don't prepare and strike first, they will be overrun
ALL of this stems from white certainty that every other race views the world in the same bigoted way many whites do, and since whites can't even stand criticism much less the type of oppression they routinely practice against others...they are scared indeed.
There is that karmic,/Judeo Christian/Asian law of reaping what one sows or what comes around goes around and deep in the heart of whoredom is the fear that there just might be something to the idea of a higher power and unpaid debts.
Silly Americans think it will be in the form of Muslim terrorists but that is not karma. Karma is when you get back what you gave out.
KARMA is the detonation/destruction, sabotage/immolation of a society from within..anarchy, war and mayhem.
Let's see Amerikkka, that would be genocide, racial rape and appropriation, slavery, institutionalized racism, apathy, finger pointing, attacking others without provocation, fomenting and selling wars...yikes..this is really going to hurt...and most of the world will just think it is about time we got our due.
We are indeed on the slow slide to karmic comeuppance but not by the hands of Muslims which whites see as terrorists when a Muslim commits a rampage shooting but fail to see all the white terrorists who mail bombs, rage kill, politically assassinate, send out poisons, bomb government and church buildings and yet we don't profile young, angry white men...
was this a hate crime? Yes it was..a terrorist act? In that it has caused present society to reel and fomented distrust and anger..yes it is..but not due to Islam..Dylan Storm committed a terrorist act, Timothy McVeigh committed a terrorist act the unibomber,mailboxbomber, Boston marathon bomber, shoe bomber, ricin mailers, anthrax mailers, sandy hook shooter,columbine shooter, Aurora movie theater shooter ALL COMMITTED terrorist acts but when did we stand up to demand the profile of those bombers be watched, or monitored, or foreign males be limited? NEVER.
Because they were all white perps and whites whine Lou and long about the stench of everyone's mess but their own.
*SubCaucasian are all the other ethnicities redesignate by whites to also be Caucasian (mostly done in the 1970s) to pre empt their coming racial minority status and diminishing fertility.
Heck maybe such hatred and savagery IS genetic..vestiges of the latent misanthropy of the Neanderthal gene.
Many of us lust for social, economic, and environmental justice, and we by far out number the piggish elites who lust for unending wealth and arbitrary power. It's time for all of humanity to make these out of control elites, "the other"!
I known what side I'm on, and I'm never silent about it.
Was a CIA operative as Lee Harvey Oswald and cast of others
Humanity will never be anything more than barbaric savages, until WE THE PEOPLE evolve beyond hatred, paranoia, greed and arrogance. Sadly, this may never happen.
The fear panels are out in force. I don't find your panels helpful in furthering a more progressive world view.
still trying to figure out how this all connects. If as Thom says the End is near due to abrupt climate change, and we are all getting tumors due to cell phone radiation..why does who we put in matter?
I AM also trying to figure out what Hilary had done or not done that is so bad the Democratic party is trying to fracture like the Republican party (,who miraculously are managing to come together under Trump,)
This is like a really, really, really bad movie with many so myopic that they don't realize they have burned down their own house...until they are homeless .
I do know the mechanisations of the Democratic election process are corrupt, but they were that way long before Hilary..what was done to Bernie was done to Hilary and she had to suck it up and leave the stage or risk destroying her party as encouraged by the self immolators in both parties.
"Tear the house down" sounds really great and even is exciting when you say it and while you do it..but in the aftermath it is always regretted and always much is lost..and the "lessons" the rabble rousers hoped to convey actually end up only being painful lessons to themselves.
The net result may not be the disenchanted getting their way or a NWO, it just might mean you guys cut off your own noses to spite your own faces and now you are just really ugly and have trouble breathing.
The problem with fracturing and trying to teach your brothers a lesson, is that they owe you one and so you get internecine warfare..meanwhile the other side unites and rules you with an iron fist. take a lesson from the plight of black people.
Lol. We are such creatures of denial. Most people are on cell phones every chance they get..I'm on one now, typing. Besides cell phones similar frequencies are used by utility companies with smart electricity meters, cable, internet providers, smart card readers..and so we have this radiation zipping around AND through most of us all the time.
I live far away in the mountains far from the madding crowd...and yet there are dirty meters on my electricity line and cell phone towers nearby.
But why debate a study or worry about it..?
According to more and more scientists we are trending towards extinction this century due to abrupt climate change.
Maybe brains addled with tumors are the perfect way for the species who raped the planet and pushed us all over the edge to exit?
Here we are, 35 seconds to Midnight and people are putting out stories about something like this...
One thing about it..tech having played a huge hand in destroying the planet, and the West becoming drooling brain cancer zombies too addled to more than grunt and kill each other is the height of of irony
well. It is a good thing climate change is going to end the world really soon because Radio frequency radiation is all around us. Even if we never use a cell phone, all the towers and use around us...the smart meters on homes, the use of smart cards etc will still deliver those dosages of cancer causing brain waves.
It appears the god of technology has feet of clay. Let's see, all the progress and industrial back slapping of the West has destroyed the climate and hastened the extinction of everything on it...and all the proliferation of cell phones means we may be so addled with brain tumors we wont be able to think a way out of all this.
Maybe being more like primitive people might have saved us but that is Monday morning quarterbacking and not something most in the West could ever have accepted/understood or Forseen.
Sometimes it is only after you get crap all over you that you can realize just how badly it stinks.
Before you believe or disbelieve anything like this you have to see the numbers for yourself. Back in the '60s "cyclamates" (a type of artificial sweetener) were banned because they were found to cause cancer in rats. Later it was revealed that the amount of cyclamate fed to the rats was the rough equivalent of a human being drinking 24 cases of Diet Pepsi a day. If I drank 24 cases of anything a day I would be very surprised if I did not develop health problems. Just make sure the studies are comparing oranges to oranges.
You intended to stress the dangers of cell phones by conveniently leaving out the details of their findings:
So sensationalizing the findings of an inconclusive study on rats is part of why people distrust the media. What's dangerous today is OK tomorrow to be considered dangerous again later on. Just look at the findings on red wine, which are so incredibly confusing and contradictory.
It's certainly worthy of study, but the study doesn't seem to point to a great danger for humans. At best, an elevated risk for males only? We need to see the entire study and what th peer-reviews have to say.
Don Pensack
Los Angeles
It has been known for many decades that high-energy microwave radiation can cause cellular damage and even alter DNA. But there has been no definitive study on the effects of long term exposure to low-energy microwave radiation, such as used in microwave communication links, satellite broadcasts, weather radar, speed radar, wi-fi systems, and, yes, cell phones.
We are now constantly bathed in low-level microwave radiation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round. It would not surprise me if, someday, they discover that that constant exposure has caused many Human problems, including altering brain chemistry resulting in psychotic behavior. It just might explain how crazy this world has become.
Rats be damned!! Cell phones have been in use for decades. Why hasn't there been a study of humans by now? There are heavy users and seldom-users. Why not test if there's a difference between these two groups?
We should run third-party announcing after the DNC convention. The DNC and corporate media played every dirty trick they could think of on us. We will pull votes from tRump and Hillary making it a true three-way race.
"An excellent plumber is infinitely more admirable than an incompetent philosopher. The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity, and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity, will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor it's theories will hold water.".
John W. Gardner, Excellence: Can we be Equal and Excellent Too?
OK with the NRA
{… a rhyme …}
It tends to enable
the mentally unstable,
but keep guns available
and readily salable
says the N R A.
A The cost of not providing free education through graduate school far exceeds the cost and benefits of keeping university tuition costs at the staggaring level they are today.
A more highly educated population:
We can not afford not to provide free education and pay off student debt. Keep the promise of Horace Mann.
Very interesting and informative interview. We look forward to reading his upcoming book release on this subject. Thank you for this information Thom and Professor.
Students need more guidance in career choices and school choices. That Ivy League experience is not for everyone; nor is it necessary.
The best way to get rid of debt is good jobs. Unfortunately the Leader those students picked isn't very good at producing them. He scares the heck out of those who produce them. A vote for Hillary will keep you in your basement for four more years and interest building up on your debt. What we really need is less arts students and more tech degrees. By the amount of Bernie supporters I don't see that happening any time soon.
Regarding the increase in the population of the countrys poor. I would like to hear Thom compare the Republican destruction of Detroit with what is happening to Chicago.
There is an affordable middle ground between free college for all
and the crippling debt students now acquire.
US government posts a list of needed skills for next five years.
It then gives free quarter of tuition to students who enroll in such programs.
Each subsequent quarter that grades are maintained is also free.
Let the remainder of students pay dearly for life of sleeping late, attending a few
humanities classes by day, and serious socializing by night.