Cpvony, the homeless are the most vulnerable population to crime, they don't even have a front door. That's why the encampments are helpful to them. The police commonly don't care what happens to a homeless person and usually don't even investigate the most egregious crimes and hate crimes against them.
There is a very apparent, operant idea of "relative value of human beings" at work. It's not really illegal to murder homeless people if you aren't homeless. A homeless man was murdered by teenagers in Chicago a couple of years ago and the jury, although they acknowledged the crime was committed by the accused, would not convict them.
In general, the criminal justice system in the United States operates on that principle. The punishment a convicted person receives depends on the social station of the victim. I.e., if you're a rich, spoiled playboy heir to a fortune your murderer will certainly be executed; if you are a poor laborer working two or three jobs for the privilege of living in poverty your murderer might serve as little as 3 years - unless your murderer is the rich playboy, in which case he probably won't be convicted if even charged.
I don't see what the big deal is with letting kids refinance their loans. They had good intentions when they borrowed the money. Adults telling them that they needed a college education these days. They're still going to pay the money back.
I'm so sick of these lefties asking us to pay there bills. Even if a Democrat had a good idea, I would be against it. I'd consider it another ruse to allow him or her to get there hands into my pockets. Enough is enough. Trying earning money to pay the bills.
It's such a contrast to think of Franklin D. Roosevelt.. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." then to John F. Kennedy, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Then to today... with presumptive Republican Donald J. Trump... It is a depressing mood that he sets for this country as far as having the standard for a presidential candidate has sunk to a new low. Astonishingly substandard; demeaning and just no where close to a pulse of any real character .. just a thought.
I am a middle class white female. I have contacted Tom Hartman, Amy Goodman and others for help and attention to my situation. Thru this process, I realize that these authors cater to the wealthy just as much as the Republican's. Tom is selling books just like Amy. As a Irish female, I am not for illegal immigration. I am not for gun control until we clean up our corrupt govt. I receive no help from our mostly Jewish female representatives in CA. Yet, my voice is ignored by the left. My concerns are ignored by the elite left like Tom Hartman and KPFK. Let's hear stories from people who are ignored. I am no longer a Democrat. Hiliary is just as corrupt as any Republican.
On the tenth page of every issue of American Hunter there are about seven documented cases of individuals, often elderly, who use a gun to defend themselves against rapists and murders in their own homes. Why do you people object to the elderly defending themselves in their own homes. Guns are not the problem. A gun used for legitimate defense is very good for the feeble and elderly. An intruder in the home is an existential threat.
Yes, fill the public square with loaded guns. One starts shooting, so another instantly shoots him, and the third starts shooting... The more people with guns, the more people get shot. Compare the percentage of gun violence victims in the US with those in countries that have sane gun control laws.
I think the US went off the edge, and there's no way to stop it from crashing to the ground. It would take a very large movement to be heard at all, and that's not going to happen. Over the last eight years, we've only been more deeply divided. Those who aren't on the right wing have been split apart, middle class vs. the poor. This era is defined by Occupy: What began as en extraordinary people's movement was quickly redefined (by Dem pols, liberal media) as a middle class movement; the poor, and those who get why it matters, finally walked away.
Liberal media began trying to sell H. Clinton as a "bold progressive" months before she launched her campaign, while she was busy getting the TPP through Congress. Clinton's record of support for the right wing agenda goes back at least as far as the 1960s, but never mind that.
The list goes on. We've been divided, subdivided, and we all Stand in Solidarity for... what?
The National Toxicology Program has been conducting experiments in rats and mice on potential health hazards from cell phone radiofrequency radiation. NTP released a report on some important study findings on May 27, 2016.
Here are some key points about the cell phone study:
The nomination for NTP to study cell phone radiofrequency radiation was made by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
These are the largest, most complex studies ever conducted by NTP. The cost of the studies is $25 million.
For the studies, rats and mice were exposed to frequencies and modulations currently used in cellular communications in the United States. The rodents were exposed for 10-minute on, 10-minute off increments, totaling just over 9 hours a day from before birth through 2 years of age.
NTP found low incidences of tumors in the brains and hearts of male rats, but not in female rats. Studies in mice are continuing.
NTP has provided these findings to its federal regulatory partners to enable them to have the latest information for public health guidance about safe ways to use cellular telephones and other radiofrequency radiation emitting devices.
Likewise, NTP is providing the findings to the public. A report has been posted athttp://dx.doi.org/10.1101/055699. The report is titled, “Report of Partial Findings From the National Toxicology Program Carcinogenesis Studies of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation in Hsd: Sprague Dawley SD Rats (Whole Body Exposure).”
The complete results from all the rat and mice studies will be available for peer review and public comment by the end of 2017.
Previous human, observational data collected in earlier, large-scale population-based studies have found limited evidence of an increased risk for developing cancer from cell phone use.
The FDA’s website provides a couple of steps people can take to minimize radiation exposure when using cell phones, including reducing the amount of time spent using a cell phone and using speaker mode or a headset to place more distance between one’s head and the cell phone. More information on cell phone safety is available on the FDA’s website.
Audio Recording of Telebriefing and Report of Partial Findings
Are You the Victim of the Wireless Industry? Post Your Stories Here....
10 Ways to Reduce Cell Phone Radiation ere are some steps you can take to minimize the effects of cell phone radiation exposure:
1. Limit use to essential calls and keep calls short. Even a two-minute call has been found to alter the natural electrical activity of the brain for up to an hour afterwards.
2. Children should be allowed to use the cell phone in cases of emergency only. Because of their developing skulls, the radiation can penetrate much more deeply.
3. Wear an air tube headset (not regular wired headset). The regular wired headset has been found to intensify radiation into the ear canal. The wire transmits not only the radiation from the cell phone but also serves as an antenna attracting EMFs (electromagnetic fields) from the surroundings
4. Don't put the cell phone in your pocket or belt while in use or while it is on. The body tissue in the lower body area has good conductivity and absorbs radiation more quickly than the head. One study shows that men who wear cell phones near their groin could have their sperm count dropped by as much as 30 percent.
5. If using the phone without a headset, wait for the call to connect before placing the phone next to the ear.
6. Do not use the cell phone in enclosed metal spaces such as vehicles or elevators, where devices may use more power to establish connection. The metal enclosure also acts as a Faraday cage that traps the radiation and reflects it back onto the occupants.
7. Do not make a call when the signal strength is one bar or less, which means the phone must work harder to establish a connection.
8. Purchase a phone with a low SAR (Specific Absorption Rate). In other words, a low radiation cell phone. Most phones have an SAR level listed in its instruction manual. The SAR level is a way of measuring the quantity of radiofrequency (RF) energy that is absorbed by the body. The lower the number the better. (Be aware, however, that studies with RF hundreds of times lower than current SAR limits still show biological effects.)
9. Use a scientifically validated EMF protection device. There are advanced technologies available nowadays that strengthen your bioenergy field and immune system against the effects of EMF. The EMF radiation causes a problem only when the cumulative effects due to repeated exposure weaken the body's ability to repair itself. Even when you don't use the cell phone, 'second-hand' radiation and EMFs from other devices can also cause biological stress, so these types of devices are increasingly becoming essential.
10. Take nutritional supplements, particularly anti-oxidants SOD, catalase, glutathione, and Coq10. Microwave radiation has been shown to decrease levels of these anti-oxidants in the body. These are substances the body produces to protect itself, and their levels are sensitive indicators in stress, aging, infections and various other disease states. Other supplements you may need are: - Melatonin: a powerful anti-oxidant noted to prevent DNA breaks in brain cells. Also effective in preventing kidney damage from cell phones; - Zinc: protects the eye from oxidative damage and helps preserve the levels of anti-oxidants in the blood; - Gingko Biloba: an herb considered a powerful anti-oxidant which prevents oxidative damage in the brain, eye and kidney. Also helps support the production of SOD, catalase and glutathione; - Bilberry extract: preserves vision and reduces oxidative damage to the eyes.
Democracy is sacrificed for much more than gun rights. I'd like to share a link to a post. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10209632018818892&id=1281460...
I don't know why anybody thinks a candidate mouthing a position means anything other than a desire to get elected. With some known liars it's very much to be expected that they change rhetoric when it suits them. Why does ANYBODY think their "shift" goes any deeper?
In Ralph Nader's book, "Crashing the Party" about the 2000 presidential campaign, he tells about how toward the end of the campaign All Gore was getting on TV and saying, "If you want somebody to fight for you I'm your guy. I will take on big business, the oil companies, etc. for you." Joe Liebermann was on the phone to their big business donors and oil companies assuring them Gore didn't mean any of what he was saying. It was "just rhetoric" he told them, for the suckers. Republican and Democratic Party voters are suckers.
I don't think Clinton should be attacking Trump. He may not be the candidate, in fact in that regard, Clinton should be questioning whether he will be the candidate or not, and leave it at that. The GOP is an empty shell and offers the people nothing.
She cannot talk about the direction of the Democratic party without a platform.
However, she can talk about the Republican "do nothing" Congress. She can attack them on their inaction on a whole slew of issues they have dodged (of course, not mentioning those on which she has dodged). For example, quoting Mitch McConnell on how the NRA-proposed legislation for those on the terror watch list calls for a three-day delay--and it takes judicial action to stop the sale.
In other words, the best message she can send is one to get a Congress working for the American people. Electing Democrats is key to chaning the culture of Washington. This approach will make it harder for Trump to get a food fight going like he did with his GOP rivals, and will make her the messenger of what this election is about, rather than the target of Trump's reprisals.
I agree. I am very much afraid of a Clinton presidency, probably just as much as I am a Trump presidency. If HC does get the nomination from the DNC, we will have to wait another 4 years for an opportunity for another Sanders-type candidate to run. This opinion is shared by Thomas Frank of the book "Listen, Liberal."
CA Rep. Barbara Lee has proven that the establishment democrats DO NOT want to make the Sanders-esque changes to the Dem. Party. She fought very hard to keep the president of the nurses union from having a voice at the DNC platform convention. She's not the only one I'm having a hard time trusting. Far from it.
We are in desparate need of a revolution, including a revolt against the down-party candidates who have given voice to our needs but failed to give action. They have literally voted against our best interests. They have taken to behaving no differently than the republicans by failing to give us any kind of gun protection laws. Four were presented, two by the dems. and two by the repubs. I know (I think we all know) that the republicans would never join the proposals made by the democrats. But the democrats surely could have joined the republicans in their proposals. At least we would have had something as a basis for a start towards gun controls. Instead we got nothing.
This can only change if Sanders stays in the race, no matter how.
As you know the really Big Money is given by Big Democratic Old Boy's Club, of whom both Clintons are members. However, there are enough people on the GOP side to complete. Hillary said she left the White House pennyless, and now she is one of the wealthiest people in the country, and it not that she ran a real business. What is called economic stimulus is public money given to special interests. The Big Banks, Big Public Unions, Big Business, and Big Goverment. If the Goverment want to stimulate the economy, we should repeal Employment base taxes both those on the employee and their employers. To make up the lost income we should pass the FAIR TAX on all goods (domestic and foreign) which will also promote more US employment. If you want to do something about violent deaths, the Federal Goverment should pass a law that makes it a federal crime to use a gun while committing a crime. And we should permit more people to walk around with guns, so that those that would want to kill other people, might be killed quickly .... Most Gun Deathe are in Gun Free zones.
How do we turn this country back into a representative democracy? The Democratic Party needs to stop playing defense and start unleashing the endless hard cold facts regarding the Teapublic Party.
For starters the general public is unaware of how the Kochs and other billionaires created the Tea Party as a swindle to make it easy for the Fascists to manipulate vulnerable citizens into voting against their own prosperity while billionaires laughed all the way to their offshore bank accounts.
The general public is also unaware of Paul Ryan's savage budget plans, and how he and his party want to both cut and privatize Social Security. Ryan's budget plans, if ever communicated to the public, are enough alone to destroy the Teapublic Party.
Remind the public how many times McConnell obstructed economic stimulus legislation just because he hated the president...Thanks Kentucky! Turtle man only screwed the working class...Obama felt no pain, he was always secure in his job. Speaking of Obama, a good case in point regarding timid defense. With the recent gun control vote, Obama refused to place blame on the 49 Teapublic Party fools, instead he blamed the entire Senate. Wow....what party does he belong to? That's the Wasserman Shultz approach. The Democratic Party is just too damn timid...haven't they learned anything from Bernie.....just speak the god damn truth and mean it.
Cpvony, the homeless are the most vulnerable population to crime, they don't even have a front door. That's why the encampments are helpful to them. The police commonly don't care what happens to a homeless person and usually don't even investigate the most egregious crimes and hate crimes against them.
There is a very apparent, operant idea of "relative value of human beings" at work. It's not really illegal to murder homeless people if you aren't homeless. A homeless man was murdered by teenagers in Chicago a couple of years ago and the jury, although they acknowledged the crime was committed by the accused, would not convict them.
In general, the criminal justice system in the United States operates on that principle. The punishment a convicted person receives depends on the social station of the victim. I.e., if you're a rich, spoiled playboy heir to a fortune your murderer will certainly be executed; if you are a poor laborer working two or three jobs for the privilege of living in poverty your murderer might serve as little as 3 years - unless your murderer is the rich playboy, in which case he probably won't be convicted if even charged.
Try this http://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/277-75/34391-focus-driving-out-t...
Hi Willie,
It's not illegal to refinance a student loan. This proposal is not a refinance, it's a tax asking someone else to pay off the loan.
Do they also give some of the examples of people who have been injured or killed at home because there was a gun in the house?
I don't see what the big deal is with letting kids refinance their loans. They had good intentions when they borrowed the money. Adults telling them that they needed a college education these days. They're still going to pay the money back.
I'm so sick of these lefties asking us to pay there bills. Even if a Democrat had a good idea, I would be against it. I'd consider it another ruse to allow him or her to get there hands into my pockets. Enough is enough. Trying earning money to pay the bills.
It's such a contrast to think of Franklin D. Roosevelt.. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." then to John F. Kennedy, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Then to today... with presumptive Republican Donald J. Trump... It is a depressing mood that he sets for this country as far as having the standard for a presidential candidate has sunk to a new low. Astonishingly substandard; demeaning and just no where close to a pulse of any real character .. just a thought.
I am a middle class white female. I have contacted Tom Hartman, Amy Goodman and others for help and attention to my situation. Thru this process, I realize that these authors cater to the wealthy just as much as the Republican's. Tom is selling books just like Amy. As a Irish female, I am not for illegal immigration. I am not for gun control until we clean up our corrupt govt. I receive no help from our mostly Jewish female representatives in CA. Yet, my voice is ignored by the left. My concerns are ignored by the elite left like Tom Hartman and KPFK. Let's hear stories from people who are ignored. I am no longer a Democrat. Hiliary is just as corrupt as any Republican.
America’s “…ill-ities”
{… a rhyme …}
Our nation’s stumbling debilities
trace to the Right’s incivilities
and their several flat-out {evilnesses} evilities
and their clownishly stupid {sillinesses} sillities, -
- without gentility, without nobility,
but with oodles of ugly angst-based hostility.
It’s the Right’s culpability
that the public’s gullibility
falls for implaus-i-bilities; -
- hence America’s ill-ities.
On the tenth page of every issue of American Hunter there are about seven documented cases of individuals, often elderly, who use a gun to defend themselves against rapists and murders in their own homes. Why do you people object to the elderly defending themselves in their own homes. Guns are not the problem. A gun used for legitimate defense is very good for the feeble and elderly. An intruder in the home is an existential threat.
Yes, fill the public square with loaded guns. One starts shooting, so another instantly shoots him, and the third starts shooting... The more people with guns, the more people get shot. Compare the percentage of gun violence victims in the US with those in countries that have sane gun control laws.
I think the US went off the edge, and there's no way to stop it from crashing to the ground. It would take a very large movement to be heard at all, and that's not going to happen. Over the last eight years, we've only been more deeply divided. Those who aren't on the right wing have been split apart, middle class vs. the poor. This era is defined by Occupy: What began as en extraordinary people's movement was quickly redefined (by Dem pols, liberal media) as a middle class movement; the poor, and those who get why it matters, finally walked away.
Liberal media began trying to sell H. Clinton as a "bold progressive" months before she launched her campaign, while she was busy getting the TPP through Congress. Clinton's record of support for the right wing agenda goes back at least as far as the 1960s, but never mind that.
The list goes on. We've been divided, subdivided, and we all Stand in Solidarity for... what?
Cell Phones
The National Toxicology Program has been conducting experiments in rats and mice on potential health hazards from cell phone radiofrequency radiation. NTP released a report on some important study findings on May 27, 2016.
Here are some key points about the cell phone study:
Audio Recording of Telebriefing and Report of Partial Findings
Are You the Victim of the Wireless Industry? Post Your Stories Here....
10 Ways to Reduce Cell Phone Radiation ere are some steps you can take to minimize the effects of cell phone radiation exposure:
1. Limit use to essential calls and keep calls short. Even a two-minute call has been found to alter the natural electrical activity of the brain for up to an hour afterwards.
2. Children should be allowed to use the cell phone in cases of emergency only. Because of their developing skulls, the radiation can penetrate much more deeply.
3. Wear an air tube headset (not regular wired headset). The regular wired headset has been found to intensify radiation into the ear canal. The wire transmits not only the radiation from the cell phone but also serves as an antenna attracting EMFs (electromagnetic fields) from the surroundings
4. Don't put the cell phone in your pocket or belt while in use or while it is on. The body tissue in the lower body area has good conductivity and absorbs radiation more quickly than the head. One study shows that men who wear cell phones near their groin could have their sperm count dropped by as much as 30 percent.
5. If using the phone without a headset, wait for the call to connect before placing the phone next to the ear.
6. Do not use the cell phone in enclosed metal spaces such as vehicles or elevators, where devices may use more power to establish connection. The metal enclosure also acts as a Faraday cage that traps the radiation and reflects it back onto the occupants.
7. Do not make a call when the signal strength is one bar or less, which means the phone must work harder to establish a connection.
8. Purchase a phone with a low SAR (Specific Absorption Rate). In other words, a low radiation cell phone. Most phones have an SAR level listed in its instruction manual. The SAR level is a way of measuring the quantity of radiofrequency (RF) energy that is absorbed by the body. The lower the number the better. (Be aware, however, that studies with RF hundreds of times lower than current SAR limits still show biological effects.)
9. Use a scientifically validated EMF protection device. There are advanced technologies available nowadays that strengthen your bioenergy field and immune system against the effects of EMF. The EMF radiation causes a problem only when the cumulative effects due to repeated exposure weaken the body's ability to repair itself. Even when you don't use the cell phone, 'second-hand' radiation and EMFs from other devices can also cause biological stress, so these types of devices are increasingly becoming essential.
10. Take nutritional supplements, particularly anti-oxidants SOD, catalase, glutathione, and Coq10. Microwave radiation has been shown to decrease levels of these anti-oxidants in the body. These are substances the body produces to protect itself, and their levels are sensitive indicators in stress, aging, infections and various other disease states. Other supplements you may need are: - Melatonin: a powerful anti-oxidant noted to prevent DNA breaks in brain cells. Also effective in preventing kidney damage from cell phones; - Zinc: protects the eye from oxidative damage and helps preserve the levels of anti-oxidants in the blood; - Gingko Biloba: an herb considered a powerful anti-oxidant which prevents oxidative damage in the brain, eye and kidney. Also helps support the production of SOD, catalase and glutathione; - Bilberry extract: preserves vision and reduces oxidative damage to the eyes.
10 Cell Phone Radiation Protection Tips (VIDEO): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3PWiSQbXJs
The only thing the left is good at is spending other people's money. Taxing someone to pay someone else's debt is so wrong.
Democracy is sacrificed for much more than gun rights. I'd like to share a link to a post. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10209632018818892&id=1281460...
I don't know why anybody thinks a candidate mouthing a position means anything other than a desire to get elected. With some known liars it's very much to be expected that they change rhetoric when it suits them. Why does ANYBODY think their "shift" goes any deeper?
In Ralph Nader's book, "Crashing the Party" about the 2000 presidential campaign, he tells about how toward the end of the campaign All Gore was getting on TV and saying, "If you want somebody to fight for you I'm your guy. I will take on big business, the oil companies, etc. for you." Joe Liebermann was on the phone to their big business donors and oil companies assuring them Gore didn't mean any of what he was saying. It was "just rhetoric" he told them, for the suckers. Republican and Democratic Party voters are suckers.
I don't think Clinton should be attacking Trump. He may not be the candidate, in fact in that regard, Clinton should be questioning whether he will be the candidate or not, and leave it at that. The GOP is an empty shell and offers the people nothing.
She cannot talk about the direction of the Democratic party without a platform.
However, she can talk about the Republican "do nothing" Congress. She can attack them on their inaction on a whole slew of issues they have dodged (of course, not mentioning those on which she has dodged). For example, quoting Mitch McConnell on how the NRA-proposed legislation for those on the terror watch list calls for a three-day delay--and it takes judicial action to stop the sale.
In other words, the best message she can send is one to get a Congress working for the American people. Electing Democrats is key to chaning the culture of Washington. This approach will make it harder for Trump to get a food fight going like he did with his GOP rivals, and will make her the messenger of what this election is about, rather than the target of Trump's reprisals.
I agree. I am very much afraid of a Clinton presidency, probably just as much as I am a Trump presidency. If HC does get the nomination from the DNC, we will have to wait another 4 years for an opportunity for another Sanders-type candidate to run. This opinion is shared by Thomas Frank of the book "Listen, Liberal."
CA Rep. Barbara Lee has proven that the establishment democrats DO NOT want to make the Sanders-esque changes to the Dem. Party. She fought very hard to keep the president of the nurses union from having a voice at the DNC platform convention. She's not the only one I'm having a hard time trusting. Far from it.
We are in desparate need of a revolution, including a revolt against the down-party candidates who have given voice to our needs but failed to give action. They have literally voted against our best interests. They have taken to behaving no differently than the republicans by failing to give us any kind of gun protection laws. Four were presented, two by the dems. and two by the repubs. I know (I think we all know) that the republicans would never join the proposals made by the democrats. But the democrats surely could have joined the republicans in their proposals. At least we would have had something as a basis for a start towards gun controls. Instead we got nothing.
This can only change if Sanders stays in the race, no matter how.
Freud and Shakespeare re The Donald
{… a rhyme plus a limerick …}
He strides with pride
as he hides inside
a psyche so insecure
and ego-bound immature
that his style as a bullying boor
ain’t what the presidency calls for.
… … … …
Shakespeare might well have writ
about this pile of s..t:
“For kingship misfit
on a throne to sit;
no virtues for his Self to acquit.”
When start with ignorance we will not be successful
2nd Amendment
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
2nd Amendment explained
A well regulated Militia- civilians who band together in times of emergency to form an Army of irregulars.
Being necessary to the security of a free state- not as in the 'fifty states,' but as in the state of Being Free.
The right of the people- law-abiding citizens.
To bear and keep arms- arguably any unclassified weapon which can be wielded by an individual soldier.
Shall not be infringed- shall suffer no dilution upon which civilian capability to thwart tyranny may hinge.
Very true and it may take another economic disaster to get money out of politics
As you know the really Big Money is given by Big Democratic Old Boy's Club, of whom both Clintons are members. However, there are enough people on the GOP side to complete. Hillary said she left the White House pennyless, and now she is one of the wealthiest people in the country, and it not that she ran a real business. What is called economic stimulus is public money given to special interests. The Big Banks, Big Public Unions, Big Business, and Big Goverment. If the Goverment want to stimulate the economy, we should repeal Employment base taxes both those on the employee and their employers. To make up the lost income we should pass the FAIR TAX on all goods (domestic and foreign) which will also promote more US employment. If you want to do something about violent deaths, the Federal Goverment should pass a law that makes it a federal crime to use a gun while committing a crime. And we should permit more people to walk around with guns, so that those that would want to kill other people, might be killed quickly .... Most Gun Deathe are in Gun Free zones.
How do we turn this country back into a representative democracy? The Democratic Party needs to stop playing defense and start unleashing the endless hard cold facts regarding the Teapublic Party.
For starters the general public is unaware of how the Kochs and other billionaires created the Tea Party as a swindle to make it easy for the Fascists to manipulate vulnerable citizens into voting against their own prosperity while billionaires laughed all the way to their offshore bank accounts.
The general public is also unaware of Paul Ryan's savage budget plans, and how he and his party want to both cut and privatize Social Security. Ryan's budget plans, if ever communicated to the public, are enough alone to destroy the Teapublic Party.
Remind the public how many times McConnell obstructed economic stimulus legislation just because he hated the president...Thanks Kentucky! Turtle man only screwed the working class...Obama felt no pain, he was always secure in his job. Speaking of Obama, a good case in point regarding timid defense. With the recent gun control vote, Obama refused to place blame on the 49 Teapublic Party fools, instead he blamed the entire Senate. Wow....what party does he belong to? That's the Wasserman Shultz approach. The Democratic Party is just too damn timid...haven't they learned anything from Bernie.....just speak the god damn truth and mean it.
A shame so it is!
The movies enshrine guns in america
Most of the movies are made in america and broadcast around the world
A lot of people actually mimick and believe in the movies
The 2nd needs a revision big time
And, so does all the other violent stuff america loves to produce
We have heard this tired old "get money out of politics" for years.
How about a fresh approach.
Raise more money than the bastards so we can buy our share of congressmen.