Btw..I have been an Independent since 1982, and know plenty of racist Democrats..not holdovers from the civil war...but racist, myopic, self righteous Democrats who think patronizing other races is championing them and who are bigots in their own right. The right most definitely has no monopoly on racism and Clinton pushed NAFTA and CAFTA.
Stop being a party hoe. They both have less than our best interest at heart. Look at Obama and all the ways we are now forced into certain types of commerce like health car, home and car insurance, etc..losing freedoms everyday.
Evil pretty much equates to the human capacity for hypocrisy that usually serves economic self interest. The republicans have built an entire religion around it and the democratics tread very carefully in their own pretense for virtue. I do not see either party changing a dam thing except their rhetoric.
St. Jerome said "Even brute beasts and wandering birds do not fall into the same traps or nets twice".
Jerome was speaking to the ignorance of the public of his time but I think the American voter would top out Jeromes ignorance meter.
My advice to use is carry on with your Spanish but see if you can download some spanish films, programmes and hopefully just listening and watching everyday will help you understand. It is one thing to know how to ask for bread in a shop but quite another to understand what their reply is.
And many molecules of water can be bonded together creating cohesion (which is why rain falls in drops and not individual molecules). This cohesion of water molecules can be fairly strong, especially at the surface of liquids (surface tension). Any object that is not too heavy to break these bonds will be able to remain on the surface, including insects.
You can't keep it empty, or it is possible it could pop out of the ground during a heavy rain. I know this sounds impossible, but it isn't. If it's underground, it's best to fill it with sand.
I was a college professor of education at four universities in three states and the District of Columbia. I taught courses in education to teachers preparing for positions as school administrators.
The wake up call really goes out to people like you Thom who fail to educate yourself about nuclear power and why it is here to stay and continue to replace coal for example. Just to add a fun fact, Fukushima actually withstood the tsunami/earthquake. Problem was that those who designed that facility placed the cooling pumps and emergency generators in the basement instead of a safer place on hi ground. There are over 100 nuclear plants being built world wide now so read and support nuclear power.
Kend, that is patently false. It is the right that creates "globalization" to force migration of cheap labor and foment anti immigrant sentiment to divide and conquer the working classes.
Here in the United States, NAFTA quadroupled the flow of undocumented immigrants from Central and South America who were largely peasant farmers who lost their rights to their land because of the treaty. Having arrived in the United States they found themselves forced to accept substandard wages and working conditions because of their undocumented status, which, in turn, lowered wages and working conditions for U.S. born workers as well and brought the U.S. born workers' ire against them.
The "right" is not a monolith. Big business conservatives were very much in favor of NAFTA and the cheap labor it would bring. They were positively up in arms over the immigration raids G.W. Bush was conducting in the mid 2000s, for example - although they didn't understand he was being helpful to them by keeping the pot boiling and keeping the immigrant workers' fearful so they'd never DREAM of demanding their rights.
The blue collar and working class, "beer hall" conservatives are the suckers of the former category of conservatives. They take the bait of division and blame, not NAFTA and the machinations of business and political elites but, the undocumented workers themselves for trying to survive and make a decent living and fall for race baiting and race hating demagogourey.
The "race card" played against those in the U.K. wishing to exit the E.U. is like a similar neo liberal strategy in the U.S. that is, in fact, a pitfall of identity politics. "Diversity," is extolled as a value of neo liberalism to take attention away from economic inequality and issues of justice of racial ,gender, sexual orientation, etc. are emphasized with the pointed exclusion of issues of economic or class justice.
It comes, in large part, from the '60s in the U.S. when labor was strong (and corrupt, having become "part of the problem" it reactionarily opposed social change) and there was a large blue collar middle class. What poverty there was in the U.S. then was race based, i.e., it was the result of racial discrimination. So, consequently, the liberation movements of the '60s were about racial rather than economic or class justice and a class consciousness and sense of class struggle never developed in the United States. Condaleeza Rice is Secretary of State, Clarence Thomas is is on the Supreme Court, Barrack Obama is President so everything's alright in America.
This is in contrast to Europe, where in France in 1968, for example, 10 million workers walked out in solidarity with leftist students in a nationwide general strike. One can't imagine something like that happening in the U.S. in the same period. Quite the contrary, here the "hard hats" started the "America, Love It or Leave It!" campaign and cracked heads of leftist young people.
Mark it isn't the right that is allowing tens of millions of illegals to pour into the country to exploit their cheap labor. The right is fighting hard to stop it and get wages up. With the massive debt and lack of jgood paying jobs i just don't understand why the left in Canada and the US wants so many immigrants. How can the better our nations.
Of course, Kend has to represent the element of ethnic intolerance. The Asian immigrants in Europe are subjects of the European empires, the Indians and Pakistanis in the U.K., the Arab peoples in France are of the formerly colonized people coming to Europe to enjoy the fruit of their own slave labor. The extravagant standards of living of the United States and Western Europe would not have been possible without colonial exploitation of non European nations.
Many of my friends in the UK and other countries in Europe are also tired of massive amount of people pouring into their countries. Not only are new immigrants taking over neighborhoods but whole cities. Here in N. America many seem to like this and want to call anyone who doesn't like it a racist. The truth is many Eutopean countries liked their culture and country the way it was not the way it is going to be. I have to admit I don't like the way it is going either. I think this is just the start of anti globalization.
I live in the UK so perhaps I'm allowed a few comments regarding the recent Brexit? When I was a child our politicians joined what was only ever meant to be a "common market" i.e. so that the countries involved could simply trade more easily together but then years later without recourse to the people of the UK our politicians signed the Maastricht Treaty which appears to have led the UK towards a greater "federal" Europe. I was old enough when this happened to be annoyed by this as it was clear that "those in Brussels" were moving towards a euro government which took away more powers from our own. I am happy that the people of the UK have finally been allowed their say in whether we wish to be ruled by people in europe who we have not elected or our own parliament. Our government is a long way from perfect but at least if we disagree with them we can get in a car and knock on their door!
Queenbeethat'sme, is your motto, "If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance baffle'm with bullshit."? You defend slavery and then affect outrage at it.
Thom opposes NAFTA and CAFTA. He does downplay the so called Democrats' support and sponsorship of them but also points out that Republicans were the much greater supporters of them.
The Democrats who supported slavery, by the way, are now Republicans.
Many Conservatives argue that if you took the loan, you have to pay it back, even if it’s hard to pay it back - because there aren’t any good paying jobs anymore. Buy Opana Online
Better yet, let's imagine each affected voter allowed to vote yes or no on trade deals or mandated insurance schemes or wars..what was not possible prior to computers is easily collated and possible now...we don't need representatives to pretend to speak for us. modern technology can receive and categorize our votes..reps were used when individual votes were too far flung and too many to count. By
This article would have been even more appropriate (and fair) had Thom also mentioned the decimation and undermining of the US middle class by both NAFTA and CAFTA..of course then, that inconvenient truth about Clinton authoring those two outsourcing bonanzas might have damaged his narrative, some. But to really throw off the shackles, we must not only expose the slave masters but the slave pimps (Democrats) also.
President Obama seems to want us to believe that global trade and a global economy regulated by trade regulations written by lawyers of global corporations are normal and we should get used to it. I don't know what he's been smoking but I want some of it. John Lennon asked us to imagine. Let's imagine every country dismantling corporate written trade deals and only elected representatives writing trade policy written for the best interest of the workers in each country. The Wright brothers imagined flying machines carrying people. Ben Franklin and friends imagined starting a new country using the English colonies in America. It can and will be done if the people demand it
From every point you make here it seems to me what you need to do is support Mr. Trump. If your biggest issues are what you say they are, you are more in agreement with him than you might feel comfortable with.
It's been quite clear that corpse elites and the public servants they purchase are incapable of honoring the contract of "good government." Government's authority must come from the people, and just as our founders resisted, we the people have a right to resist when the that contract has been violated.
The United States of amnesia seems to have forgotten it's enlightenment roots. July 4th is a good time to drink some beet juice, or whatever, and try to remember what that great struggle was all about.
Thanks for that Thom! I can't think of a more patriotic way to celebrate Independence Day than to begin throwing off the shackles of corporate rule, enforced by these undemocratic trade deals. My husband and I looked up George Monbiot's article on Neoliberalism, (Reaganomics), and were amazed at how it explained the concerted plan to shift wealth from the middle and lower income folks to put it into the pockets of a few elites. My favorite quote from that peice is: "The freedom that neoliberalism offers, which sounds so beguiling when expressed in general terms, turns out to mean freedom for the pike, not for the minnows."
Btw..I have been an Independent since 1982, and know plenty of racist Democrats..not holdovers from the civil war...but racist, myopic, self righteous Democrats who think patronizing other races is championing them and who are bigots in their own right. The right most definitely has no monopoly on racism and Clinton pushed NAFTA and CAFTA.
Stop being a party hoe. They both have less than our best interest at heart. Look at Obama and all the ways we are now forced into certain types of commerce like health car, home and car insurance, etc..losing freedoms everyday.
Evil pretty much equates to the human capacity for hypocrisy that usually serves economic self interest. The republicans have built an entire religion around it and the democratics tread very carefully in their own pretense for virtue. I do not see either party changing a dam thing except their rhetoric.
St. Jerome said "Even brute beasts and wandering birds do not fall into the same traps or nets twice".
Jerome was speaking to the ignorance of the public of his time but I think the American voter would top out Jeromes ignorance meter.
My advice to use is carry on with your Spanish but see if you can download some spanish films, programmes and hopefully just listening and watching everyday will help you understand. It is one thing to know how to ask for bread in a shop but quite another to understand what their reply is.
hello in spanish
And many molecules of water can be bonded together creating cohesion (which is why rain falls in drops and not individual molecules). This cohesion of water molecules can be fairly strong, especially at the surface of liquids (surface tension). Any object that is not too heavy to break these bonds will be able to remain on the surface, including insects.
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You can't keep it empty, or it is possible it could pop out of the ground during a heavy rain. I know this sounds impossible, but it isn't. If it's underground, it's best to fill it with sand.
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I was a college professor of education at four universities in three states and the District of Columbia. I taught courses in education to teachers preparing for positions as school administrators.
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The wake up call really goes out to people like you Thom who fail to educate yourself about nuclear power and why it is here to stay and continue to replace coal for example. Just to add a fun fact, Fukushima actually withstood the tsunami/earthquake. Problem was that those who designed that facility placed the cooling pumps and emergency generators in the basement instead of a safer place on hi ground. There are over 100 nuclear plants being built world wide now so read and support nuclear power.
Kend, that is patently false. It is the right that creates "globalization" to force migration of cheap labor and foment anti immigrant sentiment to divide and conquer the working classes.
Here in the United States, NAFTA quadroupled the flow of undocumented immigrants from Central and South America who were largely peasant farmers who lost their rights to their land because of the treaty. Having arrived in the United States they found themselves forced to accept substandard wages and working conditions because of their undocumented status, which, in turn, lowered wages and working conditions for U.S. born workers as well and brought the U.S. born workers' ire against them.
The "right" is not a monolith. Big business conservatives were very much in favor of NAFTA and the cheap labor it would bring. They were positively up in arms over the immigration raids G.W. Bush was conducting in the mid 2000s, for example - although they didn't understand he was being helpful to them by keeping the pot boiling and keeping the immigrant workers' fearful so they'd never DREAM of demanding their rights.
The blue collar and working class, "beer hall" conservatives are the suckers of the former category of conservatives. They take the bait of division and blame, not NAFTA and the machinations of business and political elites but, the undocumented workers themselves for trying to survive and make a decent living and fall for race baiting and race hating demagogourey.
The "race card" played against those in the U.K. wishing to exit the E.U. is like a similar neo liberal strategy in the U.S. that is, in fact, a pitfall of identity politics. "Diversity," is extolled as a value of neo liberalism to take attention away from economic inequality and issues of justice of racial ,gender, sexual orientation, etc. are emphasized with the pointed exclusion of issues of economic or class justice.
It comes, in large part, from the '60s in the U.S. when labor was strong (and corrupt, having become "part of the problem" it reactionarily opposed social change) and there was a large blue collar middle class. What poverty there was in the U.S. then was race based, i.e., it was the result of racial discrimination. So, consequently, the liberation movements of the '60s were about racial rather than economic or class justice and a class consciousness and sense of class struggle never developed in the United States. Condaleeza Rice is Secretary of State, Clarence Thomas is is on the Supreme Court, Barrack Obama is President so everything's alright in America.
This is in contrast to Europe, where in France in 1968, for example, 10 million workers walked out in solidarity with leftist students in a nationwide general strike. One can't imagine something like that happening in the U.S. in the same period. Quite the contrary, here the "hard hats" started the "America, Love It or Leave It!" campaign and cracked heads of leftist young people.
Mark it isn't the right that is allowing tens of millions of illegals to pour into the country to exploit their cheap labor. The right is fighting hard to stop it and get wages up. With the massive debt and lack of jgood paying jobs i just don't understand why the left in Canada and the US wants so many immigrants. How can the better our nations.
Of course, Kend has to represent the element of ethnic intolerance. The Asian immigrants in Europe are subjects of the European empires, the Indians and Pakistanis in the U.K., the Arab peoples in France are of the formerly colonized people coming to Europe to enjoy the fruit of their own slave labor. The extravagant standards of living of the United States and Western Europe would not have been possible without colonial exploitation of non European nations.
Many of my friends in the UK and other countries in Europe are also tired of massive amount of people pouring into their countries. Not only are new immigrants taking over neighborhoods but whole cities. Here in N. America many seem to like this and want to call anyone who doesn't like it a racist. The truth is many Eutopean countries liked their culture and country the way it was not the way it is going to be. I have to admit I don't like the way it is going either. I think this is just the start of anti globalization.
I live in the UK so perhaps I'm allowed a few comments regarding the recent Brexit? When I was a child our politicians joined what was only ever meant to be a "common market" i.e. so that the countries involved could simply trade more easily together but then years later without recourse to the people of the UK our politicians signed the Maastricht Treaty which appears to have led the UK towards a greater "federal" Europe. I was old enough when this happened to be annoyed by this as it was clear that "those in Brussels" were moving towards a euro government which took away more powers from our own. I am happy that the people of the UK have finally been allowed their say in whether we wish to be ruled by people in europe who we have not elected or our own parliament. Our government is a long way from perfect but at least if we disagree with them we can get in a car and knock on their door!
Queenbeethat'sme, is your motto, "If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance baffle'm with bullshit."? You defend slavery and then affect outrage at it.
Thom opposes NAFTA and CAFTA. He does downplay the so called Democrats' support and sponsorship of them but also points out that Republicans were the much greater supporters of them.
The Democrats who supported slavery, by the way, are now Republicans.
Queenbeethat'sme, that's because the South wouldn't let African-Americans exit the plantation.
Many Conservatives argue that if you took the loan, you have to pay it back, even if it’s hard to pay it back - because there aren’t any good paying jobs anymore. Buy Opana Online
Better yet, let's imagine each affected voter allowed to vote yes or no on trade deals or mandated insurance schemes or wars..what was not possible prior to computers is easily collated and possible now...we don't need representatives to pretend to speak for us. modern technology can receive and categorize our votes..reps were used when individual votes were too far flung and too many to count. By
This article would have been even more appropriate (and fair) had Thom also mentioned the decimation and undermining of the US middle class by both NAFTA and CAFTA..of course then, that inconvenient truth about Clinton authoring those two outsourcing bonanzas might have damaged his narrative, some. But to really throw off the shackles, we must not only expose the slave masters but the slave pimps (Democrats) also.
America had something like that in 1860 also..but we decided we would rather kill the South and destroy their cities, than let them exit.
President Obama seems to want us to believe that global trade and a global economy regulated by trade regulations written by lawyers of global corporations are normal and we should get used to it. I don't know what he's been smoking but I want some of it. John Lennon asked us to imagine. Let's imagine every country dismantling corporate written trade deals and only elected representatives writing trade policy written for the best interest of the workers in each country. The Wright brothers imagined flying machines carrying people. Ben Franklin and friends imagined starting a new country using the English colonies in America. It can and will be done if the people demand it
From every point you make here it seems to me what you need to do is support Mr. Trump. If your biggest issues are what you say they are, you are more in agreement with him than you might feel comfortable with.
It's been quite clear that corpse elites and the public servants they purchase are incapable of honoring the contract of "good government." Government's authority must come from the people, and just as our founders resisted, we the people have a right to resist when the that contract has been violated.
The United States of amnesia seems to have forgotten it's enlightenment roots. July 4th is a good time to drink some beet juice, or whatever, and try to remember what that great struggle was all about.
Love the title of your excellent article! Have a great Fourth!
And food for thought regarding the US not being established as a Christian nation by and for Christians:
Progress! Bob Johnson
Thanks for that Thom! I can't think of a more patriotic way to celebrate Independence Day than to begin throwing off the shackles of corporate rule, enforced by these undemocratic trade deals. My husband and I looked up George Monbiot's article on Neoliberalism, (Reaganomics), and were amazed at how it explained the concerted plan to shift wealth from the middle and lower income folks to put it into the pockets of a few elites. My favorite quote from that peice is: "The freedom that neoliberalism offers, which sounds so beguiling when expressed in general terms, turns out to mean freedom for the pike, not for the minnows."