Recent comments

  • Foods Can Help With Chronic Inflammation   8 years 38 weeks ago

    The chronic stress hormone cortisol, elevated in so many of us modern urban over-stressed Americans, actually suppresses our immune response and kills off the very t-helper cell lymphocytes that are important in the immune response. So, those of us suffering from auto-immune diseases probably suffer from adrenal fatigue: burned out adrenal glands that no longer produce adequate cortisol levels to prevent our own immune system from mis-identifying our own tissue from a foreign invader.

  • Are "self-service" checkouts putting us out of work?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    It is human nature that we completely depending upon others; therefore we can get less output. But here we can get some different concept of self-service without depending upon others; automation concept is rapidly increases in different community and it is really helpful to maintain a balance in between our work and life.

  • Trump: The Media Made Him, Can They Now Break Him?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Unfortunately, the answer is YES because the American people are politically and economically ignorant. That's a simple FACT.

    American "news" no longer delivers news, it TELLS people what to think.

    Thank goodness for RT.

  • Baseball With No Umpires? The GOP Thinks So…   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Whenever I hear a current day Republican try to claim Lincoln, I tell him that I'm certain that, if Abe were alive today he'd be a Democrat.

  • Baseball With No Umpires? The GOP Thinks So…   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Only Bernie can claim the high ground.

    Both the dems and repubs drink at the same corporate trough.


  • Why Should Bernie Drop Out Before the Convention? Progressive Roundtable   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Progressives have virtually been drown out by the media marketed to middle class liberals. As a result, a portion of those who aren't on the right wing are under-informed and misinformed. They seem to be inexplicably oblivious to how deeply the Clintons have split the Dem voting base since the 1990s, making Clinton unelectable. It doesn't matter to the party bosses, in view of the fact that Trump and Clinton have strikingly similar ideologies and (as far as we can tell) agendas. The elite win regardless.

  • Baseball With No Umpires? The GOP Thinks So…   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Please note (or check the Congressional records via that since the 1990s, the Clinton wing in Congress have given significant support to the Republican right wing. The devil's in the details, and it appears that few wish to be bothered with details.

  • Baseball With No Umpires? The GOP Thinks So…   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Thank you! Reagan's deregulation mania liberated corporate powers from rules and restraints, and we've been paying a very high price for it.

  • Why Should Bernie Drop Out Before the Convention? Progressive Roundtable   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Thanks for the Hellery Freudian Slip! :) The point is that Bernie Sanders DID WIN the nomination if you count all the people that were dropped from the voter rolls around the country, not to mention all the other fraud, voter suppression and media biases and blackouts. Someone needs to go to jail for voter fraud and the results all need to be thrown out. The Wall Street Fracking Warmonger (#WSFW) probably would not have won a single State if it was a free and fair primary and there is simply no way I could ever vote for her.

    Either Bernie Sanders is on the November ballot or I will hold my nose and vote for the stinky Trump Monster. I understand the the Trump Monster will be a DISASTER, but it would strengthen the resolve of the left to break the corporate stranglehold of the Democratic party. If #WSFW becomes the President, on the other hand, the movement will be demoralized and would probably not recover for several decades.

    Either Bernie Sanders runs as an independant or I am voting for Donald Trump so we can pick up in 4 years. If we do not do this, the left will never break the downward spiral we are caught in. We have to hit bottom sometime and I would rather hit bottom in the next four years than to be caught for the next 36 years. This has to be the year we pivot out of the Reaganomic Depression.

    I really do not want to do this, so every progressive media outlet needs to push for Bernie to run as an independent or to join Jill Stein #SandersSteinGreen2016!

  • Why Did The #Media Call The Race For #Hillary Before Everyone Voted?   8 years 38 weeks ago

    I guess the Church committe findings of over 30 years ago about the entrenched CIA assets in the U.S. media was a "Conspiracy Theroy", eh, Thom?

    Do you seriosuly believe that this Hillary SELECTION is about selling Ads?

    Do you seriously believe that the oligarchic stranglehold on the U.S. media, designed to perpetuate our undemocratic power structure, "went away" after the Church Committee Hearings?

    Are you kidding us? It GREW after that.

    The U.S. media is a MOUTHPIECE for the oligarchic power structure. Politcal "horse races" are NOT designed to "sell Ads". They are designed to propagandize the public into thinking a candidate the oligarchy wants to SELECT can beat one that the people want to ELECT.

    Claims of Bernie "winning the debate" is just double talk jabberwocky.

    NEWS FLASH: The next two generations do not have a snowball's chance in hell of inheriting a viable biosphere under a Hillary Clinton Administration.

    I repeat, Thom. It is YOU who needs to GET A GRIP.

  • Baseball With No Umpires? The GOP Thinks So…   8 years 38 weeks ago

    They had paul ryan on the evening news just now (NY feed). He was backpeddling his endorsement of Trump. He said that we are the "Party of LIncoln" after all and cannot be seens racists enablers. The asshole also said that their party is the pary of "upward mobility". What a bunch of bullshit. The newscaster should have challenged him on these statements. They are the party of Lincoln no longer. What an insult to a great president. It is bullshit that they are the party of "Upward Mobility ". This was a complete f'ing lie. We have to get rid of this asshole.

  • Baseball With No Umpires? The GOP Thinks So…   8 years 38 weeks ago

    The Republican members of Congress in both the United States Senate and the House of Representatives have been behaving as though they are domestic terrorists intent on destroying the United States economy. Not merely their anger about the EPA but their attack on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

    This was their idea in the first place. Republican think tanks came up with this idea and used it successfully in Massachuttes. Now they hate the plan but only because they believe it is a good plan. They cannot stand for Democrats, and in particular President Barack Obama to get credit for the idea. Instead, they have attacked Obamacare merciously. If they could get their way they would put more than 20 million Americans out of coverage. They argue that they would devise something better, but so far they refuse to even consider any other idea. If they had a better plan I am confident that the Democrats and President Obama would embrace their clearly better idea. The only thought I have heard them toss around is to let the various states experiment with new health insurance plans. However, health coverage is like national security . . . it is a national issue, not a state by state issue. That is why I conclude that the Republicans elected to Congress are behaving as though they were a domestic terrorist organization.

    If they got their way with killing Obamacare they would cause the death of at least 10,000 people every year who would die because they could not obtain health services that were available but they could not get in the system. My wife could not get health care coverage for decades because she had "pre-existing conditions." Now she is covered. It is a blessing.

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday June 7th, 2016   8 years 38 weeks ago

    I absolutely know how dangerous Trump could be--the layers of danger he can create, not only because of my knowing survivors of WWII, but I survived the other "loony," Reagan. For current context, I am a Naturopathic Doctor, did my premed nights and primarily work with stroke-induced paralysis, MS, CP as a Feldenkrais Practitioner and have taught internationally in my field.

    Think Thom might like this info. Inexplicably, when Reagan was elected Gov of CA, he passed a law that all under age (21) children who went on welfare because they were not supported by their parents would be imprisoned in Juvenile Detention Centers until they reached age 21. My parents were MIA, and I had lived on my own since I was about 16, got my first job at 17. I went on welfare FOR ONE MONTH and was told by my social worker to report to be sent to juvinile detention for the next 4 years.

    As I sat stunned in the hallway, two young attorneys--and man and a woman--approached me and asked if I would help them fight this case because they had checked and I had no record and was obviously a "good kid." Of course, being a 60s person, I said yes. Then I asked how long would I have to stay in jail before they got me out.

    "Oh," they answered, "we'd probably get you out in six months or so."

    I was born with spina bifida and was very fragile and although I lived in Black neighborhoods (which was what I could afford), I knew that I would not survive.

    So, instead of going to college with my 99%ile SATs, I was forced to go into hiding and did not return to college for another 20 years. By then, Reaganomics had destroyed the scholarships that would have supported my grades, being on the Dean's List, etc. I never finished med school.

  • With the TPP it’s Obama & the GOP vs. the Democrats   8 years 38 weeks ago

    When Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in the 1960s, he said it was the RIGHT thing to do, but that it would cost the Democrats the South for a generation - it was the right thing, and it did cost the Democrats. The TPP as written with the corporate enforcement provisions is the WRONG thing to do, and could undermine democracy for a generation. If Obama manages to pass this as currently written, it will be an albatros arond the neck of Democrats for decades as the Republicans attack Democrats for "selling out the workers" to international corporations. Let's stop this in its tracks. The TPP is not primarily about trade; it's about a corporate power grab.

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday June 7th, 2016   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Thom, when using the term "Ugly American," had better be careful. In the book, The Ugly American, by William Lederer the Ugly American was actualy the good guy, the hero, who represented the US overseas in a meaningful way and provided meaningful activities in the country he visited.

  • Full Show 6/3/16: California Poll: Bernie 44%, Hillary 43%   8 years 38 weeks ago

    AGREED! That woman makes my skin crawl. She's a loud mouth. And two black people being Trump supporters goes against the grain. Trump, a racist w/o a doubt. They are so lost in the Republican mix, they've been blinded. Their ancestors are turning in their graves.

  • Full Show 6/6/16: Bernie: It Will Be A Contested Convention   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Candy-coated popcorn,

    Peanuts and a prize--

    That’s what you get with Cracker Jack.

    Candy-coated rhetoric,

    Election fraud and lies.

    That’s what you get with Hillary.

  • Full Show 6/6/16: Bernie: It Will Be A Contested Convention   8 years 38 weeks ago


    “It looks like Hillary is going to have enough votes to put her “over the top” so all of you Bernie supporters, we’re sorry you’ve already lost, so stop pretending Bernie has any chance of clinching the nomination & stop being sore losers...never mind that the Super Delegates don’t vote until July 25th and can change their vote at any time and that there will likely be a contested convention and that Hillary could be in some deep shit pretty soon with the FBI and continues to drop in the polls against Bernie. And anyway, we have to be sure Trump doesn’t get elected, because although Hillary is bad, Trump is much worse, so don’t vote for Bernie, who is polling to be more likely to win against Trump, vote for Hillary. Why you say? Hold on, wait a minute, we're just getting news of another shocking racist statement from Trump...let’s forget all this Bernie nonsense, and go to a clip of Trump saying something even more outrageous than last time...”

    “All Mexicans, well most of them anyway, are rapists and drug smugglers. But now there’s a new breed of Muslim Mexicans, who are not only rapists and drug smugglers, but terrorists as well."

  • Daily Topics - Monday June 6th, 2016   8 years 38 weeks ago

    After speculation that voting might be suppressed if called after poll closure on the east coast, the establishment/corporate media call it the day before. The understanding is that any voter suppression will be more to the detriment of Sanders. Well played media! Your role as a corporate profit center is secure.

  • Full Show 6/6/16: Bernie: It Will Be A Contested Convention   8 years 38 weeks ago

    Mother Goose Discusses The Donald

    {… a rhyme …}

    Humpty Trumpty speaks of a wall,

    but Humpty’s campaign is stumbling to a stall.

    His many detractors object to his gall

    that in many ways it makes their skins crawl.

    May a comeuppance come down to cause his fall.

    And may all this perp’s horses and all this perp’s men

    be quite unable to enable him again.


  • With the TPP it’s Obama & the GOP vs. the Democrats   8 years 38 weeks ago


  • With the TPP it’s Obama & the GOP vs. the Democrats   8 years 39 weeks ago

    Bernie has the message, the money, and support of millions!

    If not nominated, suggest he move to form a separate party.

    Otherwise his ideas will be relegated to second class status while

    Crooked Clinton goes about her business as usual.


  • Two Thirds of all Americans would struggle to cover a $1,000 crisis   8 years 39 weeks ago

    Face it, the vast majority of Americans suffer from a serious lack of income to cover basic day-to-day, week-to-week and month-to-month living expenses, and essentially no significant, or zero savings necessary to cover emergency expenses and to provide retirement security.

    We need to reform the system to empower EVERY child, woman, and man to secure new income sources, namely wealth-creating, income-producing capital assets embodied in viable growth corporations. This can be accomplished by empowering EVERY child, woman and man to acquire personal OWNERSHIP stakes in the FUTURE formation of wealth-creating, income-producing capital assets using INSURED, INTEREST-FREE capital credit, repayable out of the FUTURE earnings of the investments, without the requirement of PAST SAVINGS, a job or any income from any source. Instead their solution is solely viewed interns of raising the minimum wage, which continues the serfdon status of the vast majority of Americans now employed in minimum wage sectors of the economy. A boost in the minimum wage is not the solution to economic inequality. Widespread, universal personal wealth-creating, income-producing capital asset property OWNERSHIP is, and is the true path to inclusive prosperity, inclusive opportunity, and inclusive economic justice.

    Support the Agenda of The Just Third Way Movement at,, and

    Support Monetary Justice at

    Support the Capital Homestead Act (aka Economic Democracy Act) at,, and

    See my article entitled "The Solution To America's Economic Decline" at

  • Clinton: I'll defend Israel but push for 'two-state solution   8 years 39 weeks ago

    On June 5, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order which punishes public bodies if their public funds are invested in companies which support the BDS movement. Presumably the punishment is a reduction or elimination of future funding until divestment is accomplished.

    Press release; the key information is near the end:

    See Sections 3 and 4:

  • Clinton: I'll defend Israel but push for 'two-state solution   8 years 39 weeks ago

    We've been hearing about the "two-state solution" since Arafat-Begin with Carter in 1978. I fear we will continue to hear, but not see any movement, for a long time as long as America's government continues to kiss Israel's ass.

    BTW, why do we send military aid to Israel? It is not a Third World country AND it exports military items to other countries.

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