Having a strong leader in the community will definitely bring some good changes for the community. Most probably good effective leaders are definitely able to change the system of the community; so we elect strong leaders for our country. A good strong leader is capable to deliver good aspects and good promise to bring good positive changes for the people.
Thom, you quoted I believe "Healthfacts. org" saying that two eggs are as bad for your heart as smoking. I was surprised you would do that. This is sensationalism based on an ASSOCIATION, which is not cause and effect. Far from it. You should look at a clinical study (clinical is the gold standard) that shows little relation to dietary cholesterol from eggs and serum cholesterol.
I am seriously disappointed. This is not something I expect from you; an educated and informed individual.
Its shameful We saved while we had a 401 K > Good thing since as a widow & caretaker I am living off that savings. My husband's hard won pension dropped to
$ 650.00 month / 1/4 what was promised during his working years He had to drop out of the labor union , when he was made Plant Supt . Up at 5 am each day. 10 hour days . I worked too. We did the 'right' thing.. worked hard , saved a decent amount , Social Security , savings & pension would' see us through !! NOT I get so sick when I think about Wall St getting bailed out after their greed, lies cheating .leading to global crash _TARP. CEO's get 20-30 million after leaving their Co..whether they did a great job or NOT. What has America come to ? GOP counts on voters Ignorance & fear to gain power. President Eisenhower would be considered a flaming liberal today ! The Last decent GOP president . NO matter how crude, outrageous, vulgar Trump gets The more folks seem to love him !!! Imagine Trumps finger on nuclear button when he gets PI$$ed off
Because human weren't around millions of years ago, we know about climate changes in the past from climate scientists, the same ones who are saying that human activity is the chief culprit this time around. There are numerous surveys of peer reviewed climate studies, including by NASA. The last round of studies was almost 10,000 scientists to 3 saying humans are the primary cause..no ambiguity there.
Republican zero-tolerance philosophy got this idiocy started. The usual result for a wrong solution which has the advantage of appealing to simple minds with power.
Sadly, the tipping point is only visible in the rear view mirror. We don't, in our gut, understand nonlinear systems. Smart but not smart enough. But thank you for playing, "Homo Sapiens Rule the World."
Obviously for the oil barons, the seduction of wealth was too much to overcome, even when armed with the science of a global environmental catastrophe. It's going to take selfless and strong leadership to pull us out of this one.
We all know the choice Dangerous Don will make......along with someone like Palin as his running mate, it will be drill baby drill. Bernie is the selfless and determined leader we need for this time and place in history.
The corpse media has already crowned Dangerous Don as leader of the largest military the planet has ever seen...it could end up being game over by nukes before game over by climate change. Trump supporters are "Fox" sleep walking right into a hellish nightmare, and taking the rest of us down with them.
Meanwhile our government is now trying to arm Vietnam with lethal weapons.. ...we're an evil empire for sure....it's not going to end pretty.
Humans are creatures of denial and Americans are masters of the stall. Everyone likes to think we still have enough time to kick responsible decisions down the road. Sooner or later, there is no more time and it all comes due.
The idea is if we can prevent something from occurring on our own watch we can leave it for someone else to solve.
We forgot that "tomorrow" has come and gone for years.
We even have scientists that enable and feed our denial. Even on this blog, there are people in denial.
I'll never forget my dad telling me the story about a soldier about to die saying "next time..." As if he would get a do over.
On the one hand we talk about positive feed back loops being in play which means we are doomed and in the next breath we cite pie in the sky remedies that we are not even going to attempt (stop reproducing and make everyone go vegan...AS IF...) IN THE NEXT BREATH we project what our grandchildrens' world will be like.
Are we so immature, so myopic that we cannot even consider there will be no next time.? ..no grandchildrens' world and no need for recriminations about what big oil could have done?.
We really, REALLY, don't want to go down the finger pointing road lest we find the world pointing fingers at the culture that spearheaded gluttonous energy and resource use, or point at certain races whose brilliance at "progress" has basically doomed us all.
Is there a "to be continued" aspect? Does hope spring eternal? When is hope just a facade for delusional denial?
Even now..most of us cannot grow up or face inconvenient truths. We talk about what we should do..knowing good and well our government will most likely do nothing, and in the end blithely talk about "next time"
I'm not sure how much influence man's behavior has had on climate change. Massive climate changes have occurred frequently throughout Earth's history... a fact well documented. I'm certain there is some influence. What bothers me more than man's influence on climate change is his internally (not public) acknowledged contamination of our air, water, land and food supply and seemingly has little or no regard of its impact on the health of all of life.
Thanks for describing this key aspect of what worried my academics-bunch ‘way back in the early 1970s, - that stark changes in Moneyed-interests’ ways would damage several elements of the POLITICAL system which had theretofore been working relatively well. Yep. Sure ‘nuff.
In retrospect, the first corporate media screwing of Bernie was when the insta-poll results on the early debates were not reported but rather only delayed polls of persons who subsequently read the media influenced mischaracterizations of who won. Things haven't changed since. The corporate media still resist every inch of Bernie's progress. The alternative media, with few to no resources, have been amazing! We're past the ignore and ridicule stages. Now we're on to fight and win!
Low vitamin D levels can also cause joint pain/inflammation, so it's good to check that out when trouble shooting. Fish oil works good for fighting inflammation too.
This has become such a common problem, I wonder if there's more to it, perhaps something being introduced into our food chain that has yet to be identified. The question is.... is it accidental or purposeful? Enormous sums of money are being made off citizens in pain, that's undeniable. Look up the stats on the percentage of the population popping pain killer pills everyday, you'll be shocked.
Typical. Ignore Trump's continual bigotry to blacks as well. Guess it will be time enough to admit to that denigration about 50 years AFTER the fact so that we can say..we don't owe blacks any apologies because we did not do anything to "them" it was just white ancestors against blacks "back then". Routine racial dissembling.
As for Republican apologies..
1. people should never apologize if they do not mean it.
2. Republicans, Democrats, Independents, libertarians all seem willing to recant or apologize when the only thing standing between them and divine judgement is...imminent death.
Omega 3 fatty acids, garlic (food highest in sulfur), and OTC MSM (methyl sulfonyl methane) are the strongest natural anti-inflammatories that this old doctor knows and takes daily to totally control my arthritis. Omega 6 FA's are pro-inflammatroy and high levels are found in corn and corn based fructose corn syrup (the artifical sweetner found in every pre-packaged food product). However, the chronic stress hormone cortisol, elevated in so many of us modern urban over-stressed Americans, actually suppresses our immune response and kills off the very t-helper cell lymphocytes that are important in the immune response. So, those of us suffering from auto-immune diseases probably suffer from adrenal fatigue: burned out adrenal glands that no longer produce adequate cortisol levels to prevent our own immune system from mis-identifying our own tissue from a foreign invader. If you have an inflammatory problem, eat sulfur (MSM), avoid corn and corn based food products, and get checked out by a Naturopathic doctor for adrenal fatigue. If you have adrenal fatigue, and, thus auto-immune conditions, you'll need to rebuild your own adrenal glands. I did it and I wish you well!
An article that could impact the health of many readers!
A related article on a ten year study of 134,000 people:
"Our findings support recommendations to increase consumption of vegetables, particularly cruciferous vegetables, and fruit to promote cardiovascular health and overall longevity."
Having a strong leader in the community will definitely bring some good changes for the community. Most probably good effective leaders are definitely able to change the system of the community; so we elect strong leaders for our country. A good strong leader is capable to deliver good aspects and good promise to bring good positive changes for the people.
Leadership Coach
Thom, you quoted I believe "Healthfacts. org" saying that two eggs are as bad for your heart as smoking. I was surprised you would do that. This is sensationalism based on an ASSOCIATION, which is not cause and effect. Far from it. You should look at a clinical study (clinical is the gold standard) that shows little relation to dietary cholesterol from eggs and serum cholesterol.
I am seriously disappointed. This is not something I expect from you; an educated and informed individual.
Facism... pure and simple!
What we all fought against in world wars
And that billionaire <Meg Whitman did a trashing job of what Ebay use to be
Is anyone surprised by the poll results!
John Birch Society (daddy koch) thought Eisenhower was a commie.
Its shameful We saved while we had a 401 K > Good thing since as a widow & caretaker I am living off that savings. My husband's hard won pension dropped to
$ 650.00 month / 1/4 what was promised during his working years He had to drop out of the labor union , when he was made Plant Supt . Up at 5 am each day. 10 hour days . I worked too. We did the 'right' thing.. worked hard , saved a decent amount , Social Security , savings & pension would' see us through !! NOT I get so sick when I think about Wall St getting bailed out after their greed, lies cheating .leading to global crash _TARP. CEO's get 20-30 million after leaving their Co..whether they did a great job or NOT. What has America come to ? GOP counts on voters Ignorance & fear to gain power. President Eisenhower would be considered a flaming liberal today ! The Last decent GOP president . NO matter how crude, outrageous, vulgar Trump gets The more folks seem to love him !!! Imagine Trumps finger on nuclear button when he gets PI$$ed off
Because human weren't around millions of years ago, we know about climate changes in the past from climate scientists, the same ones who are saying that human activity is the chief culprit this time around. There are numerous surveys of peer reviewed climate studies, including by NASA. The last round of studies was almost 10,000 scientists to 3 saying humans are the primary cause..no ambiguity there.
Here's a start:
Republican zero-tolerance philosophy got this idiocy started. The usual result for a wrong solution which has the advantage of appealing to simple minds with power.
Sadly, the tipping point is only visible in the rear view mirror. We don't, in our gut, understand nonlinear systems. Smart but not smart enough. But thank you for playing, "Homo Sapiens Rule the World."
Great website for news on militarization within our schools: dignityinschools.org
Obviously for the oil barons, the seduction of wealth was too much to overcome, even when armed with the science of a global environmental catastrophe. It's going to take selfless and strong leadership to pull us out of this one.
We all know the choice Dangerous Don will make......along with someone like Palin as his running mate, it will be drill baby drill. Bernie is the selfless and determined leader we need for this time and place in history.
The corpse media has already crowned Dangerous Don as leader of the largest military the planet has ever seen...it could end up being game over by nukes before game over by climate change. Trump supporters are "Fox" sleep walking right into a hellish nightmare, and taking the rest of us down with them.
Meanwhile our government is now trying to arm Vietnam with lethal weapons.. ...we're an evil empire for sure....it's not going to end pretty.
Humans are creatures of denial and Americans are masters of the stall. Everyone likes to think we still have enough time to kick responsible decisions down the road. Sooner or later, there is no more time and it all comes due.
The idea is if we can prevent something from occurring on our own watch we can leave it for someone else to solve.
We forgot that "tomorrow" has come and gone for years.
We even have scientists that enable and feed our denial. Even on this blog, there are people in denial.
I'll never forget my dad telling me the story about a soldier about to die saying "next time..." As if he would get a do over.
On the one hand we talk about positive feed back loops being in play which means we are doomed and in the next breath we cite pie in the sky remedies that we are not even going to attempt (stop reproducing and make everyone go vegan...AS IF...) IN THE NEXT BREATH we project what our grandchildrens' world will be like.
Are we so immature, so myopic that we cannot even consider there will be no next time.? ..no grandchildrens' world and no need for recriminations about what big oil could have done?.
We really, REALLY, don't want to go down the finger pointing road lest we find the world pointing fingers at the culture that spearheaded gluttonous energy and resource use, or point at certain races whose brilliance at "progress" has basically doomed us all.
Is there a "to be continued" aspect? Does hope spring eternal? When is hope just a facade for delusional denial?
Even now..most of us cannot grow up or face inconvenient truths. We talk about what we should do..knowing good and well our government will most likely do nothing, and in the end blithely talk about "next time"
#1 - You are right on!
Some of the stuff these companies do is environmentally criminal
I know they actively emit their pollutants in the dim of night and time these events to avoid public observation
Lets hope the lawsuits bring the same results they did against tobacco companies.
But realize that until the limited liability of corporate execs is removed, they will
continue to devise means to further their bottom line at the publics expense.
I'm not sure how much influence man's behavior has had on climate change. Massive climate changes have occurred frequently throughout Earth's history... a fact well documented. I'm certain there is some influence. What bothers me more than man's influence on climate change is his internally (not public) acknowledged contamination of our air, water, land and food supply and seemingly has little or no regard of its impact on the health of all of life.
Thanks for describing this key aspect of what worried my academics-bunch ‘way back in the early 1970s, - that stark changes in Moneyed-interests’ ways would damage several elements of the POLITICAL system which had theretofore been working relatively well. Yep. Sure ‘nuff.
In retrospect, the first corporate media screwing of Bernie was when the insta-poll results on the early debates were not reported but rather only delayed polls of persons who subsequently read the media influenced mischaracterizations of who won. Things haven't changed since. The corporate media still resist every inch of Bernie's progress. The alternative media, with few to no resources, have been amazing! We're past the ignore and ridicule stages. Now we're on to fight and win!
Low vitamin D levels can also cause joint pain/inflammation, so it's good to check that out when trouble shooting. Fish oil works good for fighting inflammation too.
This has become such a common problem, I wonder if there's more to it, perhaps something being introduced into our food chain that has yet to be identified. The question is.... is it accidental or purposeful? Enormous sums of money are being made off citizens in pain, that's undeniable. Look up the stats on the percentage of the population popping pain killer pills everyday, you'll be shocked.
If Dangerous Don becomes president, I'll be in the market for a strong pain killer.
Typical. Ignore Trump's continual bigotry to blacks as well. Guess it will be time enough to admit to that denigration about 50 years AFTER the fact so that we can say..we don't owe blacks any apologies because we did not do anything to "them" it was just white ancestors against blacks "back then". Routine racial dissembling.
As for Republican apologies..
1. people should never apologize if they do not mean it.
2. Republicans, Democrats, Independents, libertarians all seem willing to recant or apologize when the only thing standing between them and divine judgement is...imminent death.
Omega 3 fatty acids, garlic (food highest in sulfur), and OTC MSM (methyl sulfonyl methane) are the strongest natural anti-inflammatories that this old doctor knows and takes daily to totally control my arthritis. Omega 6 FA's are pro-inflammatroy and high levels are found in corn and corn based fructose corn syrup (the artifical sweetner found in every pre-packaged food product). However, the chronic stress hormone cortisol, elevated in so many of us modern urban over-stressed Americans, actually suppresses our immune response and kills off the very t-helper cell lymphocytes that are important in the immune response. So, those of us suffering from auto-immune diseases probably suffer from adrenal fatigue: burned out adrenal glands that no longer produce adequate cortisol levels to prevent our own immune system from mis-identifying our own tissue from a foreign invader. If you have an inflammatory problem, eat sulfur (MSM), avoid corn and corn based food products, and get checked out by a Naturopathic doctor for adrenal fatigue. If you have adrenal fatigue, and, thus auto-immune conditions, you'll need to rebuild your own adrenal glands. I did it and I wish you well!
An article that could impact the health of many readers!
A related article on a ten year study of 134,000 people:
"Our findings support recommendations to increase consumption of vegetables, particularly cruciferous vegetables, and fruit to promote cardiovascular health and overall longevity."