Recent comments

  • Shift To 401(K) Retirement Plans A "Disaster"   8 years 41 weeks ago

    Absolutely agree! And the GOP has been foaming at the mouth to get SS privatized so their buddies on Wall Street will have a bonanza. This would be a huge disaster for the average person... We MUST NOT allow the greedy powers to be to get away with privatization. The guarantee of SS will be gone.

    As a matter of fact, we hear now that Trump is open to privatization. No wonder Paul Ryan wanted to meet with Trump. It appears to me that the GOP thinks they can control Trump if elected (God help us all) and tell him what he should and should not do.

  • Shift To 401(K) Retirement Plans A "Disaster"   8 years 41 weeks ago

    Social Security is by far, the absolute best defined benefit retirement program going. I can understand why it's constantly under attack. It's because outsiders can't make any money off of it. It's a true gem. Unfortunately, up for grabs. Anyone that promises to save it is just blowing smoke. The operative word here is STRENGTHEN........Not save! Oh but we can't afford to do it. It's looking more and more like we can't afford not to. It should be our premier retirement plan.

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday May 18th, 2016   8 years 41 weeks ago

    We DO Not Need Bernie Supporters!!!

    No Thom Democrates do not need you or them so Drop it We Do Not want you or them

    You forget We won and have won with out these gen WHY punks before and will again!

    Go Vote for Jill Stien the nasty piece of work you tweeted on Mothers day how awfal a mother Hillary Clinton has been

    Join then Thom I can't believe how much of a liar you are Are you part of The Ministries of Truth?

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday May 18th, 2016   8 years 41 weeks ago

    Why is Thom Hartman such a liar? Why did you run such a clearly edited clip I mean really with all your equipmnet that was the best rigged audio you could produce.

    Then you put on the SUPER Liar Erin Bilbray

    She Lied the entire time I do not think one thing she said was TRUE.

    Hay Thom I was there Yeah so you can't lie to me Liar Thom! I saw THREE CHAIRS THROWN so how did all your folk miss that fact Thom the Liar.

    I was there The Bernie Folk were threating and meanising people No Violence Then why did the police arrest some of them for violente Acts Liar Thom?

    Try again any group that uses or condones violence are losers! That makes Bernie a loser, You a LOSER and It is time you heard the truth LIAR LIAR LIAR

  • Disastrous Climate Change Exposed In One GIF   8 years 41 weeks ago

    Just checked the weather report.

    looking pretty good.. ...mostly sunny, no rain 'til next week.

    hope you'all enjoy it (whatever it is, over by there).

    Bernie or Bust!!!

    (bust referring to busting the corrupt Democratic Party and replacing it with...)

  • Full Show 5/17/16: Is the Trump Effect A Mirage?   8 years 41 weeks ago

    Aesop wrote of the “empty threat” that “a mountain labored vigorously, but brought forth only a ridiculous mouse.” And wise men have developed the theme. {Search-line something like “Aesop the Mountain in Labor”.} - - - The by-Republicans version: - “The party labored and brought forth a ridiculous coiffure, - and under the pompadour is a FRIGHTENING creature.”

  • Full Show 5/17/16: Is the Trump Effect A Mirage?   8 years 41 weeks ago

    Thanks that this time your panelists don’t include those sophomoric Rightwingers who detract from your shows’ discussions. WithOUT them, such segments are tolerable {and even instructive} to watch.

  • Full Show 5/17/16: Is the Trump Effect A Mirage?   8 years 41 weeks ago


    {… a limerick …}

    May Trump soon get his comeuppance.

    His value is much less than {2 cents} tuppence, …

    … and since he can’t keep a lid

    on his devastating id,

    he’s dragging America to {disruption} disruppance.


  • Disastrous Climate Change Exposed In One GIF   8 years 41 weeks ago

    Reply to #1

    Sorry to disappoint you Crestview but I will eat as much meat as I want. So will my family and friends.

    Neither you or anyone else will tell me I can't or shouldn't.

  • Clinton: I'll defend Israel but push for 'two-state solution   8 years 41 weeks ago

    Hilary, Obama, and Netanyahu should all have to do community service in the Gaza Strip for a year....possilby as teacher and/or medical auxillaries after appropriate training.

    Yes, why not include Ted Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, numerous Israeli spokesman--like junior fascist Mark Regev, and members of the US congress, and members of AIPAC....I think there are only so many volunteer slots unfortunately.

    Hilary can teach ethics in government, Obama can teach 'truthful campagining' and Netanyahu can teach 'theater,' and Mark Regev can teach a course highlighting the dangers or fascism.

    Henry David Thoreau

  • Disastrous Climate Change Exposed In One GIF   8 years 41 weeks ago

    US government has a huge black budget.

    Miles of tunnels and massive underground facilities have been built..

    The elite will survive.

    You and your children will have to make other plans.


  • Disastrous Climate Change Exposed In One GIF   8 years 41 weeks ago

    "Mankind's destiny is to drown in his own feces" while blithely declaring it is :

    A. Chocolate
    B. Feces are full of nutrition
    C. only temporary and sooner or later he will be able to tread feces or magically, a scientist will conveniently create a feces breathing apparatus.

    D. Not our real problem.. We should reduce our population or go vegan or go to Mars or stop consuming so much..NONE of which address the issue that humans think their feces don't stink, and that wishful thinking and a tv remote equals a better outcome.

  • Disastrous Climate Change Exposed In One GIF   8 years 41 weeks ago

    First, I already eat vegan. Second, everyone has their pet projects so FAIL to see a bigger picture.

    Methane is already being released from the ocean and we are already in runaway global warming.

    Most reputable scientists have warned that once global warming is in a positive feedback loop, there is NOTHING humans can do except die like everything else.

    Humans have so much hubris that we cannot imagine a story not only without a happy ending but without us.

    Most of us are in such a state of denial that all we can do is plug along touting our own personal cause.. Eat vegan..hard to grow veggies without water.. Hang on..the IPCC has stated that one of the key problems (,world wide..not just in Africa and Asia) will be lots of drought and other weather anomalies making it impossible to optimally grow food.

    We are like people on the Titanic arguing over room decorations or the right attire for drowning as the ship goes down.

    The world is NOT going to switch over to veganism. Nice thought but not a very pragmatic one. The world will END fo most of us before that happens... As a matter of fact, we don't plan on finishing fossil fuel use either... Denial is a bear...

    Food doesn't grow well without water and sunlight or with cold temperatures. Where I am, so far this Spring we have had less than a week of sunny weather and less than 5 days of temps above 65 and I am in the Midwest.

  • Disastrous Climate Change Exposed In One GIF   8 years 41 weeks ago

    If you are not new to this issue then you already know the time for a grass roots movement was in the 1960s. We were not even aware of our effect on the planet until the late 80s. If we are already in the methane clathrate positive feedback loop, then this is unstoppable and we are already too late.

    Imagine that.

  • Disastrous Climate Change Exposed In One GIF   8 years 41 weeks ago

    Sadly, it is already too late Thom. We were at the "tipping point in 1973 and we are only now experiencing the devastation from the 1970s. Even if all emissions stopped today, we could NEVER survive the fallout from our runaway use of fossil fuels in the1990s and the 21st Century.

    At this time, we cannot unring the bell and have no idea how to stuff that toothpaste back in the tube.

    What does the crisis look like closer to home? Wild fires, drought, erratic weather that lessens the amount of crops..potentially the Exodus of over 43 milion Californians as they are relocated and the resultant fallout as those who live in each state have to share dwindling resources with outsiders.

    Ultimately, it looks like mayhem and chaos with insurance companies shirking on payouts and jacking up prices.. Maybe martial law and lots of imminent domain ..but if some scientists are looks like the end of most species including a viable gene pool for mankind by 2040.

  • Disastrous Climate Change Exposed In One GIF   8 years 41 weeks ago

    The media is ignoring climate change because the primary function of our "news" media is to disseminate conservative propaganda instead of for example, science that could save our planet. Conservative propaganda is often anti science in order to keep the god and gun voters misinformed and confused to the extent they continue to vote against their own best interests and instead in favor of the interests of billionaires like Don Trump.

    I'll offer a solution to this problem. Designate a non profit "we the people" network to be totally dedicated to only social, economic, and political truth. It should be entirely government funded and bipartisan. All programming must deal with such things as the workings of our government, things like spot lighting congressional voting records, cutting edge science as it relates to health and well being of people and the planet, so no big pharma ads, no big oil ads, etc.

    With a "we the people" network, events like senate republicans filibustering legislation regarding ending tax breaks for companies shipping jobs overseas, would become public knowledge. Things like the entire republican house of representatives in denial of climate change, would be made public and discussed openly. We would no longer be stuck with one sided conservative propaganda shows such as Meet the Press. There would be an option for unbiased info....just the plain not for profit truth.

    The network would be the whole truth and nothing but the end to Fox News!

  • Disastrous Climate Change Exposed In One GIF   8 years 41 weeks ago

    As a paleoclimatologist, retired from the petroleum industry, and long time live aboard, two points: One; climate changes as a "punctuated equlibrium" system whereby we have very sudden changes such as ten-cm S.L. rises per decade, also referred to as RCCs or rapid climate changes; separated by long periods of equilibrium as during past five thousand years.

    Two; the fossil fuel industry only finds and produces the stuff "our dreams are made of" (Bogart in Malteese Falcon) but it is we (i.e. you and I) the consumers who create the problem by burning those hydrocarbons. We, in the U.S. who have burned about 40% of all fossil fuels discovered on Earth to date could very easily trim our consumption overnight to half their current value... try it, you'll like it, and possibly delay the sixth extinction and demise of civilisation. (Google "carbon Footprint")

    Mankind's destiny is to drown in his own feces. (misquote from Chief Seattle)

  • Disastrous Climate Change Exposed In One GIF   8 years 41 weeks ago

    I've said many times that we need to reduce the population growth, because our runaway growth is HALF the environmental problem. Well, it looks like Mother Nature is going to implement Her own population reduction strategies; and we humans will, involuntarily, do the same.

    We knew this was coming...we just refused to see it.

  • Disastrous Climate Change Exposed In One GIF   8 years 41 weeks ago

    ... AND, EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, if we do not change what fuels our bodies, none of the CO2 reduction from more efficient cars, industries, etc will be even close to sufficient.

    Humans must move quickly to whole foods, plant-based (WFPB) nutrition worldwide in order to have any chance to stem the tide of climate change in time. The daily climate impact of consumption of meat and dairy products (methane/nitrous oxides) is "two to three times greater" than the daily climate impact of all the CO2 from all the tailpipes of the world.

    Moving quickly to WFPB nutrition worldwide will have positive side effects well beyond mitigating climate change: 1) vastly improving human health outcomes; 2) providing plant-based food for the hungry of the world; and 3) promoting animal health and welfare.

    A person living a WFPB (Vegan) lifestyle uses 1/6th of an acre for nutrition;

    A person living a Vegetarian lifestyle uses 1/2 of an acre for nutrition;

    A person living a meat and dairy based lifestyle uses 3 acres for nutrition (18 times greater!)

    Please see the documentary "Cowspiracy" for a true awakening: ( for the trailer.)

    Yours in health ...

  • America Needs to Steal Back the Nordic Model   8 years 42 weeks ago

    I think that Obama is excellent at dropping sarcastic truthful one liners. People got more info from the Daily Show and Colbert then they ever got from Fox.

  • America Needs to Steal Back the Nordic Model   8 years 42 weeks ago

    A 'click through' from your link directs us here to get more thurough coverage:

    "The picture isn’t as bright for the U.S., which slides four spots to No. 22. It continues a six-year descent since 2009 when the U.S. ranked second overall. The U.S. is the financial capital of the world and its largest economy at $17.4 trillion (China is second at $10.4 trillion), but it scores poorly on monetary freedom and bureaucracy/red tape. More than 150 new major regulations have been added since 2009 at a cost of $70 billion, according to the Heritage Foundation."

    During the midst of a World wide economic downturn the Dems, through the Obama "Imperial Presidency", added 'tons' of new burdensome regulations.

  • America Needs to Steal Back the Nordic Model   8 years 42 weeks ago

    Perhaps that would make BIRTH CONTROL a good idea? If expanding the population justifies slavery then what justifies expanding the population? Economic growth policy, corporatization, the notion of unlimited growth are FAILED policies. It does not good to pretend we have democracy when the ECONOMY is not democratized. Sorry, I am just not buying your crap and selling the idea that we have no control over our breeding and therefore size and capacity for a rational and democratic society.

  • America Needs to Steal Back the Nordic Model   8 years 42 weeks ago

    What a load of crap. Americans are sick and tired of coddling the rich. It is high time the media and our government reflect that fact.

  • America Needs to Steal Back the Nordic Model   8 years 42 weeks ago

    America voted against happiness (with Bernie losing the primaries to Hillary). The hundred percent success of all those countries, is the logical result of democratic socialism. The dysfunctional system of Unregulated capitalism, is why the board game of monopoly was invented (to try to teach children how pure profit is like a pyramid scheme, and everybody gets screwed).

  • America Needs to Steal Back the Nordic Model   8 years 42 weeks ago

    One key point Tom is missing.

    What works at small scale does not necessarily work

    at large scale.

    Greatly admire democratic socialism model

    for an indiviidual state. whose citizens chose it.

    But model breaks down if applied to 50 states

    many of whom hate the idea.


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