Policy-wise he is in the clutches of the Reagan legacy overlords, who are working to remake Trump in his image, just as Reagan was remade from the 1976 crazy nut into a 1980 schizoid creature: warm preacher for God, guns and grit then moments later the voodoo economics patron and angry liar declaring, "No negotiations with terrorists of any kind" or butcher of English with "You ain't seen nuttin' yet." Meanwhile the republican establishment invokes his name daily, even sometimes quoting him, hoping to conjur the graven images of Reagan to fool Americans that the mythological Reagan has risen to again make our country great. Hence forward prepare to hear the name "Reagan" mentioned more than other republican president's name combined.
@ThomHartmann The Democratic Republican Party used to be a single party in every sense but now has the legal status of being two parties, so that it can run two candidates for each opening and scare people into voting for it to keep it out.... which doesn't work. The anti-Republicans calling themselves Democrats lift up the left win to make the right wing lower, and the anti-Democrats calling themselves Republicans lift up the right wing to make the left wing lower, and that's what keeps the evil bird in flight. Meanwhile, independents HAD GIVEN UP.... but Bernie has given them hope.... and yet he is clinging to that evil "Democratic Republican" bird as the only path to the White House. Can't we help him break away from it? Can't we find a way to organize to collect the signatures necessary for Bernard Sanders to be on the ballot as independent in as many states as possible in the General Election, before more deadlines pass? We already missed Texas, but there are still 49 states have we could collect the signatures for, and do you really think Bernie would say no to USING THOSE SIGNATURES after his supporters go through the work of collecting them? I am certain he would not let his supporters down, after such a show of support!
Trump 2nd BEST CHOICE ? Think of future Supreme Court appointments .. anti middle class / pro wealth laws ( Citizens United ) which will affect US for decades. Trump is already back tracking NO longer self funded. Taking' donations from billionaires. Horrid comment ' kicking Muslims out of US ' That was ' just a suggestion LIAR Trump is the antithesis of Sanders ( who has integrity & character )
Our right wing corpse media deserves much of the credit for the birth of the abomination known as Don Trump. He's easily the most dangerous man on the planet right now, and the rest of the world knows it. This is what happens when a democracy allows concentration of wealth to get to a point where that wealth enables a megalomaniac such as Trump to rise to power. Climate Change, Trump, take your pick, either way the world is in deep sh.... Fascism is now a bald faced reality! Look up the meaning if you think ole 10K is just being bombastic.
If all you say about Trump is true, then I don't understand why other Republicans have such a problem with him. Seems like his "Hidden Agenda" is exactly what they want. Maybe it's all an act. They just want to be able to say later that when Trump ultimately disappoints us, that they can then say that they saw the red flags.
Personally, I find the comparisons of Trump to Hitler more accurate. For that matter, recent events in this country remind me of the build up to Nazism in Germany before the war. Folks, find an unedited copy of "Judgment At Nuremberg" and study the trial testimony; you'll see the similarities for yourself.
I hadn't thought of this comparison. Reagan deceived us, but at least he did it with the appearance of some class.
My scariest thought, as it was with Ted Cruz, is visual: imagine Trump shaking hands with Cameron, Hollande or Merkel (especially Cameron, since many Britons want to slap Trump upside the head for his comments related to the Muslim refugee situation).
Now imagine Clinton or Sanders shaking hands with them. Thank goodness Democrats have two candidates who would be respected throughout the world.
No, Republicans really don't care about unborn children OR the already born ones. This is about being against women. They don't want women making decisions that they can't control. They don't want women who are free enough from their traditional role as childbearers and housewives that they can (horrors!) get into business, government and community activities and quite possibly "interfere" with men's need for dominance. There have always been men afraid of women they can't make subservient and who can wield power. Saddle them first with what is effectively mandatory pregnancy, then shortchange their ability to raise children (which explains the GOP refusal to support equal pay) and presto, keep them from challenging men's power.
Throughout the show today, Thom has been saying how Trump is adopting Reagan's positions. This worries me because many people love Reagan and make positive references about him. I think this reference might convince those on the fence to vote for Trump if they don't remember or don't know how bad Iran Contra and other issues at the time were.
I know this is from 2004, but there is a Gallup poll that shows Reagan is more revered after his presidency than during. Further, after someone dies, we tend to talk well of them.
You have to appreciate the irony of Lamar complaining that the favorable report was recalled if it calls attention to the flawed research leading up to it, especially if that was the reason for the retraction.
She doesn't need to move right. She already is on the right, a Republican in her values and political commitments, if not in name. Her loyalty to Wall Street, her hawkish foreign policy, her indebtedness to Big Pharma and the oil & gas industry; her support for disastrous trade agreements; the evidence for her neoliberal corporatist values is abundant. Will some Democrats and Independents be less inclined to vote for her when she begins to pull back from her Sanders-lite campaign rhetoric? Yes, probably. Many will sit out the election, because they'll see no point in voting for either of the candidates. As Gore Vidal said, there is one political party in America, the Property Party, which has two right wings. She's a card-carrying member of it.
Poor Donald: Everyday is a bad hair day. :)
Policy-wise he is in the clutches of the Reagan legacy overlords, who are working to remake Trump in his image, just as Reagan was remade from the 1976 crazy nut into a 1980 schizoid creature: warm preacher for God, guns and grit then moments later the voodoo economics patron and angry liar declaring, "No negotiations with terrorists of any kind" or butcher of English with "You ain't seen nuttin' yet." Meanwhile the republican establishment invokes his name daily, even sometimes quoting him, hoping to conjur the graven images of Reagan to fool Americans that the mythological Reagan has risen to again make our country great. Hence forward prepare to hear the name "Reagan" mentioned more than other republican president's name combined.
@ThomHartmann The Democratic Republican Party used to be a single party in every sense but now has the legal status of being two parties, so that it can run two candidates for each opening and scare people into voting for it to keep it out.... which doesn't work. The anti-Republicans calling themselves Democrats lift up the left win to make the right wing lower, and the anti-Democrats calling themselves Republicans lift up the right wing to make the left wing lower, and that's what keeps the evil bird in flight. Meanwhile, independents HAD GIVEN UP.... but Bernie has given them hope.... and yet he is clinging to that evil "Democratic Republican" bird as the only path to the White House. Can't we help him break away from it? Can't we find a way to organize to collect the signatures necessary for Bernard Sanders to be on the ballot as independent in as many states as possible in the General Election, before more deadlines pass? We already missed Texas, but there are still 49 states have we could collect the signatures for, and do you really think Bernie would say no to USING THOSE SIGNATURES after his supporters go through the work of collecting them? I am certain he would not let his supporters down, after such a show of support!
Trump 2nd BEST CHOICE ? Think of future Supreme Court appointments .. anti middle class / pro wealth laws ( Citizens United ) which will affect US for decades. Trump is already back tracking NO longer self funded. Taking' donations from billionaires. Horrid comment ' kicking Muslims out of US ' That was ' just a suggestion LIAR Trump is the antithesis of Sanders ( who has integrity & character )
After many months of proclaiming himself ' self funded ' and independant
TRump is now taking money from hugely wealthy ' donors'
Kicking Muslims out of USA ? Nope now he says That was ' just a suggestion' BS
Choosing Chris Christie to run his campaign etc YUCK
Expecting Mexico to pay for a border fence ? NOT SO MUCH
Typical PHONY
Good point.
Thom - please read my newest entry in my member blog - I think I might actually be onto an idea that you will like. It's simple and brief.
Fascism is here... now!
It is in our midst and under our nose... can you see under your nose?
And, we are blinded to see the BS and propaganda for which it is famous that by which it succeeds
Is Hillary Cliton the vagina version of Senator McCain? Bernie or busters think so.
Our right wing corpse media deserves much of the credit for the birth of the abomination known as Don Trump. He's easily the most dangerous man on the planet right now, and the rest of the world knows it. This is what happens when a democracy allows concentration of wealth to get to a point where that wealth enables a megalomaniac such as Trump to rise to power. Climate Change, Trump, take your pick, either way the world is in deep sh.... Fascism is now a bald faced reality! Look up the meaning if you think ole 10K is just being bombastic.
The problem with nationalism is it can range from a healthy national pride
to the extreme behavior seen in Germany, Italy, and Japan before the wars.
Ask yourself, "what has the US done to be proud of in the last 20 years?"
Its clear US citizens need a change of course and a boost in national pride.
So granting that Trump could overdue the medicine, there are many independents
such as myself, who see him as the best second choice after Sanders.
If all you say about Trump is true, then I don't understand why other Republicans have such a problem with him. Seems like his "Hidden Agenda" is exactly what they want. Maybe it's all an act. They just want to be able to say later that when Trump ultimately disappoints us, that they can then say that they saw the red flags.
This is a MAD TV skit from long ago. Did they foresee Trump?
Personally, I find the comparisons of Trump to Hitler more accurate. For that matter, recent events in this country remind me of the build up to Nazism in Germany before the war. Folks, find an unedited copy of "Judgment At Nuremberg" and study the trial testimony; you'll see the similarities for yourself.
I hadn't thought of this comparison. Reagan deceived us, but at least he did it with the appearance of some class.
My scariest thought, as it was with Ted Cruz, is visual: imagine Trump shaking hands with Cameron, Hollande or Merkel (especially Cameron, since many Britons want to slap Trump upside the head for his comments related to the Muslim refugee situation).
Now imagine Clinton or Sanders shaking hands with them. Thank goodness Democrats have two candidates who would be respected throughout the world.
No, Republicans really don't care about unborn children OR the already born ones. This is about being against women. They don't want women making decisions that they can't control. They don't want women who are free enough from their traditional role as childbearers and housewives that they can (horrors!) get into business, government and community activities and quite possibly "interfere" with men's need for dominance. There have always been men afraid of women they can't make subservient and who can wield power. Saddle them first with what is effectively mandatory pregnancy, then shortchange their ability to raise children (which explains the GOP refusal to support equal pay) and presto, keep them from challenging men's power.
Throughout the show today, Thom has been saying how Trump is adopting Reagan's positions. This worries me because many people love Reagan and make positive references about him. I think this reference might convince those on the fence to vote for Trump if they don't remember or don't know how bad Iran Contra and other issues at the time were.
I know this is from 2004, but there is a Gallup poll that shows Reagan is more revered after his presidency than during. Further, after someone dies, we tend to talk well of them.
there were more than HRC and Bernie on the ballot in West Virginia
BRIEF, please Lord, be this Interlude
{… a rhyme …}
Dear Lord:
Please be it just a brief interlude, -
- that Trumpians and Rightists so vigorously intrude
to place our Sanity under duress
by the unconscionably dastardly frightening excess
in the piles of fecal stuff they extrude.
…{I allude to minds so skewed
that they even Self-delude
with nitwitteries long accrued
and by nitwits long pursued.} …
We’ll appreciate it if Thou wilt preclude
their causing our nation to come unglued. - Amen.
We USED to Laugh, but not NOW
{… a rhyme …}
We USED to regard derisively
the running of The Donald, the Trumpster, -
- but NOW he succeeds divisively
to shred us and drag us to the dumpster.
It’s no longer a laughing matter
that a buffoonishly mad Mad Hatter
gets votes for unseemly clatter.
Republicans only care about children before they are born.
I find that title ironic because the Democrats don't even care if they aren't born. They are willing to kill them while still in the womb.
You have to appreciate the irony of Lamar complaining that the favorable report was recalled if it calls attention to the flawed research leading up to it, especially if that was the reason for the retraction.
She doesn't need to move right. She already is on the right, a Republican in her values and political commitments, if not in name. Her loyalty to Wall Street, her hawkish foreign policy, her indebtedness to Big Pharma and the oil & gas industry; her support for disastrous trade agreements; the evidence for her neoliberal corporatist values is abundant. Will some Democrats and Independents be less inclined to vote for her when she begins to pull back from her Sanders-lite campaign rhetoric? Yes, probably. Many will sit out the election, because they'll see no point in voting for either of the candidates. As Gore Vidal said, there is one political party in America, the Property Party, which has two right wings. She's a card-carrying member of it.
Historically Americans feared communism (state ownership) yet now appear to have no fear of fascism (corporate ownership)
Ownership of your vote!
Go figure
China forbids movement of an official between private and public sector after age 35.
China knows corruption well