Don't you just love how the Teapublican's shamelessly build lies into the titles of their legislation?????....." Improving Child Nutrition and Education Act", " The Right to Work" , "Informed Consent Law" , The Protect Life Act", "Stand Your Ground Law" , "Free Trade' etc. What else should we expect from a political party owned and controlled by Fascists? Control of and propagandizing the message is key to maintaining power. Welcome to the Soviet Union. Thank you "Fox News"!
Only a Republican/Teabagger would consider lunch programs for impoverished youth a problem. Must be the super rich still don't have enough wealth for it to trickle down to lunch programs. Better break up some more unions and ship jobs to Mexico.
If only the poor would get out and vote against the billionaire party! ...If only?
I'm so glad someone finally pointed out the Republicans hatred for the living and their rallying around the unborn. If only we could get mainstream media to publicize it, the republicans would be finished, like the dinosaurs.
We tried stupid with GWB, and we all know how that turned out, trillions spent on Iraq and Afghanistan, war without end, pardon (in effect) for Osama bin Laden, economy on the verge of another Republican led depression and the financial system in collapse. After 8 years of intelligence are we ready to try out stupid again? I hope not.
I question the accuracy of the allegation that "the other end of the IV tubing was open to the air in the ER". The image shown does NOT clearly show that. The commenters are not medically trained persons qualified to reach that conclusion.
1. Like Bernie is not a "Democrat", Trump is not a "Republican". Has he ever participated in Republican Party functions? No.
2. Trump is not interested in the Republican Party. He has run his campaign without them. Trump thinks they are stupid and useless. The party leaders have no idea what to do. This is unprecedented.
3. Trump is interested in Trump; period.
4. Here's the kicker: being President of the United States is a real job with real obligations. It is a very hard job; if done right. (Aparently #43 read his way through 8 years.) Trump would have never thought at the beginning of the campaign that he would survive to the end. Trump may not want the job.
5. Trump may want to throw the election to Hilary (or Bernie).
6. If Trump doesn't win a general election, will he be "fired"?
7. Trump has been successful so far by being completely "over the top" in every way. Everything he says is for effect only. If his numbers go up he sticks with it. He has been acting a reality show part. He probably does a lot of that in business. Could he really think that will "play" in a general election? Can he really think that could play as the POTUS?
8. There is a crisis coming. It will be fun to see when and where it happens.
9. Could Trump win the election, be sworn in, and then quit the job the first time he gets really pissed off?
The death of the planet does not come all at once. The corporate media likes stories about comets hitting earth because that gets people thinking that it would take a catastrophic meteor strike etc to destroy the planet-so lets forget about global warming, plastic pollution and all the rest of the human caused impacts to the global environment.
The earth is dying-a little at a time-ecosystem by ecosystem. Dead animals washing up on the beaches with guts full of plastic and the response of one plastic manufacturer was ' those animals are pretty stupid if they eat it'. They will take no responsibility unless they are forced to do so. That was what regulation was about until Reagan and Watt let the dragons loose on us. I remember one oil company official telling me back in the 1980's that "wow, we could not believe that we would be this free to do whatever we wanted to do" as they made huge piles of cash.
I was trained as an ecologist and can tell you that pretty much no one listens to ecologists. Business CEO's consider ecologists to be like a social "appendix" in that they have no function in the modern body of politics or society and most people will not think about the planet going to hell because they prefer to live in a fairytale state of mind that does not cause mental stress. So they go along with the media with the fantasy that environmental problems are not really that much of a threat and maybe somebody will solve them down the line a few years from now.
The reality is that the planet is about half dead. We have only about half the terestrial animal biomass left since 1970 and the loss of animal life in the oceans is about the same. The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere keeps rising and yet congress voted to expedite fracking. I guess they want to kill their mother and they are doing a good job at it.
So if you meet a real ecologist who appears depressed- buy him or her a beer and celebrate what time that we have left.
Please don't say Hillary will soon shift to the 'center' when the metaphor should be she will move to the 'right.' The US is much more to the left than the media will admit. Don't help them mischaracterize the nation's position on most political issues!
Tom Wheeler's previous job was as the head of the biggest telecommunication's lobbying firms, and now he's head of the FCC. Gee, I wonder why he gave this deal the nod. The revolving door between gov't and the private sector just keeps spinning.
Banking should be a service, not a gambling operation. No doubt the ND Republicans are plotting a strategy to 'privatize' their state bank, with a PR campaign explaining how the 'free market' will do it so much better.
Sam - Madea was so right to correct your characterization of Bernie supporters who were Obama supporters as"radicalized". Really???? !!! Take a breath Sam. Reset. Get out of the bubble you have fallen into. My god! So disappointed.
We in North Dakota are fortunate to have had the progressive political party known as the Non Partisan League in power approximately a hundred years ago.
That movement, which my parents were proud members, provided the impetus to form the Bank of North Dakota, which thrives today.
A history of the movement can be found in the book entitled, "Insurgent Democracy" (
The Non Partisan League later merged with the Democratic Party, and is yet today known as the North Dakota Democratic NPL (Non Partisan League).
Unfortunately, in my opinion, as of late the citizens of North Dakota have chosen a much more conservative political path.
As I understand it, all state tax revenues are deposited in the ND State Bank and doled out for state spending. So in essence they act as the state treasury.
As long as US has GOP Govenors / GOP do nothig blocking anti middle class Congress US economy & families ,eduaction will Suffer ! GOP has NO family values - just BS , lies , hate . GOP Pres Eisenhower 's policies would be seen today as ' flaming liberal ' Ike had class..warned us of the ' growing 'Military Industrial Complex' Lives wasted. Soldiers maimed, TBI -PTSD . Cheney Halliburton - War profiteers were only ones to profit from war . IN 60's Cruelity & death of war was shown on nightly news ! NO more. Now we pretend it does NOT exist . Our young enlist- most poor - and fight our needless immoral wars ... while rest of us ' allow ' it to continue ...
The smugness of the Eastern Establishment has boggled my mind for decades. Neither end of the political spectrum (which is only from "a" to "b") gets that the largely supressed-rest-of-us are not on board, have been pitched overboard and no longer believe there's anything worth backing in NYC -- WashDC metro-web (if we ever did!) I doubt there's anyone capable of hearing a reasoned "pitch" to simply back the best ideas (Bernie's moderate reforms) in the Dem Establishment. Trump is spitting in the eye of the Rep Establishment, and knows just what he's doing. Most small business owners, doctors, lawyers, skilled blue collar workers will end up going for Trump if Bernie isn't allowed to take him on -- not just the Limbaugh rabble. Blow hards like Trump are members of every country club in every county seat in the country -- and they throw good bar-be-ques and buy the drinks. Hillary? She's an upstart married to a trailer-trash grifter from Arkansas with his pants unzipped. Wall Street money won't save her from his wit (like it or not, it is, indeed, wit.) It is time, Thom, that the Beltway looks into the mirror and sees how naked and pasty-assed they look. I'm sorry it has come to this, but lack of willingness to engage in self-critical debate lends itself to just what we are witnessing.
A State bank is a great idea for California, given it is set up so that the politics of our state can't interfer with its smooth running. In-house is always cheaper, if it's honest.
Don't you just love how the Teapublican's shamelessly build lies into the titles of their legislation?????....." Improving Child Nutrition and Education Act", " The Right to Work" , "Informed Consent Law" , The Protect Life Act", "Stand Your Ground Law" , "Free Trade' etc. What else should we expect from a political party owned and controlled by Fascists? Control of and propagandizing the message is key to maintaining power. Welcome to the Soviet Union. Thank you "Fox News"!
Trumposaurus Rex
{… a rhyme …}
Ideologically flexible in all respects,
his nostrils snort fire from both Right and Left, -
- as menacingly stalks Trumposaurus Rex,
a monster of vanity whose character is bereft
of the virtues we specify in our presidential specs.
He lacks the qualities which give presidents heft.
… … … …
He roars with his jaw-bones flexed.
His victims stand stunned, … perplexed
that America is being thus hexed, -
- by such a creature so vexed.
… … … …
… Image:
Trumposaurus Rex has small hands:
Only a Republican/Teabagger would consider lunch programs for impoverished youth a problem. Must be the super rich still don't have enough wealth for it to trickle down to lunch programs. Better break up some more unions and ship jobs to Mexico.
If only the poor would get out and vote against the billionaire party! ...If only?
Repugnicans also just love solving fictitious, nonexistent problems wihle ignoring real ones.
I'm so glad someone finally pointed out the Republicans hatred for the living and their rallying around the unborn. If only we could get mainstream media to publicize it, the republicans would be finished, like the dinosaurs.
We tried stupid with GWB, and we all know how that turned out, trillions spent on Iraq and Afghanistan, war without end, pardon (in effect) for Osama bin Laden, economy on the verge of another Republican led depression and the financial system in collapse. After 8 years of intelligence are we ready to try out stupid again? I hope not.
Only in america
I question the accuracy of the allegation that "the other end of the IV tubing was open to the air in the ER". The image shown does NOT clearly show that. The commenters are not medically trained persons qualified to reach that conclusion.
In listening to Trumps online interviews, he comes across as reasonable, measured, and intelligent.
His bombastic public persona must be for political theater.
Agree with previous post that he is not a Republican.
Anybody but Hillary.
There was a lot on your show today about Trump.
1. Like Bernie is not a "Democrat", Trump is not a "Republican". Has he ever participated in Republican Party functions? No.
2. Trump is not interested in the Republican Party. He has run his campaign without them. Trump thinks they are stupid and useless. The party leaders have no idea what to do. This is unprecedented.
3. Trump is interested in Trump; period.
4. Here's the kicker: being President of the United States is a real job with real obligations. It is a very hard job; if done right. (Aparently #43 read his way through 8 years.) Trump would have never thought at the beginning of the campaign that he would survive to the end. Trump may not want the job.
5. Trump may want to throw the election to Hilary (or Bernie).
6. If Trump doesn't win a general election, will he be "fired"?
7. Trump has been successful so far by being completely "over the top" in every way. Everything he says is for effect only. If his numbers go up he sticks with it. He has been acting a reality show part. He probably does a lot of that in business. Could he really think that will "play" in a general election? Can he really think that could play as the POTUS?
8. There is a crisis coming. It will be fun to see when and where it happens.
9. Could Trump win the election, be sworn in, and then quit the job the first time he gets really pissed off?
Pat Hunter
The death of the planet does not come all at once. The corporate media likes stories about comets hitting earth because that gets people thinking that it would take a catastrophic meteor strike etc to destroy the planet-so lets forget about global warming, plastic pollution and all the rest of the human caused impacts to the global environment.
The earth is dying-a little at a time-ecosystem by ecosystem. Dead animals washing up on the beaches with guts full of plastic and the response of one plastic manufacturer was ' those animals are pretty stupid if they eat it'. They will take no responsibility unless they are forced to do so. That was what regulation was about until Reagan and Watt let the dragons loose on us. I remember one oil company official telling me back in the 1980's that "wow, we could not believe that we would be this free to do whatever we wanted to do" as they made huge piles of cash.
I was trained as an ecologist and can tell you that pretty much no one listens to ecologists. Business CEO's consider ecologists to be like a social "appendix" in that they have no function in the modern body of politics or society and most people will not think about the planet going to hell because they prefer to live in a fairytale state of mind that does not cause mental stress. So they go along with the media with the fantasy that environmental problems are not really that much of a threat and maybe somebody will solve them down the line a few years from now.
The reality is that the planet is about half dead. We have only about half the terestrial animal biomass left since 1970 and the loss of animal life in the oceans is about the same. The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere keeps rising and yet congress voted to expedite fracking. I guess they want to kill their mother and they are doing a good job at it.
So if you meet a real ecologist who appears depressed- buy him or her a beer and celebrate what time that we have left.
Please don't say Hillary will soon shift to the 'center' when the metaphor should be she will move to the 'right.' The US is much more to the left than the media will admit. Don't help them mischaracterize the nation's position on most political issues!
Tom Wheeler's previous job was as the head of the biggest telecommunication's lobbying firms, and now he's head of the FCC. Gee, I wonder why he gave this deal the nod. The revolving door between gov't and the private sector just keeps spinning.
Banking should be a service, not a gambling operation. No doubt the ND Republicans are plotting a strategy to 'privatize' their state bank, with a PR campaign explaining how the 'free market' will do it so much better.
Sam - Madea was so right to correct your characterization of Bernie supporters who were Obama supporters as"radicalized". Really???? !!! Take a breath Sam. Reset. Get out of the bubble you have fallen into. My god! So disappointed.
We in North Dakota are fortunate to have had the progressive political party known as the Non Partisan League in power approximately a hundred years ago.
That movement, which my parents were proud members, provided the impetus to form the Bank of North Dakota, which thrives today.
A history of the movement can be found in the book entitled, "Insurgent Democracy" (
The Non Partisan League later merged with the Democratic Party, and is yet today known as the North Dakota Democratic NPL (Non Partisan League).
Unfortunately, in my opinion, as of late the citizens of North Dakota have chosen a much more conservative political path.
As I understand it, all state tax revenues are deposited in the ND State Bank and doled out for state spending. So in essence they act as the state treasury.
A glowing report. At least 9 other states have considered following suit. So far, no results.
As long as US has GOP Govenors / GOP do nothig blocking anti middle class Congress US economy & families ,eduaction will Suffer ! GOP has NO family values - just BS , lies , hate . GOP Pres Eisenhower 's policies would be seen today as ' flaming liberal ' Ike had class..warned us of the ' growing 'Military Industrial Complex' Lives wasted. Soldiers maimed, TBI -PTSD . Cheney Halliburton - War profiteers were only ones to profit from war . IN 60's Cruelity & death of war was shown on nightly news ! NO more. Now we pretend it does NOT exist . Our young enlist- most poor - and fight our needless immoral wars ... while rest of us ' allow ' it to continue ...
We Vote Against Bernie, the Bodacious
{… a 2-versed limerick …}
It’s Bernie who’s admirably bodacious, -
- yet we vote for opponents mendacious
and/or loudly loquacious
and/or sneakily predacious
and with policy-ideas fallacious.
... ... ... ...
We vote for the highly audacious
whose hold on Reason is tenacious,
with appetites voracious
for Power. - Goodness gracious!!
we vote for a future vexatious!!
Hear, hear!!! :)
I believe Trump will win in Nov. We are one terrorist attack or a significant economic downturn away from a guaranteed Trump victory.
Bad Idea: OPEN Primaries
{… a rhyme …}
So much in the news me reminds
of problems of many kinds, -
- such as open-primary nominations
which cause parties to writhe in crippling mutations.
‘Way back when about this I was {professering} proffing,
I taught that disasters were in the offing.
The smugness of the Eastern Establishment has boggled my mind for decades. Neither end of the political spectrum (which is only from "a" to "b") gets that the largely supressed-rest-of-us are not on board, have been pitched overboard and no longer believe there's anything worth backing in NYC -- WashDC metro-web (if we ever did!) I doubt there's anyone capable of hearing a reasoned "pitch" to simply back the best ideas (Bernie's moderate reforms) in the Dem Establishment. Trump is spitting in the eye of the Rep Establishment, and knows just what he's doing. Most small business owners, doctors, lawyers, skilled blue collar workers will end up going for Trump if Bernie isn't allowed to take him on -- not just the Limbaugh rabble. Blow hards like Trump are members of every country club in every county seat in the country -- and they throw good bar-be-ques and buy the drinks. Hillary? She's an upstart married to a trailer-trash grifter from Arkansas with his pants unzipped. Wall Street money won't save her from his wit (like it or not, it is, indeed, wit.) It is time, Thom, that the Beltway looks into the mirror and sees how naked and pasty-assed they look. I'm sorry it has come to this, but lack of willingness to engage in self-critical debate lends itself to just what we are witnessing.
A State bank is a great idea for California, given it is set up so that the politics of our state can't interfer with its smooth running. In-house is always cheaper, if it's honest.
Question : Are these State Owned Banks operating the fractional reserve banking model?