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  • Daily Topics - Tuesday August 2nd, 2016   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Why refer to the America of George Washington & Dwight Eisenhower? Would either of those men recognize America today? Does each generation have a the liberty to define their own view of America; or are the present generation of Americans inevitably tied by some rule, law, tradition to past views? and if the latter, which views and defined by who?

    Just wondering

  • Signs of the Coming Economic Crash   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Some say that back when Major General Smedley Darlington Butler, U.S.M.C., a genuine American hero, foiled an overthrow of the government of the United States of America, the whole affair was hushed up because the perpetrators threatened to crash the economy...

    ...of course, times have changed.

    Comedian Lenny Bruce, who went to jail for saying [f-word], maybe would have been proud that one of his fellow comics, Sarah Silverman, was able to address the national convention of one of our four mjor political parties... ....sure, they probably made sure she didn't pull out any of her "your mama's [p-word] lips..." material and such.

  • Signs of the Coming Economic Crash   8 years 30 weeks ago

    How can we know if Jill Stein has what it takes to deal with important economic matters if she's excluded from much of the "media" and not permitted to "debate"?

    ...suppose we could check out this site:

  • Full Show 8/1/16: Will Nina Turner Go Green?   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Trump is into-Dumps Slumped

    {… a rhyme …}

    Donald Trump is in a slump.

    Oh goodness gracious. Poor thing.

    May NEVER he rise from the depths of his dump

    again to strut and to sing.

    He’s dug his own ditch.

    May the son-of-a-b..tch

    please go to the back of a dusty shelf;

    he’s earned obscurity for hismelf oops himself.


  • Signs of the Coming Economic Crash   8 years 30 weeks ago

    In 1982 I wrote a book titled "Inflation The Economy Killer. Appreciation is another word for inflation. It is high appreciation of asset prices that create bubbles in our economy. The primary housing bubble was high appreciation. The dot com bubble was high appreciation. The high inflation of the 1970s was high appreciation/inflation. High appreciation feeds itself with increases of credit use until it cannot grow any further and it implodes, bringing down the economy with it.

    Are you fed up with the status quo. Do you want to stop this roller coaster ride.

    If anyone is interested in a proposed solution to our bubble economy go to: or

  • Signs of the Coming Economic Crash   8 years 30 weeks ago

    The real evil in all of these "Wall Street time bombs" is the extreme, almost overnight, 401k loss to honest hard working people.

    My first response would be to quickly replace those 401k losses with a fine/taxation on the relative handful of Fascist banking institutions responsible for the crime.

    My second response would be to upgrade Social Security to a living retirement amount so amateur 401k investors no longer need to be at the mercy of the GD greedy Fascists in the first place.

    Bernie is right....break em up!

  • Signs of the Coming Economic Crash   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Financial crash?
    Glass-Seagal is the only way to deal with it.

  • Signs of the Coming Economic Crash   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Financial capitalism has the characteristic of entrophy, that is, it is inherently unstable. It builds to an unsustainable degree of instability and then collpases, only to begin the cycle anew. In other words, boom-bubble-bust is not a bug of financial capitalism, it is a feature.

    Constraints on finanical capitalism, like high marginal tax rates, regulations on corporations and financial markets, and a social safety net, continually recycled accumulated wealth and prevented end stage climaxes. Beginning with Carter, and then with Reagan and ever since, we dimantled those mechanisms. We let the markets "free" again. And it's been boom-bubble-bust ever since.

  • Signs of the Coming Economic Crash   8 years 30 weeks ago

    So will president Hillary or president Trump handle the over financialization

    of the US economy better?

    Seems clear to me.


  • Signs of the Coming Economic Crash   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Given that this country in its wisdom and greed nominated two people who made their millions (or is it now billions?) through the very mechanisms that are killing our democracy, we will reap what we have sown. I have no sympathy for those who are broken on the wheel of this turn in the economy. They could have learned the lesson of 2008, but they fell in love with those with money and connections, and turned against the only one not already bought and paid for by the money men. The only hope for this country, or probably the world, is that Bernie keeps the fire to Hillary's feet and doesn't let her get away with her natural tendencies to make money. That will only happen if the berners keep active and engaged and ensure that Bernie is not a lone voice crying in the wilderness of Washington, D.C.

  • Signs of the Coming Economic Crash   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Unfortunately, Thom, our response to the next crisis is inevitable because our political leaders and their key advisers are unwilling to come to terms with the systemic problems that plague our society. Their fiscal and monetary tools are insufficient to generate sustainable economic growth, but the same tools are relied upon again and again.

    Twice each year I compile published statistics into a series of lectures on "The State of the U.S. Economy and Society." I have been doing this for over a decade since retiring from my position as a market analyst and business manager at Fannie Mae. Many of my colleagues and I saw the 2008 crash coming. The evidence was right in front of anyone who cared to look at the data without blinders on. The fundamental problem is that our systems of law and taxation have been crafted by special interests to reward many forms of rent-seeking over the actual production of goods and services. What I saw (and continue to see) is that our land markets are structured to benefit rentier interests by an almost universally low effective rate of taxation on the potential annual rental value of locations in our towns and cities and on land with highest, best uses other than urban development. Also, gains on the sale of land and financial claims to real wealth are taxed at rates lower than on earned income, as so-called "capital gain," when, in fact, there is no such thing as a capital gain -- at least not on actual capital goods.

    Anyone who would like to be added as a subscriber to the above analysis can send me an email at: It is prepared using PowerPoint and sent out in 7 parts so that email servers do not reject the attachments.

  • Signs of the Coming Economic Crash   8 years 30 weeks ago

    If the economy crashes before the election, you can bet that a large sector will blame it on Obama and Clinton. And they will be correct in this respect. Unfortualty, they will likely turn to Trump. Although he is a liar and a thief, he will play up Clinto's ties to Wall Street and pretend that he is an outsider. His propensity to bankrupt the intitutions he is running will get as little notice as Bush's need to be bailed out of every enterprise he worked on.

  • Signs of the Coming Economic Crash   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Our response will be dictated by who is in charge when the crisis hits us. If the agents of the financial giants are in charge, the response will be much like it oas in 2008. Then heaven help our alleged democracy.

  • Goldman Sachs domination...Global Coup d'etat?   8 years 30 weeks ago

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  • Grim News - CO2 Concentration Teetering On Point Of No Return   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Gr8 article and facts Thom!

  • Who will win for Prez in November?   8 years 31 weeks ago

    -PantSuitonFire is more likely to start a war than CombOver.


  • Grim News - CO2 Concentration Teetering On Point Of No Return   8 years 31 weeks ago

    REGENERATIVE ORGANIC FARMING CAN SEQUESTER %20-30 OF CO2 OUT OF THE ATMOSPHERE. Plus we would all have a lot more organic food to eat if this was employed world wide, and pollution from pesticides and herbicides and fertilizers into our waterways would be greatly reduced. A win-win-win. PLEASE LOOK INTO THIS AND DISCUSS MORE ON YOUR SHOW MR. HARTMANN. see links below:

  • Grim News - CO2 Concentration Teetering On Point Of No Return   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Having Jill Stein at the "debates" (and in office) may prove helpful toward addresssing climate change.

    Look out! It's Trump. It's climate change! It's the Russians! Oh, no. It's:

  • Goldman Sachs domination...Global Coup d'etat?   8 years 31 weeks ago

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  • Grim News - CO2 Concentration Teetering On Point Of No Return   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Big Oil is not the Big Problem. The problem is that we're wiping out our forests so that cattle can graze. The problem is that we're using our precious water for crops to feed cattle. Most adults in America, where the most animals per capita are eaten, have high cholesterol and high blood pressure from a diet of animal products. We can't stop our use of oil needed for practically every industry. It's not going to happen. Even if we have solar and wind and geothermal, we'll still need oil. The only solution is to cut back, if not eliminate completely, an animal-based diet. Then our forests will grow back and will absorb the carbon dioxide. It's all outlined in a very simple yet powerful 90-second video,

  • Trump Gets His Talking Points from Storm Front   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Trump would be far more easily contained than the Clintons. He doesn't have anything like the political and oligarchic infrastructure that they have developed for themselves. Have you read Simon Head's article in the NYReview of Books? If not, you should. Professor Head is a respected academic who does his research. Here is the link:

    The Clinton System

    BTW, when I did a search on the article name in Duck Duck Go, I couldn't find it on the first page. When I then did a search on ixquick, it was at the top. Interesting.

    Also, please do not forget Mark 8:36

  • Grim News - CO2 Concentration Teetering On Point Of No Return   8 years 31 weeks ago

    “I'm Becky Anderson and I am a healthy and active 43 year old female, a sad story but tears of Joy thanks Dr Palmer. In March of 2013, I was diagnosed with an intramedulary spinal tumor at L1. In June of 2013, 40% of the tumor was removed by UCSF and was biopsied as a Grade 1 Astrocytoma and I was prescribed 37 rounds of radiation. By August of 2013, the tumor had not only completely grown back, but had increased in size…about 3 centimeters tall and over a centimeter wide. At this point, it was pushing on the spinal cord enough that I was losing function of bowel, bladder, and especially, right leg. USCF admitted me as an emergency and they excised the entire tumor, which then biopsied as a Grade 4 Glioblastoma. More radiation ensued and almost a year of Temodar. Just over a year later, in October of 2014, it was discovered that the Glioblastoma had returned in its entirety and was once again taking away my function. In Desperation i contacted Dr Palmer at;(DRJACQUELINEPALMERHEALTHCARE@LIVE.COM) and procured the oil.
    I started a regimen of [Constance’s] Cannabis Oil. Slowly, I built my tolerance until I hit the full dose. I followed the regimen for 3 months starting in November of 2014 and finished in January of 2015. In March of 2015, the MRI’s showed a significant of CANCER FREE. Both my oncologist and my radiologist seemed both impressed and excited at such significant results which leads me to believe they didn’t expect such a drastic change in my status thanks to Dr Palmer and God bless you”

    Becky Anderson

  • Trump Gets His Talking Points from Storm Front   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Donald Trumps faith in the gullibility of his listeners is extraordinary!

  • Full Show 7/29/16: Does Hillary Really Hear the Berners?   8 years 31 weeks ago

    Priority: Bust Trump’s Bubble

    {… a rhyme …}

    Progressives play

    too little a role.

    The Establishment’s way

    remains in control. …

    … Too bad: what They say

    becomes the Dems’ goal. -

    - But at least maybe they

    can dump Trump in a hole.

    … … …

    Hillary we’ll have to tol-e-rate

    in hope that The Donald she can deflate.

    Progressives have to sit and wait

    for a Later chance to make America great.

    … … …

    Priority the {first} fust:

    Trump’s bubble to {burst} bust.


  • Grim News - CO2 Concentration Teetering On Point Of No Return   8 years 31 weeks ago

    anthropogenic climate disruption (ACD), Anthropenic just means basically: caused by humanstOne thing that is true, is this issue of what is now being callled anthropogenic climate disruption (ACD), Anthropenic just means basically: caused by humans, is not something that our children will be dealing with is what we all are facing now. We have set the engine in motion and no matter what we do it's now too late. As Queenbeethatsme said Guy Mcpherson was able to think a bit bigger then some others and connect the dots. For that he is being called an eco terrorist by some in President Obhama's White House staff. But who are the real terrorists. And yes we are all to blame for this, however a I have heard Guy say many times, we are ll born into this civilation. We know nothing else. However the Oil companies did know. Their own scientists I believe it was at least 40 years ago warned those running those companies that they couldn't keep their same carbon spewing buisness model and not have serious consequences occcur. They chose to ignor those warnings then go on to lie to the world about what is really going on. And here is a link to a blog that shows that right now this is already affecting this and that many alive today will be watching our own exctinction. This isn't about something we won't have to worry about just our children. Here is the link, I think you will find it quite the eye opener.

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