Recent comments

  • Full Show 8/3/16: Breaking News: Some Republicans Get Science   8 years 30 weeks ago

    The most articulate Republican who is raising awareness about climate change, and, no kidding, promoting a carbon tax, is Bob Inglis. He would make a great guest for Conversations with Great Minds. He can be reached on his Facebook page or through his scheduler, Price Atkinson, His website is also interesting, and, as I understand it, trying to give Republicans confidence and solidarity if they are reluctant to say that climate change needs to be addressed.

    Keep up the great work especially about climate change!

    Frances Mendenhall, Omaha

  • Full Show 8/3/16: Breaking News: Some Republicans Get Science   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Trump-led Declension

    {… a limerick …}

    The Donald’s of his own invention,

    and it got him through the convention, -

    - but now there is tension

    where many want suspension

    of Trump’s leading Rs to declension.


  • Full Show 8/3/16: Breaking News: Some Republicans Get Science   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Don’t Let Trump Define the Rs

    {… a rhyme …}

    The Establishment Rs they rage

    to rip out their Trump-era page.

    Thus do they seek to be smart, to be sage,

    and the SANE contingent of voters assuage:

    “Don’t by The Donald our Party gauge.”

    {May his outlandish pompadour float

    on the scum of the Rs’ castle’s alligatored moat.}


  • Full Show 8/3/16: Breaking News: Some Republicans Get Science   8 years 30 weeks ago


    {… a rhyme and an image …}

    Today is as hot as the Fourth of July,

    even worse since now it’s the Fourth of {August} Aucust.

    The pundits grumble their wonderings why

    the Repugnantan biggies haven’t yet caucused

    to send off The Donald with a resounding goodbye

    because his campaign has rambunctiously raucoused.

    Then they’d re-start their Reaganesque lie

    and infect our nation; - we’d be Reaganococcused.

    …. Image:

    Ronald suffering from

    Reaganococcus -


  • Full Show 8/3/16: Breaking News: Some Republicans Get Science   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Imageries in the News

    {.. a rhyme and an image…}

    For some Repugs, Mister Trump is their buoy:

    they might keep afloat if him they deploy.

    Or is Trump an albatross hanging ‘round their neck?

    Or a smoke-pooting choo-choo about to wreck?

    Some Rs’re paralyzed, like headlighted deer.

    And some delight in Pied Pipers so queer.

    … Image:


  • Is Blue Lives Matter A Hate Group?   8 years 30 weeks ago

    2016 August 4:

    Blue Lives Matter unwittingly has more in common than they realize with the movement they mock.

    The police-oriented parody of the Black Lives Matter movement might as well join the protests of senseless shootings by officers.

    As tragic irony, officers are being shot by other officers and escaping prosecution.

    The first page of a web search for "officer friendly fire" ( shows the following from the past 5 weeks:

    Jul 15, 2016 - Maryland officer who fatally shot colleague is cleared by grand jury. (Sure enough, the murdered officer was dark skinned and plainclothed.)

    Jun 29, 2016 - Long Beach officers mourn loss of police dog killed by friendly fire.

    FBI Statistics for 2013 ( show two fatal cop-on-cop shootings, with no tabulation of nonfatal shootings.

  • How One GMO Nearly Took Down The Planet…   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Which country owns which corporation???

    So your saying that country other than the US which might not have our best interest at hand, has free reign to genetically engineer our fields before a ten year proven safe time allowance. Ahh, whats the worst that could happen?

  • Signs of the Coming Economic Crash   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Much of the angst of the right wing white power is related to their feeling a loss of power. I never thought I could see the U.S. de-evolve into a fascist state. The simple truth is that history repeats itself. I can remember the authoritarian 1950s as a child. Women were pregnant and in the kitchen, children were to be seen and not heard, gay people did not exist (openly). If you can remember those days when most people were disenfranchised, then you are probably grateful for the change if you are in any other sub-group but white Euro-male. It is never easy to get off the stage when your season under the spot light has ended.

    One would think we humans would recognize these boom and bust cycles and adjust our lives accordingly. We recognize that we have to preserve food for the winter. We should have learned long ago that a BOOM cycle is a predictor of a BUST cycle.

  • Microplastics May Be Be Contaminating The Air We Breathe   8 years 30 weeks ago

    The Connection Of Bill Gates & Monsanto

  • Microplastics May Be Be Contaminating The Air We Breathe   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Clean Canadian air now sold in bottles to Chinese.

    So under our profit driven economy, more foul water and foul air drive up demand for clean products, and thus raise the bottem line of companies that supply those products.


  • Microplastics May Be Be Contaminating The Air We Breathe   8 years 30 weeks ago

    That George Carlin clip is hilarious. So long as you accept our inevitable demise, not so far off the mark. Micro plastic is being mistaken for plankton and fish stocks worldwide are at severe risk. How about nano plastic? The science schmoes just brushed aside any concerns about that intrusion. In India, where half the population defecates in the open , the population experiences "failure to thrive" from all of the inhaled fecal material. Perhaps this is our high tech equivalent. But carry a cloth bag to the store? That is just SO difficult.

  • Rumble: Can Tim Canova Beat Debbie Wasserman Schultz?   8 years 30 weeks ago

    I am a Bernie Sanders supporter and I was not embarrassed that Senator Sanders did not get the nomination, I was outraged by the corruption in the Democratic Party that led to Clinton's nomination. I do not like her I think she is corrupt but she is also one step above any Republican so I will take a bite of the shit sandwich and vote for her in November.

    Its disheartening to know that the establishment wins again and again.

  • Microplastics May Be Be Contaminating The Air We Breathe   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Recall George Carlin’s take on plastics: {4 minutes}


  • How One GMO Nearly Took Down The Planet…   8 years 30 weeks ago

    I live in Michigan and emailed Senator Stabenow expressing my strong disagreement of her coauthoring and support for the DARK Act. The reply I got back from her is just astounding to me:
    .AOLWebSuite .AOLAttachedImage {max-width:275px; max-height:275px;} .AOLWebSuite .AOLPicturesFullSizeLink { height: 1px; width: 1px; overflow: hidden; } .AOLWebSuite a {color:blue; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer} .AOLWebSuite a.hsSig {cursor: default} .AOLWebSuiteM1 {margin: 10px 20px;} .AOLWebSuiteM2 {margin: 5px;} .AOLWebSuiteM3 {margin: 10px;} .dmItemSelected {padding: 2px !important;text-decoration: none !important;color:#fff !important;background-color: #656565 !important;border-radius: 2px;}

    Dear Beth,

    Thank you for contacting me about labeling genetically modified food. Your views on this topic are incredibly important to me as we debate this very serious issue.

    I share your strong opposition to the DARK Act, which is why I led the fight three times in the Senate to block it. Most recently, we voted the DARK Act down by a vote of 49-48 on the Senate floor.

    From the beginning of this debate, I have been clear that we must have a national system for labeling food that contains genetically modified ingredients. We also must prevent a confusing patchwork of different laws regulating these products in each of the 50 states. I support sound, scientific research to ensure the safety of genetically modified foods. I also support the ability of consumers to make the most informed choices about what they buy.

    That’s why I worked so hard to craft an alternative that creates, for the first time, a mandatory, nationwide labeling requirement for GMO foods. The bill gives companies three options, all of which will be clearly regulated: on-package words that explain a product contains GMOs, an on-package symbol, or an accessible on-package electronic label. For electronic labels, there will be additional safeguards to make sure consumers can easily access the information.

    This will be a mandatory label even in states where efforts to label these products at the state-level have failed. This label will cover tens of thousands more products than the Vermont labeling system, which excludes any foods that contained meat.

    Under the Vermont law, for example, a frozen cheese pizza would be subject to labeling, but a pepperoni pizza would be exempt. Under our bill, both products will be required to carry a label if they contain a GMO ingredient.

    I also made sure this bill includes big wins for organic foods, which have always been non-GMO. It is extremely important to me that consumers have options and information at the supermarket to make the best choices for their families.

    Thank you again for contacting me. Please continue to keep me informed about issues of concern to you and your family.

    Sincerely, Debbie Stabenow
    United States Senator

    U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow
    The United States Senate •Washington, DC 20510

  • How One GMO Nearly Took Down The Planet…   8 years 30 weeks ago

    We need a new constitution that protects us from the olicarchies like monsanto and that is The 7 Concepts Constitution Based on Love And Altruism, linked to

    http ://

    We need extanded human rights far beyond even Bernie. Thom, Please read this constitution, review it, and please don't shove it aside. I've been trying for 24 years to get this out and help the people. I'm not quiting and I'm even expanding it based on many things you say, Thom. Everyone, Please come up with solutions and rights to add to The 7 Concepts Constitution so we can all benefit. We need backup because I don't think America has much time to exist where we can all be free.

  • How One GMO Nearly Took Down The Planet…   8 years 30 weeks ago

    I often wonder if Presidents that don't go along with our rogue egencies (CIA/MIC) are made offers they can't refuse. Mabus (gwbush) would have signed the DARK act!

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday August 3rd, 2016   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Sidetone-- this is a term used to describe the background noise you hear on headphones when communicating with someone. The reason people keep asking Tom if he can hear them is because the sidetone is so quiet, much quieter than people are used to, so they think they are not still connected.

  • Full Show 8/2/16: Debbie Primary Challenger Closes In   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Flag History

    {… a rhyme and an image …}

    Wasn’t it about the time

    of our first July the Fourth? -

    - when a lady named Betsy Ross,

    {a patriot and so forth}

    was asked by our first George Dubya

    to seat herself and sew forth

    a flag to fly

    for the South and the North. …

    … But later the South

    rudely brought forth

    their Own durn’ flag, -

    - and unity has flagged


    … … Image:


  • How One GMO Nearly Took Down The Planet…   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Why is President Obama doing this? He sides with the TPP, signs an agreement alowing Shell Oil to drill in the artic once the sea ice is gone. Alows the murderer and torturer Bush to away with that. I could go on. And what of Hillary. Is all her talk about being "progressive" a ruse? After all she very strongly supported Bush with his illegal war. It seems the mulitnationl corps do have controll and will probably never let go of that controll.

  • How One GMO Nearly Took Down The Planet…   8 years 30 weeks ago

    How could a Constitutional scholor be so unconstitutional?

  • How One GMO Nearly Took Down The Planet…   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Think I read the "obamaphone" is Tracfone owned by the Bush heir that lives in Florida

  • How One GMO Nearly Took Down The Planet…   8 years 30 weeks ago
  • How One GMO Nearly Took Down The Planet…   8 years 30 weeks ago

    GMO products should be banned until they are proven safe for human consumption


  • How One GMO Nearly Took Down The Planet…   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Special LED lamps for indoor gardens are getting cheaper.

    By all means support a mass movement against hiding GMO ingrediants.

    But in the decades till you achieve that goal, learn to grow your own.


  • How One GMO Nearly Took Down The Planet…   8 years 30 weeks ago

    Of equal concern, I think, is the impact to living organisms of the persistent chemicals that make up the Roundup product. Current research, not at hand, shows we need to be concerned with more than just the principal active ingredient glyphosate. Due to the persistence of of these chemicals, besides direct food consumption it is being shown that there are many indirect vectors for these chemicals to our bodies as well, such the flesh foods we eat fattened on GMO corn.

    Due to how glyphosate works against targeted plants, which is by attacking the soil bacterial ecology it is suggested that it can upset the human gut microbiome as well.

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