Recent comments

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    You aren't one of these, are you, Magginkatz?

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    Magginkatz, the e are many left and left-center sources who ca Clinton corrupt and a pathological liar. One doesn't even need sources, one news.

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    Magginkatz, the e are many left and left-center sources who ca Clinton corrupt and a pathological liar. One doesn't even need sources, one news.

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    RT America is a good place to keep up to date with unbiased news.

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    Just because the Revolution might not be televised doesn't mean it's been cancelled.

    So what if Donald Trump gets more airtime than Jill Stein, Gary Johnson, or anyone else?

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    The main stream media is owned and operated by the 1%. You hear what they want you to hear. You do not hear what they do not want you to hear.

  • Full Show 8/11/16: Koch Brothers Say No to Trump   8 years 29 weeks ago

    The Donald “Degrades”

    {… a rhyme …}

    They say that Trump “degrades”

    as in slimy swamps he wades.


    “Degrades” as a Verb

    when Trump degrades {Hillary} Hill

    with an ugly sharply-barbed blurb

    that it’s She{!?!?} whose character is nil.


    as a Verb that himSelf he degrades

    in his egocentric parades

    where he leads his nitwit brigades

    with Wizard-of-Oz-like charades.


    As an Adjective, Trump is “degrading”

    in the sense that his prospects are fading.


  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    "The news has been cancelled."

    The sad fact is that if it can't be summed up in a 15 or 20 second sound bite or video clip, broadcast simply doesn't cover it. Anything that requires actual reporting, that isn't black-and-white (binary) but rather shades of gray, that requires actual thought or the exploration of complexity, simply doesn't get covered.

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    The dumbing down is working folks!!!

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    One more thing Thom, if you can't respond to your viewers here on your own blog then what's the point of having us comment?

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago


    I have been watching you since Portland. You could even say I have been addicted to watching your show. Nowadays, I haven't been so inclined. (I won't touch on the disappointment of the democratic side of things.)

    You can not begin to bitch about other media sources that continuously talk about Drumph!

    Look back on your last, ( oh?,) I don't know...year! You constantly talk about the buffoon! I'm so sick of hearing YOU talk about this idiot! I haven't watched your show nearly, as dearly, as I use too. I'm over the Drumph B.S. And hearing you advertise for him almost as much as the main stream media? It's been a real let down.

    Obviously, I check out the blogs on your site and make comments but it's somehow different watching your show. Maybe I'm outgrowing you? I'm not trying to be sarcastic but it just isn't the good feeling from you that I once held in such high esteem.

    All I can suggest is be careful of hypocrisy vs a stance!


  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    In the current economic system, the only goals of a news business are to

    1. Obey the law (not spirit, but letter)

    2. MAKE MONEY.

    So why the surprise over the quality and focus of US news coverage?


  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    I have never understood why so many people in forums are constantly posting garbage about Hillary Clinton, like your comment, "She is corrupt and a pathological liar". Can you give any sources other than right wing, hate mongering sites about her supposed corruption or that she is a pathological liar?

    Here's an excellent article about Hillary Clinton. Why not take the time to read it. The writer mentions what you say as well as other tales about her.....It also tells the truth, with sources.

    The most thorough, profound and moving defense of Hillary Clinton I have ever seen.

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    "And that requires us all to wake up and demand some real changes to our media landscape."- Thom Hartmann

    I agree with everything you said, Thom. But how do we "demand" that the media do a better job reporting on issues that affect the lives of regular working class Americans? Or else what?

    What they're doing now brings them the most profits. Everything is about profits now, Thom - you should know that by now.

    That's also why we have runaway global warming. Nothing is going to stop that either, no matter how much we complain and no matter what the consequences are.

    We. Are. Screwed. In multiple ways. Some people don't like to hear that, but it's the truth. Homo Sapiens is a severely psychologically flawed species - so flawed that we will eventually destroy ourselves.

    So eat, drink, and be merry, because our end really is near.

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    R U saying that was the subject on FOX or Flush Limbaugh, how bout Glen Beck /

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    I knew there was something fishy late last year when my brother told me that 7,000 people were turned away from a Bernie rally in Portland, OR. Not 7,000 people showed up, 7,000 more than the venue would hold showed up. This was not reported by any media outlets including NPR or PBS. I heard from the pro-Bernie folks here in Albuquerque that the same thing had happened in other towns: record turnouts went completely unreported.

    Meanwhile, the media---all of the media---were living by every word that procedeth from the mouth of Trump, not because his words were substantive, but because they were monumentally dumb-ass. He (Trump) could call a Sunday morning "news" show and be put on the air instantly in real time, in the hopes that he would say something that the second biggest ass-hat on the planet (whoever that is) wouldn't dream of saying.

    The US media---all of it---should be ashamed.

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    Thom just said it all.....In my opinion he has spelled out the biggest problem our representative democracy faces. The news media is supposed to be the unofficial fourth branch of government, an adversarial function meant to keep the other three branches under honest scrutiny.

    Instead we have a massive weapon of misinformation, a propaganda machine set up to benefit the big monied few who wield the real power in this country. Tonight on NBC network news for example, not a single word about Clinton's economic speech. However Trump was successful in redirecting attention away from his call for assassination by claiming Obama and Clinton head up the ISIS movement.

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    I started by heading to free book for me.

    Though I did release some frustration with the following email...I wonder if their robot will read it?

    I took up Thom Hartmann on his challenge:

    if any listener can find a moment where CNN or MSNBC has hosted a real substantive policy discussion on any significant issue, we'll reward that listener with a copy of one of my books of their choosing.

    I couldn’t find one…

    What’s on Obama’s playlist?

    Reagan’s daughter responding to Trump comments?

    Trump misses 2 openings to attack Clinton…exciting stuff.

    Ahhh…where is the comparison of the stances of the top 3-4 parties on issues of import? Not ‘Is Trump’s hair real’?...rather who is for against what…e.g.

    TTP, Fracking, building the wall, gun control, privatizing SS

    Or how about an expose on how Trump uses Contractors to hire the (il)legal aliens who clean the rooms in his casino and hotels?

    Or how about ‘what it really means that Clinton used a private email account’.

    Oh…that’s news…you’re infotainment.

    And I’m out a free book

    Regards, Scotty

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    Unfortunatly some of what Trump says is true> The Game is Rigged, the Fight is Fixed, the Dice R Loaded, in short US 2-party System is Totally CORRUPT so now there's no difference between a 1-party Communist System & USA "Democrapic" 2-party system for in both cases its the "System" that gets 100% of the vote; so its "Mox Nix Suckers"

    Myself I became CYNICAL when US Media tried to tell me a Junkie BOLT-ACTION carbine w/a clam-shell clamped optic was used to shoot JFK> Now we know James Files shot JFK w/a Remington XP-100 Fireball high velocity pistol aimed just above right eye. IF he had hit the eye it would appear to come from front. But I know from VietNam war that when a person is struck from behind the head by a bullet HIS EYES EXIT the skull cavity to hang out upon his cheeks> Didn't happen to JFK did it? DUH! In short the concept of "AMERICA" IS A BIG bald assed Corporate LIE now

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago
    1. In addition to MSNBC and CNN, I challenge readers to find multiple and serious articles on a daily basis about HRC and Trump in the New York Times or in your local paper regarding the following contests and if applicable this election cycle:
    2. Senator
    3. House
    4. Assembly
    5. State Senator
    6. Governor
    7. County
    8. School District
    9. City Council
    10. School Board
    11. Propositions

    I live in Northern Nevada. I bring this up because a recognized journalist, namely Jon Ralston and that covers state politics aggressively, can be "tough" on politicians at the state and local levels but not disrespectful was cancelled first and about a year ago from a private broadcasting company in Las Vegas that was also aired in Reno, NV; and after the cancellation the local PBS affiliate in Reno picked him up but also cancelled it after approximately six months of broadcasting.

    Why? In both instances, they both cited lack of viewers. If accurate, what does that say about the State of Nevada and their collective political acumen and interest in state and local issues?

    If both stations are obfuscating at best or worst intentionally deceiving viewers what does that say about the state of broadcast journalism in Nevada?

    Both questions are rhetorical.

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    This is why we are stuck with these two people running for presidemt. You can point at CNN and MSNBC but all of the media is like this on almost every issue. I' not defending Trump but if you read the LA Times every day you wouldn't even know that Clinton was running. It all Trump idiocy all the time.

    Just because Clinton is more polished and not physco doesn't mean she's not just as dangerous. She is corrupt and a pathological liar. She wants to be the first woman president she is saying anything that will get he some votes.

    Despite being a lifelong Democrat I will probably vote for Gary Johnson. Not because I agree with his policies but I look at him as a safe placeholder until 2020 when maybe we will actually run candidates that are qualified to be president. I know that is wishful thinking but at this point that's all we have.

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    If I remember correctly the C-Span channels are the new "fairness doctrine." Don't these channels exist as a result of cable networks being granted licenses? If so, why can't the formula be changed? Why not make a higher mandatory fee for every network that finances an independent news station devoted to issues, local and national, with no commercials. Something like a weather channel for politics.

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    TimfromLA, Democracy Now! gets very limited access. Very few people know about it or or are likely to ever hear about it. It isn't the solution.

  • The Bait & Switch By Both Political Parties   8 years 29 weeks ago

    dds, Bernie can call himself what he wants but, objectively, he's not a socialist but a New Dealer.

  • I'm Sick of The So-Called "News"   8 years 29 weeks ago

    Tom; for once I TOTALLY agree with you, both CNN and MSNBC put a lot of time covering every stupid comment Trump makes, he is playing them like a drum why should he pay for adversiting when he can push Clinton out of the news and broadcast to his minions for free.

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