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  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago


    Spot on!

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago


    "You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

    If you actually believe the tales Trump spins and the primrose path to which he points, then you are hopelessly trapped in the Republican Matrix. When the rich get richer, the rest of Americans' standard of living does not increase. That's the illusion. In America, we call that "trickle-down" economics, or "Reaganomics." Never has worked, never will.

    While inflation-adjusted wages go down, personal debt goes up to maintain the same standard of living.The banksters end up owning the houses, the cars, the educational opportunities, and all the rest of the trappings of the facade that you call an "increased" standard of living.

    Is that how you make your living, Kend, on the backs of impoverished workers? Waking up is so hard to do.

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago

    There should be high taxes on corporations that invest overseas.
    Lower taxes for those who invest in the US industries.

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Somewhere in Michio Kaku's infinite universes: Al Gore's win in 2000 wasn't stolen; Interpol arrested the perpetrators of 9/11 with the cooperation of the Taliban (Yes, that could have happened had Bush not refused their offer!) and extradited them to The Hague; renewable energy is the world's standard; billionaires don't exist but income equality does; false religions have given way to empathy, compassion, and tolerance; the Republican Party passes legislation that actually helps everyday citizens; Democrats aren't afraid to listen to their base; the United States is a real and honest democracy of, by and for the People; Earth is well into a new golden age.

    ... in a universe far, far away from this one.

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Why do we not vet our Presidential Candidates for corruption?

    Does anybody think that these Billionaires and millionaires are going to change the system that made them billionaires and millionaires? Or just improve it to make them wealthier?

    This is Fascism at its best. Billionaires and Ex-Generals for a Cabinet. What are conservatives thinking?

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago

    As a Canadian that deals internationally, I can tell you that the rest of the world is scared of Trumps victory, but not for the reasons you may think. Trumps words "I am running for the President of the United States not the President of the world" has everyone world wide terrified they may have to pay their fair share for policing the world. Trumps energy independence goal, has the middle east wondering who is going to patrol the gulf so they can export their oil. Europe has the same concerns as Europe high energy costs are going to get even higher. Japan will no longer get a free ride for protection from China. I could go on for hours how much aid may be cut off to other forgiven countries especially Mexico as Trump will bring those jobs back to America with tax incentives. The Lefts biggest concern to me is how will the democrats ever get elected again if all this happens. Let the rich get richer if the rest of Americans standard of living increases.

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Trump's cabinet picks show his true intentions...privatize medicare, more pipelines across the country, dismantle and privatize our public school system, privatize our infrastructure...etc. I'll say it again...Trump is a billionaire insider...part of the Fascist establishment that owns the entire Teapublican Party and half of the Democratic party. He is the establishment!...and Skeeter thought he was voting for change...yeah right!

    Those who have controlled our government behind the scenes now have been placed in cabinet positions only to destroy those departments and privatize the living hell out of our commons. This is what out of control rich people do!

    BTW: Russia admits communication with the Trump team before the election....why the blackout on this, the most important news of the election????? Maybe we should talk about Benghazi and private email servers instead. I'm sorry, this was the only realistic chance to get the election declared invalid. Why are the Democrats so god damn weak when it comes to fighting back? Too late now....we're stuck with Pence...Trump won't last six months.

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago

    As usual Thom, this is a well-crafted point. Please stick to this kind of reasoning, and stop with the "Trump is compensating for something with his ties" kind of talk. It doesn't help anyone in an argument, and just makes you seem petty.

    Best wishes to you and yours in this holiday season.

  • Think Trump is going to protect Medicare? You've been had!   8 years 10 weeks ago

    What do I think? Since the unfathomable election results, I have lived with emotions ranging from depression, on to bitter desperation, and finally to, at times, inconsolable panic. Regardless of the outcome to our health-care safety net, I fear that my wife will quickly be dead from the result, whether it be heightened copays, per-patient cost caps, or a deep gutting of the system altogether.

    Recently diagnosed with a terminal condition, pulmonary hypertension, which, along with a myriad of bottled prescriptions, requires her to refill her medicine pump, connected directly into her heart, every 48 hours. And each refill costs over $8,000! A lung transplant is the only best treatment for her, but she is working to lose weight to be placed on the waiting list.

    Her medical costs are covered through a mix of both Medicare and Medicaid: and it is my understanding that Medicaid will be treated even more savagely than Medicare. Both of us heading toward our elderly years (she’s 62) and both very disabled, we have been reduced to live on a pauper’s SSI income and $20.00 food stamps between us. So, what do I think? I try not to. I am, however, emotionally preparing myself for her unnecessarily early passing. With a lung transplant, she could live another 10 years, but without her pump medication, she will die in only 2 hours.

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago

    A total redistribution of wealth, which they only oppose when it goes the opposite direction!

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Nothing is going to change until the poor actually feel the pain they have caused by electing Reagan, Bush and now Trump. The Republican's keep taking from the middle class while convincing the working poor that the middle class is why they cannot suceed. A race to the bottom for everyone while the 1% pilfer all the spoils. Somehow we need to get the truth to this group who should be standing with the middle class demanding more. Instead of pulling the middle class down, we should be bringing everyone up. By the way, the top 1% earns their money on the backs of all of us. If Trump supporters don't already feel betrayed, then drink the cool-aid my friend. It is going to get worse for everyone and it will not be the fault of the middle class. Wake up!

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 10 weeks ago

    I honestly believe the Repuglicons are trying to bring back the 1930's - huge wealth inequality, massive economic depression, legal racism, and bread lines. Personally, I hope they also bring back Art Deco, but that just won't be worth the cost. just occurred to me, I was born in the 1950's, and I'll die in the 1930's...temporal anomaly ahead!!!

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  • Republicans, Failing To Steal The NC Governorship, Emasculate It   8 years 10 weeks ago

    And, another asylum heard from!

  • Republicans, Failing To Steal The NC Governorship, Emasculate It   8 years 10 weeks ago

    You people really need to get a life. You're borderline psychotic. I say these words out of kindness. Get help..

  • Republicans, Failing To Steal The NC Governorship, Emasculate It   8 years 10 weeks ago


    Hah! I can't really add much to stopgap's very apt rebuttal above, other than to say, even though the self-flagellatory part of me rather enjoys your imaginative flights of fancy, I suspect that come the revolution you and I will find ourselves on opposite sides of the police tape.

  • Republicans, Failing To Steal The NC Governorship, Emasculate It   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Another idea.

    Why don't we hop in our gas guzzling Hummer, back it out of the three car garage of our McMansion, load up at the local steakhouse or the all-you-can-eat buffet and waddle our fat bigoted asses down to the Trump "Thank You Tour" and rant and rave about how bad things are, and how corrupt Democrats are, and how all our problems can be solved by building a wall?

    On the way back home, maybe we can stop by and burn down one of the local Black churches or go around harassing any people of color or members of the LGBT community that we see. Or maybe we can cheer on, out of control cops, while they shoot unarmed people with relative impunity.

    Maybe we can go on hoggishly plundering the earths resources without any regard for the consequences and we can then make light of, and show our disdain, for those that are actually taking steps to do something to save the planet for ourselves and our children.

    Maybe we can claim "sour grapes" to those that have watched their democracy being stolen by the Fascist Billionaire class who buy politicians to undo the constitution with their "Fake News" false narratives, twisted facts, character assignations, voter suppressions via Operation Crosscheck, and so on.

    Maybe we can applaud rightwing bigoted, ideological lawmakers that strip the power of any candidate that is the choice of the people when it interferes with our Nazi/Fascist agenda.


  • Think Trump is going to protect Medicare? You've been had!   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Far from privatizing medicare, I vote for expanding it to a single-payer system for all US citizens!

  • Think Trump is going to protect Medicare? You've been had!   8 years 10 weeks ago

    California may soon be taken out of the equation anyway.

    They will become irradiated from Japanese water, flodded out because of glowball warming, or break off into the newly warmed Pacific ocean due to a fracking caused earthquake.

    Nature weeding out the stupid.

  • Republicans, Failing To Steal The NC Governorship, Emasculate It   8 years 10 weeks ago

    @deepspace #11
    "Viva la revolucion!"


    Lets all grab a Starbucks, ride our bicycles or drive our Smart cars to DC, and on Jan. 20, 2017, throw our Birkenstocks at Trumps motorcade.

    For the next eight years we should resist everything, block all, occupy, curse at, proudly proclaim "he is not MY president", and use cute little disparaging phrases when speaking of Trump and his family members.

    Then in 2024, should we progressives promise enough voters to give them whatever they want for free, and actually get do into the WH, we can whine and stamp our feet when the Republicans do the very same thing we just did to them.

  • Republicans, Failing To Steal The NC Governorship, Emasculate It   8 years 10 weeks ago

    By far the most effective political cheating leading to non representative government comes in the form of propaganda. When a population votes with their minds foxmerized with misinformation and lies, that's when we end up with guys like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.

    Nobody votes to have social security slashed, nobody votes for climate change, nobody votes for increasing the cost of health insurance, nobody votes for jobs to get shipped overseas, and very very few vote for tax breaks for billionaires. With this in mind, why would any democrat ever consider compromise with teapublican legislation. To do so is not only mis-representing the will of your own constituents, but also the will of those who voted for the billionaire's useful idiots...guys like Paul Ryan.

    I see the CIA isn't going to release the email evidence of Trump's treason before tomorrow....we're going to end up with a Pence presidency. In my opinion the fear of a violent uprising by brainwashed Trump nuts is driving this delay in hauling Trump off in handcuffs. Rather than declare the election invalid it's been determined that Pence as president along with the Trump's insane clown posse cabinet will be enough to placate the foxmerized. The CIA will release the bombshell well after tomorrow. The CIA is forced to eventually release this info, otherwise Putin owns Trump...Putin can threaten Trump with release of the collusion evidence anytime he chooses. If Tillerson doesn't make it as head of the state dept...all deals are off...Putin will out Trump without reservation.

    Giuliani will get dragged down with Comey !

  • Think Trump is going to protect Medicare? You've been had!   8 years 10 weeks ago

    I think the fact that Hilary had more popular votes is a testimony to the stupidity of Democrats and Hilary Clintons' campaign in particular.

    Fact: Clinton outspent Trump by a 2 to 1 margin. Clinton spent $623.1 million, Trump $329.4 million.

    Fact: Take California vote total out of the election, Trump has 58,495,826, Clinton has 57,090,827.

    Fact: Presidents are elected by the electoral college. I assume Clinton and the Democrats knew this fact.

  • Think Trump is going to protect Medicare? You've been had!   8 years 10 weeks ago

    "Scare the bejesus out of the Kremlin"?!?! Are you kidding me? He's in cahoots with them and always will be as long as he thinks they'll support him and line his pockets so he can continue to pay for his power with IOUs. Trump terrifies me more than the Kremlin!

  • Think Trump is going to protect Medicare? You've been had!   8 years 10 weeks ago

    "Scare the bejesus out of the Kremlin"?!?! Are you kidding me? He's in cahoots with them a b d always will be as long as he thinks they'll support him and line his pockets so he can pay for all his defaulted loans. Trump terrifies me more than the Kremlin!

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