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  • Democracy vs Neoliberalism   8 years 11 weeks ago

    The Twit-In-Chief pulled a scam.

    The Twit-In-Chief pulled a scam on the LIVers (low-info voters; pronounced lie vers.) Trump was born and raised wealthy, born and raised in a big city, went to private schools, is a one-percenter, is a shyster, is a BS artist, cares about no one but himself, on and on. Yet he got the LIVers to believe that he identified with rural and suburban working class people; and would look out for them. It speaks to the power of propaganda, and the myriad broken BS detectors there are out there.

    Dan, San Diego

  • Democracy vs Neoliberalism   8 years 11 weeks ago

    The world is changing. You lefties just don't get it. Well Hillary was out campaigning for sanctuary cities, LGBTQ, filling the country with illegal workers, and Gobalization, Trump was going to middle class Americans that just wanted a better life for their children and telling them he was going to make America great again and make. their life better. The Democratics have lost touch with middle America.

  • Democracy vs Neoliberalism   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Far right populism is merely angry and frustrated citizens allowing themselves to be manipulated by the very source of their anger, that source being the rich and powerful. A great example of this is Rupert Murdoch and the Koch brothers bankrolling the Tea Party.

    Control of the message is everything and guys like Murdoch know this. When that message is a lie meant only to benefit billionaires, and enough citizens buy into it, that's when we end up with a guy like Trump and a Teapublican government. The billionaires will gain more billions and Skeeter will become more pissed off at the same old scapegoats the billionaires have confused and distracted him with.

    Trump was already an insider, don't be fooled. He's a billionaire/fascist insider, just look at who he is surrounding himself with. These are some of the same people who already own the Teapublican party. The alligators don't have to hide in the swamp anymore, they're out in the open now....they have become emboldened and drunk with the power of the press, the power of their weapon of mass misinformation. It's all heading to one hell of a hangover though...another great depression.

  • Democracy vs Neoliberalism   8 years 11 weeks ago

    We are on a road to revolution... without a leader at this time... sadly!

    Collectively, humans can be controlled and urinated all over for a long time

    But, at the end of the day human spirit ultimately rises to advance itself

    "Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and consume your flesh like fire. You have hoarded treasure in the last days. 4 Look, the wages you withheld from the workmen who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of Hosts. 5 You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened your hearts in the day of slaughter.…


  • Daily Topics - Monday December 12th, 2016   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Can someone please explain to me how it is possible to do a "complete" investigation of the Russian meddling in the election without full disclosure of el Trumposo's financial connections to the Russians, which would require, at the very least, the release of his tax returns?

  • Democracy vs Neoliberalism   8 years 11 weeks ago

    I totally didn't get why the media portrayed Italy's referendom vote to Brexit. They're totally different. Italians weren't voting to stay in or leave the EU. They voted on whether or not the Italian Constitution would be amended in order to shift power in Italy's parliament. This shift requires ammenments to Italy's constitution. I don't recall reading any of the repugnant rhetoric that I saw during the Brexit or America's 2016 election.

    However, there are other European countries where right wing, white extremists want to create a white oriented block which is heavily anti cultural diversity. Still, Italy's recent vote did not seem to be "protectionist."

  • Democracy vs Neoliberalism   8 years 11 weeks ago

    karl marx once said that corporations are the leach. just nowadays the rest of the population are the one's left to experience the brutalilty of their self exploiting narcissisism where disembarassments are well beyond their capacities.

  • Democracy vs Neoliberalism   8 years 11 weeks ago

    "Concentration of wealth leads naturally to concentration of power, which in turn translates to legislation favoring the interests of the rich and powerful and thereby increasing even further the concentration of power and wealth. Various political measures, such as fiscal policy, deregulation, and rules for corporate governance are designed to increase the concentration of wealth and power. And that's what we've been seeing during the neoliberal era. It is a vicious cycle in constant progress. The state is there to provide security and support to the interests of the privileged and powerful sectors in society while the rest of the population is left to experience the brutal reality of capitalism. Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor."

    -- Noam Chomsky in new documentary, "Requiem for the American Dream"

  • Democracy vs Neoliberalism   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Must one be demonized as "far right" just because they do not want their country flooded by immigrants?

    Is it "far right" to not like being unemployed when foriegners are working?

    As both progressives and conservatives often do, Tom labels his opponents in a derogatory manner, and then proceedes as if conducting a rational discussion.


  • Democracy vs Neoliberalism   8 years 11 weeks ago

    As Hearst said, you want a war ? I can do that. This is how the media fills it's role for the military industrial propaganda banking complex. In this case, turning workers into believers in the American dream that become debt slaves who support the lifestyles of the rich and famous, who actually are living the American dream. The workers are starting to wise up and demand a bigger piece of America's pie in the sky dream. Understandably, their first reaction is anger and betrayal at having been played for suckers. After t rump betrays them, yet again, some will step back after venting their anger at the ballot box and look for relief elsewhere, can the Democrats be the elsewhere?

  • Why the MI Electors Should Not Be Counted On Dec 18th   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Wisconsin recount ends. Trump GAINS 162 votes.

    (AP) Republican Donald Trump’s victory in Wisconsin was reaffirmed Monday following a recount that showed him defeating Democrat Hillary Clinton by more than 22,000 votes.

  • Trump's Drain the Swamp Scam Has Been Exposed   8 years 11 weeks ago

    I'm a horse of course -- you, who is but a misty shadow in cyber space with no face or soul.

  • Trump Wants Dissent To Be A Crime...   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Loss of citizenship for burning a mere symbol is not logical; it is absolutely un-American and unconstitutional! The right of a citizen -- indeed, the duty of a citizen -- is to protest loudly by whatever means deemed effective when the government is corrupted by demagogues, fascists, and plutocrats, such as it is now. Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.

    The late Molly Ivins once said,"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the the flag."

    Clearly your and Trump's understanding of what it means to be a true American is backasswards. Try burning a flag in China, or North Korea, or any other despicable dictatorship. Is that the system of government you admire? Perhaps, it is you who should be stripped of citizenship and forced to live in a less tolerant and enlightened nation.

  • Wage Hating Burger Czar As Labor Secretary?   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Well put. You can't keep draining the lifeblood out of an economy as big as ours and impoverishing it's people without finally crashing it, which has been proven time after time -- usually with Ayn Rand-type Republicans at the helm.

    Another supreme irony is that whatever automation is created to displace workers, you can bet the parts, pieces, and technology of it will be manufactured by slave labor in some hopelessly polluted authoritarian, one-party government like China, or a poverty-stricken, crime-ridden borderline plutocracy like Mexico.

    The paradigm of so-called "free" trade and unfettered greed corrupts any country it touches. Unregulated, extreme capitalism doesn't fit well in an honest and true democracy/republic.

  • Wage Hating Burger Czar As Labor Secretary?   8 years 11 weeks ago

    When a man decides to make a profit off another mans back, profit disclosure laws need to apply. For example if a guy like Puzder is making a ten million profit, and he's not paying a living wage or providing health insurance and pension benefits, then he should by law be required to accept a one million dollar profit and recycle the other nine million back into wages and benefits. He should have had the moral compass to do that in the first place.

    When greed becomes so out of control and oppressive to society that it compromises the general welfare of the people, that's when good government has a mandate to step in and redirect.

    Sort of related: Because TPP is still on the long term agenda, there's currently free trade propaganda circulating that blames our manufacturing job loss on automation. This totally ignores the fact that millions of manufacturing jobs have went overseas since 2000 and those jobs continue to be enormously profitable because of slave labor and greed, not automation. There's a reason concentration of wealth in this country is at a record high level.....and it's not because of automation.

    BTW: Get ready for what they'll be calling a market won't be... it will be a crash.

  • Is Fake News Just An Extension of the MSM After the Demise of the Fairness Doctrine?   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Why the fuss all of a sudden about fake news? FOX News has been spreading nothing but fake news for eons. Remember O'Reilly and "Tiller the Baby Killer?"

  • Why the MI Electors Should Not Be Counted On Dec 18th   8 years 11 weeks ago

    ...Always so full of not-so-clever, sneering advice for those who must endure the consequences of your truly ignorant vote and contemptible support of the biggest buffoon with the lowest IQ in the history of politics ever to be installed as "President," against the explicit will of the People. Nice.

    Your preferred candidate says more about you than him. It is you, dear, who should ask your therapist to either increase your medications or reduce them; clearly, the current dosages are not working for you.

  • Wage Hating Burger Czar As Labor Secretary?   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Am I the only one that remembers him saying at a rally during the primaries -- you make too much money?

  • Wage Hating Burger Czar As Labor Secretary?   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Trump voters poll numbers Kend fits right in. False facts do not fly.

  • Wage Hating Burger Czar As Labor Secretary?   8 years 11 weeks ago


    These posts are the convoluted gibberish of stereotypical consumers of false news, hopelessly immersed in the utterly ridiculous tripe born out of the ubiquitous think tanks of the right-wing, corporate-sponsored alternate universe, where facts are fungible, fiction is reality, and the truth is a lie.

    Rudimentary research, existing virtually everywhere in the real universe, would easily reveal these anecdotal deflections and ideological evasions, spread around by the faithful sycophants of proven liars, as nothing but polluted air and garbage with no substance or redeemable value whatsoever. Really, there's no sense wasting too much internet ink on transparent trolls who will never recognize the sad little role they play on blog sites. Ignorance is not necessarily stupidity, but willful ignorance certainly is.

    Quickly: History quite clearly demonstrates that whenever the minimum wage was increased, it put more money in consumers' pockets, thus increasing demand in the marketplace, which led to more jobs. Duh! Economics 101! Furthermore, a big percentage of those minimum wage jobs, that you so cavalierly assign to the small minority of part-time high school students, are actually being taken by adults, sometimes working two or three minimum-wage jobs to support their families, who are the victims of our largely nonunion, corporate economy.

    Gee, if this fascist oligarchy is so great, why is the middle class and the poor struggling so mightily these days just to make ends meet, even for the basics, with many of the downtrodden resorting to public assistance, which Republicans also hate? I guess it's because they're all just too lazy or drug addled to climb the corporate ladder, or who had the misfortune of not being born in a wealthy family that could afford the ridiculous cost of higher education.

    Finally, Obama's job record was not horrible, considering that he brought us out of the worst Republican recession since the Republican Great Depression (which, by the way, another Democrat turned around). How convenient that your memory is so short.

    During Obama's Administration, depending on how it's calculated, anywhere from 11 to 14 million jobs were generated, certainly not horrible, certainly better than the village idiot, "Dubya" Bush. A quick and accurate visualization of the job history transiting between these two presidents is the infamous "Bikini Graph," which reflects very poorly on the Republicans' previous reign of terror. But I already suggested that to you before; obviously, you are more comfortable clinging to the many lies about Obama and his accomplishments that neatly fit into your skewed worldview.

  • Wage Hating Burger Czar As Labor Secretary?   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Oh ya. Give Trump a chance. As far as job losses go, America has no where to go but up. Obamas record was horrible.

  • Wage Hating Burger Czar As Labor Secretary?   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Very well said Diane. My city has a apprentice program for high school students summer jobs which I perticipated in for years. Most first job students actually lost me money by damaging or taking up other employees time to teach them but I know everyone needs to learn so I did my part. Our government raised minimum wage to a point that I was forced to cancel it. The director said I wasn't the only one about half dropped out. Their is a huge difference between a first job and a full time job.

  • Wage Hating Burger Czar As Labor Secretary?   8 years 11 weeks ago

    What Thom and most leftie/socialists don't want to understand is, the minimum wage is not intended to be a living wage. It is a starting wage. Increases come with proven hard and reliable work. Winners will be rewarded. Slackers should be fired. Not everyone fits into your same communist garb.

    You were all warned that the SEIU's repeated attempts to raise the minimum starting wage to $15 would actually decrease jobs. You repeatedly scoffed at that idea. You were told that many workers could be replaced with automation. Again, you continued your push.

    Now, many high school kids will be deprived of a job because of your continued attempts to convince America that one should be able to live off a minimum wage.

    Those efforts spurred automation and never say you weren't warned well ahead of time.

    If you all really support what you say you believe in, keep your ass out of UBER cabs and support union cab drivers , dump your I-phones, rid yourself of any big bank credit cards, and only buy products from suppliers that pay their workers more than $15/hr.

    That is making a difference, not complaining all day and telling others how we should live.

  • Wage Hating Burger Czar As Labor Secretary?   8 years 11 weeks ago

    The way things are shapping up, Donald Trump will become widely known as the "US Liar in Chief with his Swamp Filled Cabinet."

  • Why the MI Electors Should Not Be Counted On Dec 18th   8 years 11 weeks ago

    You people are gonna have a really tough eight years. Suck it up, organize, or take a lot of prescription drugs purchased in Canada.

    The 2024 election is just 8 years away.

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