Recent comments

  • Get Ready For A Climate Denier Heading up the EPA?!   8 years 11 weeks ago

    I thought that false advertising was illegal. It's what Trump relied heavily on to get elected. No consequences. Campaign promises all forgotten. The real Trump is emerging. Money in politics pales in comparison to the BS that flows so freely. All the excuses to follow after it's too late.

  • Trump Plots Inauguration Day War on Free Speech   8 years 11 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    FLIMFLAM {a limerick}

    Trump says A-B-C,

    then does his X-Y-Z.

    We’re being scammed

    and rooked and flimflammed

    by a perp on a schizoid spree.


  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   8 years 11 weeks ago

    What is going on in this world? One says one thing, another completely different, I am confused to be honest, I bet all people are confused because no one really catches realness around what is happening. Media needs help with writing a paper or else they wil continue dispelling the truth.

  • Get Ready For A Climate Denier Heading up the EPA?!   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Of all the many dire, seemingly intractable, catastrophes human beings have visited upon Earth in their sad, violent history, anthropogenic climate disruption (ACD) is what future generations will hold us most accountable, for not addressing seriously with all of our intelligence and effort. We are the ones on the cusp of a new era.

    True justice and the ultimate irony would be if reincarnation is the mechanism that guides the evolution of life, and we are those who will look back and wonder how we could have let this happen, when it was so obvious.

  • Get Ready For A Climate Denier Heading up the EPA?!   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Colorado did its job also. CA needs to split into 5 states to get senatorial representation.

  • Get Ready For A Climate Denier Heading up the EPA?!   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Hitler was popular for a while too!

  • Get Ready For A Climate Denier Heading up the EPA?!   8 years 11 weeks ago

    The amount of money being made from selling oil and coal is huge! I think the billionare oil men, coal magnates, and their companies should be required to give up all the money they have made, to undo the damage they have done, and are doing to the world. That would be enough money to convert the US and the World to renewable energy. Their employees could get jobs working in renewable energy companies.

  • Get Ready For A Climate Denier Heading up the EPA?!   8 years 11 weeks ago

    There is no We there in all of the political discussions, on the contrary it’s the There there, the There being the Billionaires who have flexed their muscles. The election is a fraud, stolen, pure and simple.

  • Get Ready For A Climate Denier Heading up the EPA?!   8 years 11 weeks ago

    I listened to a recent podcast this morning, you had a guest and during the discussion he stated cutting corporate tax rates would stimulate investment.

    Call them out, INVESTMENT isn't taxed!

    Make THEM bring up PROFIT. I'll bet they won't. They'll change the subject.

  • Get Ready For A Climate Denier Heading up the EPA?!   8 years 11 weeks ago


    Disbelief from the Left Coast.

    California went 62-31 for Hillary. We look around and everyone shrugs their shoulders. It's like:


    There is a real sense of fight or flight, checking 401k balances, oh did I mention I'm a white male? How does schadenfreude work in reverse? I'm gonna be fine...but...sigh

    History is repeating or echoing or something.

  • Get Ready For A Climate Denier Heading up the EPA?!   8 years 11 weeks ago

    The next time there's a major wildfire somewhere, let's put an oil refinery in charge of it.

    Better still, let's use the Repugnican strategy of burning down the house for a few bats in the attic, and nuke Washington (DC, not the state).

  • Get Ready For A Climate Denier Heading up the EPA?!   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Let's not wail about the mess we're in. Instead let's propose solutions, or steps which with the best of luck MIGHT lead to at least partial solutions. Thom, won't you collect your loyal followers' ideas? Bill Moyer suggested in a column in that we create a shadow government, which is a British tradition to monitor the ruling party. He proposes a shadow cabinet member for every Cabinet Officer, to monitor the work and comment as needed.

  • Get Ready For A Climate Denier Heading up the EPA?!   8 years 11 weeks ago

    And ... he just picked multimillionaire mogul, Andy Puzder, for the Dept. of Labor -- an anti-union, anti-workplace regulations "putz" who is all for automation and keeping the minimum wage at starvation levels. Because, you know, Trump campaigned on behalf of American workers...

    They may as well rename it the "Department of Anti-Labor."

  • Get Ready For A Climate Denier Heading up the EPA?!   8 years 11 weeks ago

    The Trumpsters loyalists will wake up as they are presented with one disaster after another that effects them and their day to day well-being, but they're gonna have one helluva headache.

  • Get Ready For A Climate Denier Heading up the EPA?!   8 years 11 weeks ago

    While climate change is a fact, how the US should respond is certainly open to debate.

    Where are the plans to move residents away from the coasts?

    Where are the subsidies for underground housing in the US interior?

    Where is the US money for emergency research for fusion power?

    Instead we get international conferences with unfunded promises.


  • Get Ready For A Climate Denier Heading up the EPA?!   8 years 11 weeks ago

    From what I have seen of the Trumpster's miss administration, he drained the swamp and has dredged up the worst of the swamp monsters to put in his miss administration.

    Our nation and the world are in great trouble.

  • Why the MI Electors Should Not Be Counted On Dec 18th   8 years 11 weeks ago

    The primary issue is that Republican elected officials and their armies of slimy operatives, from Secretaries of State, state legislatures, and even city councils, all the way up to a wink and nod from the U.S. Congress itself, are deliberately corrupting the voting process in every possible way to favor their side of the aisle, and they have been doing so for a long, long time.

    Coupled to a compliant corporate media and Democratic strategists too timid to stick their political necks out for fear it will reduce voter turnout even more, the Republics are winning time after time, especially at the state level. In effect, for all intents and purposes, we're fast devolving into a one-party system, which is yet another critical hallmark in the slide to fascism.

  • Why the MI Electors Should Not Be Counted On Dec 18th   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Political Broad:

    Michigan votes entirely using paper ballots.

    Chris Thomas, the longtime director of Michigan's Bureau of Elections, said Michigan doesn't use the electronic voting machines identified in the report as being the sources of potential hacking.

    "We are an entire paper and optical scan state," Thomas told the Free Press Wednesday. "Nothing is connected to the Internet."

    Also if you need more proof see the link below.

  • Why the MI Electors Should Not Be Counted On Dec 18th   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Clearly, you are correct on michigan. Further, all electors should have the power to vote for Clinton if Trump insists on violating the Emolument clause of the constitution in his Dec. 15 announcement. The president and\or his family should not be in the position to threaten, defend or accept benefit from a foreign government.

  • Why the MI Electors Should Not Be Counted On Dec 18th   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Assume you are correct and you are able to randomly disenfranchise all those poor underprivileged MI voters.

    That leaves the original 270 needed to elect minus the 16 votes from MI equals 254 needed to become POTUS.

    Trump got 306-16 from MI=290 needed to win.

    Trump wins election by 58 votes.

    A landslide.

    Good luck with your pitiful efforts.

  • The No BS Guide To The Upcoming Jill Stein Recount   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Thank you. Your words are very inspiring! I fall short in touching that inner light so many times in so many ways. it's heartening to know people like you are there to remind us of the important thing in life.

  • Why the MI Electors Should Not Be Counted On Dec 18th   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Not having the MI electors vote this month looks like the only valid solution to the electronic votes problem discovered in Wayne County. The frustrating thing is I don't see that happening. We've had problems with electronic voting from the very beginning, but no one seems to be trying to fix it before the next election. I would have thought, with the vote hacking of 2000, that states would have switched to paper ballots everywhere. Electronic voting guarantees the rigging of elections. I didn't think I could feel so hopeless.

  • Why the MI Electors Should Not Be Counted On Dec 18th   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Monday Dec 19th is the day the electorial college certifies the election results. Objections have to be signed by House members and counter signed by a member of the Senate. Whether we like it or not the country is stuck with Donald Trump. It is like George Carlin once said, "The fix is in the game is rigged, it's a big club and you ain't in it! You and I are not in the big club!"

  • American Chicken... Produced in China?   8 years 11 weeks ago

    Well, that's not a surprise at all. China produces everything. And by everything I mean everything literally. The one thing is to leave a question here to get the answer if possible. What does the tendency about China and panda invasion mean to you?

    I can't make a clear ending of the article after I've read the interview with Meredith Green before.

    Will - Come on to with Will Ereiser!

  • Why the MI Electors Should Not Be Counted On Dec 18th   8 years 12 weeks ago

    I clicked on a link about voter fraud and got connected with a page with a picture of Hillary Clinton that zoomed and stuck there with a little box at the top containing a guy claiming that the recount in Pennsylvania was showing that Hillary lost by an even larger margin than we thought. Meanwhile, a little arrow was bouncing all over my screen as the computer refused to respond.

    So ... to the hacker who resembles someone in my own world who would have an investment in serving and preserving corrupt status quo in that state ( all the way to the top of the Temple ) ... wake up, bud, your truth is a lie. That landslide you are claiming is about to erupt into an avalanche of all those lies crumbling to dust.

    ... are you sure that is where you want to stand?


    "An updated count Monday by state election officials showed Trump’s lead shrinking to 47,750 over Clinton, out of 6 million votes cast, as more counties finished counting overseas ballots and settled provisional ballot challenges. That is still shy of Pennsylvania’s 0.5 percent trigger for an automatic statewide recount. Final counts are outstanding in some counties, but there are not enough uncounted votes to change the outcome, officials say."

    It is so obvious that the electoral system in this country is too full of holes to really hold water. (( Add to that, the willingness to lie, cheat. steal, torture, rape, murder, suppress and exploit others is what sours the broth ... any chance we get past that one, this time around ...? I'm not taking any bets. ))

    It is the heights of irony that this country insists on observing elections in other nations to insure fairness and accuracy when, here at home, ...

    ... well, I guess the question now would be what to do about it ....

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