Not Joe Walsh the musicisn; Joe Walsh the former teabagger Republican Representative from Illinois' 8th District and rightwing, goofball talk show host. What is wrong with you!
Obviously you didn't bother to peruse the link before throwing out an inane nonsequiter, which is a typical tactiic of a troll.
In context to the subject at hand -- the very real probability that a foreign geopolitical enemy of the U.S. might have breached our election process in favor of its preferred candidate -- who cares what Jim Brown thinks about what a pathological liar with a short attention span happens to babble whatever he thinks a person sitting in front of him wants to hear?
He's a cheap hustler, and gullible people like you are his marks.
I've seen crazy times in this country, but this time is the craziest I've seen. They have dumbed down our populous to the point that we are now faced with the possibility of Trump being the next furher of world history. Wondering when that sick feeling in my stomach will go away.
Your habitual, paranoid thoughts and frequent, callow opinions (defensively projected onto others) seem chronically obsessed with stress, denial, therapy, medications, peeing down one's leg, and an immature, not-too-bright sexual pervert, plainly unfit to be a fast food worker let alone a president.
Subconsciously, you may be pleading for intervention. For your own sake, Diane, please seek help.
If he appoints anyone to anything, that individual is the wrong choice.
If he delays any appointments, he is slacking off.
Many progressives are going to have ulcers well before January 20 when your new president is sworn into office. One caller announced yesterday he was going to therapy. One of many I would suspect. Sounds like a new business opportunity to consul broken hearted lefties that are living in denial.
I discovered your site ideal for me. It consists of wonderful and useful posts. I've read many of them and also got so much from them. In my experience, you do the truly amazing.Truly i'm impressed out of this publish voyance amour
"A dark cloud of illegitimacy hangs over the pending presidency of Donald Trump, given:
1. The CIA has found credible evidence that Russia intervened in the election in order to help Trump become president.
2. It has been suggested that Trump owes vast sums of money to Russian oligarchs, friends of Putin, who have also invested substantially in Trump’s enterprises -- which may explain why Trump won’t disclose his tax returns, which would show evidence of these deals.
3. Several of Trump’s key campaign aides – including his former campaign manager, Paul Manafort – have close ties to Russia. Between 2007 and 2012, Manafort received some $12.7 million in cash payments from a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine.
4. During the campaign, Trump said he admired Putin, questioned whether the U.S. should continue to support NATO, and argued that Putin was justified in moving into Ukraine.
5. Trump is expected to pick as his Secretary of State ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson, who is also close to Putin. In 2013, Putin awarded Tillerson the Order of Friendship, one of the highest honors Russia gives to foreign citizens. Tillerson came up through the ranks at Exxon by managing the company's Russia account. After becoming CEO, Exxon bet billions on Russia's vast oil resources through a partnership with Russian oil giant Rosneft, owned partly by the Kremlin. Putin himself attended the 2011 signing ceremony for the deal. Russia has already indicated it would welcome Tillerson being named America's top diplomat.
6. Trump was defeated in the actual voting by a startling—and still growing—2,676,670 votes. Clinton’s popular vote victory margin is now 2 percent, thus handing Trump the largest defeat suffered by a candidate elevated to the presidency by the Electoral College in modern history.
Before the Electors submit their ballots for president next week, Trump must release his tax returns and the CIA must make public its report on Russia’s intervention in the U.S. elections in support of Trump.
"Donald Trump hasn’t been sworn in yet, but he is already making decisions and issuing statements to world leaders that radically depart from American foreign policy, all to the benefit of his family’s corporate empire. Because of this, the next president of the United States is already vulnerable to undue influence by other nations, including through bribery and even blackmail."
To all the recent graduates of Trump University who post on this blog.....Russia's foreign minister admits to pre-election contact with the Trump team. All I can say is you better damn well hope that contact isn't in the form of emails intercepted by the CIA.
One thing we do know is that Putin's operatives also hacked the RNC, so Putin most likely has emails with Trump using the N word etc. etc. you know what blackmail is? Trump is Putin's bitch now....that is if he makes it to the White House.
Remember how Sherman's March ended? Humanity defeated inhumanity!
"BTW: Hopefully a December surprise is on the way....The CIA will release the proof that Trump and his team were in collusion with Putin and his operatives. Game over for the Teapublicans."
I will post this as many times necessary to remind the lefties here.
Hopefully Hartmann understands the schooling he got from Professor Stephen Cohen on the progressives pitiful and dangerous attempts to de-legitimize the Trump presidency.
They will fail and you will only pee further down your own leg and look more ignorant than you already do.
Hey Kend, I realize that not all of us can connect dots with the same amount of ease, but please do some homework regarding the difference between what Trump in reality does and what he told gullible voters that he will do.
Clinton had a stong economic platform for the working class, but of course Fox News and the rest of the fascist controlled media blocked her message, just like they refuse to let Bernie get his almost identical message out.
BTW: Hopefully a December surprise is on the way....The CIA will release the proof that Trump and his team were in collusion with Putin and his operatives. Game over for the Teapublicans.
@#8: Remarkable! You managed to squeeze a wide-ranging jumble of programmed libels into such a tiny paragraph -- crammed with full-blown fabrications, vile misrepresentations, naked bigotry, and an astonishing, naive gullibility of Trump's pathological lies. You took a pinhead of truth and contorted it into a truly disgusting regurgitation! Really? Is that who you are in real life away from the internet?
I refuse to dignify this spew by debunking every lie but will address that one grain of truth: Yes, "the Democrats have lost touch with middle America." But it is the Democratic Party, not the rank and file. We do get it, because we are middle America; you are the fringe, tied to a faction that can't win an election without lying, cheating, stealing, and disenfranchising hard-working Democratic voters (of all stripes).
Thanks to the corporatist, Republican "righties" on the Supreme Court, who recast our once great democracy into some kind of mongrel oligarchy (primarily through "Buckley v. Valeo" and "Citizens United v. FEC"), politics became a vicious money game, and politicians became hostage money whores who lost touch with the people.
This was by design. Thank God Bernie proved that we don't need their damn money! Now we must both take back our respective parties and wrestle away our county from the hideous claws of malevolent billionaires, represented oh so well by your puffy, pussgut, phony populist and his cabinet from hell.
@#9: You totally get it, Dan. (Even though Kend doesn't think so.) It is simply amazing how so many got hustled by this carnival barker. Maybe after he ruins the country -- and very probably the world -- they'll finally get it too.
Not Joe Walsh the musicisn; Joe Walsh the former teabagger Republican Representative from Illinois' 8th District and rightwing, goofball talk show host. What is wrong with you!
Obviously you didn't bother to peruse the link before throwing out an inane nonsequiter, which is a typical tactiic of a troll.
In context to the subject at hand -- the very real probability that a foreign geopolitical enemy of the U.S. might have breached our election process in favor of its preferred candidate -- who cares what Jim Brown thinks about what a pathological liar with a short attention span happens to babble whatever he thinks a person sitting in front of him wants to hear?
He's a cheap hustler, and gullible people like you are his marks.
It is a matter of time. I woud not stay at a Trump location anywhere.
I've seen crazy times in this country, but this time is the craziest I've seen. They have dumbed down our populous to the point that we are now faced with the possibility of Trump being the next furher of world history. Wondering when that sick feeling in my stomach will go away.
Yes, ditto (you're the Anti-Rush -- like the Anti-Satan).
No New Deals? There's One "New Deal" I'm particularly concerned about and it WAS an old and well established one.
Deepspace: you want to trade celebrity quotes
Here's one from Jim Brown "I fell in love with him after I meet him"
Joe Walsh ... not exactly a "leftie" :
Your habitual, paranoid thoughts and frequent, callow opinions (defensively projected onto others) seem chronically obsessed with stress, denial, therapy, medications, peeing down one's leg, and an immature, not-too-bright sexual pervert, plainly unfit to be a fast food worker let alone a president.
Subconsciously, you may be pleading for intervention. For your own sake, Diane, please seek help.
Fake news, Manual? Let's review:
ABC News fake story about Food Lion selling out of date meat.
CBS News fake story on GW Bush being AWOL using fake documents.
NBC News fake story on gas tank explosions of GM vehicles.
Do I even need to mention Brian Williams?
Rolling Stone Mag fake story about rape on campus.
NYT numerous fake news stories. Jayson Blair anyone?
I could go on but you get the message.
Why do you only focus on Fox News and not the other MSM? Ah, you obviously have a grudge against Fox News.
If Trump says anything, he is wrong.
If Trump doesn't say anything, he is wrong.
If he appoints anyone to anything, that individual is the wrong choice.
If he delays any appointments, he is slacking off.
Many progressives are going to have ulcers well before January 20 when your new president is sworn into office. One caller announced yesterday he was going to therapy. One of many I would suspect. Sounds like a new business opportunity to consul broken hearted lefties that are living in denial.
Get over it.
Go Donald
Your articles make whole sense of every topic.iPhone 7 case
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
AH, FASCISM {a limerick}
We will discredit the press.
Social-media will finesse
our dissemblings of facts
and distortions of acts.
Ah, Fascism: yes, Yes, YES.
I discovered your site ideal for me. It consists of wonderful and useful posts. I've read many of them and also got so much from them. In my experience, you do the truly amazing.Truly i'm impressed out of this publish voyance amour
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
RICK PERRY at ENERGY {a limerick}
Trumpism gives us a feel
for the odd nay bizarrely surreal.
Energy’s Perry
raises this query:
Will Trump ALL sanity repeal?
Robert Reich 12/11/16:
"A dark cloud of illegitimacy hangs over the pending presidency of Donald Trump, given:
1. The CIA has found credible evidence that Russia intervened in the election in order to help Trump become president.
2. It has been suggested that Trump owes vast sums of money to Russian oligarchs, friends of Putin, who have also invested substantially in Trump’s enterprises -- which may explain why Trump won’t disclose his tax returns, which would show evidence of these deals.
3. Several of Trump’s key campaign aides – including his former campaign manager, Paul Manafort – have close ties to Russia. Between 2007 and 2012, Manafort received some $12.7 million in cash payments from a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine.
4. During the campaign, Trump said he admired Putin, questioned whether the U.S. should continue to support NATO, and argued that Putin was justified in moving into Ukraine.
5. Trump is expected to pick as his Secretary of State ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson, who is also close to Putin. In 2013, Putin awarded Tillerson the Order of Friendship, one of the highest honors Russia gives to foreign citizens. Tillerson came up through the ranks at Exxon by managing the company's Russia account. After becoming CEO, Exxon bet billions on Russia's vast oil resources through a partnership with Russian oil giant Rosneft, owned partly by the Kremlin. Putin himself attended the 2011 signing ceremony for the deal. Russia has already indicated it would welcome Tillerson being named America's top diplomat.
6. Trump was defeated in the actual voting by a startling—and still growing—2,676,670 votes. Clinton’s popular vote victory margin is now 2 percent, thus handing Trump the largest defeat suffered by a candidate elevated to the presidency by the Electoral College in modern history.
Before the Electors submit their ballots for president next week, Trump must release his tax returns and the CIA must make public its report on Russia’s intervention in the U.S. elections in support of Trump.
What do you think?"
Kurt Eichenwald 12/13/16:
"Donald Trump hasn’t been sworn in yet, but he is already making decisions and issuing statements to world leaders that radically depart from American foreign policy, all to the benefit of his family’s corporate empire. Because of this, the next president of the United States is already vulnerable to undue influence by other nations, including through bribery and even blackmail."
To all the recent graduates of Trump University who post on this blog.....Russia's foreign minister admits to pre-election contact with the Trump team. All I can say is you better damn well hope that contact isn't in the form of emails intercepted by the CIA.
One thing we do know is that Putin's operatives also hacked the RNC, so Putin most likely has emails with Trump using the N word etc. etc. you know what blackmail is? Trump is Putin's bitch now....that is if he makes it to the White House.
Remember how Sherman's March ended? Humanity defeated inhumanity!
"I don't like soldiers who were captured."
"Grab 'em by the pussy."
"She was bleeding out of ... whatever."
"-- you know, I'm, like, a smart person."
Your fake-haired boy can "de-legitimize" (sic) himself just fine without much help from anyone else.
And why do you always post about peeing down legs? And your Bobbsey Twin up there eating a big 12 incher? Just asking.
2950-10k said, (Nice time BTW)
"BTW: Hopefully a December surprise is on the way....The CIA will release the proof that Trump and his team were in collusion with Putin and his operatives. Game over for the Teapublicans."
I will post this as many times necessary to remind the lefties here.
Hopefully Hartmann understands the schooling he got from Professor Stephen Cohen on the progressives pitiful and dangerous attempts to de-legitimize the Trump presidency.
They will fail and you will only pee further down your own leg and look more ignorant than you already do.
What the washed up lefties have attempted since President-elect Trump won the election.
1. Get the electors to change their vote....didn't work
2. Do away with Electoral College....didn't work
3. Recount.....didn't work
4. Collusion with the Russians.....won't work
5. Trump won' release his tax returns, sell his businesses, the sky is falling, etc. etc.....won't work
On January 20, 2017 at noon President-elect Donald J. Trump will become President Trump.
Hey Kend, I realize that not all of us can connect dots with the same amount of ease, but please do some homework regarding the difference between what Trump in reality does and what he told gullible voters that he will do.
Clinton had a stong economic platform for the working class, but of course Fox News and the rest of the fascist controlled media blocked her message, just like they refuse to let Bernie get his almost identical message out.
BTW: Hopefully a December surprise is on the way....The CIA will release the proof that Trump and his team were in collusion with Putin and his operatives. Game over for the Teapublicans.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 19.0px Helvetica}
span.s1 {font: 15.0px Helvetica}
An ANTI-Sir-Galahad {a rhyme}
The mainest cause that things are bad
is that by The Donald we’ve all been had,
Alarming it is that Rightists tend glad,
as also’s the Rooskies’ ominous Vlad.
They cheer for an ANTI-Sir-Galahad
and they cheer for an Emperor thinly clad.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica; color: #4787ff}
span.s1 {text-decoration: underline}
DECK THE HALLS {a rhyme and an image}
Deck the halls with boughs of folly,
and sing the songs of melancholy.
This is because
it ain’t Santa Claus
but the Grinch who’ll be in the White House, by golly.
… Image:
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
AYN RAND’s RIGHT HAND {a limerick}
Trump is a colorful brand
long ago sold by Ayn Rand.
He’s her Right’s right hand
and leader of her band
which marches to dominate our land.
@#8: Remarkable! You managed to squeeze a wide-ranging jumble of programmed libels into such a tiny paragraph -- crammed with full-blown fabrications, vile misrepresentations, naked bigotry, and an astonishing, naive gullibility of Trump's pathological lies. You took a pinhead of truth and contorted it into a truly disgusting regurgitation! Really? Is that who you are in real life away from the internet?
I refuse to dignify this spew by debunking every lie but will address that one grain of truth: Yes, "the Democrats have lost touch with middle America." But it is the Democratic Party, not the rank and file. We do get it, because we are middle America; you are the fringe, tied to a faction that can't win an election without lying, cheating, stealing, and disenfranchising hard-working Democratic voters (of all stripes).
Thanks to the corporatist, Republican "righties" on the Supreme Court, who recast our once great democracy into some kind of mongrel oligarchy (primarily through "Buckley v. Valeo" and "Citizens United v. FEC"), politics became a vicious money game, and politicians became hostage money whores who lost touch with the people.
This was by design. Thank God Bernie proved that we don't need their damn money! Now we must both take back our respective parties and wrestle away our county from the hideous claws of malevolent billionaires, represented oh so well by your puffy, pussgut, phony populist and his cabinet from hell.
@#9: You totally get it, Dan. (Even though Kend doesn't think so.) It is simply amazing how so many got hustled by this carnival barker. Maybe after he ruins the country -- and very probably the world -- they'll finally get it too.
But it will be too f---king late!!