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  • Is Trump's Election A "Koch Coup" Of Our Democracy?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    This is absolutely a total Fascist take over of the American Government, sadly enough millions of uninformed or ill informed voters voted in support of a pathological liar that promised them a pie in the sky pile of bull, in regards to jobs that are non-exsistant and increased wages that are not going to happen , at least on any large scale that will be noticeable, the republiCons have spent 40 years in driving wages down, in case no one has noticed, the loss of pensions and benifits, are now a common theme. All for the benefit of our beloved corporations and their future profits which by the way very few of us will actually gain anything from for our efforts , and their not done yet the rich !% have MUCH to gain with the pending cutting and privatizing of social seurity, the voucherizing of Medicare, and reduction almost to the point of illimination of Medicaid, and the Affordable Care act, this was the Koch brothers Dream of their Life time and now it has come to fruitation, we are now in the beginning phases of Total Libertarianism "Fascism" fasten your seat belts, all of us in the great working class, for we are in for one hell of a ride ! AS history is about to repeat itself, at least much to my dismay!

  • Think Trump is going to protect Medicare? You've been had!   8 years 10 weeks ago

    This probably fits well here.

    The election was a complete repudiation of "Barack Obama: his fantasy world of political correctness, the politicization of the Justice Department and the I.R.S., an out-of-control E.P.A., his neutering of the military, his nonsupport of the police and his fixation on things like transgender bathrooms. Since he became president, his party has lost 63 House seats, 10 Senate seats and 14 governorships."

    "Here is a short primer for the young protesters. If your preferred candidate loses, there is no need for mass hysteria, canceled midterms, safe spaces, crying rooms or group primal screams. You might understand this better if you had not received participation trophies, undeserved grades to protect your feelings or even if you had a proper understanding of civics. The Democrats are now crying that Hillary had more popular votes. That can be her participation trophy."

  • Republicans, Failing To Steal The NC Governorship, Emasculate It   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Viva la revolucion!

  • Republicans, Failing To Steal The NC Governorship, Emasculate It   8 years 10 weeks ago

    The reason Republicans have such a hard time accepting reality is because these people in government are basically businessmen and not statesmen. Business people are brought up on a steady diet of not accepting reality; like the power of positive speaking and thinking which gives us a Trump who sounds like an ego-maniac because he only ever speaks of himself in glowing terms instead of humble or terms of humility. But, in all fairness, to say that the Republicans are the only ones lying, cheating, stealing, deceiving the public is totally false. The Democrats (Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Schumer) ALL do the same things and for We, the People to deny this and turn a blind eye to our thoroughly corrupt system of New World Order troglodytes puts us all in the same boat right along with these Republicans. Our system of government is broken. Obama didn't step in and help the people at Standing Rock. Obama has done nothing over the rigging of our elections. Obama lies to us constantly about everything from "clean coal," to Russia tampering with our elections, to closing Gitmo. Obama has abducted Julian Assange and done god-only-knows what to and with him for telling the truth to We, the People, just like Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden. But Obama and the Establishment don't stand for the truth or doing the correct things; they stand for subjugation of We, the People at the behest of and for the benefit of an oligarchy of men who believe they deserve to rule by Divine Right of Kings (and other fairy tales). The whole thing is a rotten, corrupt mess and we have The Billie Club (billionaires) and a totally rotten SCOTUS to thank for it plus a dumbed down populace that has been trained that democracy is a spectator sport. We are on the eve of destruction. The FEMA (detention) camps are in place. Trillions of dollars of military equipment have been moved into each state across this whole country. The police are militarized. UN forces are on US soil and are engaged in training ops getting set to grab this country. I'm getting emails asking if Obama should have a third term. The economy is in terrible shape, and the banks are getting ready to fail thereby precipitating Martial Law. To blame just the Republicans for all of this is just another lie. It's all of the above and We, the People, for not rising up and throwing all of this corruption out and holding all of these people (and that includes Kissinger, Rumsfeld, the Bushes, Karl Rove, etc.,) accountable. They all need to go to the Hague for what they have done and I hope I live to see it.

  • Think Trump is going to protect Medicare? You've been had!   8 years 10 weeks ago

    The right wing predicted during the Obama administration that:

    Gas would be over $6.00 per gallon

    The unemployment rate would climb above 10%

    The stock market would crash

    The economy would crash

    Obama would take away all guns

    Still waiting.

  • Republicans, Failing To Steal The NC Governorship, Emasculate It   8 years 10 weeks ago


    You haven't seen anything until you take a look at what Sam Brownback has done to Kansas. Today's republican party are the answer to a question no one asked.

  • Republicans, Failing To Steal The NC Governorship, Emasculate It   8 years 10 weeks ago

    The NC legislators work for the Oligarchy. They're just doing their jobs. The citizens of NC have no place in this.

  • Think Trump is going to protect Medicare? You've been had!   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Trump Doesn't care what 55% of Americans think. He's happy to cowtow to the super-minority of zealots. He just appointed a guy (notice they're almost all guys) to the Israeli ambassadorship who takes an extreme hard line that only 25% of Israelis agree with.

  • Republicans, Failing To Steal The NC Governorship, Emasculate It   8 years 10 weeks ago

    #4 - You could say communist or fascist the modus is the same, some would argue the outcome is also

    #6 - Totally agreed... let the chaos begin from which only order can arise

  • Republicans, Failing To Steal The NC Governorship, Emasculate It   8 years 10 weeks ago


    That's the fire being played with by the GOP, the corporate Dems, and their obscenely wealthy donor class. When the rules of the political game no longer allow the majority of people to have any meaningful outlet to express their will, to effect a more positive direction for their country, or to alter the course of their lives for the better, then, historically, all-out rebellion against a depraved ruling elite becomes the only option available.

    Personally, I do not advocate violence; however, with a population awash in anger and weaponry, it won't take much of a spark to ignite the unthinkable. For the last several years, we've already been witnessing the first rumblings of revolution on the mean streets of our cities and in the even meaner minds of a truly disgruntled populace.

    Trump just might be the low-intelligent dupe that unwittingly strikes the match. Once his armed-to-the-teeth minions finally realize they've been totally suckered by his completely false campaign promises, while he consolidates power with the worst of the worst establishment players and fellow con-men, does anyone honestly think that everyone will just shrug it off, lay down their arms, and go home to watch the fantasy world on TV?

    The fascist billionaires had better hope so. Their wispy yellow police tape flapping in the wind will be the only thing that separates civilization from chaos.

  • Republicans, Failing To Steal The NC Governorship, Emasculate It   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Republicans, the party of the double standard. They believe in democracy if they win, then reject it when they don't. They believe in capitalism for big business when it makes money, but want socialism for big business when it loses money.

  • Republicans, Failing To Steal The NC Governorship, Emasculate It   8 years 10 weeks ago

    The North Carolina GOP must be Stalinists-in-training, and must be very close to graduating.

  • Republicans, Failing To Steal The NC Governorship, Emasculate It   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Winning, power, subjugated others, and reducing their awareness of their fear is the neocons/ right wing repubs end game. Therefore, any means necessary is accepted even promoted.

  • Republicans, Failing To Steal The NC Governorship, Emasculate It   8 years 10 weeks ago

    For a long time the republicans have been what I consider a criminal org. They have no honor nor do they care one iota about the people of this nation. North Carolina is just one small example of the crimes they will try and commit to get their way. Michigan is bad too. There so far it lookd like Synder is getting away with a proven crime. This party has become so vile I am hoping, that someday it can be put out of our misery! It may take the Earth it's self to do the job for us though sadly alot of good people and wonderous creatures will be sacrificed.

  • Republicans, Failing To Steal The NC Governorship, Emasculate It   8 years 10 weeks ago

    They ought to dismantle both political parties, That's obviously not going to happen. But at the very least their leadership needs new blood. The system of campaign financing and lobbyists needs at the very least drastic changes -- actually both should be prohibited but you know that's not going to happen either. Our government is so dishonest and corrupt that few people would believe it if they knew the truth. It makes the era of the robber barons seem like child's play. Even someone as honest as Thom Hartmann needs to stop taking sides in this battle between two totally immoral behemoths who deserve neither our support or our respect.

  • Think Trump is going to protect Medicare? You've been had!   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Whoa! A con sticking up for unions! Yeah, baby, you're coming around!

    A "defined benefit" pension -- long fought for by unions -- means that you don't have to worry about outliving your money. A "defined contribution," individual account-type of retirement savings plan -- a scam perpetrated on workers by Wall Street money-grubbers -- means that it is highly likely that you will outlive your savings, unless you're unhealthy or lucky enough to have a high-paying job that allows you to accumulate a couple of million, which the vast majority of workers are simply unable to do because of a lifetime of low wages.

    Those suckers may as well work till they drop ... while the banksters get fat on the fees.

  • Think Trump is going to protect Medicare? You've been had!   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Few things in life are more entertaining than listening to radio pundits tell us exactly what the other guy will do. When listening to those that spout off, it is best if you take their advice with a large dose of skepticism. Case in point, my sympathies to those that read and believed financial predictions, especially those with a date predicted in the title. Hopefully municipal and union pension investors did not heed that advice.

  • Why Trump's Win is Koch Coup of Our Democracy   8 years 10 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

  • Why Trump's Win is Koch Coup of Our Democracy   8 years 10 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    The PARTY REPUGLY {a rhyme}

    Republicans tend so durn’ ugly.

    Let’s call ‘em “the Party Repugly”.

    They cuddle with the Alt-Right quite snugly

    and with plutocrats whose behaviors are thugly.

    Yet they pretend to be virtuous, smugly.


  • Why Trump's Win is Koch Coup of Our Democracy   8 years 10 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    THE KOCHS’ HOAX {a limerick & a rebuttal}

    Doggies. The brothers the Kochs

    and these plutocrats’ minions are folks

    whose underhanded strokes

    serve the plutocrats’ hoax

    that Their way prosperity invokes.

    … Rebuttal:

    But Nay.

    Their way

    economic sanity REvokes:

    They get rich while America chokes.


  • Daily Topics - Thursday December 15th, 2016   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Yahoo mail

    Thom, you mentioned getting a notice about Yahoo mail even though you've never had Yahoo mail. It's possible that your ISP used Yahoo; when my ISP was SBC and ATT; even though my email addresses were SBCGLOBAL, and ATT, my email was Yahoo mail.

    Dan, San Diego

  • Daily Topics - Thursday December 15th, 2016   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Nixon was threatened with impeachement and he resigned after it became clear he didn't have the Votes in the House to prevent it. I think with Thrump he will fight to the bitter end. How would your congressional delegation vote on a Thrump impeachment? Yeah, from Colorado CD-3, my delegation would support him 3-0 or at best 2-1. We are going to have to turn the Congress Blue before we can hope for impeachment.

    -- A

  • Daily Topics - Thursday December 15th, 2016   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Just heard Anthony Flaccavento interview with Laura Flanders. He has a clear progressive message from Coal Country. Would love to hear Thom interview him.

    -- Andrew

  • Think Trump is going to protect Medicare? You've been had!   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Repugnicans believe that if you have to choose between food/shelter & healthcare, then you deserve neither.

  • Think Trump is going to protect Medicare? You've been had!   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Look at the bright side you have at least 4 maybe 8 years to bitch and's what you washed up lefties are good at.:)

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