Your economic model is primitive it arises from illusions you hold about life which is the same as God .It is from the dual illusion of Insufficiency and Disunity that your economy emerges .The idea that there is not enough of what humans need to be happy ,and the idea that human beings are seperate from each other ; forms the basis of your entire economic model .
Presently on the planet ,wealth is defined as possessions and power .The old spirituality encourages you to have dominion over the earth .You have interpreted this to mean domination .And so you have imagined ownership of,or power over people ,places and things an asset- or part what you have called wealth .
According to this paradigm ,the more things you owned,the more power you had ,and the
wealthier you were.
The solutions that we seek are spiritual when we decide we are one and create life based on all of us the problems in our world will simply evaporate .Until then expect things to get worse.Power is always given never taken .At the moment we live in a world built on fear .And if you fear enough things ,you will give every freedom you ever had away .And you will do this gratefully .For there is only one thing you want more than freedom.
The whole world has lost its way .But do not worry we shall find our way again .Tomorrows God will lead you there.For a spirituality that brings a message of freedom cannot and will not support a cultural story of oppression and repression forever .Sooner or later freedom will inspire the experience of freedom itself.And the unity of all things in the near future will be experiential .
The culture from which we emerge is causing the demise of the culture .
Here is my request, if they kill either of these programs, then I expect a full refund. My husband and I have paid into this for the last 40+ years, and I will demand a refund with interest. If that does not happen, then we will withold all tax payments to the government. There are several ways to do this. Start by altering W2 to reflect deductions which claim 10 or 20 people. Then put our money in a escrow account in Canada or Mexico, pay taxes at the end of the year. Either way, we can strangle this govt. by not paying taxes.
Sergei A Ryabkov, Russia's foreign minister has admitted repeated communication with the Hillary Clinton team during the campaign. 17 intelligence agencies say the Russian's hacked the RNC to spread propaganda in order to get Hillary elected. This worked and curiously enough....the republicans are remaining silent and rolling over and playing dead. Treason is a non issue here....nothing to see.
In addition the network media has blamed the current republican president for not speaking know..that would have stopped it. Trump's private email server was the big story here, even though he broke no laws. Our own FBI thought Trump's email was a bigger story than a hostile foreign power interfering in our election.
Gotta love the prudish. I highly doubt that after her husband in in office the incoming first lady will declare that this is the first time in her entire life that she is proud of her country.
Avoiding the "circular firing squad" mentality is what cost the Democrats the election. Radio and Television hosts became so paranoid that the general public would go rogue on the candidate that screwed the real candidate out of the nomination that some went so far as to close their public forums, censor any posts, and gave orders to their staff to block all callers that had anything negative to say about Hillary Clinton. They in fact are a huge part of the election loss and I suspect their current bitterness and negativity is just a just a result of them coming to terms with their terrible decision in dealing with the debacle that was the Clinton nomination.
I suspect, with daily talking points fed to them from above, most will spend the next eight years doing everything they accused the opposition of doing for the previous eight. All proving they are also part of the swamp that needs draining.
I have been observing the collusion of the corporate and economic elite since the debate of "personal property rights" VS "the rights of the public" during the 60's and 70's, and "taxation for social benefit VS corporate "right" to decide how they meet their social responsibility."
We now know the results of those debates: corporations and the elite have decided their "Rights" are sacrosanct and that passing on the costs of their tax cuts to the "SERFS" is more important than their responsibility to the rest of society. The common term to describe these neo-libcon ideological beliefs and actions of this mindset is: "TAKERS".
The book "America: What Went Wrong?", 1992, by D. Bartlett and J. Steele based on a decade of reporting for the Philadelphia Inquirer about the effects of Reagan's Voodoo economics. "It is a solid indictment of how "rulemakers" and "dealmakers" have changed the rules of the game to favor the privileged, the powerful, and the influential - At the expense of everyone else".
Bartlett and Steele showed us the early results of public acts and private act of greed and how they started the dismantling of America's middleclass, the pillars of society and the attack on our social safety net.
It is time to take back our democracy from the resulting "FASCISM" of the neo-libcon ideology that has poisoned the world's economy and governments with their "Greed is Good.. so long as it's going into my pocket" practice and the overt abuse and usurpation of democratic governments world-wide! As a "Son Of the American Revolution", the actions of government today is antithetical to the intent and words of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.
As Jefferson said, " "Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." which is the intent of these malignant traitors aiming to enrich themselves through "TAKING" without producing anything of tangible value to contribute to society.
"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" coined during the Vietnam War, is calling on citizens to remember and apply the intent of the US constitution in securing a "fair' equal and representative government:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
By the words of our "Fore Fathers", it is our "Right and Responsibility" to abolish any form of governance that becomes destructive to the "Rights of Man" established and codified in 1776.
Wake Up and Speak Out Against US Fascist Tyranny!!!
I have been observing the collusion of the corporate and economic elite since the debate of "personal property rights" VS "the rights of the public" during the 60's and 70's, and "taxation for social benefit VS corporate "right" to decide how they meet their social responsibility."
We now know the results of those debates: corporations and the elite have decided their "Rights" are sacrosanct and that passing on the costs of their tax cuts to the "SERFS" is more important than their responsibility to the rest of society. The common term to describe these neo-libcon ideological beliefs and actions of this mindset is: "TAKERS".
The book "America: What Went Wrong?", 1992, by D. Bartlett and J. Steele based on a decade of reporting for the Philadelphia Inquirer about the effects of Reagan's Voodoo economics. "It is a solid indictment of how "rulemakers" and "dealmakers" have changed the rules of the game to favor the privileged, the powerful, and the influential - At the expense of everyone else".
Bartlett and Steele showed us the early results of public acts and private act of greed and how they started the dismantling of America's middleclass, the pillars of society and the attack on our social safety net.
It is time to take back our democracy from the resulting "FASCISM" of the neo-libcon ideology that has poisoned the world's economy and governments with their "Greed is Good.. so long as it's going into my pocket" practice and the overt abuse and usurpation of democratic governments world-wide! As a "Son Of the American Revolution", the actions of government today is antithetical to the intent and words of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.
As Jefferson said, " "Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." which is the intent of these malignant traitors aiming to enrich themselves through "TAKING" without producing anything of tangible value to contribute to society.
"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" coined during the Vietnam War, is calling on citizens to remember and apply the intent of the US constitution in securing a "fair' equal and representative government:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
By the words of our "Fore Fathers", it is our "Right and Responsibility" to abolish any form of governance that becomes destructive to the "Rights of Man" established and codified in 1776.
Wake Up and Speak Out Against US Fascist Tyranny!!!
Well, I think they merger can help the company to achieve their goals to capture their business market. I am the user of at&t internet services and they offer me valuable services so I think if they merge with the other larger company so they can provide better services to their existing customers.
You're right; it has been going on for too long and it does seem too late to reverse the massive hemorrhaging of jobs over thirty years of, basically, Republican policies, which too many corporate Democrats have signed onto. And it is extremely complex, with no good answers.
Howard Laverne (#9) zeroed in on a key aspect of tax policy, a version of which Nancy Pelosi actually passed in the House, only to be filibustered in the Senate. Nothing of any consequence can happen as long as Republicans and their corporate masters retain an iron grip on power. Now, all bets are off the table with the court jester as king.
The international pariahs are busily turning all countries into third-world status. Soon they won't have any low-paid workers left anywhere who can afford to buy their over-priced trinkets and baubles.
I'm not a communist or fan of Karl Marx, but it appears he was right that runaway capitalism would destroy itself. We're on the cusp of a new dark age; now is the time for people to rise up and throw off the yoke of kleptocracy. What that will look like could be ugly. Hopefully, it can somehow be accomplished without people dying, as has happened too many times throughout history. The greed-mongers are truly playing with fire!
Idea, Lets all grab a Starbucks, ride our bicycles or drive our Smart cars to DC, and on Jan. 20, 2017, throw our Birkenstocks at Trumps motorcade.
For the next eight years we should resist everything, block all, occupy, curse at, proudly proclaim "he is not MY president", and use cute little disparaging phrases when speaking of Trump and his family members.
Then in 2024, should we progressives promise enough voters to give them whatever they want for free, and actually get do into the WH, we can whine and stamp our feet when the Republicans do the very same thing we just did to them."
(stopgap - #14) "Another idea.
Why don't we hop in our gas guzzling Hummer, back it out of the three car garage of our McMansion, load up at the local steakhouse or the all-you-can-eat buffet and waddle our fat bigoted asses down to the Trump "Thank You Tour" and rant and rave about how bad things are, and how corrupt Democrats are, and how all our problems can be solved by building a wall?
On the way back home, maybe we can stop by and burn down one of the local Black churches or go around harassing any people of color or members of the LGBT community that we see. Or maybe we can cheer on, out of control cops, while they shoot unarmed people with relative impunity.
Maybe we can go on hoggishly plundering the earths resources without any regard for the consequences and we can then make light of, and show our disdain, for those that are actually taking steps to do something to save the planet for ourselves and our children. Maybe we can claim "sour grapes" to those that have watched their democracy being stolen by the Fascist Billionaire class who buy politicians to undo the constitution with their "Fake News" false narratives, twisted facts, character assignations, voter suppressions via Operation Crosscheck, and so on.
Maybe we can applaud rightwing bigoted, ideological lawmakers that strip the power of any candidate that is the choice of the people when it interferes with our Nazi/Fascist agenda.
Outrageous. Full spectrum reflection:
..., stopgap says what it is ...
Dianereynolds says, 'it-is-what-it-is' (as a way of saying, it sure as shootin' ain't-what-it-ain't ... ).
Well stated on both fronts!
So, what shall we-all do about it now ...?
Oh, I know ... we can all buy foot long hot dogs made of factory farm raised animal parts, ram them down our open gullets always yawning for more, follow with deep-fried batter-caked butter-on-a-stick ... and call ourselves having a real pic-nic ...!!
Then, we can take our leftover buttersticks and make yard signs for our doll houses - or, butter yet, picket signs for our finger puppets.
It's the winner's choice!! Yum!!
... now, let's talk about health care ... (((just don't talk about nutrition or lifestyle issues ... Hillary Clinton tried to convince America those things matter to health ... and we all know by now anything she says cannot be trusted ... right?)))
I know I don't see or know it all. From what I do see, I think the motivating dynamics in this equation go much deeper than Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party leadership. In fact, I think the network of powers at work here goes above and beyond what any one of us can see ... or control ...
If we accept these impressions that seem so real, we bite the baited hook, consuming and regurgitating the script as it has been fed to us ... as the wheels keep turning beyond our reach, and we keep looking for someone to blame for it all ... a scapegoater's paradise.
Does anyone find it odd that the people being blamed today for corruption in the democratic process are all progressive women who came into this arena committed to change, who challenged corruption ... and now get to wear the jacket and take the blame ...?
Again ..., how do you go swimming and not come out wet?
Trump supporters think a plutocracy is exactly what America needs. It already existed. It's just now the plutocrats are running the government themselves. Question? Can members in the executive office contribute to political campaigns either directly or through PACs?
I swear to God. I don't think voters are that bright. Poor people voting rich people to run a government, to have the rich people sure up their interests with the military, is a very, very stupid thing to do. That's more dumb than representing yourself in a murder trial. You'd think that would be obvious to people. SMH
Too late. The US shut down/shipped out a huge number of jobs since the 1980s, ended actual welfare in the 1990s, creating a huge surplus of job-ready people who are desperate for any job at any wage -- grateful for the chance to replace you for less than you are paid. Virtually any US worker can easily be replaced by morning with someone who is willing to work for less. There's nothing to fall back on today.
The last I heard, there are 7 jobs for every 10 jobless people who still have the means to pursue one (home address, phone, etc.). What do you think happens to those who are left out?
What we can expect, I think, is that the rich will essentially do to the middle class what the middle class already did to the poor. This is too complex to cover in a simple comment, but it does appear that the US itself has been in a long process of transitioning into just another third world labor state. US corporations are now international entities, no longer dependent on US workers or consumers. You will do what low income people now do: Accept any job at any wage. There's nothing to fall back on today.
In defense of Thom, though, I have heard him say just that on several occasions. But he also tries to avoid the "circular firing squad" mentality, as the Democrats try to regain their footing to become the party of the workers once again.
We are the "commentators" who must take our party back by calling out the corruption and support those who do take your words to heart.
Thom, it's about time you put the blame for this on the people who made it happen: Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party leadership. They rigged the election and cheated Bernie Sanders, who would undoubtedly have won the election and moved the country left where the majority of the electorate is moving rather than the opposite direction as we are now. Yet, they take no blame, will not admit their dishonesty, blame the Russians -- what a joke. Blame the Russians for exposing their fraud? That's like blaming the witness to the crime for the criminal act. I wish some commentator would call out the creeps in the DNC, who are still being chaired by that cheater, Donna Brazile, who was fired by CNN for her dishonesty. But the DNC doesn't care. They're just as dishonest and corrupt as she is.
Then you are a small business and should be rooting for Democratic policies that would help you and your employees tremendously, rather than the Republican lies that only help mega-corporations weasel out of their just taxes, steal an unfair share of the market, run away with most of the wealth, and shift the burden of their excesses onto the small businesses that generate seventy percent of the jobs.
By the way, a business always makes its money off the backs of its workers. Try running your company without workers and see how far you get. See, a healthy economy is a two-way street. As Paul Wellstone famously said, "When everyone does better, everyone does better!"
You know, Hillary was not my first choice either, but if she had won, we would not have had the best that Putin had to offer as our Commander in Chief. Also, even more astounding in my estimation, is that we would not have had a First Lady, who the entire nation can view exactly what she looks like unclothed from head to toe in her nude, girl-on-girl photos back in 1995, when she worked as an illegal, improperly documented alien. Trump promised to produce documentation to discredit this charge, but conveniently, he never did.
No deep space I don't make my living off the backs of my workers. My wife and I started a company out of nothing investing everything we had to create jobs in three different cities. Times are tuff here with unemployment at 10% yet all of my employees still have their jobs with full pay. My wife and I haven't taken a dime in wages or from the company in 10 months. That is the reality of owning your own business.
Quote deepspace:Somewhere in Michio Kaku's infinite universes: Al Gore's win in 2000 wasn't stolen; Interpol arrested the perpetrators of 9/11 with the cooperation of the Taliban (Yes, that could have happened had Bush not refused their offer!) and extradited them to The Hague; renewable energy is the world's standard; billionaires don't exist but income equality does; false religions have given way to empathy, compassion, and tolerance; the Republican Party passes legislation that actually helps everyday citizens; Democrats aren't afraid to listen to their base; the United States is a real and honest democracy of, by and for the People; Earth is well into a new golden age.
... in a universe far, far away from this one.
Great!!! Beam me up...activate the Magic the wormhole...whatever it takes to get me there. I want to live in that universe!!!
Your economic model is primitive it arises from illusions you hold about life which is the same as God .It is from the dual illusion of Insufficiency and Disunity that your economy emerges .The idea that there is not enough of what humans need to be happy ,and the idea that human beings are seperate from each other ; forms the basis of your entire economic model .
Presently on the planet ,wealth is defined as possessions and power .The old spirituality encourages you to have dominion over the earth .You have interpreted this to mean domination .And so you have imagined ownership of,or power over people ,places and things an asset- or part what you have called wealth .
According to this paradigm ,the more things you owned,the more power you had ,and the
wealthier you were.
The solutions that we seek are spiritual when we decide we are one and create life based on all of us the problems in our world will simply evaporate .Until then expect things to get worse.Power is always given never taken .At the moment we live in a world built on fear .And if you fear enough things ,you will give every freedom you ever had away .And you will do this gratefully .For there is only one thing you want more than freedom.
The whole world has lost its way .But do not worry we shall find our way again .Tomorrows God will lead you there.For a spirituality that brings a message of freedom cannot and will not support a cultural story of oppression and repression forever .Sooner or later freedom will inspire the experience of freedom itself.And the unity of all things in the near future will be experiential .
The culture from which we emerge is causing the demise of the culture .
Here is my request, if they kill either of these programs, then I expect a full refund. My husband and I have paid into this for the last 40+ years, and I will demand a refund with interest. If that does not happen, then we will withold all tax payments to the government. There are several ways to do this. Start by altering W2 to reflect deductions which claim 10 or 20 people. Then put our money in a escrow account in Canada or Mexico, pay taxes at the end of the year. Either way, we can strangle this govt. by not paying taxes.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
That some think that
Trump’s the Messiah:
HOLY PANTS ON FIRE? {a limerick}
Trump is the Rightwing’s Messiah?
WHAT? This congenital {liar} lie-ah?
Where do they look
into The Book
to find Jesus with pants on {fire} fie-ah?
you know what...this country can go straight to hell!
Sergei A Ryabkov, Russia's foreign minister has admitted repeated communication with the Hillary Clinton team during the campaign. 17 intelligence agencies say the Russian's hacked the RNC to spread propaganda in order to get Hillary elected. This worked and curiously enough....the republicans are remaining silent and rolling over and playing dead. Treason is a non issue here....nothing to see.
In addition the network media has blamed the current republican president for not speaking know..that would have stopped it. Trump's private email server was the big story here, even though he broke no laws. Our own FBI thought Trump's email was a bigger story than a hostile foreign power interfering in our election.
Gotta love the prudish. I highly doubt that after her husband in in office the incoming first lady will declare that this is the first time in her entire life that she is proud of her country.
Avoiding the "circular firing squad" mentality is what cost the Democrats the election. Radio and Television hosts became so paranoid that the general public would go rogue on the candidate that screwed the real candidate out of the nomination that some went so far as to close their public forums, censor any posts, and gave orders to their staff to block all callers that had anything negative to say about Hillary Clinton. They in fact are a huge part of the election loss and I suspect their current bitterness and negativity is just a just a result of them coming to terms with their terrible decision in dealing with the debacle that was the Clinton nomination.
I suspect, with daily talking points fed to them from above, most will spend the next eight years doing everything they accused the opposition of doing for the previous eight. All proving they are also part of the swamp that needs draining.
I have been observing the collusion of the corporate and economic elite since the debate of "personal property rights" VS "the rights of the public" during the 60's and 70's, and "taxation for social benefit VS corporate "right" to decide how they meet their social responsibility."
We now know the results of those debates: corporations and the elite have decided their "Rights" are sacrosanct and that passing on the costs of their tax cuts to the "SERFS" is more important than their responsibility to the rest of society. The common term to describe these neo-libcon ideological beliefs and actions of this mindset is: "TAKERS".
The book "America: What Went Wrong?", 1992, by D. Bartlett and J. Steele based on a decade of reporting for the Philadelphia Inquirer about the effects of Reagan's Voodoo economics. "It is a solid indictment of how "rulemakers" and "dealmakers" have changed the rules of the game to favor the privileged, the powerful, and the influential - At the expense of everyone else".
Bartlett and Steele showed us the early results of public acts and private act of greed and how they started the dismantling of America's middleclass, the pillars of society and the attack on our social safety net.
It is time to take back our democracy from the resulting "FASCISM" of the neo-libcon ideology that has poisoned the world's economy and governments with their "Greed is Good.. so long as it's going into my pocket" practice and the overt abuse and usurpation of democratic governments world-wide! As a "Son Of the American Revolution", the actions of government today is antithetical to the intent and words of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.
As Jefferson said, " "Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." which is the intent of these malignant traitors aiming to enrich themselves through "TAKING" without producing anything of tangible value to contribute to society.
"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" coined during the Vietnam War, is calling on citizens to remember and apply the intent of the US constitution in securing a "fair' equal and representative government:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
By the words of our "Fore Fathers", it is our "Right and Responsibility" to abolish any form of governance that becomes destructive to the "Rights of Man" established and codified in 1776.
Wake Up and Speak Out Against US Fascist Tyranny!!!
I have been observing the collusion of the corporate and economic elite since the debate of "personal property rights" VS "the rights of the public" during the 60's and 70's, and "taxation for social benefit VS corporate "right" to decide how they meet their social responsibility."
We now know the results of those debates: corporations and the elite have decided their "Rights" are sacrosanct and that passing on the costs of their tax cuts to the "SERFS" is more important than their responsibility to the rest of society. The common term to describe these neo-libcon ideological beliefs and actions of this mindset is: "TAKERS".
The book "America: What Went Wrong?", 1992, by D. Bartlett and J. Steele based on a decade of reporting for the Philadelphia Inquirer about the effects of Reagan's Voodoo economics. "It is a solid indictment of how "rulemakers" and "dealmakers" have changed the rules of the game to favor the privileged, the powerful, and the influential - At the expense of everyone else".
Bartlett and Steele showed us the early results of public acts and private act of greed and how they started the dismantling of America's middleclass, the pillars of society and the attack on our social safety net.
It is time to take back our democracy from the resulting "FASCISM" of the neo-libcon ideology that has poisoned the world's economy and governments with their "Greed is Good.. so long as it's going into my pocket" practice and the overt abuse and usurpation of democratic governments world-wide! As a "Son Of the American Revolution", the actions of government today is antithetical to the intent and words of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.
As Jefferson said, " "Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." which is the intent of these malignant traitors aiming to enrich themselves through "TAKING" without producing anything of tangible value to contribute to society.
"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" coined during the Vietnam War, is calling on citizens to remember and apply the intent of the US constitution in securing a "fair' equal and representative government:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
By the words of our "Fore Fathers", it is our "Right and Responsibility" to abolish any form of governance that becomes destructive to the "Rights of Man" established and codified in 1776.
Wake Up and Speak Out Against US Fascist Tyranny!!!
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
Don’t take Trump’s winning so hard: -
- He’s “hoisted by his own petard”.
By his Self he’s defeated
before he’s completed
ruining the land he has scarred.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
The JUICE in their HOLY GRAIL {a limerick}
Is resistance-to-Trump so frail
that ’twill NEVER the Trump train derail?
We wail and assail, -
- but his fans him they hail
as the juice in their holy grail.
Well, I think they merger can help the company to achieve their goals to capture their business market. I am the user of at&t internet services and they offer me valuable services so I think if they merge with the other larger company so they can provide better services to their existing customers.
You're right; it has been going on for too long and it does seem too late to reverse the massive hemorrhaging of jobs over thirty years of, basically, Republican policies, which too many corporate Democrats have signed onto. And it is extremely complex, with no good answers.
Howard Laverne (#9) zeroed in on a key aspect of tax policy, a version of which Nancy Pelosi actually passed in the House, only to be filibustered in the Senate. Nothing of any consequence can happen as long as Republicans and their corporate masters retain an iron grip on power. Now, all bets are off the table with the court jester as king.
The international pariahs are busily turning all countries into third-world status. Soon they won't have any low-paid workers left anywhere who can afford to buy their over-priced trinkets and baubles.
I'm not a communist or fan of Karl Marx, but it appears he was right that runaway capitalism would destroy itself. We're on the cusp of a new dark age; now is the time for people to rise up and throw off the yoke of kleptocracy. What that will look like could be ugly. Hopefully, it can somehow be accomplished without people dying, as has happened too many times throughout history. The greed-mongers are truly playing with fire!
Outrageous. Full spectrum reflection:
..., stopgap says what it is ...
Dianereynolds says, 'it-is-what-it-is' (as a way of saying, it sure as shootin' ain't-what-it-ain't ... ).
Well stated on both fronts!
So, what shall we-all do about it now ...?
Oh, I know ... we can all buy foot long hot dogs made of factory farm raised animal parts, ram them down our open gullets always yawning for more, follow with deep-fried batter-caked butter-on-a-stick ... and call ourselves having a real pic-nic ...!!
Then, we can take our leftover buttersticks and make yard signs for our doll houses - or, butter yet, picket signs for our finger puppets.
It's the winner's choice!! Yum!!
... now, let's talk about health care ... (((just don't talk about nutrition or lifestyle issues ... Hillary Clinton tried to convince America those things matter to health ... and we all know by now anything she says cannot be trusted ... right?)))
... right ....
(Response to tomcalwriter1 - #16)
I know I don't see or know it all. From what I do see, I think the motivating dynamics in this equation go much deeper than Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party leadership. In fact, I think the network of powers at work here goes above and beyond what any one of us can see ... or control ...
If we accept these impressions that seem so real, we bite the baited hook, consuming and regurgitating the script as it has been fed to us ... as the wheels keep turning beyond our reach, and we keep looking for someone to blame for it all ... a scapegoater's paradise.
Does anyone find it odd that the people being blamed today for corruption in the democratic process are all progressive women who came into this arena committed to change, who challenged corruption ... and now get to wear the jacket and take the blame ...?
Again ..., how do you go swimming and not come out wet?
Trump supporters think a plutocracy is exactly what America needs. It already existed. It's just now the plutocrats are running the government themselves. Question? Can members in the executive office contribute to political campaigns either directly or through PACs?
I swear to God. I don't think voters are that bright. Poor people voting rich people to run a government, to have the rich people sure up their interests with the military, is a very, very stupid thing to do. That's more dumb than representing yourself in a murder trial. You'd think that would be obvious to people. SMH
Too late. The US shut down/shipped out a huge number of jobs since the 1980s, ended actual welfare in the 1990s, creating a huge surplus of job-ready people who are desperate for any job at any wage -- grateful for the chance to replace you for less than you are paid. Virtually any US worker can easily be replaced by morning with someone who is willing to work for less. There's nothing to fall back on today.
The last I heard, there are 7 jobs for every 10 jobless people who still have the means to pursue one (home address, phone, etc.). What do you think happens to those who are left out?
What we can expect, I think, is that the rich will essentially do to the middle class what the middle class already did to the poor. This is too complex to cover in a simple comment, but it does appear that the US itself has been in a long process of transitioning into just another third world labor state. US corporations are now international entities, no longer dependent on US workers or consumers. You will do what low income people now do: Accept any job at any wage. There's nothing to fall back on today.
You have just called them out!
In defense of Thom, though, I have heard him say just that on several occasions. But he also tries to avoid the "circular firing squad" mentality, as the Democrats try to regain their footing to become the party of the workers once again.
We are the "commentators" who must take our party back by calling out the corruption and support those who do take your words to heart.
All good points!
Thom, it's about time you put the blame for this on the people who made it happen: Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party leadership. They rigged the election and cheated Bernie Sanders, who would undoubtedly have won the election and moved the country left where the majority of the electorate is moving rather than the opposite direction as we are now. Yet, they take no blame, will not admit their dishonesty, blame the Russians -- what a joke. Blame the Russians for exposing their fraud? That's like blaming the witness to the crime for the criminal act. I wish some commentator would call out the creeps in the DNC, who are still being chaired by that cheater, Donna Brazile, who was fired by CNN for her dishonesty. But the DNC doesn't care. They're just as dishonest and corrupt as she is.
Then you are a small business and should be rooting for Democratic policies that would help you and your employees tremendously, rather than the Republican lies that only help mega-corporations weasel out of their just taxes, steal an unfair share of the market, run away with most of the wealth, and shift the burden of their excesses onto the small businesses that generate seventy percent of the jobs.
By the way, a business always makes its money off the backs of its workers. Try running your company without workers and see how far you get. See, a healthy economy is a two-way street. As Paul Wellstone famously said, "When everyone does better, everyone does better!"
And kudos to you for being a good boss!
You know, Hillary was not my first choice either, but if she had won, we would not have had the best that Putin had to offer as our Commander in Chief. Also, even more astounding in my estimation, is that we would not have had a First Lady, who the entire nation can view exactly what she looks like unclothed from head to toe in her nude, girl-on-girl photos back in 1995, when she worked as an illegal, improperly documented alien. Trump promised to produce documentation to discredit this charge, but conveniently, he never did.
Haha ... reading your post #1 made me think of Michio Kaku's theories.
No deep space I don't make my living off the backs of my workers. My wife and I started a company out of nothing investing everything we had to create jobs in three different cities. Times are tuff here with unemployment at 10% yet all of my employees still have their jobs with full pay. My wife and I haven't taken a dime in wages or from the company in 10 months. That is the reality of owning your own business.
Great!!! Beam me up...activate the Magic the wormhole...whatever it takes to get me there. I want to live in that universe!!!