Recent comments

  • Is There ANY “Green Hope” w/The Trump administration?   8 years 9 weeks ago

    We are DOOMED!

  • Is There ANY “Green Hope” w/The Trump administration?   8 years 9 weeks ago

    Interesting how global warming was not even mentioned in the election. The only way you can get rid of fossil fuels is to quit using them.

  • Is There ANY “Green Hope” w/The Trump administration?   8 years 9 weeks ago

    (jussmartenuf - #3)
    "The question was, what if Trump "stands up for the Climate ". The answer to that is wonderful. My expectation of that is slim."

    It could happen. Did you see Thom's interview with Terry Tamminen on The Big Picture - 12/21/16?

    I can think of so many scenarios playing out ... I don't want to tilt the scales with uncertain projections ... I do think a positive, open attitude will help - caustic disrespect, not ... I see in Trump a guy who wants to win, no matter what. If he wins big enough, maybe everybody gets to win ... if he loses ... nobody wins, anyway ... what a conundrum.

    At least the stakes are high ... and we can place our bets up until the last nano-second ... someone will be making some real money off of this mess!!

    Apparently, that is the most important thing.

  • How Much Danger Is Net Neutrality In Now?   8 years 9 weeks ago

    Yes. It is either the truth or the lie, and the truth needs to push back against the lie. It's too bad for so-called "conservatives" that the truth sounds liberal. And I never could figure out what they are "conserving" exactly, other than their own selfish power and greed at everyone else's expense.

  • Is There ANY “Green Hope” w/The Trump administration?   8 years 9 weeks ago

    The patients are now running the asylum. Expect the crazy. On all fronts. Especially pollution and war and greed and...

    No, really:

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 9 weeks ago

    Mitt Romney said "" trump's a con man,, fake, phony and a fraud. ""He will promote

    trickle down racism"""" March 2016 = remember this prophecy !!

  • Is There ANY “Green Hope” w/The Trump administration?   8 years 9 weeks ago

    I question Obama's motives. After all, he was the President who just recently OK'd arctic drilling. I remember that because I was one of the signers on many of the petitions that circulated to stop it. Is he actually listening to us, or, has Big Oil simply realized after the last election that they don't need arctic or east coastal access any more because now they have a President who will green light fracking and pipelines anywhere they want, and the reserves of frackable oil in the continental US is the greatest in the entire world? Time will tell; but, at this time I take Obama's gesture with a light hearted grain of salt.

  • It’s Time To Repudiate Socialism For The Rich   8 years 9 weeks ago




  • How Much Danger Is Net Neutrality In Now?   8 years 9 weeks ago

    Deepspace, I fully agree with your historical context. "Saint Reagan" also stooped to racist dog whistles with his numerous "strapping young buck" references. You know, Republicans are quick to criticize progressives for calling out the conservatives for their clear racist, anti-zionist, and just plain cowardice of the evil "other" noticeably unlike ourselves. But you know, it was none other than Ted Cruz who warned that "Political correctness will ruin our nation!" Well, calling out such ugly characteristics they embrace is simply pushing back against Political Correctness. They should just get over it!

  • Is There ANY “Green Hope” w/The Trump administration?   8 years 9 weeks ago

    The question was, what if Trump "stands up for the Climate ". The answer to that is wonderful. My expectation of that is slim.

  • Is There ANY “Green Hope” w/The Trump administration?   8 years 9 weeks ago

    Suggest using judo against Trump actions on global warming.

    Do not waste time and money fighting his policies.

    Rather focus on showing how ugly and unhealthy life over the

    next 4 years is changing with his fracking, coal mining, and oil drilling


    Aim for dramatic images to use in the next presidential election..

    IF people can not see it, they could care less.


  • Is There ANY “Green Hope” w/The Trump administration?   8 years 9 weeks ago

    Thom, what I find most worrisome, is the fact that Drumpf is deeply in debt to the Russian Money Men. Mix that fact in with Rex running Exxon as well as being Secretary of State and what do you get? Well, I can readily see new oil & methane spewing gas wells popping up all over the place.

  • How Much Danger Is Net Neutrality In Now?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Net neutrality isn't the only scam.

    Net neutrality has been getting some attention recently; but we have been massively shafted on something else, courtesy of the FCC. Way back in the day (the 70s,) there used to be monthly fees for cable boxes, and a fee for each box that you used. Then TVs and recorders were manufactured with cable-ready tuners and you no longer needed cable boxes unless you wanted premium channels or specialty packages. To again cash in on fees/pure profit; cable companies shifted some popular shows to channels beyond the tuner range of TVs and recorders. Over time, TVs and recorders were manufactured with tuners with more channels. Then cable went digital and you again had to have a cable box, until TVs and recorders were manufactured with digital tuners. The cable companies again denied of their fees/pure profit; have now encrypted cable signals so that you again need a cable box or adapter for each TV and recorder, with a monthly fee for each device. In essence you are paying a monthly fee for TV tuners that used to be and should be free!!! Talk about a scam, it's pure profit other than maybe the cost of adapters and cable boxes. And I don't buy the assertion that encryption of cable signals was necessary because cable was going all-digital; devices with digital tuners worked just fine until encryption. The next step is they are going to contrive some way to do away with the boxes and adapters and you'll have to use one of their DVRs to record anything --- at which point they will raise fees at will. The brakes need to be put on this scam.

    Dan, San Diego

  • How Much Danger Is Net Neutrality In Now?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    The original question for this blog is "How much danger is net neutrality in now?"

    Our Republican Community of Westminster, MD decided several years ago to start its own Fiber Optic Network. We partnered with Ting, a Canadian company, who will provide us with 'Crazy Fast' internet speeds of 1,000G up and 1,000G down, no matter how many people are online. I'm not promoting Ting, there are other companies who will partner with communities to offer an alternative to Comcast, Verizon and others. We are a community of doer's (remember I said we are Republican's), not complainers. The first phase of the project is nearing completion. 1,000's of residents are enjoying 'Crazy Fast' internet for $89.00/month, business is $139.00/month. We are our own ISP.

  • How Much Danger Is Net Neutrality In Now?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Trump team not up to speed.

    As someone stated above, it will take Trump and the gang time to get up to speed on how government works. The thing is things are not going to play out the way many expect. Trump and the gang might stumble and fall on a few things; but what is more likely is that the nutjobs in Congress, the lobbyists, groups like ALEC, and others who know the ropes; are going to seize the opportunity to get some of their wishlist implemented.

    Dan, San Diego

  • How Much Danger Is Net Neutrality In Now?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    McConnell's gamble with Garland.

    Gamble is the right word, and it's not a stroke of genius. Too often we hear that the Dems or Obama are playing chess; and that's the problem. The game is poker, and Obama and the Dems are terrible poker players; they are always falling for bluffs, tipping their hand, folding too soon, etc.

    Dan, San Diego.

  • How Much Danger Is Net Neutrality In Now?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Turns out Mitch McConnell's gamble with Garland turned out to be a stroke of pure genius. Had Hillary not dropped the ball and lost the election it still gave the senate time to approve him if necessary.

  • How Much Danger Is Net Neutrality In Now?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Tuned in while you were saying Dems wouldn't appoint Garland during recess. Before the election, I argued with many Busters in favor of the Dems and HRC. I am now disgusted with them for such weak-kneed attitudes. They won't acknowledge Crosscheck either. And it isn't like this stuff is altogether new - I've been following Palast's reporting on election integrity since 2001. If a nobody like me knows, how is it that they don't? And with his legacy at stake, with the fate of the planet at stake, both in terms of war and climate change, and the profoundly fraudulent nature of this election, and Trump's total lack of qualifications, I actually would go as far as to say that Obama would be justified in staging a counter-coup! But I know there is absolutely no way our enabler-in-chief will do so. With the death of democracy it is arguable that the Democratic Party is irrelevant.

  • How Much Danger Is Net Neutrality In Now?   8 years 10 weeks ago


    If you're going to insert rascism, at least try to stay historically relevant to our times. If you go too far back, people, attitudes, issues, circumstances, and party platforms shifted, evolved, and changed. Liberal, conservative, Democrat, Republican identities were much different than those of today.

    Perhaps a better place to begin that more accurately reflects modern attitudes would be Lyndon Johnson's Civil Rights Act. As a result, Southern white bigots abandoned the Democratic Party en masse and became Republicans. Nixon swooped in to take full advantage of this seismic shift, which was termed, "Nixon's Southern Strategy." Saint Reagan was just as crass.

    Merry Christmas. Enjoy your AR-10. Although, I would still take the old, fully rock 'n roll M-16 service weapon from my Army days over most of the over-hyped commercial crap nowadays that are pushed onto civilians who like to play soldier.

  • How Much Danger Is Net Neutrality In Now?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Michael Moore issued some dire warnings about the Trump presidency. Could there possibly be another Sedition Act passed by Congress? The Sedition Act of 1918 made it illegal to say or do anything unpatriotic, including criticism of the government. Trump would love that.

  • Tuesday 29 November '16 show notes   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Do you want to find out what to do with buy essays online in such cases? Make sure to double-read it!

  • How Much Danger Is Net Neutrality In Now?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Democrats haven't been this upset since the Republicans took their slaves away.

    When listening to radio and TV bobbleheads on both sides, remember their job is to divide and create fear. That's how they make money (profit), that dirty word they all love to hate.

    Instead, how about a glass of wine, shot of Black Jack, or spark up a doobie and enjoy the holidays without constant media induced panic dominating your lives.

    It is Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Las Posadas, Eid-al-Adha, Diwali, Winter Solstice, Bodhi Day, Yule, Zartusht-no-diso, and Fesivus season.

    Personally, I am hoping for a new AR-10.

  • How Much Danger Is Net Neutrality In Now?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    Yes! "Buyers remorse." Not yet, but soon. In the near future, Trump will have to reveal his true intentions. He promises cotton for all, but all you're going to get is lint. In a way, he's sealing the fate of the Republican Party. Too bad it's going to take four years.

  • Is the New Retirement Crisis a Threat to Our Democracy?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    “OIL”IGARCHY {a limerick}

    Excuse our being so snarky

    when describing our “oil”igarchy

    as an oil-men’s hierarchy

    spewing lots of malarkey.

    It’s worse than even MONarchy.


  • How Much Danger Is Net Neutrality In Now?   8 years 10 weeks ago

    First on the list of broken promises is he is not having Hillary arrested. How many of you that were chanting "lock her up" are getting buyers remorse? There will be many more.

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